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Corporate Identity Manual & System

Brand Identity

Master Logo


Brand Minimum Size


The minimum width of the logo should not be less than 14 mm. This is to ensure that the brand logo always remains legible. 标准型缩小使用時宽度应大於(含) 14mm. 这是为了确保品牌 标志在任何的介质都是明确的。


Brand Clearance Zone


It is the minimum area of space around the logo that must always be remained clear of any graphic elements or text. It is defined to ensure that our logo always communicates clearly and with the maximum impact. The exclusion zone for the different signatures is determined by the illustrations as indicated. 为了更加清晰有效的传播品牌标志,标志周围必须保持一个 最小尺寸的空白空间,该空间称为限制区域,该区域内不得 出现任何字体,符号和其他图形元素。

a a

Logo Construction Grid & Proportion


A grid is provided as a measurement and proportional relationship reference for manual reproduction purposes. It helps maintain the proportion of the elements when being applied to different medium of sizes. 规定网格是为了在复制时正确使用品牌标志比例。这能助于 保持元素的比例当被使用到不同的介质尺寸。品牌标志中的 各元素是经设计而规定的,使用中不得改变其形状、结构与 比例。

x = 10mm

Brand Colours


Full Colour 全色 Brand colours in this manual follow accordingly to the international Pantone Matching System (PMS), with Process equivalents illustrated below. Note that process colours do not always present accurate colour expression, hence it is advisable to use PMS inks for reproduction work whenever possible. To reinforce the vibrancy and strength of the corporate colours, it is recommended that the corporate logo should be used against a white or light background. 建立完整的品牌色彩系统,有助展现色彩的视觉效果与心 理反应,以传达品牌的经营理念或产品内容。在实际运用 上,因涂装材料及材质呈现上的不同,会造成色彩略为偏 差,正确的使用方式为采用稳定性高的标准色料,并於每 次使用时,尽量符合企业标准指定色彩。

Pantone 877 Silver

Pantone 4695 C0 M80 Y100 K70

Brand Colours


Monochrome Single Black 单色黑白 Consistent use of the corporate colours is critical to the effectiveness of the Corporate Identity Programme. Although the logo looks best in full colour, flexibility to accommodate other colour usage is crucial as well. It may be reproduced in either single colour or revised single colour depending on the application and method of reproduction. Negative version will also be applied when the background image is dark. This version is only applied in monochrome black and white printing. 为了因应各种设计状况,企业品牌标志必需灵活应用各种标 志色彩,以凸现视觉效果,本单元列出各种可运用之方式, 其余未列之色彩均不可适用。负版本也将适用在暗的背景图 像。此版本只适用于单色黑白印刷。

positive version

negative version (reversed)

Pantone 2685C C90 M100 Y0 K10

Logo Misuse


It is essential that the logo is always implemented correctly and consistently. The incorrect examples shown are not intended as a definitive list. Always use sensible discretion and adhere to the corporate brand guidelines when applying the logo. 标志必须一致的正确适用。这些以下是不正确的例子。每当 适用标志时,请正确的遵循品牌所设定的条规来应用标志。

DO NOT 不许 distort or redraw our logo 扭曲或重绘我们的标志

DO NOT 不许 alter the proportions of our logo 改变标志的比例

DO NOT 不许 alter the colours within our logo or use it in any colour not specified in this guide 改变标志的颜色或适用 其它不属于品牌所设定 的颜色 DO NOT 不许 outline or apply any special effects to our logo 画略图或适用于任何特 别效果

Secondary Elements 副设计元素

Secondary elements play inportant supporting role in establishing a brand. It provides subtle yet strong association to the main brand without constantly and blatently showcasing the brand name and logo. It distinguishes itself from other brands in the market. Secondary elements carry the brand name as a form of sun-brand identity. 副设计元素在成立一个品牌当中扮演着重要的角色。就如一 名出色的配角衬托着华丽的主角,它们有着互补的作用。副 设计元素既高雅,独特但不会抢夺主品牌的威严。这一来, 主品牌无须通过强制性宣传方式引起消费者的注意,却能潜 意识的吸引消费者的关注。

Secondary element A 副设计元素 A

Secondary element B 副设计元素 B

Secondary Elements 副设计元素

Application of secondary element 设计元素应用样本



Application of Logo


Stainless steel tag with embossed lettering on metal bed frame 不锈钢标志名签 - 凸出手法



Printed patterns on latex mattress cover 把设计元素特制出的花纹印上床垫,助与加强品牌的辨识度

latex mattress

Please see pattern formation on the next page. - 构图设计可在下一页见得

Pantone Cool Gray 5 C0 M0 Y0 K30

Mattress Pattern


Secondary element A 副设计元素 A

Remove alternate element A 把相间副设计元素 A 驱除



Silky cloth tag on mattress layer 丝质布料标志名签 - 刺绣手法

White Silky Material - 白色丝质布料

Silver Thread Embroidery - 银色丝线刺绣



Metal tag on inner layer wrap of mattress 不锈钢标志名签 - 凸出手法



Cartons to transport mattresses 床垫运输纸箱设计

Different coloured sticker to indicate size of mattress 以不同颜色 区别床垫尺寸


91 x 190 cm

Pillows & Bolsters

Casing & Packaging 枕头,抱枕包装设计

Pillow and Bolster Casing / Packaging 枕头,抱枕 外套 - 设计元素所拼成的图案可应用刺绣或印 刷方式呈现,再把 标签绣上。

Silver Thread Embroidery / Silver Printing - 银色丝线刺绣 / 银色印刷

Please see pattern formation on the next page. - 构图设计可在下一页见得

Pantone 7533 C0 M20 Y85 K85 Pantone 463 C30 M55 Y100 K40

Casing & Packaging 枕头,抱枕包装设计

Combination of 2 secondary elements 副设计元素 A 和 B 的结合

Secondary element B 副设计元素 B

+ Secondary element A 副设计元素 A

Casing & Packaging 枕头,抱枕包装设计

Pillow Bag Model A 枕头套型号 A Size: 430 x 600mm Material: White Recycle Bag (Front) x Brown Recycle Bag (Back)

7mm sealing 7mm sealing


30mm Zip area + Sealing

600mm 7mm sealing 7mm sealing


30mm Zip area + Sealing


Casing & Packaging 枕头,抱枕包装设计

Pillow Bag Model B 枕头套型号 B Size: 480 x 730mm Material: White Recycle Bag (Front) x Brown Recycle Bag (Back)

7mm sealing 7mm sealing


730mm 7mm sealing 7mm sealing



Pillow Labels


Corner cloth labels on pillows 枕头上策的丝质布料标签 Material: White Silky Cloth 白色丝质布料 Technique: Embroidery with Silver Thread 银色丝线刺绣

Pillow Labels


Corner cloth labels on pillows 枕头,抱枕边的布制标签 Material: White Cloth 白色布料 Technique: Embroidery with Silver Thread 银色丝线刺绣

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