2 minute read
“What drives me to keep going is the passion for the game. To live moments that stay inside me forever, and play in front of the best crowds in the world and the best stadiums. That’s what drives me and the passion for what I do”.
Rafael Nadal, Spanish Professional Tennis Player
(speaking after winning his 14th Roland‑Garros crown and 22nd Grand Slam title ‑ June 2022)
Value of Volunteers
Newly appointed CEO of the Australian Sports Commission, Keiran Perkins, has said in a recent speech that the value of volunteer workers to Australian sport is estimated to be $4 billion each year. In Western Australia, SportWest has attempted to quantify the $ value of WA community sport. SportWest believes the findings can be used at all levels of government to illustrate the true value of community sport. The extraordinary headline findings are: 1. Organised sport in WA delivers an estimated gross benefit of $10.3 billion per year. 2. For every dollar of economic and social investment into sport, more than $7 of economic and social benefit are fostered. 3. Each participant in organised sport in WA realises a return of $10,178 from their participation. The data this project has delivered will now allow WA sport to provide a compelling case to both government and the commercial sector as to why investment in sport is a good investment. And, in Queensland, officials from the Gold Coast Council have praised the legacy of hosting the 2018 Commonwealth Games, claiming it is bringing an economic boost to the sporting economy, which is nearly at AUS $800 million a year.
When French writer and philosopher Voltaire arrived in England in 1726, he attended a sporting festival by the River Thames at Greenwich. He wrote that, so far from the event being confined to young men, “I was agreeably surprised when I heard that there was to be a race for the girls as well, and that, besides the purse which was the winner’s prize, the chemise was to be given to the best runner among the girls and the hat to the best runner among the men.”

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Did You Know?
That some 35% of a banana is the peel which is an exceptional source of dietary fibre and also a potent source of polyphenol compounds which have been shown to have antimicrobial, antibiotic and antioxidant properties. Scientists are developing ways to extract these compounds for use in many ways such as preserving food and extracting active ingredients for pharmaceutical products treating Parkinson’s disease and also some diabetic medications. All from the humble banana.
This issue’s Victorinox Award goes to Tom de Jongh for providing many high quality orienteering photos to the magazine over many years, and at no cost to the magazine. Tom’s photos have really lifted the quality of the magazine and attracted more readers. Tom will receive a Victorinox Handyman which includes 24 tools and features – retail value $139.