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New faces for Orienteering Australia Board
THIS year’s AGM saw two of Australia’s longest serving Board members stand down, Kathy Liley after 16 years of service as Treasurer and then Director (Finance) and Dave Lotty after 25 years as Secretary and then Director (Administration). The service provided to Orienteering Australia by these two individuals can not be underestimated and the organisation owes them a large debt of gratitude for their commitment. Sadly, Orienteering Australia’s incumbent President Bob McCreddin was forced to stand down and was unable to attend the AGM due to ill-health. Everybody at Orienteering Australia wishes Bob McCreddin all the best in his recovery and thank him for the great job he did as President, particularly in overseeing the drastic changes caused by funding cuts from the Australian Sports Commission. Taking over as President during this transition period for Orienteering Australia will be former Director (Development) Bob Mouatt. Bob has served on the Orienteering Australia Board for many years and his experience will be invaluable with so many new faces on the Board. Director (High Performance) Mike Dowling, Director (Technical) Andy Hogg and IOF Vice President Hugh Cameron are continuing in their roles on the Board while newcomers Blair Trewin and Ben Rattray will be taking over as Director (Finance) and Director (Development) respectively. Gareth Candy will also join the Board as the newly appointed Executive Officer for Orienteering Australia. Subsequent to the AGM under clause 9.7 of the Orienteering Australia Constitution Robin Uppill was seconded to the Board as Director (Special Projects) where her primary role will be overseeing IT and the development of the OA website. Apart from the Elections the major item at the AGM was a proposal to introduce a levy of 20 cents per entry on all State association run events that currently do not attract a levy. The background of this item was that in 2005 the Australian Sports Commission cut Orienteering Australia’s Development grant entirely and this event levy was proposed as a way to be able to continue funding crucial development projects. The recommendation was supported by all delegates and adopted. The major projects which will receive this extra funding are: development of the Orienteering Australia Website, a project which will be lead by seconded Board Member Robin Uppill; and a biennial National Development Conference. A motion for a CPI increase in the subscription rate for The Australian Orienteer was defeated with any increases in costs to be covered by increased advertising revenue or a decrease in size of the magazine. Looking to the future the major topics for discussion at the December Annual Conference will be Development projects and funding, the National League and future International Events in Australia.
There are a great number of books on all aspects of orienteering. For a list and prices contact: Orienteering Services of Australia
IOF World Rankings
The International Orienteering Federation World Ranking Scheme is based on points scored at World Ranking Events, full details of which can be found at http://www.orienteering.org/. The current standings for men and women are given in the following tables:
Men – Foot-O
1 Thierry Gueorgiou FRA 2 Daniel Hubmann SUI 3 Andrey Khramov RUS 4 Øystein Kvaal Østerbø NOR 5 Anders Nordberg NOR 6 Valentin Novikov RUS 7 Chris Terkelsen DEN 8 Jarkko Huovila FIN 9 Holger Hott Johansen NOR 10 Jani Lakanen FIN
82 Grant Bluett AUS 89=Troy de Haas AUS 119=David Shepherd AUS 12 Rob Walter AUS Women – Foot-O
1 Simone Niggli‑Luder SUI 2 Vroni Koenig‑Salmi SUI 3 Anne Margrethe Hausken NOR 4 Jenny Johansson SWE 5 Minna Kauppi FIN 6 Marianne Andersen NOR 7 Emma Engstrand SWE 8 Heli Jukkola FIN 9 Paula Haapakoski FIN 10 Heather Monro GBR
20 Hanny Allston AUS 68 Jo Allison AUS 117 Natasha Key AUS
Men – MTB-O 1 Adrian Jackson AUS 170.5
2 Ruslan Gritsan RUS 120.0
3 Alex Randall AUS 109.0
4 Jaroslav Rygl CZE 90.0 4 Jussi Mäkilä FIN 90.0 6 Margus Hallik EST 87.0 7 Matthieu Barthélémy FRA 84.0 8 Mika Tervala FIN 82.5 9 Stefan _urgan SVK 76.5 9 Beat Oklé SUI 76.5
12 David SimpfendorferAUS 64.0 22 Paul Darvodelsky AUS 54.0 22 Grant Lebbink AUS 54.0 Women – MTB-O
1 Marquita Gelderman NZL 129.5 2 Michaela Gigon AUT 109.5
3 Carolyn Jackson AUS 94.5 4 Anna Sheldon AUS 87.0
4 Hana Bajto_ová SVK 87.0 6 Christine Schaffner SUI 85.5 6 Anna Füzy HUN 85.5 8 Susana Pontes POR 80.0 9 Ingrid Stengård FIN 76.5 10 Ramune Arlauskiene LTU 73.5 10 Hana La Carbonara CZE 73.5
20 Barbara Hill AUS 61.0 20 Melissa Thomas AUS 61.0 25 Jill McNaught AUS 54.0
Orienteers wanting a competitive run in Orienteering Australia “Badge” and Championship events organised by Orienteering Western Australia this season are advised that the following areas are embargoed, effective immediately:
Day Date Event Area Location
Sun 7‑May State Series (Badge) John Forrest NP (SW part) 2km N of Darlington Mon 5‑Jun MTBO State Champs Turners Hill* 10km NW of Dwellingup Sun 18‑Jun WA Middle Dist Champs Red Hill 4km north of Darlington Sat 2‑Sep WA Sprint Dist Champs Edith Cowan Uni Joondalup Campus Perth Metro Sat 30‑Sep WA Long Champs Day 1 Darkin River* Mount Dale, 25km E of Armidale Sun 1‑Oct WA Long Champs Day 2 Beraking Brook* Mount Dale Tue 3‑Oct Aus Schools / NOL Peterdine 11km SW of Northam Thu 5‑Oct Australian Sprint Champs York* York Sat 7‑Oct Australian Long Champs Hill Park Dale* 30km SW of Beverley Sun 8‑Oct Australian Relays Umuna 25km SW of Beverley Tue 10‑Oct MTBO Australian Middle Wellington Mills* 25km SE of Bunbury Wed 11‑Oct MTBO Australian Long Bussell Brook 35km SE of Bunbury Thu 12‑Oct MTBO Australian Short Greenmount Goat Farm Perth Metro * new map, no previous orienteering map available The embargo specifically applies to entering the area with an orienteering map, or to familiarise with the terrain. Mountain Bike Cross Country races, the Munda Biddi and Bibbulmun Trails are not embargoed. Permission may be obtained from the Organiser of each event for other purposes. Orienteers should be aware that many venues for orienteering are private property or need special permission to enter from the land managers. Copies of previous maps, where available, may be purchased from Cath Chalmers at catheoin@ozemail.com.au or PO Box 234, Subiaco, WA 6904.