The hope

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The hope Hope is trust in the power and love of another person that helps us achieve what we want. Supernatural hope is a Theological virtue. According to which we rely on the help of God to attain eternal happiness. It is based on: 2.The omnipotence: you can do whatever you want 2 goodness: wants our salvation 2 God's freedom: he can help us in many ways By humility we distrust ourselves; By hope we always trust God. This is the source of serenity, stability of mind, no matter what happens Theological virtue hope Theological virtue by which we aspire to the kingdom of heaven and eternal life by placing our trust in the promises of Christ (to reach eternal glory in heaven) by supporting us not in our strength but in the aid of the grace of the Holy Spirit. End: It corresponds to the longing for happiness placed by God in the heart of every man (not to be confused with pleasure). Christian hope is manifested from the beginning of Jesus' preaching in the proclamation of the beatitudes that elevate our hope to heaven. (Read commentary E-univ Navarra.-SA) In every circumstance, each one must wait, with the grace of God, to persevere to the end and obtain the joy of heaven as the eternal reward of God for the works carried out with the grace of Christ. The first commandment and virtue of hope When God reveals Himself and calls man, man can not fully respond to divine love by his own strength. He must expect God to give him the ability to give him back his love and to act according to the commandments of charity. The hope is to wait confidently for the blessed vision of God. Sins against hope: -despair: man stops expecting from God his personal salvation. It is the absence of hope

- the presumption: man thinks he has the Heaven assured without putting anything on his part, or get his forgiveness without conversion. -Live of hope: will, optimism ... Hope also requires of man the exercise of the will to apply himself with his strength in that which he wants to achieve, so the will and the works done following the will of God, act on hope fortifying it. Fruits of hope Hope gives us happiness, peace of soul. (St. Teresa) It is not an invitation to do nothing, but an incentive to exercise the will. It removes the fear and the uncertainty that paralyze the dispositions to act. -To the extent that hope gives meaning to our life and strengthens our will, it is also a foundation for us to live with enthusiasm, with enthusiasm, even in times of fatigue and pain; Because in them we can be closer to God, and God is willing to give us more help. - At the same time we adopt an optimistic attitude towards life, a real optimism founded on the power of grace: "an optimism that leads us to demand ourselves, to strive to respond in every moment to the calls of God" (Forge , 659). The optimism of hope is maintained and reinforced in things well done, but was enrecia when faced with what goes wrong. Purposes to correct defects (character, family treatment, overcome laziness, ... get angry). As he came to the side of the disciples, when they rowed with great fatigue against the wind, Jesus comes to our side when night comes to our soul, or we feel alone, and we also hear that "Encouragement! It is Me, do not fear" -Hope must be translated into difficulties in the inner life, family, health, professionals, etc., where we must learn to live the hope and, consequently, to fight more and be more optimistic. -Our goal is Heaven where we will contemplate God, and we will possess all goods without a mixture of evil; By hope we already enjoy those goods on earth: "the happiness of Heaven is for those who know how to be happy on earth" (Forja, 1005)

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