Red Mangroves Brand Guidelines

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Brand Guide

Red Mangroves Brand Guide


The name of the brand is taken after the most resilient specie of mangrove. It represents the brand’s solid foundation and commitment of bringing the most completed product ranges and services. Its unique shape portrays the brand promise to move forward and grow stronger to serve better.

Red Mangroves Brand Guide




In order to understand the brand better, it is necessary to study the structure of the logo.

Logo Mark Inspired by the shape of the red mangrove’s roots, the logo mark portrays an image of well rooted tree with growing strength. The slanted cut helps to further enhance that growing and movement essence.

Logo Type Inspired by the shape of the red mangrove’s roots, the logo mark portrays an image of well rooted tree with growing strength. The slanted cut helps to further enhance that growing and movement essence.

Red Mangroves Brand Guide



Logo Versions

Depending on the usage, the logo has several versions that suit best each situation. Always use the official logo versions listed here. Monotone: white over red background

Full colour

Full colour over Gray background

Monotone: white over red background

Monotone: black

Monotone: Gray over red background

Monotone: white over black background

Red Mangroves Brand Guide



Clear Space & Minimum Size

Always maintain a minimum exclusive zone equals to the “M” height around the logo so that to keep the brand’s clarity. This rule does not apply to the Label.

When it comes to sizing the logo according to the space usage, always scale the logo proportionally, and never smaller than 20mm width.



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Red Mangroves Brand Guide




In order to maintain the brand identity consistency, always try to avoid those misusages.

Red Mangroves Rearrange the Logo Composition

Use wrong logo colour

Red Mangroves Brand Guide

Change Logo Colour

Edit the Logo

Scale, tile or stretch the logo unproportionally



As a service provider with strong products orientation business, a label is a powerful brand communication tools that allows the brand to reach out its target audiences the most efficient way. The label is versatile and adaptable to be used in different situations.

Red Mangroves Brand Guide



Primary & Secondary

Pantone 711 C11 M97 Y92 K2 R209 G41 B46 #d12a2f

60% The Secondary colour is cool gray. Its purpose is to create a balanced contrast with our Corporate Red.

Pantone 7540 C68 M58 Y52 K33 R75 G79 B84 #4c4f55

60% Red Mangroves Brand Guide








20% 6


The Brand’ main typeface is “Aller”. It is a san serif typeface that has not only a modern edge but also humanist curves. The typeface suits well the approachable image of a technology solution provider company.


AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLl MnNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVv WwXxYyZz 0123456789 !@#$%^&*()_+;’:”~,./<>?\| Regular Italic Bold Bold Italic

Red Mangroves Brand Guide

Typography sample


Nullam purus nec

Proin sed nunc eleifend, sodales eros nec, accumsan lorem. Vivamus id viverra dolor, at efficitur lacus. Aliquam non accumsan mauris, ac pellentesque sapien. Nunc ultricies scelerisque libero, a auctor purus viverra vel. Etiam sit amet facilisis turpis. Etiam sit amet neque nec est sodales condimentum. Curabitur nec augue tellus. Nunc gravida id diam eu accumsan. Duis neque lectus Fermentum in sollicitudin quis, maximus quis elit. Aenean pulvinar id metus id consectetur. Sed dui nulla, dapibus id dignissim et, mollis sed sapien. Aenean egestas eget lacus rhoncus semper. Suspendisse quam arcu, rutrum vitae nunc nec, malesuada tincidunt mi. Cras ipsum felis, tincidunt sed sagittis varius, pharetra eget eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ac varius mauris. Aliquam purus quam, dictum vel magna in, porta finibus purus. Aenean lectus sapien, porttitor eu rhoncus et, fringilla malesuada velit.

Suspendisse Ut dictum nisi. Aliquam ac ornare dui, non ullamcorper massa. Fusce at eleifend ex. Maecenas maximus nisl ut diam sollicitudin maximus. Aenean sagittis massa orci, nec condimentum augue varius at. Cras a metus vel turpis eleifend pulvinar. Fusce vel nulla ut est tristique egestas. Aliquam finibus rhoncus ultricies. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean at dictum quam, feugiat eleifend diam.

In consectetur Bibendum magna, sit amet porttitor mi porta ac. Quisque hendrerit lacus sit amet velit sagittis mollis. Sed in pharetra lorem. Curabitur facilisis blandit augue eleifend dictum. Proin sagittis leo non nulla tincidunt consequat. Quisque porttitor tortor metus, vel luctus urna varius id. Cras auctor commodo nunc sit amet congue. Vestibulum volutpat nunc non dignissim venenatis. Nullam at purus pretium turpis hendrerit convallis et ut arcu. Ut sapien lorem, facilisis ac maximus eu, facilisis nec justo. Mauris ultrices, magna a sollicitudin interdum, enim ante iaculis purus, eget placerat tellus mi a mi.



The pattern is a secondary graphic element that supports and strengthen the brand identity. Red Mangroves pattern is created from the logo mark. It represents the technology aspect of the brand.

Red Mangroves Brand Guide


Red Mangroves Brand Guide


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