Jensonn Brand Guide

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Contents Brand Identity Identity Components Corporate Colours Exclusion Zone Minimum Size Application Typefaces

Brand Stationery Name Card Letterhead Envelope


Jensonn Brand Identity Identity Components

Blades Symbol Inspired by the moving blades on the inside of the power generator, this symbol represents power and efficiency. This movement also signifies energy, and serves as a company promise to always be moving forward, to improve and upgrade. Logotype In addition, this thick and bold sans serif logotype is also specially chosen to show stability. It complements the Blades Symbol and also enhances readability.

Jensonn Brand Identity Corporate Colours: Full Colour

Full Colour Corporate colours in this manual follow accordingly to the international Pantone Matching System (PMS), with Process equivalents illustrated below. To reinforce the vibrancy and strength of the corporate colours, it is recommended that the corporate logo should be used against a plain background.

Pantone 617C C = 15, M = 18, Y = 73, K = 15 R = 191, G = 172, B = 88




Pantone 425C C = 0, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 87 R = 72, G = 72, B = 74




Jensonn Brand Identity Corporate Colours: Negative / Monochrome

Monochrome Colour Consistent use of the corporate colours is critical to the effectiveness of the Corporate Identity Programme. Although the logo looks best in full colour, flexibility to accommodate other colour usage is crucial as well. The Jensonn Brand Logo may be reproduced in either black or white background depending on the application and method of reproduction.

100% Black C = 0, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 100

0% Black C = 0, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 0

Jensonn Brand Identity Exclusion Zone

No objects should be placed within the clear zone boundary as depicted. This applies to the monochrome version and negative version as well.

Jensonn Brand Identity Minimum Size



The corporate logo has to always be legible. Do not use it smaller than the stated sizes.

Jensonn Brand Identity Applications

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum velit a justo tempus, at iaculis leo imperdiet. Pellentesque condimentum at ligula id mollis. Praesent placerat, mi at iaculis aliquam, ex turpis ornare nibh, in tincidunt lacus elit ac risus. Duis augue ligula, dictum vel pharetra vel, euismod eget nulla.

In situations where the Company’s identity has clearly been established, the Blades Symbol may be used as a reinforcement of the identity or as a decorative device.

Jensonn Brand Identity Typefaces: Primary

Typeface 1: Candara This casual humanist sans has been chosen for its readability and compatibility with the Jensonn logo. It is sturdy and trustworthy, yet lively and friendly. This typeface can be use for both headline and body copy.

Candara Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV W X Y Z abcde f g h i jk lm n opq r s tu v w x y z 123456789 0 Candara Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV W X YZ abcde f ghijklmn op qr s tuv wx y z 1234567890 Candara Bold

Typefaces are a unique representation of style and personality. Consistent use of typefaces contributes to the effectiveness of Jensonn corporate expression. These typefaces are recommended for all kinds of Jensonn Brand prints and collaterals.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WX YZ a bcde f g hijklm nopq rstuv w x y z 123456789 0 Candara Bold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WXYZ abcde f ghijklm nopq rstuv wx yz 1234567890

Jensonn Brand Identity Typefaces: Secondary

Typeface 2: Neuton A clean and modern serif font, Neuton provides that promising trust as well as stability, recommended for headline usage.

Neuton Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV W X YZ ab cdefghijk lmnop qr s tuv w x y z 123456789 0 Neuton Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV W X YZ ab cdefghijk lmnop qr s tuv w x y z 123456789 0

Typefaces are a unique representation of style and personality. Consistent use of typefaces contributes to the effectiveness of Jensonn corporate expression. These typefaces are recommended for all kinds of Jensonn Brand prints and collaterals.

Jensonn Brand Identity Typefaces: Alternative

Typeface 3: Arial This versitile and contemporary sans serif is best suited for large body copy due to its readability. Arial should be used only for body copy in Jensonn’s prints or online collaterals.

Arial Regular

A BCD EFG HIJ K LM N O PQ RSTU V W X Y Z abc defghijk lmnopqr stuv w x y z 123 4 5 678 9 0 Arial Italic

A BC D EFG H IJ K L M N O P Q RSTU V W X Y Z abc defghi jk lmnopqr s tuv w x y z 123 4 5 678 9 0 Arial Bold

Typefaces are a unique representation of style and personality. Consistent use of typefaces contributes to the effectiveness of Jensonn corporate expression. These typefaces are recommended for all kinds of Jensonn Brand prints and collaterals.

A BCD EFG H I JK LM NO PQ RSTU V W X Y Z a b c d ef ghijkl mno p q r st uv w x y z 123 4 5 678 9 0 Arial Bold Italic

ABC D E FG H IJ K LM N O PQ RSTU V W X Y Z ab cde f ghij klmnop q r stu v w x y z 123 4 5 678 9 0

Brand Stationary

Jensonn Brand Stationery Corporate Business Card

Sim Kuang Ye Y ow directo t r

The corporate business card has been specially designed to offer instant identification of Jensonn as well as the bearer of the card. On one side is the Jensonn logo on a gradient backgr ound with the Blades Symbol as a decoration. The other side is the Jensonn horizontal logo across the card, and the name of the bearer, and all the details are at the bottom, clean and clear.

Jensonn Pte e Ltd 2 Kallang K Pudding Road, #08-04 Mactech t Building, Singapore 349307

M: +65 9769 7987 T +65 6743 7718 T: 8 F: +65 6743 7748 E: info@jensonn f .co c m

Jensonn Brand Stationery Corporate Letter Head

In sed hendrerit lorem . Pellentesque vitae laoreet arcu. Nam rhoncus libero commodo nunc auctor tristique.

Phasellus malesuada porttitor dolo r, non vestibulum mauris dapibus id. Curabitur posuer e purus eu neque lobortis lobortis quis ut ante. Etiam .

Phasellus iaculis malesuada lorem, at varius lacus aliquet at. Suspendisse aliquet venenatis velit et accumsan. Aenean congue, nibh quis malesuada venenatis, purus enim bibendum risus, facilisis ullamcorper velit purus eget enim. Sed purus magna, tristique ac mauris a, tincidunt pellentesque augue. Donec dictum, sem et finibus suscipit, ipsum dui placerat mi, sollicitudin rhoncus justo nunc viverra ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras venenatis, eros quis feugiat hendrerit, felis risus malesuada quam, nec pulvinar felis velit at velit. Integer ac eros ligula. Phasellus ornare ipsum non congue tempus. Morbi vitae lectus sit amet purus malesuada pellentesque quis non magna. In id mollis turpis, a dictum torto r. Aliquam suscipit semper pellentesque. Aliquam vitae nibh odio. Maecenas ultrices ligula in orci eleifend interdum. Nullam venenatis, risus ullamcorper rhoncus dictum, sem turpis dictum odio, ac tincidunt orci nunc id felis. Maecenas accumsan dapibus magna sed ullamcorpe r. Suspendisse et sem sem. Sed dapibus elit nec felis fringilla ef ficitu r. Aliquam aliquet, tellus ut pellentesque ullamcorper , augue nunc porta velit, ac posuere metus sem convallis augue. Vivamus condimentum ante vel porta facilisis. Donec turpis lectus, tempor id erat et, laoreet suscipit elit. Morbi fringilla fermentum ante, quis hendrerit eros dictum sit amet .

The corporate letterhead displays the gradient background with Jensonn horizontal logo at the back, while the information are on a bar together with another logo at the bottom of the front page.

Fusce rutrum fringilla congue. Aenean orci magna, tincidunt vel justo ut, sollicitudin blandit dolor . Suspendisse sit amet augue lectus. Curabitur fermentum sollicitudin purus et vehicula. Proin nec condimentum lectus. Etiam nisl sapien, egestas sed imperdiet a, dictum rhoncus odio. Praesent nec faucibus orci, vel elementum orci. Mauris eu enim fermentum, ullamcorper diam quis, gravida felis. Sed dapibus aliquam nisl in laoreet. Suspendisse a consectetur tellus. Cras auctor justo id purus consectetu r, at maximus nibh accumsan . Nullam id pharetra ante. Phasellus non ligula et sapien aliquam sollicitudin in sed nibh. Vivamus dignissim nibh ut mi gravida aliquet. Praesent risus nulla, semper et tortor vitae, hendrerit maximus lorem. Duis auctor erat eget sem finibus, ac consectetur neque pellentesque.

Donec eu erat ac ex venenatis hendrerit. Nunc volutpat diam facilisis dictum pulvina r. Cras nec turpis tortor . Fusce et nibh ut lorem porttitor rhoncus. Donec nec nisi vitae felis tristique porttitor vitae in diam. Sed pulvinar , mi at placerat consequat, ipsum magna tristique mi, in mollis ex dui et lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras eleifend libero ut porttitor convallis. V ivamus vehicula felis ac semper facilisis .

Sincere, John Doe William

Jensonn Pte Lt d 2 Kallang Pudding Road, #08-04 Mactech Building, Singapore 34930 T: +65 6743 7718 F: +65 6743 7748 E: m


Jensonn Brand Stationery Corporate Envelope

Our corporate envelopes have been designed to complement our letterheads. The designs are placed at the back so it can be printed on both window and nonwindow envelopes.

Jensonn Pte Ltd T: +65 6743 7718

2 Kallang Pudding Road, #08-04 Mactech Building, Singapore 349307 F: +65 6743 7748 E:

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