Guarding the heart (Dr Canals)

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GUARDING the HEART I want that lip of that great saint of the church was St. Augustine who hear the confession of the happy experience of his heart and his mind clear: Fecisti us, Domine, ad inquietum you got this heart nostrum, donec Requiescat in Tea, you created us, Lord, for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you. That Holy life, which undoubtedly know, he runs thirsty for truth and love of the land many ways. And after so many painful experiences, let out their great and noble soul cry before I wrote to you, it is a true confession. The rich and restless heart sought happiness and relaxation, and sought in vain for a long time, until he found himself even when he found God. This concerns all of us need to appease the inside - this emptiness that we feel in our privacy fill it. Until these concerns are not quiet until this gap is not filled, the heart of man craves and seeks suffering. The story of every man is the story of a pilgrim, walking from one seeking happiness. All men, someone consciously, others unconsciously -the great majority-, seeking God. Therefore, the world is divided into two parts: those who love God with all your heart, because they have found, and the souls who seek him with their hearts tower, but have not yet found . At first the Lord commanded: Diligent Dominum Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo, you will love the Lord your God with all your heart; according to the promises: Quaerite invenietis you locate and find. Ask yourself, which of these two parts belong to you know that you do, and do not forget that if you feel that something is missing, what you lack is actually our Lord God, who is present in your face life and that it is not the proper fullness. I want to remind you of a simple truth, a truth that is the basis of all the considerations that we made. The heart of man, all hearts, even the hearts of souls consecrated to God have been created for happiness and to our knowledge the possession and not for the resignation. And this need for happiness and precious possession is a reality here on earth; a precious and beautiful reality to manifest itself, do not expect our entry into Paradise. If the human heart is estatt created for happiness, happiness must start down here on earth-and this is only in God have to admit that the path that leads to it can not be other than the keeps the heart. The science of heart guard consists of order and fighting, defense and attack, knowledge and decision of resignation and suffering; but ordered towards happiness and towards his possession. Save the heart means to preserve it for God, to live so that our heart is his kingdom, that he loves all that exists according to our state and our conditions have to be there, but everyone harmonically melt in the love of God and he ordered. Save the heart also means love with purity and passion with those who owe love, and at the same time exclude jealousy, envy and concerns, which are certain causes of disorder in love. Guarda heart means always, in order to love. The science of the heart keeps teaches Christians to descend to the depths of his soul there to discover their movements and trends. Bon there are few people who have the courage to look sincere eyes to this hidden and fruitful source of human life is the heart! How much and how much evil live and vibrate greatness hidden in the human heart! If we try to deal with our heart, we will soon discover that God, nature and the devil are the three stars of the eternal spiritual combat takes place there every day. And we fully realize that the God of battles won or lost at heart. Understand, this way, the depth of reproach directed by Jesus to the Pharisees: Populus iste Labia honored Me, heart autem eorum longe est to me, these people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from Mi. The Lord loves the pure of heart and

wants to establish his kingdom in the hearts, can not accept this hypocritical and formal service. A soul accustomed to monitoring heart realizes that most of their actions are entirely natural or mixed nature and grace can see, with sorrow and pain, when rarely perform actions arising from the integer and are perfectly supernatural grace. As the supernatural character of an action is continually threatened everywhere: in principle, in its course and its end. Therefore Those peculiar souls become guardian of the heart in a continuous monitoring of their own privacy, a presence in all its actions in the same time to make them. If we imagine the heart as a battlefield, we can say that this science teaches lived continuously as sentinels on the outposts. Truth is that the road is not easy, but when the heart has attained complete purification, God our Lord, with his presence and his love, takes the soul and all its powers: memory, intelligence, will . And so the purity of heart leads man to union with God, a union that normally do not take other paths. Once you reach the purity of heart, the soul can easily practice all the virtues that the chances of life demand it; and also possess the soul and the spirit, so to speak, the essence of whatever virtues not have time to practice; and this is what God our Lord wants. In school we learn the heart in an instant, how many more things you can teach in a century masters of the earth. No custody of the heart, even though we insisted we wanted, we never holiness; with it, however, and no other external actions have been sanctified many souls, and on the other hand, this is the path that leads to happiness, calm and complete the rest of the heart to God.

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