Holy guardian angels (Fz Carvajal) english

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HOLY ANGELS CUSTODIOS* - Existence. - Continuous services that Guardians give us the Angels. - To treat like intimate friends. I. Angels of the Gentleman, bless the Gentleman, ensalzadlo with anthems for the centuries (1). The Angels appear frequently in the Holy Writ as the ordinary secretaries of God. They are the most perfect creatures of the Creation, penetrate with his(her,your) intelligence where we cannot, and contemplate face to face God, as already praised creatures. In the most important moments of the human history, an angel, demonstrating sometimes in corporeal form, he has been an ambassador of God to announce his(her,your) plans, to indicate a way, to communicate the divine will. We see them constant to act as messengers of the The Most High, illuminating, exhorting, interyielding, preserving of the danger, punishing. The same meaning of the word sent Angel expresses his(her,your) messenger's function of God before the men (2). Always they received worship and respect in the chosen People(Village). Perhaps are not all of them spirits destined for the service, envoys to attend whom have to inherit the salvation? (3). The faith in this protective mission of the angels, linked to particular persons, is what made exclaim Israel, in the moment to bless his(her,your) grandsons, the children of Jose: that the Angel that has freed me of any evil, blesses these children (4). And the First reading of the Mass (5) gathers the words of the Gentleman to Moses, that today we can see like directed each of us: I will order an Angel before you in order that I defend you in the way and makes(make) you come to the place that I you have arranged. And the Prophet Eliseo will say to his(her,your) servant, scared when see the enemies who they were making a detour throughout: be afraid Of Nothing, that those who are with us are more than that they are with them. Eliseo prayed and said: Oh YahvĂŠ!, open the eyes him(her) in order that it(he,she) sees. And YahvĂŠ opened the eyes of the serf, and saw the mountain full of horses and cars of fire that were surrounding Eliseo (6). What safety(security) has to give us the presence in our life of the angels guardians! They console us, illuminate us, fight in our favor: in the hardest of the combat him(her) they appeared in the sky to the adversaries five shining males mounted in horses with golden brakes, on which putting at the head(top) of the Jews and taking two of them in way to the Macabeo, were protecting him with his(her,your) weapon, were guarding him unscathed and were throwing(launching) arrows and beams against the enemy, who, injured man by blindness and fright(threat), was falling(falling due) (7). Of forms and very different manners, the holy angels intervene every day in our current life. What decision so singular and full of kindness and what a lot of request that of God with us, his(her,your) children, across these protective saints! Let's look in them for strength(fortress) in the ascetic ordinary fight and it(he,she) helps in order that they ignite in our hearts the flames of the God's Love.

I.nd In front of the angels tañeré for You, God my (8). The life and Jesus' education is populated of the ministerial presence of the angels. Gabriel reports to Maria who is going to be Madre del Salvador. An angel illuminates and calms Jose's soul; also there are angels that announce Jesus' Birth to the shepherds of Bethlehem. The flight to Egypt, the temptations of the Gentleman in the desert, the sufferings of Gethsemane, the Resurrection and the Ascension are attended equally by these servants of God, who, in turn, guard constant over the Church and over each of his(her,your) members, since they testify the Facts of the Apostles (9) and the primitive(original) Tradition. Really I say to you that you will see the skies to be opened and to the God's angels rising and going down on the Son of the Man (10). Many saints and many souls that have been closely together of God differed in his(her,your) life here in the land for his(her,your) friendship with his(her,your) Angel Custodio, to whom (very frequently (11) were coming. The Venerable Serf of God Balaguer's Josemaría Escrivá had a particular devotion to the Angels Guardians. And precisely in the holiday(party) that today celebrates the Church, the Gentleman made him see with all clarity the foundation of the Opus Dei, across which the call would resound in peoples of any human and social condition to the holiness in the world, in the middle of his(her,your) housekeeping, across the circumstances in which a normal life develops. It(he,she) was treating his(her,your) Angel Custodio and was greeting that of the person with the one that was reporting (12), was saying of the Angel Guardian who was " a great accomplice " in the apostolic tasks, and was asking him(her) also for material favors. In an epoch of his(her,your) life, it(he,she) called him in some occasion " my relojico ", since his(her,your) clock was stopping him often and, lacking the money necessary to arrange it, he(she) was entrusting him(her) that it(he,she) it was starting (13). It(he,she) was dedicating one day of the week on Tuesday to treating him with more determination(pledge) (14). In certain occasion, living in Madrid, in the middle of an environment of religious, difficult and aggressively anticlerical pursuit, him(her) there rushed in the street a subject of evil aspect with clear intention of attacking him. Suddenly, there intervened inexplicably another person, who repelled the aggressor. It was a thing of an instant. Already to except, his(her,your) protector, approaching, he(she) said to him(her) quedamente to the ear(hearing): " burrito itchy, burrito itchy! ", words with which the Venerable Serf of God was defined to yes same, with humility, in the intimacy of his(her,your) soul, and that only his(her,your) confessor knew. La Paz and the pleasure of recognizing him the visible intervention of his(her,your) Guardian filled the soul (15). " You are amazed escribìa later because your Angel Custodio has done clear services to you. And you did not have to be amazed: him(her) the Gentleman placed for it close to you " (16). Today it can be one day to reaffirm our devotion to the Angel I guard, since there is great the need that we have of him(it): Oh Dios, which in your loving decision you have deigned to send for our custody to your holy angels we say to the Gentleman with a prayer(sentence) of the Liturgy

of the Mass

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