D. Pudor Reconoce el valor de la intimidad propia y de los demás. Mantiene la intimidad a cubierto de extraños, rechazando lo que pueda dañarla, y la descubre únicamente en circunstancias que sirvan para la mejora propia o ajena. Lo íntimo es lo personal. Es el mundo interior, el santuario de lo humano, un lugar donde sólo uno puede entrar uno mismo, del que uno es dueño. Lo íntimo es tan central al hombre que hay un sentimiento natural que lo protege: la vergüenza o pudor es la protección de la intimidad. Se refiere a todo lo que propio de la persona tanto material como espiritual: el cuerpo, la ropa, el armario, la habitación, la casa, las ilusiones e ideales , etc. E. Sobriedad 1. Vivir templadamente se concreta en estar profundamente desprendido de los bienes materiales, disfrutándolos, pero sin considerarlos necesarios para la salud, el descanso o la misma vida espiritual. "Buscad lo suficiente, buscad lo que basta. Y no queráis más. Lo demás es agobio; apesadumbra, no levanta" (San Agustín). 2. Resulta particularmente importante esmerarse en la templanza y sobriedad de vida en una sociedad consumista como la actual donde un desenfrenado afán de comodidades alimenta a diario la codicia de la gente. Casi todo el mundo aspira a tener más, a gastar más, a conseguir el mayor número de placeres posible. La eficacia se mide en términos económicos y los valores del espíritu pasan a un segundo o tercer plano, cuando no han desaparecido del horizonte de no pocas personas. Ese afán por la comodidad, los caprichos y las falsas necesidades se puede dar en cualquiera sino se vigila. 3. Los respetos humanos. D. Modesty It(He,She) recognizes the value of the own(proper) intimacy and of the others. It(he,she) supports the intimacy to strangers' cutlery, rejecting what could damage it, and discovers it only in circumstances that serve for the own(proper) or foreign improvement. The intimate thing is the personal thing. It is the interior world, the sanctuary of the human thing, a place where only one can enter(approach) one itself, of which one is an owner. The intimate thing is so central to the man that there is a natural feeling that protects it: the shame or modesty is the protection of the intimacy. It(he,she) refers to everything own(proper) what of the both material and spiritual person: the body, the clothes, the cupboard, the room, the house, the illusions and ideal, etc. E. Sobriety 1. To live tepidly concrete in being deeply detached of the material goods, enjoying them, but without considering them to be necessary for the health, the
rest or the same spiritual life. " Look for the sufficient thing, look what is enough. And not querĂĄis more. The rest is a burden; it(he,she) grieves, (San AgustĂn) does not raise ". 2. It(He,She) turns out to be particularly important to be brightened in the temperance and sobriety of life in a consumer company(society) as the current one where a wild zeal of comforts feeds daily the greed of the people. Almost the whole world aspires to have more, to spend more, to obtain the major possible number of pleasures. The efficiency measures up in economic terms(ends) and the values of the spirit go on to the second or third plane, when few persons have not disappeared of the horizon of not. This zeal by the comfort, the caprices and the false needs can be given in anyone but it(he,she) is vigilant. 3. The human respects uman beings. The false naturalness. It is not a sufficient reason to there not be deprived of anything the naturalness, the desire to be like the others. Who we are lucky to have the means to be able to illuminate acertadamente our life we cannot leave ourselves go for the human respects and have to impregnate with Christian sense the life with whom they surround us: from the domestic comforts, to the manners of resting and to amuse itself(himself,herself). Parable of the sower: " what fell down between(among) thorns(bones) they are those who heard the word, but in his(her,your) to walk they suffocate because of the worries, wealths(richnesses) and pleasures of the life, and they do not manage to give fruit. " Content what it(he,she) is enough to spend(pass) the sober life and tepidly " (s Josemaria). 4. The sobriety distinguishes between(among) what is reasonable and the immoderate thing in the use of the food and of the drink. The gluttony is the untid appetite of eating and drinking. The sober man moderates the use of the food. He(she) avoids to eat at the wrong time and for caprice, to look always for the most exquisite food, with disproportionate expenses, the excessive consumption, etc. To acquire and to develop the sobriety it is necessary to be affected in the eaten ones, and to be able to do occasionally without tastes and lawful pleasures. The same thing fits to say of the drinks, specially of the alcoholic ones. The use of drugs lso is opposite to the sobriety, even in case of the soft(smooth) drugs, which suppose an abandon of the own(proper) responsibilities. oft(Smooth) drugs, which suppose an abandon of the own(proper) responsibilities. F. The good education Interwoven of many small maturities, the temperance reveals attention and respect for the own(proper) and foreign dignity. The good ways are, partly, conventional, but they turn out to be necessary for the
pleasing conviviality, and denote domain(control) of yes: moderation of the impulses, of the curiosity, of the language; in short order and measure in the use of the internal senses. Nothing has to see this moderation with the affectation and the greasiness. G. The Humility 1. " The humility is born as fruit of knowing God and of know to yes same " n. P.; " To cover really " Sta. Teresa. It(He,She) is in the base of all the human and supernatural virtues: The humble one prays to obtain God's aid in everything, is not surprised at his(her,your) miseries: it(he,she) recognizes them truthfully and asks for pardon with simplicity. Convinced in his(her,your) limitation, it(he,she) can ask other persons for help for his(her,your) interior life. The haughty one has to the self-sufficiency, deceives itself(himself,herself), thinking that he(she) does not need help. It(he,she) possesses(relies on) little God to extract forward his(her,your) housekeeping. 2. Manifestations of humility and pride: Humility: instrument to be known in God's hands. " You are what a paintbrush in hands of the artist. - And nothing more " n. P. Docility, to be left to help in the spiritual life. To make and to disappear: three to work like thousand and to do the noise of three. To attribute to God everything good that exists in our life. Not to become indispensable. Pride Pride. Ostentation(showiness) in the social relations and holidays(parties); in the consumer goods: cars, housings, vacations, etc. The search and exaltation of the own(proper) image. Simplicity of appearing before the others since(as,like) we are. Not to want to be the center of attention for liked the others or to stay well. The humility is very necessary in order that the conviviality is pleasing. It is not easy to support to proud, boastful, to that they know everything, which solve the discussions with sarcasms or ironies, which always take the reason, to they them have the susceptibility flush with skin(leather), etc. H. Fruits or goods of the temperance The temperance awards a particular stamp of maturity to very normal manifestations of the current treatment(deal), and attracts the others with the soft attraction of the modesty. It(he,she) offers a magnificent defense opposite to the aggressiveness of the material goods, and has to please the goods of the spirit. It(he,she) makes the freest man like that, because the domain(control) of yes same, of the own(proper) impulses and appetites, is the first step to be a person of character. It(he,she) cannot empty in what is simply entertaining or nice, but it(he,she) supports the limits of the own(proper) intimacy and can respect the foreign one. The Christian trained in this fight is arranged well to correspond(fit) to the divine grace, to progress in the interior life and the apostolate.