About faith (Dr J. Martínez) (english)

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ABOUT FAITH (dr J. Martínez, Zaragoza) In a famous novel that the author talks about the few dvices which an experienced devil gives to its nephew, diablo nascent, there is a Curious chapter that says: "the humans live in time, but our Enemy (God) allocated them to the eternity. He wants then,- I believe -than they pay attention mainly two things: the eternity itelf anf this point of the time that they call the present. Because the present is the point at which the time coincides with Eternity. ... Our tarea (of devils) consists in driving them away fromf the eternal and the present "and advises his nephew that tentingn the men doing they wouls think in the future, because the future ignites the fear and it is "of all things, the least resemblance to eternity" (CS Lewis, Letters of Devil to his nephew). And he has no absence eof reason, because when sombody can, when is possible became a saint is now. By this, if the popular saying: "what you can do today, do not leave for tomorrow" is always a good piece of advise, ,and in the issue that occupies it is a wise advise. Each day is unique, becaue we can fill with works of love -of prayers, Sacrifice, or apostolate- we can fill it whith emptiness; and the result of life can be a life full of love of God, or an unfortunate lost of time, of thid time which is a gift of God. "What the man sows, this will he harvest� ( Who, with the saying of St. Augustine, "every second is a eedd of eternity"; every second -each one- produces a prize, a so disproporcionate great tree in the other life that seems a lie that we do not give value to all and each one of them. A visitor of a huge exhibition of paintings was going by the lounge with weariness, without interest, because nor even of the most beautiful paintings impressed him. When began to complain to an artist, saying to him that it was very boring the exhibition, the artist replied, "Oh, ¥if I would can lend you my eyes!". We must be interested in seing the things as the saints has seen them. Ah !, if we would take lended the eyes of saint Paul, who looked well the things !: "The present sufferings are nothing in comparison with the glory which will be showen in us." It depends of each one what is going to receive in heaven, becauses "who saws barely, barely pick up, and who saws in abundance, he willpick up in abundance "

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