The route of pride- (Dr Canals) english

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THE ROUTE OF PRIDE There is a path that is certainly not the salvation, nor happiness, and thatthat obstant- not usually delve men with ease. It is the path of pride. Let me therefore that in connection with it, you choose some thought and reflection, so that together we learn to recognize it from the first moment and to avoid it forever. The route of pride has a beginning quite sad, because it starts with the denial of God in our souls and in our lives. Someone has noted with great acuity, the atheist and proud to have many points in common. The atheist, indeed, refuses to admit the existence of God through the test creation and creatures; he does not see our Lord in the set. And the pride refuses to recognize God in his heart and in his life: no glimpse of God our Lord for the gifts of nature and grace that enrich their personality and bear fruit in your life. Pride in reality is nothing more than an estimate of disorderly own qualities and their own talents. Not more than excessive and disorderly idea that we made ourselves. We grow deliberately and with caution inside this sort of high concept of our own being, and not allow any shadow, however small, nor any reference to other people and do not support any reproach or correction. We attach to ourselves -forgeting us completely from God our Lord all that we are and all we are worth. And in so doing, to exclude God and others in our lives: I just imported stubbornly says the proud or pleased and looking up with presumption rocking himself. In the souls who follow the path of pride, find no echo those words of St. Paul: What you have that you did not receive? And even those souls surrender before those other words that complete the reasoning of the Apostle: for you boast as if you had not received all that you possess? If there is a way to make complicated souls, is the path of pride. The route is a maze of pride in what souls are lost and disoriented. Pride destroys the simplicity of souls, and that appeared to be without folds is a lovely feature and humble people. How many sheets are formed, for otherwise the soul contaminated by pride.! This cardinal sin indeed induces - increasingly submissiĂł- to retreat continuously on itself: endlessly back and stay with thinking about their own talents on the virtues on their own achievements and that on one occasion or circumstance in which it prevailed. And this is the world, empty and petty, vain of complacency. The inner world is happening in the outside world: the path of pride continues its relentless progression. Everything these people have built within them, it would now build around. And though the Lord said, “ I will not give my glory to othersâ€?, proud soul responded to this divine command appropriating, taking possession, of this glory.

This unfortunate path may never happen near the Lord. Nothing anyone can say to make the souls who have taken this path: “only by God's grace I am what I am”. His eyes and his mind never rise, above their own qualities and their own successes, to God our Lord to give you thanks for your kindness. The look and thought these souls are always at ground delay. The route of pride begins with the exclusion of God and with the fold on oneself. The horizon is terribly proud of limited runs itself. The proud fails to look beyond his person, his qualities, his virtues, his talent. His horizon is not God. And in this scene are so mean even the other: there is no place for them. The soul who follows this route, the high concept that should be forged to himself, never asking anyone for advice and never accept advice from anyone. It is enough for himself. Live clinging to their own judgment and their will to the stubbornness and ignores voluntarily to disregard any opinion or belief that is not yours. Contempt for one's neighbor is, therefore, a common attitude, often habitual in people who follow this route. They have become intimately in Pharisees and consider others as publicans, continuously reproducing the scene in their lives and attitudes of the parable of gospel: “ I give thanks that I am not like the other men. Others exist only as term of comparison for the proud can exalt itself while despises. People who goes this path or them. The soul who follows this route, the high concept that should be forged to himself, never asking anyone for advice and never accept advice from anyone. It is enough to do the same. Live clinging to their own judgment and their will to the stubbornness and ignores voluntarily to disregard any opinion or belief that is not yours. Contempt for one's neighbor is, therefore, a common attitude, often common in people who follow this route. They have become intimately in Pharisees and consider others as publicans, continuously reproducing the scene in their lives and attitudes of the parable:, I give thanks that I am not like the others men. Others exist only as term of comparison for the proud can exalt itself while despises. People who goes this path do not support there is no one superior to them. This is an opportunity that can not be verified, or even in the world of hypotheses. The other function can have no more than raise these people: and be below them. The defects of others have served to highlight and underline their own virtues. The mistakes of others have served to highlight his wisdom and skill; and little alien intelligence, to make shine its great value. And here is the root of envy, jealousy and the anxieties that accompany the lives of all those who follow the path of pride. But this unfortunate path does not end there. The jealous enmity is passed. ¡And how many are the enmities which have their origin source -

ยก strange! - The envy! There are people who are despised, hated and fought only because they are better or smarter than his pursuers. Have been guilty of great crimes to be good or smart or have worked. I will fight this crime and is punishable by - on the road with the cold pride, enmity, silence and slander. Do not miss the place, not to transfer weapons: who is heading this direction usually resorts to fiction and hypocrisy. Simulate what is not, which has exaggerated. Everything is permissible, everything is good in this damn road, provided that one is the first and best in front and one in the estimation of others. To always keep us far away from this path, and to leave him out of it if we had entered, asking the Virgin - Mistress of humility that makes us understand this : the beginning of every sin is pride.

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