Jesus as a friend (Dr Canals)

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AS FRIEND (Dr Canals) In the handful of sable are our poor people, who are you and me - there is an immortal soul -that tends towards God, sometimes without knowing it: it feels, though not noticing a deep nostalgia of God and want with all their forces to you, God, even when it denies. This tendency towards God, this vehement desire, this deep nostalgia, wanted the same God that could materialize in the person of Christ, who was on this earth a man of flesh and blood, like you and me. God wanted this love was our love for God made man, who knows us and buy, because it is our; it was love for Jesus Christ, who lives with his face eternally valuable, his loving heart, wounded hands and feet and opened his hand, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever and ever. For this same Jesus, which is perfect God and perfect man, who is the way, truth and life, which is the light of the world and the bread of life, can be our friend if you and I want. Listen to Saint Augustine reminds you that with clear intelligence

with deep experience of his great heart would be a friend of God if they wanted. But to achieve this you need friends and I approached him, know and love. The friendship of Jesus is a friendship that leads far: her find happiness and peace, always know with certain criteria, how to behave; we are moving towards the house of the Father and we will every one of us, another Christ, then why was man Jesus, God became man so that man became God are many men who forget of Christ, or who do not know or want to know, do not pray and ask in Jesus' name, do not pronounce the name alone can save us, and look to Jesus Christ as a historical figure or a glory week, and forget that he came to live and that all men may have life, and have it in abundance. And note that these are the men who wanted to reduce the religion of Christ to a set of laws, a number of cartels and prohibitively heavy responsibilities. Souls are suffering from an unusual myopia, which see religion only what it costs effort, weighing, which depressed; unilateral lower intelligence, they want to consider

Christianity like a calculating machine; hearts and disillusioned petty want to know nothing of the riches of the heart of Christ; false Christians who seek to snatch the smile of the Christian life of Christ. These, all these people, I would say lis: come and see, try and see that the Lord is soft. The news that the angels to the shepherds on Christmas Eve was a message of joy I come to announce a great joy, a joy that should be great for everyone: who was born today for you the Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. The people expected of the Redeemer, which had already spoken through the prophets, Christ, the Anointed of God, was born in the city of David. He is our peace and our joy; and therefore invoke the Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, with the title of Cause of our joy. Jesus Christ is God, perfect God. We express it, then, you and I, our worship the Father with the words put on the lips of Peter, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. I will also express our adoration, repeating the confession of Martha, or the

man born blind or the centurion. But Jesus is also a man, and perfect man. Savor this title that was so loved by Jesus Christ: Son of Man, as he was called. Listen to Pilate, ยกHere at Home !, and returns your gaze to Christ. Bon near the sorry now! Christ is the new Adam, but we feel even closer to him. Because the gift of immunity to pain meant that Adam could not suffer, but Lord, you suffered and died for us. Truly Thou, O Jesus !, perfect man, the perfect man. When we try to imagine what kind of perfect man, the perfect man, even inadvertently thinking of you, and at the same time, O good Jesus !, Thou "God with us." The Gospel must be your book of meditation, contemplation your soul, the light of your soul, the friend of your loneliness, your traveling companion. To be accustomed your eyes to see Jesus as a perfect man crying over the death of Lazarus, Jesus Weep, and the city of Jerusalem; to see him suffer hunger and thirst; habitua't to see him sitting at Jacob's well, tired of the road and waiting for the Samaritan; consider sorrow of his soul to

the Mount of Olives is the sad my heart until the day we die, and his abandonment on the Tree of the Cross, and passed his nights in prayer, and energetic ferocity with which threw the merchants from the temple, and its authority Fill yourself with confidence when you see your heart you are moved to compassion for the crowds multiply the loaves and fishes and gave the widow of Naim son raised to new life and restore Lazarus, risen in the affection sisters ... And all this, forever. What once took, never stopped. Be hungry and thirsty to know the Holy Humanity of Christ and to live close to Him. Jesus Christ is a man, a real man is like us, soul and body, intelligence and will, like you and me. Remember it often, and it will be easier to get closer to him, prayer or the Eucharist, and your life will find mercy in him, his true heart, and you will be more authentic Christianity. Intimacy with Jesus Christ. So you can get to know, love, serve and imitate Jesus Christ must come near to him with confidence. You can not love what is not known. And people are known to favor cordial, sincere, intimate and frequent. But do where to look to the Lord? How to approach him to know it? In the Gospel, meditating him, watching him and love him, following him. With spiritual reading, studying and deepening the science of God. the Holy Eucharist, adoring it, wanting it, getting it. Come to

Jesus Christ; Come to Jesus Christ in silence and industriousness of its life hidden in the pains and fatigue in his public life, in his passion and death in his glorious Resurrection. All are in the One who is the cause exemplary model, the type of holiness that each agrees. If you cultivate your friendship, we will know. And in the privacy of our trust Him hear Swabians words. "I have given the example, work as I've done." But before finishing, confidently leads your gaze to the Blessed Virgin. She knew then, like any other, carrying in his heart the life of Christ and meditate within himself. She uses that is the Mother of Christ and your Mother. Because there is always Jesus through Mary io

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