TO SPREAD THE TRUTH Urgency and responsibility of taking the doctrine of the Lord to all the environments. The apostolate and the proselytism are born of the conviction of possessing the truth, the unique truth salvadora. When this conviction gets lost it is not felt to the diffusion of the faith. Loyalty to the doctrine that has to be transmitted. As in so many occasions, Jesus got up in the dawn and retired out of the city, to pray. There the Apostles found him, and said to him: the whole world looks for you. And the Lord answered them: Le tus go elsewhere, to the nearby villages, to preach also there; that for it I have come (1). Christ's mission is it of evangelizing, taking the Good New one up to the last corner of the land, through the Apostles (2) and of the Christians of all the times. This one is the mission of the Church, which fulfills this way the mandate of the Lord: Go and preach all the peoples ..., teaching them to fulfill everything I have taught you (3). The Facts of the Apostles narrate many details of that first evangelizaciรณn; the same day of Pentecost, Saint Peter preaches the divinity of Jesus Christ, His redeeming Death and His glorious Resurrection (4). Saint Paul, mentioning the Prophet Isaias, exclaims keently: what beautiful the feet of those who announce the Good New one! (5). And the Second one Reading of the Mass speaks to us about the responsibility of this joyful advertisement of the truth that it(he,she) saves: Because if I evangelize, motive of glory is not for me, because it is a duty that me incumbe. Sigh of me if it(he,she) was not evangelizing! (6). With the same San Paul's words, the Church has remembered(reminded) often to the public inspectors the call that the Gentleman does them to take Christ's doctrine everywhere, seizing any opportunity (I Reconcile Vatican).
Let's examine if the apostolate urges us as exigency of our vocation, if we feel the same responsibility of first those, since the need is not today a minor ..., " it is a duty that me incumbe. Sigh of me if I was not evangelizing! " (S. Paul) The apostolate and the proselytism that they attract to the faith or to a major delivery to God they are born of the conviction of possessing the Truth and the Love, the truth salvadora, the unique love that fulfils the anxieties of the heart, always unsatisfied. When this certainty gets lost it is not felt to the diffusion of the faith. Then, even in Christian environments, it(he,she) manages to think that it is not possible to influence in order that not Christians - for example, before the laws in favor of the divorce and the abortion - support a straight law, as(according to) to want divinely. Also it(he,she) loses felt to take Christ's doctrine to other regions where still(yet) it(he,she) has not come or the faith is not deeply deep-rooted; in any case, the apostolic mission turns into a mere social action(share) in favor of the promotion of these peoples(villages), forgetting the richest exchequer that they might give them: the faith in Jesus Christ, and the life of the grace.. .. They are Christian in that the faith has weakened and have forgotten, probably, that the truth is one, which makes the men and the villages more human, and opens the way of the Sky It is important that the faith leads to appearing social actions(shares), but " the world cannot content simply with social reformers. It(he,she) has saints' need. The holiness is not a privilege of few ones; it is a gift offered to all... To doubt on this JUAN PAUL II means not to have just dealt Christ's intentions " (, to the catholic educators), to omit the essence of his(her,your) message. The faith is true, and illuminates our reason, preserves it from mistakes, and cures the wounds and the facility that left the original sin us to turn aside of the way. Of here the safety(security) of the Christian comes, not only in what says strictly to the faith, but to all those questions that they are connected with her(it): the origin of the world and of the life, the untouchable dignity of the person humanizes, the
importance of the family... The faith is a light that it(he,she) illuminates to walk of the man. This takes us - Paul VI-teaches(shows) - to having " a dogmatic attitude, yes, that wants to say that it(she) is founded not in own(proper) science, but in the God's Word (...). Attitude that does not make proud us, as lucky and exclusive holders of the truth, but it(he,she) makes us strong and brave to defend her, loving to spread it. Us it San AgustĂn remembers(reminds): " without pride be proud of the truth " It is an immense gift to have received the real faith, but simultaneously a great responsibility. The apostolic vibration of the Christian who is conscious of the received exchequer is not a fanaticism: it is a love to the truth, manifestation of alive(vivacious) faith, coherence between(among) the thought and the life. Proselytism, in the noble and real sense of the word, is not by any means to attract to the souls with deceptions or violence, but the apostolic effort for announcing to Christ and his(her,your) call every man, wanting that the souls know the wealth(richness) that God has revealed and there are saved, that receive the vocation to a full delivery to God, if this one is the divine will. This proselytism is one of the tasks more noble that the Gentleman has entrusted us.. In this determination(pledge) for spreading the faith, always with respect and appreciation for the persons, it is not necessary to transmit half a truths for dread of that the fullness of the truth and the requirements of an authentic life it(he,she) christens could hit with the fashionable thought and with the aburguesamiento of many(many people). The truth does not have average terms(ends), and the sacrificed love neither admits reductions nor can be an object of commitments. Condition of any apostolate is the loyalty to the doctrine oyalty to the doctrine, though this one present difficult to expire in some cases, and even it is required a heroic behavior, or at least full of strength(fortress). Topics cannot be omitted as the generosity on having put the means to have a large family, requirements of the social justice, full delivery to God when He(It) calls to following(continuing) him... It is not possible to try to please all diminishing, according to human conveniences, the requirements of the Gospel: We speak - (S. Paul to Thessalonika)-, not as whom it(he,she) seeks to please the men, but only to God. It is not a good way to try to make the Gospel easy, silencing or reducing the mysteries that they have to believe and the policies that have to be lived. Nobody has preached he(she) nor will preach the Gospel with major credibility, energy and attraction that Jesus Christ, and existed those who did not follow(continue) him faithfully. We cannot also forget that, today like always, we preach " to crucified Christ, scandal for the Jews, madness for the gentiles, but to be able of God for the so called ones, already Jewish, already Greek ". (S. Paul) Nevertheless, we must strain always in adapting to the capacity and circumstances of whom we try to take up to the Gentleman, as Him(It) it(he,she) teaches(shows) us along the Gospel, which made all attainable. The loyalty public inspector leads to us Christ to transmitting and effectively what we have received. Now, like in times of the first Christians, when it(he,she) began the first evangelizaciĂłn of Europe and of the world, we must announce our friends and acquaintances, to the colleagues ... the Good New one of the divine mercy, the happiness of following(continuing) very
closely Christ in the middle of our housekeeping. And this advertisement endures the need to change life, to do penance, to resign to yes same, to be detached of the material goods, to be chaste, to look with humility for the divine pardon, to correspond(fit) to what He(It) wants of each of us from the eternity. The zeal of which many(many people) follow(continue) Christ must push us to live better through the charity with all, to putting more means them to bring over before to the Gentleman, who waits for them: Christ's charity urges us!. This one was the engine of San Paul's tireless apostolic activity, and it will be also what it(he,she) us stimulates to us; the love will lead the Gentleman to feeling the apostolic urgency to us and not to failing to take advantage of any occasion that us one presents. It(he,she) is more, in many circumstances we will be we who we will provoke these opportunities, which of another form would never take place. " The whole world looks for you mundo te busca”... El mundo tiene hambre y sed de
Dios. Por eso, junto a la caridad, la esperanza. Nuestros amigos y conocidos, incluso los más alejados, también tienen necesidad y deseos de Dios, aunque muchas veces no los manifiesten. Y, sobre todo, el Señor los busca a ellos. Pidamos a la Santísima Virgen el afán apostólico y proselitista que tuvieron los Apóstoles y los primeros cristianos.
San Juan Crisóstomo was going out to the step of the possible excuses before this most pleasing obligation: " Nothing there is any more cold that a Christian who does not worry for the salvation about the others (...). Do not say: I cannot help them, so(then,since) if you are Christian indeed it is impossible that you could not do. The properties of the natural things cannot refuse: the same thing happens with
this that we affirm, since it(he,she) is in the nature of the Christian to act of this form (...). It(he,she) is easier than the Sun do not illuminate not warmly that a Christian stops giving light; easier than this it(he,she) would be that the light was glooms. Do not say that it is an impossible thing; the impossible thing is the opposite (...) . If we arrange well our conduct, everything else will continue as natural consequence. One cannot conceal the light of the Christians, one cannot conceal a lamp that shines so much ". (CrisĂłstomo) PreguntĂŠmonos if in our environment, in the place where we live and where we work, we are real transmitters of the faith, if we bring our friends over to a major frequency of sacraments.