Chevrot -Cooperating with the Creator. (english)

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CHEVROT (From his book "The well of Sicar" "Finishing the CREATION".­ To us the work that us has touched on luck is nothing less that cooperate with our Creator: to extend and finish His work. His creation is beautiful and beneficial, in spite of which still it has of unfinished, in spite of the deformations that the sin has made him suffer. God counts on our collaboration to reform it and to perfect it. If the organization of the universe, if the human life still has evident lagoons, our mission consists of filling up them. Where we find ugliness we have to put beauty; if injustice, uprightness; in the suffering, joy, or at least peace and serenity. This is our daily task: to obtain that the sovereign reign in the souls the beauty that is from the order and all the happiness, that our love is able to give. This, first of all, in the own home, but also in all spheres in which our life develops; in the office, the factory in the activities and interchanges of all type, in the social relations. Throughout we have to be the craftsmen of the order and justice, the untiring creators of the beauty and the happiness. The daily work, until the humblest occupations, is not only a personal question of each, but it is the work of the Creator who all we are called to continue. Lost during the day in a infinity of details, we can find reasons, excuses not to have this vision more deep of the things. The hour has arrived to reach it. Thus we will give sense to

the suffering and to fulfill perfection until the smallest details. Of time in time God provokes great hearts, powerful spirits of an incomparable force and generosity, who are object of a higher vocation. It is the case of the wise person, that one strives one by one investigating the secrets of the creation, in decided fight against the error and the misery of the men. Something analogous happens to the great statesman, with the director of the destinies of a city, of an empire, ordered for the morality and the well­ being of its resemblances. And finally, like coronation of everything they are the saints, who offer to their admirable brothers examples of moral beauty. Only they, the servants of the divine love, provide to the humanity the secret of the true happiness. Because the discoveries of the wise person and decrees of the heads can become against the men and cause damage to them; however, the authentic sowers of sanctity are only dispenser of peace and joy. San Francisco de Asís could say of itself and his first disciples: we are juglars of God, sent by reanimating the heart of the men and communicating the spiritual joy. The key of that new style resides in convicción of that we are missionaries, associated to its work in all the forms of our activity. This conviction destroys in us the pride, it fills us of desires and joy to live. It is truth, that like the other men, the Christian knows the bitterness, the weeping. But when accepting, like coming from God, as much the joys as the troubles of the life, always find in

the soul the joyful song of divine peace, that will be joy in the radiating hours and serenity in the gray days. Joy and serenity: two distinguishing characteristics of the appearance of the Christian. Our mission is to finish the work of which it has sent to us. To finish it in us first of all: to finish to sample personal creation, living more and more according to our condition of children of God. To finish it, later, around us, spreading and extending between the men the kingdom of God. One is not two objectives other people's to our office or our duties of state, but they comprise of our work, that is work of God. We sanctify the world changing the image of our daily action and our relations with the fellow by the love to God. In this way, putting love, at the same time as we gained the bread of every day we are deserved the heaven. And if we are honest and loyal, by means of the work we sanctified the other men, we helped them to be more Christian. Our do divine the whole life from the moment at which we make the Will of which as sent to us. Arrived at this point, the contradictions of the life acquire divine incredible shades. No longer they dominate the events, nor the men to us. Our life is what we want to do of her: it is not chained to our joys and our pains, but one controls them and it dominates them; no longer we crawled with great difficulty a miserable existence, but we grasped with manorialism the conrol of our life. No longer he is something empty, because God has filled our poor mud of a wonderful content. No life is useless, are the men those that

can do it sterile. Ever since our heart feels great and strong all life becomes beautiful and fertilizes. The successes no longer make us full of pride, nor the failures raise to us. No longer "we supported" the life, but we understand it, we dominated it, we loved it, we gave it... The key of that new one stile is the conviction of we are the missionaries,associates to his work in all the forms of his activaty. This conviction destroy on us the pride and fill us with wishes and joys of living. The christian, like the other men knows the amareness of crying. but accepting as coming from God, the contrarieties of life like the joys, always find in the soul the joyful song of divine peace that will be happiness in the bright hours and serenity in the greasy. Joy and serenity the two treats characteristics of fishy of the christian The Christian is not opposed to the satisfactions that provides the life, knows to enjoy them, give them their fair value. Do not rush to find the unnecessary suffering, but know accept suffering necessary. Not afraid to die, but neither to be afraid in his life that is short and small because it is human work; but at the same time is large and infinite because in it she performs the work of God. Were not taken as a burden, but as a responsibility that God has commissioned him to. Knows that life is beautiful, and that integrates and culminates the beauty of all creation. Knows that life is good because every moment gives you a new occasion for doing the good.­

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