-The Fraternal correction There is a fragment of the Gospel of Matthew (18, 15), which refers to the obligation of fraternal correction, which can not be read without experiencing a certain feeling as surprise and sorrow. Well, sorry there, indeed, like the gentle voice of Christ imposes a duty that very rarely fulfilled in our day, how eager they are, however, frankness and sincerity, and even seem eager assume frankness and sincerity as its features, typical and unmistakable. And it is the duty of fraternal correction and get your strength is rooted in the virtue of sincerity; but, although the virtue of sincerity, such as honesty, contribute something to their own practice this evangelical precept, it is based directly on charity. Well, precisely in the light of love, comes the voice of Christ in us was perfectly understandable, and the evangelical precept will be displayed in all its glory. We have to love our neighbor and love him well, wanting their property, especially his eternal good: why not follow indifferent, or we shrugged before someone is in danger, you have not taken the right path or not as it should and as it could be; also why,
for example, keep us well "leave it running" when we see someone in our family or circle of acquaintances is about to break, or perhaps has already broken the order and harmony of charity. In this, as in so many similar cases, it is precisely the word of Christ that compels us to not "let it run." Well, he indeed tells us "... Go and corrects alone. If listens to you, you have gained your brother." And his commandment is the depth of the simple things, the immediacy of fresh concrete programs. Pages. Sacred Scripture teaches us that in the past, God used prophets, souls full of strength and charity, to warn men, even the rulers, they were out of the way. ÂĄAnd how much loyalty and love living prophets knew and fulfill the duty of fraternal correction! Think in our time, is it perhaps less urgent works of mercy spiritual warned that wrong, to teach the brother who knows? Almost as if these words of the Lord "comes and fixes it" seems not only to rub many of us today -Âżdo you see it? - The "neighbor" is not because our neighbor and the today who glimpses of consciousness around him, at his side, evil, an evil that could be avoided. So for
"other" is still my brother. And yet, you know, when it finds a faithful will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like and eager hearts of the good self and others, the word of Christ penetrates the soul like a sword that begs to be grasped, which requires and demands powerfully action. "Go and corrected": the Gospel with his commandments and his advice always warns us that life is the time for action - and invites us not to put the middle period ( while we give our laziness and our selfishness) between serenely idea matured in our judgment and our purpose, and action to fulfill it. It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone that, they then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite
expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far sometimes masked under the a just have what we call "our interests," these mbitious expression exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obvious-because bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or interests of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity . Who lives in christian spirit the precepte coection,
of the fraternal
do not think at that time itself, but on the other that has made for him, that is why, in brother. At that time, no
present its interests or its good name, but the real interests and good name of others. At that moment, no longer certainly aside many things, but above all his pride. He left thinking it to be fully absorbed by concern for others and the way that the other must resort to join with the Lord. If we were given to see the soul of one who, according to the word of Christ, fulfills the duty of fraternal correction would stay conquered by the grandeur and harmony of feelings at that moment take your heart when you have to satisfy the sweet commandment of brotherly love. In that spirit could read the signs of the delicate charity, clean the depth of a friendship that no retreats before a duty that must be fulfilled, and the Christian fortress, which is solid cardinal virtue. The duty of fraternal correction reminds us that not always the fear of displeasing others is a good thing. Unfortunately, the large number of people, not to displease or not to impress someone who is living its last days and the last moments of its existence earthly silent the state royal making him so bad incalculable dimensions. But it is still higher than the number of his friends are in error or sin,
or about to fall into one or the other, and remain silent and not move a finger to prevent the evils. ÂżShould we grant those so will bring us the title of friends? Certainly Not And It , however, usually do for not displeasing to us. "Not disliked"; can we be responsible for serious sins, which should be often called complicity. And this, correction must be met in certain ways and circumstances. The Lord, in fact, tells us: "Go and corrects," but after specific "alone". It is fascinating that notice, the invitation to delicacy, to touch, to friendship. let alone the fact that often when we bestow correction to believe that others -we, amic- will feel disgusted to do for us, honest and delicately, a incere warning, formulated on these trial certainly not the honor, which normally is not a Christian judgment. The obligation of fraternal correction must be met in certain ways and circumstances. The Lord, in fact, tells us: "Go and corrects," but after specific "alone". It is fascinating that notice, the invitation to delicacy, to touch, to friendship. Immediately brings to mind
many Christian virtues: first of all charity, which is what drives us to talk about the virtue that breaks or stops languages, depending on the circumstances; Well, Christian prudence, which has been rightly called, efficient and modern image to the "council of administration of the charity"; humility, teaches, perhaps more than any other virtue, to find the right word and so you do not offend, to remind us that we too need many warnings; the fortitude and honesty, which is recognized by the true man and true Christian.may happen that this precept of Christ, someone to believe that others -we, amic- will feel disgusted to do for us, honest and delicately, a sincere warning, formulated on These trial certainly not the honor, which normally is not a Christian judgment. The obligation of fraternal Immediately brings to mind many Christian virtues: first of all charity, which is what drives us to talk about the virtue that breaks or stops languages, depending on the circumstances; Well, Christian prudence, which has been rightly called, efficient and modern image to the "council of administration of the charity"; humility, teaches, perhaps more
than any other virtue, to find the right word and so you do not offend, to remind us that we too need many warnings; the fortitude and honesty, which is recognized by the true man and true Christian. "Alone," Here's a secret for good, a test of true friendship, fidelity insurance and loyalty. ,will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes loyalty. Talking is one thing, muttered another. Whispered, ie, speaking ill of a person with others, ur problems and rightness of our life; that arise with new links for a new friendship, sincerity and made sincere heartfelt gratitude. Add, then, in the list of questions we usually turn to when our daily examination of conscience, a us question the duty of fraternal correction. I put our friends, for they are always true and Christian, in the shelter of this sweet commandment of the Lord.or tell others how bad, in our opinion, makes a certain person is to be uncharitable and often to justice. But noting that person evil does, warned delicately that our brother to be corrected, is to observe the precept of the Lord and to fulfill an act of charity, offering a test of true friendship and Christian when we are about to whispered
someone, we try with the grace of God, contain us, asking in order to warn the person if it is truly the case, according to the criteria that must always preside over the morality of our actions. But the duty of speaking corresponds naturally obliged to listen. Who does not listen voluntarily deprives this helps, let expire a right given her: that is, the right, based on charity, be warned, be corrected, if ultimately helped effectively. What sad not to listen and be known to all as people who can say anything, as Christians -of name, so only- with pride that reject all help others! The pride separates us, distances us from others; we established in solitude. We are reduced to this tragic condition, so sadly deplored by the Scriptures: Vae soli, who ceiderit non habet cum sublevantem itself; ยกUnfortunate what's alone, because when you can not fall that the East! Here for the Lord, after having sanctioned as necessary fraternal correction, adds: "If listens, you have won your brother." Well, in fact, is very true that hurts to hear that arises in these circumstances always lively and Christian friendship, or is consolidated and becomes even more pur problems and rightness of our life; that
arise with new links for a new friendship, sincerity and made sincere heartfelt gratitude. Add, then, in the list of questions we usually turn to when our daily examination of conscience, a us question the duty of fraternal correction. I put our friends, for they are always true and Christian, in the shelter of this sweet commandment of the Lord.rofound and true friendship existing. warnings heard, accepted and are always grateful for any links binding friendship that rise to the level of Christian friendship. Win and be won this way means making others feel the breath of the spirit of the Gospel in our relationships and our friendships. If we listen to others when they come to us moved by the evangelical spirit for this charity Christian armies, especially the virtue of humility, because no other virtue has the mind like this to know the truth and the heart to receive peace. And with peace and will be easier to straighten with the help of God, our paths and paved the way of our moral life. In such interior dispositions aflorarĂ soon a feeling of living gratitude that our brother so that takes our problems seriously and rightness of our life; that arise with new links,excessive sensitivity towards the
freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actualloyalty. Talking is one thing, muttered another. Whispered, ie, speaking ill of a person with others, or tell others how bad, in our opinion, makes a certain person is to be uncharitable and often to justice. But noting that person evil does, warned delicately that our brother to be corrected, is to observe the precept of the Lord and to fulfill an act of charity, offering a test of true friendship and Christian when we are about to whispered someone, we try with the grace of God, contain us, asking in order to warn the person if it is truly the case, according to the criteria that must always preside over the morality of our actions. But the duty of speaking corresponds naturally obliged to listen. Who does not listen voluntarily deprives this helps, let expire a right given her: that is, the right, based on charity, be warned, be corrected, if ultimately helped effectively. Bon sad not to listen and be known to all as people who can say anything, as Christians -of name, so sols- with pride that reject all help others! The pride separates us, distances us from others; we established in solitude. We are
reduced to this tragic condition, so sadly deplored by the Scriptures: Vae soli, who ceiderit non habet cum sublevantem itself; ÂĄUnfortunate what's alone, because when you can not fall that the East! Here for the Lord, after having sanctioned as necessary fraternal correction, adds: "If listens, you have won your brother." Well, in fact, is very true that hurts to hear that arises in these circumstances always lively and Christian friendship, or is consolidated and becomes even more profound and true friendship existing. warnings heard, accepted and are always grateful for any links binding friendship that rise to the level of Christian friendship. Win and be won this way means making others feel the breath of the spirit of the Gospel in our relationships and our friendships. If we listen to others when they come to us moved by the evangelical spirit for this charity Christian armies, especially the virtue of humility, because no other virtue has the mind like this to know the truth and the heart to receive peace. And with peace and will be easier to straighten with the help of God, our paths and paved the way of our moral life. In such interior dispositions aflorarĂ soon a feeling of
living gratitude that our brother so that takes our problems seriously and rightness of our life; that arise with new links,ly the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests
sometimes masked under the ambitious expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity . It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks
that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests sometimes masked under the ambitious expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity .dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill
a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests sometimes masked under the ambitious expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity .
It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of
assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests sometimes masked under the ambitious expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity . It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all
the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests sometimes masked under the ambitious expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity . or consolidates and becomes even more profound a -THE Fraternal correction There is a fragment of the Gospel of Matthew (18, 15), which refers to the obligation of fraternal correction, which can not be read without experiencing a certain
feeling as surprise and sorrow. Well, sorry there, indeed, like the gentle voice of Christ imposes a duty that very rarely fulfilled in our day, how eager they are, however, frankness and sincerity, and even seem eager assume frankness and sincerity as its features, typical and unmistakable. And it is the duty of fraternal correction and get your strength is rooted in the virtue of sincerity; but, although the virtue of sincerity, such as honesty, contribute something to their own practice this evangelical precept, it is based directly on charity. Well, precisely in the light of love, comes the voice of Christ in us was perfectly understandable, and the evangelical precept will be displayed in all its glory. We have to love our neighbor and love him well, wanting their property, especially his eternal good: why not follow indifferent, or we shrugged before someone is in danger, you have not taken the right path or not as it should and as it could be; also why, for example, keep us well "leave it running" when we see someone in our family or circle of acquaintances is about to break, or perhaps has already broken the order and harmony of charity. In this, as in so many similar cases, it is precisely
the word of Christ that compels us to not "let it run." Well, he indeed tells us "... Go and corrects alone. If listens to you, you have gained your brother." And his commandment is the depth of the simple things, the immediacy of fresh concrete programs. Pages. Sacred Scripture teaches us that in the past, God used prophets, souls full of strength and charity, to warn men, even the rulers, they were out of the way. ÂĄAnd how much loyalty and love living prophets knew and fulfill the duty of fraternal correction! Think in our time, is it perhaps less urgent works of mercy spiritual warned that wrong, to teach the brother who knows? Almost as if these words of the Lord "comes and fixes it" seems not only to rub many of us today -Âżdo you see it? - The "neighbor" is not because our neighbor and the today who glimpses of consciousness around him, at his side, evil, an evil that could be avoided. So for "other" is still my brother. And yet, you know, when it finds a faithful will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of
Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like and eager hearts of the good self and others, the word of Christ penetrates the soul like a sword that begs to be grasped, which requires and demands powerfully action. "Go and corrected": the Gospel with his commandments and his advice always warns us that life is the time for action - and invites us not to put the middle period ( while we give our laziness and our selfishness) between serenely idea matured in our judgment and our purpose, and action to fulfill it. It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone that, they then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may
arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far sometimes masked under the a just have what we call "our interests," these mbitious expression exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obvious-because bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or interests of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity . Who lives in christian spirit the precepte coection,
of the fraternal
do not think at that time itself, but on the other that has made for him, that is why, in brother. At that time, no present its interests or its good name, but the real interests and good name of others. At that moment, no longer certainly aside many things, but above all his pride. He left thinking it to be fully absorbed by concern for others and the
way that the other must resort to join with the Lord. If we were given to see the soul of one who, according to the word of Christ, fulfills the duty of fraternal correction would stay conquered by the grandeur and harmony of feelings at that moment take your heart when you have to satisfy the sweet commandment of brotherly love. In that spirit could read the signs of the delicate charity, clean the depth of a friendship that no retreats before a duty that must be fulfilled, and the Christian fortress, which is solid cardinal virtue. The duty of fraternal correction reminds us that not always the fear of displeasing others is a good thing. Unfortunately, the large number of people, not to displease or not to impress someone who is living its last days and the last moments of its existence earthly silent the state royal making him so bad incalculable dimensions. But it is still higher than the number of his friends are in error or sin, or about to fall into one or the other, and remain silent and not move a finger to prevent the evils. ÂżShould we grant those so will bring us the title of friends? Certainly Not
And It , however, usually do for not displeasing to us. "Not disliked"; can we be responsible for serious sins, which should be often called complicity. And this, correction must be met in certain ways and circumstances. The Lord, in fact, tells us: "Go and corrects," but after specific "alone". It is fascinating that notice, the invitation to delicacy, to touch, to friendship. let alone the fact that often when we bestow correction to believe that others -we, amic- will feel disgusted to do for us, honest and delicately, a incere warning, formulated on these trial certainly not the honor, which normally is not a Christian judgment. The obligation of fraternal correction must be met in certain ways and circumstances. The Lord, in fact, tells us: "Go and corrects," but after specific "alone". It is fascinating that notice, the invitation to delicacy, to touch, to friendship. Immediately brings to mind many Christian virtues: first of all charity, which is what drives us to talk about the virtue that breaks or stops languages, depending on the circumstances; Well, Christian prudence, which has been rightly called, efficient and modern image
to the "council of administration of the charity"; humility, teaches, perhaps more than any other virtue, to find the right word and so you do not offend, to remind us that we too need many warnings; the fortitude and honesty, which is recognized by the true man and true Christian.may happen that this precept of Christ, someone to believe that others -we, amic- will feel disgusted to do for us, honest and delicately, a sincere warning, formulated on These trial certainly not the honor, which normally is not a Christian judgment. The obligation of fraternal Immediately brings to mind many Christian virtues: first of all charity, which is what drives us to talk about the virtue that breaks or stops languages, depending on the circumstances; Well, Christian prudence, which has been rightly called, efficient and modern image to the "council of administration of the charity"; humility, teaches, perhaps more than any other virtue, to find the right word and so you do not offend, to remind us that we too need many warnings; the fortitude and honesty, which is recognized by the true man and true Christian. "Alone," Here's a secret for
good, a test of true friendship, fidelity insurance and loyalty. ,will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes loyalty. Talking is one thing, muttered another. Whispered, ie, speaking ill of a person with others, ur problems and rightness of our life; that arise with new links for a new friendship, sincerity and made sincere heartfelt gratitude. Add, then, in the list of questions we usually turn to when our daily examination of conscience, a us question the duty of fraternal correction. I put our friends, for they are always true and Christian, in the shelter of this sweet commandment of the Lord.or tell others how bad, in our opinion, makes a certain person is to be uncharitable and often to justice. But noting that person evil does, warned delicately that our brother to be corrected, is to observe the precept of the Lord and to fulfill an act of charity, offering a test of true friendship and Christian when we are about to whispered someone, we try with the grace of God, contain us, asking in order to warn the person if it is truly the case, according to the criteria that must always preside over the morality of our actions. But the duty of speaking corresponds naturally obliged
to listen. Who does not listen voluntarily deprives this helps, let expire a right given her: that is, the right, based on charity, be warned, be corrected, if ultimately helped effectively. What sad not to listen and be known to all as people who can say anything, as Christians -of name, so only- with pride that reject all help others! The pride separates us, distances us from others; we established in solitude. We are reduced to this tragic condition, so sadly deplored by the Scriptures: Vae soli, who ceiderit non habet cum sublevantem itself; ยกUnfortunate what's alone, because when you can not fall that the East! Here for the Lord, after having sanctioned as necessary fraternal correction, adds: "If listens, you have won your brother." Well, in fact, is very true that hurts to hear that arises in these circumstances always lively and Christian friendship, or is consolidated and becomes even more pur problems and rightness of our life; that arise with new links for a new friendship, sincerity and made sincere heartfelt gratitude. Add, then, in the list of questions we usually turn to when our daily examination of conscience, a us question the duty of fraternal correction. I
put our friends, for they are always true and Christian, in the shelter of this sweet commandment of the Lord.rofound and true friendship existing. warnings heard, accepted and are always grateful for any links binding friendship that rise to the level of Christian friendship. Win and be won this way means making others feel the breath of the spirit of the Gospel in our relationships and our friendships. If we listen to others when they come to us moved by the evangelical spirit for this charity Christian armies, especially the virtue of humility, because no other virtue has the mind like this to know the truth and the heart to receive peace. And with peace and will be easier to straighten with the help of God, our paths and paved the way of our moral life. In such interior dispositions aflorarĂ soon a feeling of living gratitude that our brother so that takes our problems seriously and rightness of our life; that arise with new links,excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actualloyalty. Talking is one thing, muttered another. Whispered, ie, speaking ill of a person with others, or tell others how bad, in our opinion, makes
a certain person is to be uncharitable and often to justice. But noting that person evil does, warned delicately that our brother to be corrected, is to observe the precept of the Lord and to fulfill an act of charity, offering a test of true friendship and Christian when we are about to whispered someone, we try with the grace of God, contain us, asking in order to warn the person if it is truly the case, according to the criteria that must always preside over the morality of our actions. But the duty of speaking corresponds naturally obliged to listen. Who does not listen voluntarily deprives this helps, let expire a right given her: that is, the right, based on charity, be warned, be corrected, if ultimately helped effectively. Bon sad not to listen and be known to all as people who can say anything, as Christians -of name, so sols- with pride that reject all help others! The pride separates us, distances us from others; we established in solitude. We are reduced to this tragic condition, so sadly deplored by the Scriptures: Vae soli, who ceiderit non habet cum sublevantem itself; ยกUnfortunate what's alone, because when you can not fall that the East! Here for the Lord, after having sanctioned as
necessary fraternal correction, adds: "If listens, you have won your brother." Well, in fact, is very true that hurts to hear that arises in these circumstances always lively and Christian friendship, or is consolidated and becomes even more profound and true friendship existing. warnings heard, accepted and are always grateful for any links binding friendship that rise to the level of Christian friendship. Win and be won this way means making others feel the breath of the spirit of the Gospel in our relationships and our friendships. If we listen to others when they come to us moved by the evangelical spirit for this charity Christian armies, especially the virtue of humility, because no other virtue has the mind like this to know the truth and the heart to receive peace. And with peace and will be easier to straighten with the help of God, our paths and paved the way of our moral life. In such interior dispositions aflorarĂ soon a feeling of living gratitude that our brother so that takes our problems seriously and rightness of our life; that arise with new links,ly the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone
who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests sometimes masked under the ambitious expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of
revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity . It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same
friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests sometimes masked under the ambitious expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity .dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all
the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests sometimes masked under the ambitious expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity . It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has
helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests sometimes masked under the ambitious
expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity . It may happen that this precept of Christ, someone will find it offensive, this exquisite and sometimes excessive sensitivity towards the freedom and dignity of our fellow spirit of the age has helped to form in the minds of Christians. Well, actually the Lord to teach us about the duty of fraternal correction commands us to correct, or say face to face to someone who is doing something that is not well done. I say it like that, they have to fulfill a commission unpleasant gracefully hides behind the polite expression that has not Ambasciatori it, and with all your understanding and apologize attitude, and almost pity; but with a sense of personal responsibility has taken over all the responsibilities and all the setbacks that the correction may arise for himself and for the other. Since this simple consideration we realize that the performance of such evangelical precept far exceeds what is the plan of the spirit
world of social conventions and the same friendship that is based on criteria exclusively human. And it is not obviousbecause then we would not have passed this plan, it would be just below him- of assaulting someone with bad language and manners worse, because, say, for example, has done or said something we are disturbed, injured or just have what we call "our interests," these interests sometimes masked under the ambitious expression of our "good name." This is not, of course: doing this practice is not the duty of evangelical fraternal correction, but the complaints of breathing self, to authorize the spirit of revenge and lacking in general, more or less seriously, to charity . or consolidates and becomes even more profound and true friendship existing. warnings heard, accepted and are always grateful for any links binding friendship that rise to the level of Christian friendship. Win and be won this way means making others feel the breath of the spirit of the Gospel in our relationships and our friendships. If we listen to others when they come to us moved by the evangelical spirit for this charity Christian armies, especially the virtue of humility, because no other virtue
has the mind like this to know the truth and the heart to receive peace. And with peace and will be easier to straighten with the help of God, our paths and paved the way of our moral life. In such interior dispositions aflorarĂ soon a feeling of living gratitude that our brother so that takes our problems seriously and rightness of our life; that arise with new links for a new friendship, sincerity and made sincere heartfelt gratitude. Add, then, in the list of questions we usually turn to when our daily examination of conscience, a us question the duty of fraternal correction. I put our friends, for they are always true and Christian, in the shelter of this sweet commandment of the Lord. nd true friendship existing. warnings heard, accepted and are always grateful for any links binding friendship that rise to the level of Christian friendship. Win and be won this way means making others feel the breath of the spirit of the Gospel in our relationships and our friendships. If we listen to others when they come to us moved by the evangelical spirit for this charity Christian armies, especially the virtue of humility, because no other virtue has the mind like
this to know the truth and the heart to receive peace. And with peace and will be easier to straighten with the help of God, our paths and paved the way of our moral life. In such interior dispositions aflorarĂ soon a feeling of living gratitude that our brother so that takes our problems seriously and rightness of our life; that arise with new links for a new friendship, sincerity and made sincere heartfelt gratitude. Add, then, in the list of questions we usually turn to when our daily examination of conscience, a us question the duty of fraternal correction. I put our friends, for they are always true and Christian, in the shelter of this sweet commandment of the Lord.