The criticism (Dr Canals) english

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The criticism- (Dr Canals) (Pardon if necessary:Translated with machine) Poor revision

People, things, events that require our consideration offered in our judgment. The most noble of how our Lord has given us, with generosity and abundance, assumes a certain attitude against ourselves and face what surrounds us. Your intelligence and your sensitivity, -as the meves- measure and evaluate any person, thing or fact with which they contact. This capability assessment and judgment increases in proportion to the depth of the person and the seriousness with which faces the facts and lives its own life. A greater richness to a deeper consideration of things and a stubborn life more seriously, necessarily corresponds to a greater capacity assessment and judgment. The foolish and frivolous, those who are lost in the details or living outside of reality, who do nothing or do too much: all these have lost or are losing, for his great misfortune, the sense of value and the trial. God Our Lord wants you to be a soul of discretion, you know fit people, situations, circumstances and events with supernatural spirit and practicality of life. We need this capacity assessment and judgment, full of supernatural spirit, purify and increase every day. Well this judgment Christian, sober and objective, we will defend ourselves and our enemies -the first of all, of our soul and perfect our actions and our work to help our friends in your life and its activity. But this capacity assessment and judgment which is so necessary to your life and without which hardly can print your behavior seriousness and vigor Christians, has its limits. Maintain and exercise it within these limits is closer to God; allow exceeds the exercise and without this measure Christian is go way from God. How many critics do you without christian measure that separate you from God and others! They enemisten all and get all eviting you! You know very well the kind of man ruthless and cruel beheading devastating. I'll introduce you to a whole gallery of critical spirits and ask yourself: In what could be one of these categories including you and me? The criticism which failed by his failure, revealed himself an enemy of God is universal, because it would drag all on its own failure; the scathing criticism is ironic, light, superficial, and is always ready to sacrifice the things mockery series and more sacred; criticism of the envious, born between anxiety and despits is ridiculous and vain; Idiot's criticism is blown; criticism of the proud, the ruthless tyrant and usually is forged with the worst ingredients; ambitious critique is unfair, because it tends to illuminate the person with contempt of others; criticism of sectarian priori, partial and unjust, it is critical that consciously served cold with passion lies; bitter criticism of the victim and stabbing exudes bitterness on all sides; criticism of the honest man is

constructive; Friend's criticism is friendly and timely manner; Christian criticism is sanctifying. For that your criticism be always critique honest man, the friend of Christians, that is, to make it constructive, friendly, timely and sanctifying should pay attention to saving always the person and their intentions. It must be objective, never subjective. You need to be provided with respect to the sanctuary of his personality and inner world. Did you know their intentions, the motives and circumstances of this whole series of subjective well aware that only our Lord God, who reads hearts? We step out there, that phrase of Christ :�Do not judge and you will not be judged�. This criticism, deeply human, because he knows our limits, is profoundly Christian, as regards what belongs to the Lord, and so reconciles and preserves friendship, even for the people who are against because it expresses full respect and towards understanding the personality of others. The honest man, and more so the Christian does not judge or criticize what you do not know. Expressing an opinion, make a criticism, is the perfect knowledge in all aspects of what is under consideration. The seriousness, righteousness and justice would fall to its base if it is not doing so his way. To reach this point, surely you and I remember many trials and many critics improvised, made without knowledge of cause: the superficial judgment of man, who speaks does not know what; criticism of that approach has heard of others, without bothering to verify it; the conduct of judges unconscious even that which has just heard. And we also realize how easily transform into a critical judgment of the trial -disfressant a simple impression. The criticism of the ignorant are always unfair and unfortunate. Criticism, Christian criticism has always requirements of time, place and manner, without which transforms easily decrease or defamation. There is evil in this way, you think you are a grown man capable of judgment and discretion of course, you wonder if there is in your life that minimum prudential Christian protects you from the snares of your tongue and your pen. So speak and write without thinking can be dangerous to your soul, although you're in possession of the truth. I must add though criticism takes color of the animus that she hides behind, the arrangement within which it comes. There is a bonus and bad animus: This should be borne in mind, as is a safe criterion for judging the moral we use our ability and critical evaluation. The failure, the envious, the irony, the proud tyrant or the fanatic, the bitter and the ambitious, have an animus bad, not straight away manifested in his criticism. Instead, the honest man, the friend, the Christian animus carry within himself a bonus, you also seen their judgments, this animus is bono charity, desire the good of others, that ensures their critical all those qualities that the good reviews must be adorned. Well, that criticism is fair and constructive, effective and sanctifying must love others, love of neighbor. In such a case the exercise of criticism is

always an act of virtue which makes use of a relief for her and the one receiving it: defended by the brother brother is like a walled city. Know- defend itself from criticism unfair and wrong is usually almost always a virtue and duty; get to know and accept the criticism of others is good Christian virtue, wisdom is proved. Sign of true spiritual greatness is knowing let them tell it: receive them with joy and gratitude. The learning and listening and asking reach very far in the use of the talents he has received from God. Unfortunate, however, which does not tolerate the things that you say; what a thousand ways-people with the pride hurt will try to revenge against those who had the care and charity make you a good and honest criticism. Never forget that you and I do the things we do wrong must be made right, and all the things you do well can do better; and that, in addition to our will, we have to have critics. But neither have to live too worried about the criticism of "what they will say." Because that excessive worry and pusillanimous could cut your wings and brought you into doing nothing. The slight criticism and envious, gossipy and superficial criticism, it is better to ignore it. I will tell you to this purpose that who does nothing does not receive any criticism, because people rarely -ignora reason of doinh nothing as do the critics. Instead, who do much long is always criticized and it is for everyone: those who criticize do nothing, because his life, his work seems a testimony against them; criticize those who do so against him because they see an enemy; and also criticize when there are good things that are the same or similar, because they lattices. Do you ever spend the paradox that you make you forgive what you've done good and you've done with your work, nothing good for those who did and those who never worked. Other times you'll be unjustly attacked and abused by those who do not conceive that you can do good without asking for their help. Then smile with elegance and still working. Do not forget to thank God for all these things; and, above all, honest and good criticism, and Christian friendly, do not forget to thank God and the one that have done to you.

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