5 minute read
In this edition, Daniel shares his photo log as he hosts Helen Brand, ACCA’s Global Chief Executive, on her visit to Singapore.
05:30 / Beautiful sunrise
The alarm rings and an unfamiliar melody “Outer Bell” greets me amongst the darkness of the morning sky. I have a sneaky feeling that my toddler was messing with my phone and changed the ringtone. Military service has trained me well to get ready quickly as I left home promptly. Was greeted by this beautiful sunrise over Bukit Timah.

06:45 / Early Start
My first appointment of the day is to meet Helen. She has just arrived in Singapore. Despite her grueling travel schedule, she was still energetic. We managed to squeeze in a quick catchup before her live interview with MoneyFM 89.3.
07:35 / With radio, the listener absorbs everything
Helen goes live on MoneyFM 89.3: The Breakfast Huddle radio programme with hosts Elliott Danker & Finance Presenter, Ryan Huang. She shared with their listeners about ACCA and our industry insights about the various sustainability reporting standards and the importance of finding the right framework for your organisation.

08:00 / How would you like your eggs in the morning?
The last time Helen and I met face-to-face was in 2016, at the official opening of the new ACCA London Headquarters. I was still an active Deloitte ACCA advocate then! Fast forward 6 years, I am proud to be working for an organisation that I am also a member of. Finally, we were able to sit-down and catch-up over Over-Easy eggs.

09:00 / ACCA Singapore Staff Townhall
Helen makes it a priority to meet and interact with our hardworking ACCA colleagues on her overseas trips. This trip’s theme was “Ask Me Anything” and she was sporting enough to answer questions such as her favourite food and places to visit in Singapore. It’s not just business talk. It was also an opportunity for her get-to-know everyone. Did you know, she has never had the opportunity to visit Sentosa? Something our team have noted it as a to-do for her next trip!

10:30 / Visit to Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)
After the townhall, We met with Ong Khiaw Ong, CEO; Kuldip Gill, Assistant CE (Accounting and Compliance Group), Ng Meow Ling, Chief Inspector Practice Monitoring Department, and Kee Wei Wong, Head Accounting Policy Department from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). They discussed about how ACCA and ACRA can work together to promote Sustainability reporting in Singapore.

12:00 / FutureCFO Conference
Helen had an intellectual exchange at the FutureCFO Conference as she spoke at the panel that discussed about how the finance function can play a central role in driving the ESG agenda. Well, it was more than just an intellectual exchange. Many ACCA members who attended the conference were also eager for a picture opportunity with Helen. Truly TEAM ACCA

The next stop was the British High Commission in Singapore. We had a fruitful meeting with the officials from the UK Department for International Trade (DIT). Helen led the discussion on how ACCA could collaborate with the DIT to strengthen our partnership in supporting connectivity and driving sustainability in Southeast Asia. Due to the security reasons, we were not allowed to bring our phones and electronic devices to the venue. I wish I could take more pictures for you to see, and for my son who is always curious about what I do outside of home.

16:00 / Ministry of Finance, Singapore Meeting
By this time, we were two stops away from our last meeting agenda. We met with Minister Indranee Rajah, Second Minister for Finance & National Development at the Ministry of Finance (MOF), and Evan Law, Chief Executive of Singapore Accountancy Commission. We shared the role that ACCA Singapore can play a part towards Singapore’s vision to be a global accountancy hub. This was also my first ever visit to the MOF office!

18:00 / ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) Meeting
As the evening sets in, we made our way to dinner. Dr Kouqing Li, Director, ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO), a friend of ACCA, has organised for Helen, Hiroto Uehara, Deputy Director General for Asian Affairs, Bank of Japan, other guests and I. We had a scrumptious Teochew dinner and discussed collaboration opportunities in areas related to research and advocacy. One of the best Teochew Cuisine I have tried in Singapore and nestled in this heritage building.

23:00 / Home Sweet Home
Despite previous experience where slight noises will wake up my toddler, I couldn’t resist stealing a peek at his peaceful sleeping posture. Slight murmur and I am out of his room in ultra fast speed!
About ACCA
ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. We’re a thriving global community of 241,000 members and 542,000 future members based in 178 countries and regions, who work across a wide range of sectors and industries. We uphold the highest professional and ethical values. We offer everyone everywhere the opportunity to experience a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. Our qualifications and learning opportunities develop strategic business leaders, forward-thinking professionals with the financial, business and digital expertise essential for the creation of sustainable organisations and flourishing societies.good has been embedded in our purpose. Visit accaglobal.com