book of Dr Canals, Salvador
Many times I have thought and now take this opportunity to say so in writing, that the virtue of humility resents the value of the name it bears and hidden realities. No other virtue is in fact so little so undervalued and poorly known, so ignored and so distorted as this Christian virtue. The virtue of humility is a virtue humiliated. I do not know whether it does more harm forgotten that leaves the world with mockery and derision that many receive it, or false and that some little elegance with the present. I think that is really necessary that we Christians know better and feel deeply virtue of its importance; we fight to conquer it and to live it rightly, to present it in this way with their real appearance in the eyes of a sick world of vanity and pride. This apostolate of good example and forgotten so effective that we feel invited, you and I, by Jesus Christ True humility, starts at the bright intelligence that discovers and supports, with the strength necessary for the heart can love it, this fundamental truth, simple and profound, "without me you can do nothing". We must learn from with our hands pride, bread and white gospel truth distribute obfuscated before our eyes, which are in such high esteem our "self" and our qualities. ยกListen! All our efforts to become better and to grow in the love of Jesus and the practice of the evangelical virtues, will be in vain if it helps us his grace:"unless the Lord builds the house, in vain who build be tired. The more attentive and constant vigilance is also perfectly useless without a strong and loving custody of his grace guarded, unless the Lord guards the city, it is useless sentinel surveillance. Nothing can so our words and our actions when we intend to use them to do good to souls. Our ministry and our fatigue without the pure water of his grace, are sterile agitation: nobody is which plants nor which irrigate, but God our Lord, who gives the increase. But this grace that is needed to improve in virtue, to resist temptations and to our apostolate to be fruitful, the Lord grants to those who are humble in heart, "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble". Lord, that sum kindness and vigilance full of gentleness, grace abundantly distributed, it serves to make proud of his plans: he fears that sentence. So if you use them, they are in this grace, according to their customs, a new reason for pride and vainglory in order, cause a new punishment. Humility, the saints teach us is the truth. What a great reason to accept it and live it! "Know yourself"! I know that, Lord! This sincere and intimate knowledge of ourselves we raise to humility. Well let me tell you I have often said to myself: you're not nothing you received the existence of God, have not you received anything from him; your talents, your gifts of nature and grace, are just that: gifts; Do not forget it! And grace is grace and fruit of the merits of the Savior. But nothing that you, you have added the sin, because you often abused the grace of God, evil or at least weakness. And these two realities have added a third, sadder than the first: that the sin and still nothing ... you have lived vanity and pride. Nothing ... ... sin, pride. Whoops so sure foundation for our humility, for this is certainly true humility, humbleness of heart. The superb and the incredulous have something in common in terms of looks. The unbeliever is blind and sees the world through created things, without discovering God. The superb voice and discover God in nature, but can not understand it and see it in itself. If you discover yourself to God and you will be humble, you will attribute to God all the good there is in you: what you have that you did not received? You have not shut foolishly your eyes on any of the virtues or qualities that exist in your soul, because you know they come from God and that one day he will ask them to account. Strive to give you the result: do not bury any of your talents. And keeping the merit of good works, harvest know God the glory of them:ยกTo God all the glory! The vain complacency will not find place in your soul humble. Through the path opened by humility, peace of God will come into your soul. There is a divine promise: "Learn from me, for I am tame and humble of heart, and you will find peace for your souls". A sincere heart is not humble carefully peat for nothing. Be sure of that, almost always, cause disturbances of our concerns and our concern is excessive love or own restless longing for the estimation of others. The humble soul's own estimate puts the estimate and the desire of others in God's hands. I know that there will be safe. Remove therefore force the humility to say to the Lord, if it do not serve you, nor I know what to do. In this generous abandonment find the peace promised to the humble. The humility of Mary, help us consolation and model.