SFMA 50 brand guide

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SFMA 50 Brand Identity Guide Manual



Minimum Space & Size


Brand Colour


Corporate Typeface


Brand Misuse


1.0 Logo Concept The theme of SFMA 50 is “展翅高飞” which means to soar to new heights. This is the message this logo aims to convey to the viewers. A modern and expressive bird is used as the icon and symbol of the golden jubilee. As it soars through the skies, it shows the progress of SFMA and the new heights of the future that they are striving for. The font chosen matches the styling of the bird, giving it a complete and unique impression.

©2016 designed by orientdesign.com.sg

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1.1 Minimum Space and Size The logo consists of a modern and expressive bird logo mark and “SFMA� in logotype. The corporate colours have been chosen after great consideration and they represent an essential part of the identity of the organisation. The brand has a minimum clear space that must remain clear of any graphic elements ortext. This is to ensure that the logo is communicated clearly with maximum impact. Follow the established exclusion zone as shown here.

1 unit

10 units

1/2 unit 1 unit 1 unit

The brand should never appear smaller than the minimum size as shown here. This is to ensure that the brand logo is legible.

31mm 86px

Š2016 designed by orientdesign.com.sg

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1.2 Brand Colours (Full Colour) Official corporate colours may be produced using four colours. (cyan, magenta, yellow, black or Pantone special colours) These colours are fixed and should not be altered or manipulated in anyway. When using pantone colours, whether printing on coated or uncoated paper (Pantone code followed by C = Coated or U = Uncoated respectively), match to the coated swatches whenever possible, in this case, use the 4C colour specifications provided as a guide. The single colour used must only be in Gold Pantone.

Pantone Gold 873C C : 41 R : 136

M : 50

Y : 74

G: 109

B: 74

K : 19


Note: The colour shown in this guide are for reference only. Please refer to colour matching guides or Pantone swatch guides for correct colour matching.

Š2016 designed by orientdesign.com.sg

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1.2 Brand Colours (Full Colour) In special cases where the logo is applicable on surfaces and not printing on paper, for instance, Gold Stamping, availability of gold stamp is subjected to the supplier’s availability. Each supplier has his or her own unique range of materials. Hence, it is not possible to provide a strict guide on this aspect.The designer engaged on specific projects in the future will be responsible for the choice of gold stamp base along with the other aspects of this brand manual.

Š2016 designed by orientdesign.com.sg

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1.3 Brand Colours (Monochrome) The brand may also be reproduced in either black or white background depending on the application and method of reproduction. For instance in a limited number of applications such as faxes and newspaper print, a solid black version of the Master Logo can be used. Never attempt to create a black version of the Master Logo by converting the Full Colour Master Logo to black. Always use the electronic master artwork provided. This is to ensure that the logo is not converted wrongly by any mistake. Strictly following the guide is highly advised. In a limited number of applications such as faxes and newspaper print, a solid black version of the Master Logo can be used.

Black and White:

Reverse White:

Note: The colour shown in this guide are for reference only. Please refer to colour matching guides or Pantone swatch guides for correct colour matching.

Š2016 designed by orientdesign.com.sg

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1.3 Brand Colours (Monochrome) On photography, when the background is light enough, use the monochromatic (positive) logo so that it is visible against the background. On a dark background or a background that clashes with the colours, use the monochromatic (negative) logo.

Š2016 designed by orientdesign.com.sg

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1.4 Corporate Typeface Corporate typeface uniquely represents the style and personality of a company. Frequent use of this typeface contributes to the effectiveness of the corporate expression. Feathergraphy Decoration is the chosen typeface for the logo. “50” is further refined from the original typeface. Copperplate is our chosen typeface for the logo tagline.These 2 typefaces are exclusive to the brand logo, hence not applied in other brand areas. Avenir is our chosen typeface for English text. It is highly legible, thus it is predominantly used as body text. It is available in various weights from an extensive family. Choices of different weights allow versatility for highlighting of text and heading. This can be applied to packaging as well. Copper Plate is recommended for headings.

Copper Plate

Feathergraphy Decoration

Avenir Book

©2016 designed by orientdesign.com.sg

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}\|;’:”,./<>?

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}\|;’:”,./<>?

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}\|;’:”,./<>?

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1.5 Brand Misuse It is essential that the logo be always implemented correctly and consistently. The incorrectexamples shown are not intended as a definitive list. Always use sensible discretion and adhere to the corporate brand guidelines when applying the logo.





©2016 designed by orientdesign.com.sg

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©2016 designed by orientdesign.com.sg

新加坡食品厂商联合会 Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association 7 Teo Hong Road, Singapore 088324 Tel: +65 6221 2438 Fax: +65 6223 7235 enquiries@sfma.org.sg www.sfma.org.sg

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