Temperance II Definition: A human habit strengthened and elevated by grace, temperance tends to moderate sensitive pleasures, according to the right order of reason and man's ordination to the last supernatural end, in the light of faith. To live warmly is to foster harmony between the senses and reason. Temperance seeks a balance capable of guaranteeing the integral development of the human being, as corresponds to his dignity as a person destined, in addition, to enjoy God in Heaven. The heart of the Christian, like good wine, improves in quality over the years through the action of grace and personal effort to practice the virtues. Among these human moral qualities, temperance is especially important, because it builds and defends the inner order of man of the strong tendency - manned in his being as a consequence of original sin - to go against nature itself. Temperance is manor. Not everything that we experience in the body and in the soul
has to be solved in free rein. Not everything that can be done should be done. It is more comfortable to be carried away by the impulses they call natural; But at the end of the road, there is sadness, isolation in own misery (n.P.). Temperance imposes on human acts a measure based on order to the ultimate end. In short, this virtue directs man to the full development of the virtualities contained in his own humanity. "A moderate man is the one who owns himself ... passions do not obtain superiority over reason, nor over will, nor over the heart. Man knows how to dominate himself ... ..... She Is justly indispensable for man to be fully man. .(J. Paul II.) Virtues derived. The virtue of temperance derives, as beautifying his personality, other virtues: chastity, modesty, humility, sobriety and good education. Necessity of grace and human virtues This difficulty to act according to the will of
God and the good known by right reason, which reveals the relics of sin in our being, is only overcome with supernatural grace and the practice of human virtues, among which self-control Occupies a relevant place in the construction of the building of our inner life. Owning yourself To give ourselves to God and to others, we must be masters and ourselves. No one can give himself if he does not possess himself before, if he does not develop the virtues and frees himself from the slavery of sin. This release entails: Overcome laziness and discouragement; To curb pride, greed, lust, anger, greed and envy; To subdue our evil character; Temper tempered temper ... because "The alternative is clear: either man controls his passions and obtains peace, or lets himself be dominated by them and becomes unhappy" In order for our surrender to God and to others to be possible, we need inner freedom, achievable only if - through
supernatural means and the scapegoat we control our passions. If you are not master of yourself, even if you are powerful, it causes pity and laughter your lordship (n.P.) E. Self-knowledge and humility To achieve this with his grace, it is essential to know the moments when we tend to lose control over our reactions, either by excess, or by default. Sometimes it will not be easy, because angry or lazy behaviors are presented as reasonable or we do not justify them because they are the fault of others: He's late for the appointment! He's ruined my job! The same could be said of the overt attitudes: What are they going to think ?, the atmosphere is not conducive, I'm tired ... Often, we are persuaded that we can not correct ourselves until such circumstances or persons change, which we attribute to our lack of temperance. Intemperate reactions, unjustified
nervousness, and many burdens or discouragements usually have a background of self-love. Blind arrogance makes it difficult to recognize that our reactions are sometimes disproportionate; Makes it more expensive to keep calm and recover positive and optimistic vision. If we strive to be humble, we will more easily master our passions and defects, for when we think we have reasons, we will immediately understand that we are not right. In addition to promoting self-knowledge through a thorough examination, it is essential to be guided by those who can help us. In the spiritual direction they see our situation without the passion of being, at the same time, judge and part; With objectivity and affection, and with the supernatural light that provides to weigh things in the prayer. Therefore, there is no reason - except our pride - not to accept their orientations or to think that they are wrong to advise us. With our own knowledge and with the help
of those who direct our soul, we will detect the times when it is harder to dominate us and we have the means to achieve it. F. Appropriate Remedies Knowing the battle lines in the fight is necessary, but not enough. To cure a disease, a good diagnosis is not enough, although it is essential; It is necessary to apply the remedies that combat it until it is overcome. As always, the first resources will be prayer and the sacraments. The effective solution begins by praying more, by asking the Lord who teaches us to react as He would if He were in our circumstances. Also to the Angel Custodio, to n. Father and Don Alvaro. Then, with faith and illusion, we will also put the human resources. We will focus the fight on specific, apparently unimportant details: To avoid excessive loquacity to allow our interlocutor to express his opinions; Soften the tone of voice so as not to be aggressive; Try to keep our reactions to unexpected events calm, without exaggerated
gestures, trying to keep the peace in the face of overwork, a small lack of delicacy, a delay in an appointment, a traffic jam or an inconvenient failure ... That inequality of your character! -Has the keyboard broken: you give very high and low notes ... but do not sound those in the middle, those of ordinary life, which usually listen to others (n.P.) If we strive for those details, we will also be able to maintain serenity in larger situations. The sense of divine filiation will lead us to give adequate channel to the worries or small conflicts: How often the consultation of a fraternal correction kills root the possible critical spirit, and the simplicity to recognize that we are tired or worried avoids angry reactions. The example and teachings of the Lord lead us on the path of forgiveness. The same humility that makes it easier to control the passions will open the way. First, ask God for forgiveness and, if necessary, for the Sacrament of Penance. But also make excuses to anyone who has
offended by an uncontrolled anger. This prevents the soul from remaining in a rarefied and tense situation, which encourages resentment. Christ teaches us that meekness and lordship in the face of difficulties are also a source of rest and peace: "Learn from me that I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls." The real break, The true rest, the serenity arises when we annoyances or contrarieties to be pending of the others. So many are the fruits of meekness, which is one of the beatitudes: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." Self-control, for the love of God, will also be a source of rest for others. We all have experience of how pleasant living together with a serene and cheerful person, who dominates the nerves and keeps calm in the face of difficulties and ordinary obstacles. A man, a woman, is thus truly a sower of peace and joy. Meekness, patience, serenity, temperance make us lords, identify us with the Lord, and with the Blessed Virgin, the Lady. forget the own