"Is not he/she read in the Genesis that God made the man dominator on everything how much you/he/she was on the earth, or rather on everything less that on God and his/her angelic ministers? Is not he/she read that the woman did because you/he/she was companion in the joy and in the domination on all the living?Gen. 1.27; 2,18 and 20-25 > he/she is not read that of all you/they could eat except of the tree of the Good and the Evil? Why? Which sottosenso and' in the word "because you dominate?" Which in that of the tree of the science of the Good and the Evil? Have you ever asked you him you that you ask you so many useless things and you don't know how to ask the celestial truths to your soul? If you knew how to question your soul, it would tell you that the true meaning, exact, as vast as the servant, of that word "dominoes" and' this": Because the man dominates on everything. On all three his/her three states. The inferior state, animal. The middle state, moral. The superior state, spiritual. And all and three turn them to an only goal: to possess God." It would tell you that God had prohibited the knowledge of the good and the evil, because good had free lavished him/it to its creatures, and the evil didn't want that you knew him/it.....Will you object "And because you/he/she has put him? "And because! Because the evil and' a strength that and' been born alone, as certain monstrous evil in the healthiest body. Lucifero was angel, the most beautiful of the angels, inferior to God only. Yet in his/her bright being a vapor of haughtiness that it it was born not lost. But rather it condensed brooding him/it. And from this incubation and' been born the Evil. It was before the man was. God had fallen him out some Heaven,
the accursed incubatore of the Evil, this insozzatore of the Heaven. But it and' remained the eternal incubatore of the Evil and not could dirty the Heaven anymore, you/he/she has dirtied the earth. That metaphoric plant, is to show this truth. God had told the man and the woman": You know all the laws and the mysteries of the servant. But you don't want to usurp me the right to be the Creator of the man. My love will be enough to propagate the human stock that will circulate in you and without lust of sense but for only throb of charity it will arouse the new Adamis of the stock. All I give you. Only I am me this mystery of the formation of the man." Satan has wanted to raise this intellectual virginity to the man and with its serpentine language you/he/she has blandished and caressed limbs and eyes of Eva, arousing reflexes and acuteness that before they didn't have because malice had not poisoned them. It "he/she saw." And seeing wanted to try. The meat was aroused. It says then that if she had gone to the Creator, he would have him 'purified, smemorandola.' But instead she returned to the 'Snake.'.."