To live in society (Fdez Carvajal)

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TO LIVE IN COMPANY Social dimension of the man. - charity and solidarity humanizes. Consequences in the life of a Christian. - contribution to the common good. The first page of the Holy Writ us describes with simplicity and grandeur the creation of the world; and it saw God who was quite good all was going out of His hands. Later, crowning everything all that had done, He created the man, and did it to His image and similarity. And the same Writing teaches(us that it(he,she) enriched it of gifts and supernatural privileges, destining it to an indescribable and eternal happiness. It reveals us also that from Adam and Eve the other men come, and, though these moved away from his Creator, God did not stop considering them as children and destined them again to His friendship. The divine will arranged that the creature humanizes it(he,she) was taking part in the conservation and spread of the mankind, which was populating the land and was submitting it, dominating on the fish of the sea, on the birds of the sky and on the cattles and especially all that lives and moves on the land (Genesis). The Gentleman wanted also that the relations between(among) the men were not limiting themselves to a treatment(deal) of occasional vicinity and passenger, but they were constituting stronger and lasting links, which were coming to be the foundations of the life in company(society). The man will look for help for all that that the need and the propriety of the life demand, since the divine Decision arranged his(her,your) nature in such a way that he was born inclined to associate and to join others, in the domestic company(society) and in the civil society, which provides to him(her) the necessary thing for the life (LION the XIIIth,). The Council Vatican the IInd us remembers that " the man, for his(her,your) intimate nature, is a social being, and can neither live nor develop his(her,your) qualities without relating to the others " (Gaudium et spes,). " The company(society) is a natural way that the man can and must use to obtain his(her,your) end(purpose) " (PioXI): it is the ordinary area in which God wants that we sanctify ourselves and serve him(her). To live in company(society) facilitates to us the material and spiritual necessary means to develop the human life and the supernatural one. This conviviality is a source(fountain) of goods, but also of obligations in the diverse spheres in which it(he,she) takes place

The Lordwanted also that the relations among the men were not limiting themselves to a deal of occasional vicinity and passenger, but they were constituting stronger and lasting links, which were coming to be the foundations of the life in society. The man will look for help for all that that the need and the propriety of the life demand, since the divine Decision arranged our nature in such a way that he was born inclined to associate and to join others, in the domestic company and in the civil society, which provides to him the necessary thing for the life (LION the XIIIth,). The Council Vatican the IInd remembers us that "the man, for his intimate nature, is a

social being, and can neither live nor develop his qualities without relating to the others " (Gaudium et spes,). "The company (society) is a natural way that the man can

and must use to obtain his end" (Pio XI): it is the ordinary area in which God wants that we sanctify ourselves and serve Him. To live in company(society) facilitates to us the material and spiritual necessary means to develop the human life and the supernatural one. This conviviality is a source of goods, but also of obligations in the diverse spheres in which our existence takes place: family, civil society, vicinity, work... These obligations re-dress a moral character for the relation of the man to his last purpose, God. His observance or his breach brings us over or separate us from the Lord. They are a matter of the examination of conscience. God calls us to the conviviality, to contributing with simplicity what is in our hands - little or much - for the good of all. Let's examine today in this moment of prayer if we live opened through the others, but particularly to whom the Lord has put more near our existence. Let's think if we are of ordinarily available, if we fulfill exemplary the familiar(family) and social duties(homework), if we ask often the Gentleman for light to know what we have to do in any opportunity and to carry out it with entirety, with valor, with spirit of sacrifice. PreguntĂŠmonos often: what can I do for the others?, what words can I say to them that it should be relief and help? " The life happens(passes). We cross with the people in the variadĂ­simos paths or avenues of to live human. How much stays for doing ... and for saying? (...) . Certain that first it is necessary to do (Hech 1, 1); but then it is necessary to say: every ear(hearing), every heart, every mind, have his(her,your) moment, his(her,your) voice friend who can wake them up of his(her,your) marasmus and of his(her,your) sadness ". If God is loved, one cannot stop feeling the reproach of the days that happen(pass), of the peoples (sometimes so

nearby) that happen(pass) ... without we can do what was needing, to say what Lopez Pardo was necessary to say " (, On the life and the death). Let's ask very much Jesus, who sees us and hears us, never not to walk of backs and indifferent to whom they are to our side for so many diverse reasons: of kinship, friendship, work, citizenship... This solidarity and mutual dependence of a few men with others, born by divine will, was cured and strengthened by Jesus Christ on having assumed the human nature in the moment of His Incarnation, and on having redeemed to the whole mankind in the Cross. This one is the new title of unit: have been constituted children of God and brothers of the men. This way we must treat to everything that we find every day in ours to walk. "Maybe it is a question of a son of ignorant God of His greatness, chance in rebelliousness against his Father. Mas in all, even in the the most deformed, rebellious or removed of the divine thing, there is a sparkle of the God's greatness (...). If we can look, we are surrounded with kings have to help whom to discover the roots and the requirements! Of his(her,your) dominion " (ibidem). In addition, the night before the Passion the Gentleman left a new order us, to overcome, if it(he) was necessary heroically, the damages, the rancor ..., and everything what is a reason of separation. This one is my order: that you love some others, since I have loved you, Since I have loved you, that is to say, without limits, and without nothing uses as excuse f or the nonchalance. This way, our life is full of powerful reasons to coexist in society, which, to the being more Christian for our works, becomes more human. We are not the men as grains of sand, free and loose some of others, but, on the contrary, we are related mutually by natural links, and the Christians, in addition, by supernatural links (PIOUS XIIth, Enc. Summi pontificatus). He departs importantly from the mulberry tree(morality) they are the homework that refer

to the common good of all the men, of the mother land in which we live, of the company at which we are employed, of the vicinity of which we form a part, of the family that is an object of our sleeplessnesses, be who is since in her we occupy. He is not Christian, and nor humanize, to think these homework only in the measure in which personally they are us useful or they us cause a prejudice. God waits for us in the determination, according to our possibilities, for improve the society and the men who compose it. The apostolic and fraternal dimension is, for wanting divinely, so essentially to the man who cannot conceive an orientation to God who does without the bows that join every person with those with whom he coexists or is related. We would not please God if, somehow, there is indifference of those who are to ours around, if we stop exercising the civic and social virtues. "It is necessary to recognize Christ, who goes out for us to the meeting, in our brothers the men. No human life is an isolated life, but itinterlaces with other lives. No person is a free verse, but we form all departs from the same divine poem, which God writes with the contest of our freedom " (s.Josemaria.- Christ is passing by). Let's examine today, in the personal prayer how we are contributing to the common good of all, if we are exemplary in that one that relates to the social and civic duties (fulfillment of the laws of traffic, just taxes, participation in associations, fiscal year) of the right to vote ...), If we bear in mind that we need from the others and the others of us, if we feel co-persons in charge of the moral conduct of others, if we try to overcome without rodeos that one that can be a reason of separation, or at least that is not a help for the conviviality. The development of the society takes place thanks to the contribution of his members, each of which contributes what him is own, those gifts that he received of the Lord and that he increased with his intelligence, the help of the society and the God's grace.

These goods and gifts were given us for the development of the own(proper) personality and to achieve the last end(purpose); but also for service of the neighbor. It(he,she) is more, we might not reach the personal end(purpose) if it(he,she) is not contributing(paying) to the good of all (LION the XIIIth). For the development of the company(society) was not to the margin of the plans of the Gentleman, the personal contest in each one to the common good re-dresses the character of an unavoidable moral obligation. " The social life is not for the man accidental overload. For it, across the treatment(deal) with the others, of the reciprocity of services, of the dialog with the brothers, the social life enlarges the man in all his(her,your) qualities and qualifies him to answer to his(her,your) vocation " (I Reconcile Vatican the IInd). A few obligations are of strict justice in his(her,your) diverse forms; others are requirements of the charity, which goes beyond giving each one what strictly corresponds(fits) to him(her). Some and others are fulfilled whenever we contribute(pay) to the good of all, in order that the company(society) in which we live is increasingly human and Christian, for example, " helping and promoting to the institutions, public and private, that serve to improve the living conditions of the man " (C.Vaticano II): foundations, works of charity and of formation(training), of culture, publications of holy doctrine, etc. Since " it(he,she) is those who practise(teach) wide and generous opinions, but actually(indeed) they live always as if they never had any care of the social needs. Not only this; in several countries they are many(many people,great) those who despise the laws and the social procedure " (C, Vatican the IInd), .Vaticano II): foundations, works of charity and of formation(training), of culture, publications of holy doctrine, etc. Since " it(he,she) is those who practise(teach) wide and generous opinions, but actually(indeed) they live always as if they never had any care of the social

needs. Not only this; in several countries they are many(many people,great) those who despise the laws and the social procedure " (C, Vatican the IInd), and the men live at the time of backs through his(her,your) brothers and of backs to God. Let's think together with the Gentleman those who surround us. I contribute(pay) according to my possibilities to the promotion of the common good: dedicating time to institutions and works in good of the company(society), collaborating economically, supporting initiatives in favor of the others, particularly of the neediest? I fulfill faithfully the obligations that stem to live in company(society): noises, cleanliness ...? I cultivate the virtues of conviviality - affability, gratitude, optimism, punctuality, order.. ..-In my familiar(family) area? Does it(he,she) move me habitually the zeal to serve the others, though it(he,she) is in very small things? " Ojalรก get used to occupying you daily with the others, with so much(many) delivery, that you forget that you exist! " (I Furrow. 947); this way we would have found a good part of the happiness that can be achieved in the land and would have helped to be much happier to others, which are children of God and our brothers.

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