REVIEW OF conscience In the quiet time of examination of conscience I really meditate and live the words of the sequence of the funeral mass : Will read the book that contains everything in writing. At the time of our meeting with Jesus will rapidly before our eyes the pages of the book of our life, which is written all that we do during our earthly days. And so not to have surprises at the last moment, I really like harvesting with my own hands this book, while I live, I, like it or not, writing. I like picking it, opening it and putting it in the eyes of my soul. What easy and useful it was in the time of prayer when examining their own conscience! Then I tend to think that every day of my life is a page of this book; and when I start to live a day I find myself in front of a sheet of paper. And sometimes I turn quickly all sheets written and let also the white pages, those on which anything I've written yet, because not yet reached the time and always mysteriously being me is some between the fingers, these I do not know if I'll get them to write because I do not know when the Lord put
this book for the last time before the eyes. I wish, because I sincerely all the page he wants. Hope, because by the grace of God, I trust to do everything I want. And these white pages we begin to scribble every day, I like to lead them with a single word: serviam !, !, which serve a wish and a hope. After the beginning and –wish & hope-, I draw words and phrases, paragraphs and fill in the compose a clear and sharp writing which is just work, prayer, apostolate; that is, all the activity of my day. I really like the points and more points apart, with which it seems that every time I return to start writing are like sketches of gestures by which rectify my intention and say the Lord to return to start -nunc coepi! - could start straight with the will to serve you and spend my life, moment-by-moment, minute-byminute. I try to meet very score, which is the practice of the presence of God. these breaks, which are like commas or semicolons, or two points, as are longer represent the silence of the soul and the
aspirations with which I try to give meaning and purpose to everything I write supernatural I put too much attention on the accents, which are small sacrifices by means of which my life and my work take on a truly Christian meaning. A word is not pronounced in a chance that I could not live as a Christian mortification that the Lord sent me, which he had prepared with love, that He wanted me to find and embrace them warmly. But I am consoled and reassured me that I am rather thinking about a little boy who does not know and needs to write a guideline for no warping and a master of hand to bring me to not write -ยกwhat a nonsense good Master is our Lord God !. What an immense patience with me. I force myself why there are no scratches, ink stains or mistakes or blanks, but ... How many there are! They are infidelity, imperfections, sins ... and omissions. It hurts a lot to see that there is hardly any page where there is no trace left of my brutality and my lack of skill. Sometimes I have fun, to revise the first pages of this book, scribbled do not know when but scribbles; and those that
followed, in which there is more than letters, large and misshapen, with hand drawn unsafe: these and others in which there are already keywords and phrases; and the most recent line that give shelter last line, a large writing. I, the Lord, learning to write this book; learn to let myself be guided by your hand my God, to fulfil this way all the time your will. I feel, as I feel now, the desire to write a song of love for God, sing to the Lord a new song, a song that is truly new every day, because you write with feeling live your vocation, your life son of God, which is renewed every day, behold, I make all things new. We give a great knowledge of yourself and of your character and your life. Teach you how to love God and to make specific proposals in clear and effective, the desire to make good use of your time. It hurts me or consoles me, this game book. Want, we learn to entertain us every day, honestly, depth and perseverance in this game is so pleasing to our Lord? It is the exercise of selfexamination. I fill each of these pages filled with
expressions of affection and sincere love, or at least she has not been able to write what they owed, with calm and sincere expressions of contrition. Take your hands on the book of your life every day and spends its pages so that you not surprised reading the day of judgment and have not particularly ashamed of its publication in the universal judgment day.!