Novena to Saint Joseph. Preparation: You are a saint without equal, and for God the most honored, Be you then my advocate For this mortal life. For feeding Jesus, Our true God, and his wife and light, his virginal partner. Be my advocate, for this mortal life At your blessed death, Was present the same God, Your wife, Maria, And a great angelic choir. Be my advocate, for this mortal life Warnings of saint Teresa, have given us a good advice: we have to take you now and ever as father and advocate. We know that corpse and soul. You can deliver us from evil. Be my advocate, for this mortal life. First day.- Glorious saint Joseph, who was chosen by God as the most faithful guardian of treasures like are Jesus and Maria, in your hands I leave my life, my longings and wishes. I had also been called by God. ¿Which is the mission at my life according the God plan? ¿How is my correspondence to these plans? I can not forget that in the projects of God, no person is useless. ¡I have to know to give myself with generosity and bravery to all my duties! As you did, I want now to do of my life a donation, a gift to the God Will, and want to widen this wish to every men: that all we, hear in earth, we would do the God Will. That every one that had appointed you, protector in earth, will have also as protector at heaven. We ask you for Jesucrist, our Lord. Amen. (Ask you the la grace you want) Be my advocate, for this mortal life.
Paternoster, Hail Mary and glory. Second day.- Glorious saint Joseph, man of faith and dedication, your life was no an easy one, like nor the our is. You have welcomed the Child, living already at the entrails of Maria, and you gave them the life without skimping sacrifices. We want to learn this lesson without egoism. Help the families to welcome the child’s that have to born. ¡They have to understand the blessed mission that God gave them and they build homes where would be worthwhile the give of the life. !Happiness and pain- pains and joys- have to be accepted with confidence, and lived with spirit of faith! ¡Would be the fathers the ones who don’t forget their priestly mission in this domestic church that family has to be. We ask you by Jesucrist, Our Lord. Amen. (Ask the grace you want) Be my advocate, for this mortal life Paternoster, Hail Mary and glory. Third day.- Glorious saint Joseph, our model and protector. We have learned from you to be just and faithful: We want imitate you. With your help and protection we hope to win all enemies of soul and corps. We talk much and trust little, we put our hope on the human media, and so we fail one time and another. We ask your intercession before God. ¡With it, our faith have to get we do not be inactive and lazy, on the contrary brave like you for observing the orders of heaven, in spite of its difficulties. We want to be just and faithful and we implore your protection. We ask it to you by Jesucrist, our Lord. Amen. (Ask the grace you want) Be my advocate, for this mortal life Paternoster, Hail Mary, and glory. Fourth day.- Glorious saint Joseph, husband of Maria, and vigilant guardian of the God’s Son. You was a saint without equal, taken to your holy Family, there have not be in the world a father more happy, nor with more luck. ¡It is really a happiness to see at your side the Son of God, growing day to day “in age, wisdom and grace before God and men”. You have lived the marveling adventure of sharing the life with Jesus and Maria. Be our protector. We want to learn this lesson in our families. ¡Be your spirit of interior peace, silence, honorable work and prayer, make happy us and give us life, joined with your Wife, our Immaculate Mother, in strong love, soft and faithful to Jesucrist, which lives and reign by centuries of centuries. Amen We ask you by Jesucrist, our Lord. Amen. (Ask the grace you want)
Paternoster, Hail Mary, and glory. Fifth day.-Glorious patriarch, protector of the Holy Family. God trusted in you the order of governing and defending on this earth Maria and Jesus. You made of your life an entirely altruistic donation. You were happy working for that Holy Family that God put on your hands. The man begins to be happy when the life become love’s expression Protect us now: we are of the family of Jesus. Get to us the necessary goods in this life, and over all, every spiritual rites to arrive to the eternal life. ¡Be for us the learning from you of a sincere love, and a devotion to Maria and to Jesus, which lives and reign by centuries of centuries. Amen. We ask you by Jesucrist, our Lord. Amen. (Ask the grace you want) Paternoster, Hail Mary, and glory. Sixth day.- Glorious saint Joseph, husband of Maria, and adoptive father of Jesus. Today we have wanted to learn your posture before the pain, and the joy. You are our guide. We shall follow your example. If we have to suffer, we have not to lose our faith. If the joy visits us, be increased our hope. By the seven pains that afflicted your heart, I come to you, and commend to you my worries. By the seven joys That Lord rewarded
your following, and beg to you that never we lose the hope and the excitement, knowing that behind the cross comes the light, and after the storm the good weather. Pain and happiness form the sketch of our live: ¡do that we know to live the pain with faith and the happiness with hope! We ask you by Jesucrist, our Lord. Amen. (Ask the grace you want) Paternoster, Hail Mary, and glory.
Seventh day.- Glorious saint Joseph, our patron and protector. The Church is Jesus in His Word: it wants to be universal, a wide family, rescue for anybody, and it is placed under your patronage. At our tribulation we go to you and trustingly, we beg your patronage, and request your look with kindness the inheritance acquired by Jesucrist with His blood, and with your power help our necessities. Put aside of us all type of error and corruption, and assist us in our fights. Defend the Holy Church from traps of his enemies and from all adversity... and protect to us all so we can live saintly and to dye piously and to get in heaven, the eternal happiness. We ask you by Jesucrist, our Lord. Amen. (Ask the grace you want) Paternoster, Hail Mary, and glory. Eighth day.-Powerful patron of the good death, glorious saint Joseph! You passed the life without annoy, without doing noise, and so your death was silent, under the glances of Jesus and Maria. I want to beg your constant protection, but especially for the moment of our death. From now I call you for those moments, we shelter to your protection, that at this instant no were missing us the faith nor the hope. ¡what sweet was your death, having at your side Jesus and Maria! ¡We have also to touch your help, and our life would finish at peace, loving you, Maria and Jesus, and repeating the prayer: “Jesus, Joseph, and Maria, I give you the heart and my soul. Assist us at the last agony, and receive me when will dye my soul (and the one of my brothers) We ask you by Jesucrist, our Lord. Amen. (Ask the grace you want) Paternoster, Hail Mary, and glory. Ninth day.- Glorious saint Joseph, patriarch and universal protector. Expert at the defense and custody of weak ones, protect the Church walking between so many difficulties. You have taken to Egypt that Family for freeing from the hands of Herod. Take care now of each of us, feeling needy without defenses before the herods menacing our faith. Get for the fathers intelligence, fortitude, and prudence, and to the sons docility and obedience. Get for us all material and spiritual goods. We want the Holy Family would preside our family. Jesus, Joseph and Maria reign at our home. Jesus, Joseph and Maria, bless our family. We ask you by Jesucrist, our Lord. Amen. (Ask the grace you want) Paternoster, Hail Mary, and glory.