CV 2020

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Oresti s Li askos-Antoni ou J uni orAr chi t ect Addr ess:

At hens,11473 Neapol i ,Exar chi a

Cont act :

o. l i askos@gmai l . com ( +30)6949087165

Por t f ol i o avai l abl eat :

i ssuu. com/or est i sl i askos-ant oni ou

Prof i l e Mycr eat i ver esponset ot hebui l tenvi r onmenti sdr i venbyver nacul ar ar chi t ect ur eandst r i vesf orsi mpl i ci t yt hr oughsophi st i cat eddesi gn.

Educati on 2017-19

MArch:AdvanceAr chi t ect ur alDesi gn Uni ver si t yofSt r at hcl yde,Gl asgow,UK


BA:Ar chi t ect ur alSt udi es Newcast l eUni ver si t y,Newcast l eUponTyne,UK


Art& Desi gn Foundat i onst udi es, Net wor kFoundat i on,At hens,Gr eece

Prof essi onalExperi ence 2019-20

Freel anceArchi tecturalDesi gner


Archi tecturalAssi stant HM Engi neer s& Pl anner s,At hens,Gr eece


Archi tecturalAssi stant ( I nternshi p)

I nt er i orDesi gn& Smal lscal eRenovat i ons

Ami nAl -Chei kh& Co-Ar chi t ect ur alConsul t ant s Agi aPar askevi ,Gr eece

Ski l l s 2D



V-Ray& Lumi on

3D SketchUP ( I nt er i or ,Ext er i or& Landscapedesi gn) ( + Basi cKnowl edgeonRevi t& 3DsMax)

Hobbi es& I ntrests Readi ng,Hi ki ng& Phot ogr aphy,

Presentati on & Graphi cdesi gn i nDesi gn

( Bookl et s& Pr esent at i ons)

Char act er& LogoDesi gn) I l l ustrator ( Phot oEdi t i ng& Col l ages) Photoshop (

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