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Development Team Success at ASOC DAVID POLAND

After the reforms of 2019 opened the Australian Schools Orienteering Championships (ASOC) to participation from independent athletes, this year a further step was taken with the creation of a Development Team, involving athletes from all States, invited to participate. Best of all, with the generous support of the host State Victoria, it proved possible to stay on site, along with all the State teams and the two New Zealand teams.


• 16 athletes in total • 14 boys • 2 girls • 9 aged over 15 • 7 aged 15 or under • 5 States • 4 from Queensland • 10 from NSW • 1 from ACT • 1 from SA • 1 from VIC


By the end of the week the Team was buoyed with some strong results. Some team members featured in the top third of their field. • In the Senior boys Development Relay the team finished 7th out of 12 finishing teams (4th Australian team). • In the Junior boys Development

Relay the team finished 10th out of 14 finishing teams (8th Australian team). • In the Long Distance race, 2 Senior

Development boys were in the top 50% of the field of 44 starters. • In the Long Distance, 2 Junior

Development boys demonstrated outstanding performances coming in 9th and 19th Australians.

Relay Team SB 1 - Charlie Young, Nick Stanley, Seth Sweeney. Callum Waland and David Poland.

From all accounts the Development Team proved very successful in both developing technical orienteering skills and in the social aspect of the sport. At the conclusion of ASOC, athletes and parents were invited to comment through a written survey.

Parent Feedback

• Even though my child didn’t get selected on the State team it meant he could still experience a team environment. The

Team really welcomed him. • The coaches and leaders have been fantastic, really welcoming and accommodating.

Athlete Feedback

• I liked meeting new people, orienteering on new terrain as well as staying away from home. • We would like to be able to gain points for our Team. • I learnt to keep calm and take time especially on my first few controls. • The coaches were helpful with the maps. • I learnt to really focus on the contours.

I realise I need to do more physical training. • I liked the informative coaching and being part of a social camp. • The camp was fun. I got more focused coaching and improved my orienteering skills. • I learnt how to make better route choices. • I learnt how to run a Relay and all about gold mining terrain. • I loved the social side of things, the events, and the food. • We would like more uniform shirts and jackets. • Thank you for helping me improve my orienteering. • Thank you for a great opportunity.

Other things gleaned from the survey

• Average 80% satisfaction rating. • Likes (in order) - social, coaching / training, events, food, fun, location. • Things to do better next time - more uniforms, more coaching meetings, more training, smaller cabins, stay together more, contribute to points.

More Parent Comments

• Our son really enjoyed the experience of the camp and competing and has gained a lot from the last few days. • It was a great opportunity for kids who did not make a State team to participate as we would not have sent our child otherwise. • Communication from organisers was excellent. • A big thankyou and appreciation to all the volunteers that have made this opportunity possible. • Our son has expressed a lot of joy at being at the camp and having the opportunity to be part of the Carnival. • As parents we are grateful that he has been able to participate in the

Carnival and gain the experience. • I think it is a fantastic initiative and hope the Team keeps going at future

Carnivals. • If success in attracting, retaining, and developing new orienteers is fundamental to achieving Orienteering

Australia’s strategic goals on both participation and performance, this action is on the money! • It was fun! • It was social! • It was accessible! Thank you.

ASOC Relays - Ewan Keith and Savanna Sweeney NSW.

Nick Stanley and Jonathon Nolan.

Relay Team SB 2 - Kieren Joseph, Alex Crowe, Callum Waland. ASOC Sprint - Julia Barbour.

Spot the Difference – September solution

Here are the September Spot the Difference solutions. The original puzzle is overleaf on page 28. DID YOU FIND ALL 25 ???

September Spot the Difference


In the September magazine we gave you a complex bush map. MAP 1 was essentially the original map. MAP 2 contained 25 changes. Some of the changes were easy to find and some were not. Both map sections were enlarged from the original 1:10,000 scale for easier legibility. The solution is on page 27. DID YOU FIND ALL 25 ???


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