Mayson Bakery Brand Guide

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As one of the earliest established bakery brand in Singapore, Mayson has its heritage built on the commitment to bring quality innovative products to consumers with its wide range varieties. The logo is a classic presentation typography that represents the brand legacy. With the support of 80s illustration style, the brand is able to deliver a memorable, modern yet nostalgic identity that can truly connect with its target audiences.

EXCLUSIVE ZONE In order to maintain the logo clarity, always keep an exclusive (clear) space equal to the width of letter N from the logo.




SMALLEST SIZE Always maintain the logo not smaller than the size indicacated 20mm



PRIMARY COLOUR The Primary Colour of Mayson is bright yellow, Pantone 116, This modern, contemporary colour represents the warm essence of pastry baking and at the same time help Mayson stands out from the crowd.










C0M18Y100K0 R255G206B2 # FFCE02

SECONDARY COLOUR Cool Gray 10 is a choice that creates a modern combination of the primary colours. Its cool effect also helps to give a contrast and balanced presentation together with the Bright Yellow.

PANTONE COOLGRAY 10 C0M0Y0K75 R99G100B102 # 636466

LOGO VERSIONS To allow for flexibility across our communications channels alternative colour versions of the Mayson logo are available.



LOGO MISUSE Do not use the Mayson logo outside of the way described in these guidelines. Our logo must not be redrawn, reset or altered in any way. Try to avoid those misuses listed here.

Do not change the logo’s colour

do not slant the logo

do not compress or scale the logo nonproportionally

Do not apply a keyline to the logo

Do not put the logo on a busy image that compromises its clarity

Do not put the logo on a colour background that compromises its clarity



TYPOGRAPHY The main typeface of the brand is Aleo. This slab serif typeface suit well the modern image of the brand, and also adds a touch of authentic feeling to the whole brrand. The huge variety of font weights and widths will ensure immense flexibility and consistency for the future growth of the brand.

ALEO AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLl MnNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVv WwXxYyZz 0123456789 !@#$%^&*()_+;’:�~,./<>?\|

Light Regular Bold

Light Italic Italic Bold Italic


Typography Sample Phasellus est ex, laoreet ac erat sit amet, consectetur vulputate augue. Ut et turpis tincidunt elit mollis blandit sed ut ligula. Quisque convallis, lectus vitae gravida tempus, ipsum magna volutpat felis, et tincidunt ex libero vitae ex. Nam purus risus, luctus sit amet ex eget, ullamcorper ultrices elit. hasellus in tortor Suspendisse vitae elit eu diam sagittis imperdiet sed nec enim. Curabitur enim justo, dignissim sit amet odio et, faucibus placerat nulla. Mauris ligula diam, posuere vel ornare sit amet, rutrum ac nisl. Nullam interdum enim quis eleifend gravida. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin vitae nisi porta, semper magna eu, pellentesque metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ultricies, orci vel porta mattis, massa est rutrum nibh, at aliquam mauris dui ac mi. Phasellus in tortor dui. Integer odio arcu, elementum in pretium et, facilisis eget quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi eu gravida nunc. Fusce sed porta eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla sollicitudin tincidunt tincidunt.

Nam purus risus Mauris vitae lectus volutpat, finibus quam eget, convallis turpis. Vestibulum vestibulum ultricies porta. Nunc scelerisque nibh augue, et elementum purus hendrerit vel. Maecenas quis consectetur risus. Sed eget consequat enim. Ut in posuere ante. Etiam eleifend metus at leo efficitur, id semper nulla aliquam. Suspendisse quis ultrices neque. Nulla scelerisque sed orci a mattis. Proin

in elit vitae tortor fermentum accumsan. Nunc venenatis mattis pretium. Quisque dignissim augue id augue fringilla pellentesque. Quisque efficitur ornare enim sed ultricies. Mauris maximus libero ac odio fringilla porttitor. Nulla augue massa, iaculis gravida ante suscipit, luctus vulputate tellus. Etiam dictum, massa id lacinia porta, urna enim tincidunt ligula, vitae blandit dolor felis aliquam dui.

Ut at molestie Integer faucibus tempus elit dapibus sodales. Aliquam vel rhoncus mauris. Mauris aliquam neque sit amet libero aliquet, a hendrerit ex ullamcorper. Sed malesuada sed tellus in semper. Phasellus est ex, laoreet ac erat sit amet, consectetur vulputate augue. Ut et turpis tincidunt elit mollis blandit sed ut ligula. Quisque convallis, lectus vitae gravida tempus, ipsum magna volutpat felis, et tincidunt ex libero vitae ex. Nam purus risus, luctus sit amet ex eget, ullamcorper ultrices elit. Ut at molestie mi. Proin malesuada convallis fringilla.


ILLUSTRATION Inspired my Keith Harring artistic movement, the illustration capture the spirit of the 80s when Mayson was established. This unique identity will help the brand to create a more memorable impression with customers, thus build a stronger connection.



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