Work (Fz Carvajal) anglès

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Work Basic notion of the work and purposes .. Work is: "Any action, according to dignity of person, who answers to a project of efficiency (of reaching the project that is tried) and be realized by intention it puts sleeplessness in its execution in order that the result of the action is effective". Naturally that this definition takes implicitly that the work has a free character and transient (who is a process which end is out of the action in yes. The purposes of the work of the man are: -To obtain the perfection of the world and to develop his talents for the personal development. -To achieve the own maintenance and to collaborate with of the others. -To originate and to strengthen the solidarity among the men. Dimensions of the work in the life of the man The work believes the most ample studding of interpersonal and social relations. Up to the point of being able to affirm that the work forms the society. Precisely for this, in order to achieve a new social order, the work acquires a cardinal relief. - personal dimension. God created the man in order that, working, he was perfecting the world. It is a question of a typically human reality inscribed in the man as own and natural vocation. The work distinguishes the man radically from the rest of the existing beings. Only the man is capable of working because only he transforms the nature, in reason of his spirituality (intelligence and will). From another top perspective, the work is a natural vocation of man, that acquires the character of supernatural vocation, way of sanctification. This way it was emphasized by the Beat Josemaria, pioneer in the spirituality of the work. - social dimension. The work in human reality does not become exhausted in the man. The work constructs the society, serves to the society and is arranged to the common good, reality derived from the social nature of the man The man builds and improves the society transforming the nature by means of the work, at the time that it is perfected by itself. The work structures the diverse interpersonal relations. Of the triple relation it presents - work-society the corresponding relations of justice are deduced, enforceable coherent in favour of every individual and social entity and from that the consequent responsibilities stem. Other dimensions. The work is a good because it is an activity typically human - realized by the man, to be rational, intelligent and free-, that enlarges the man Because it is a question of an "act of the man", discloses it has intrinsically a nature and moral consequence; the work has a reality capable of ethical valuation. It is necessary to to be an expression of his spiritual dignity, which is ordained to the service of the man. It is an act of love and solidarity of the man. For with the man and the entire society. The work serves to the family, determines the natural vocation of the man to

constitute a family. - the wealth of dimensions that includes the work they extend the whole person to his relations with the others and to the entire society. Christianity and work - the dignity of the work of the man. The christianity has awarded to the human work his real and full dignity (not this way the materialistic conceptions, which they it consider to be "a" "goods", or way for the " revolutionary fight "), since it has cleared the corruptions that were degrading it and his moral message it is made positive up to awarding the category of "way of sanctification". On the other hand, Christ's message has inspired the human work as act of love among the men, and by means of it he realizes the justice across the solidarity. - Juan Paul II: "Of conformity with the human and Christian dignity, all honest, intellectual or manual work, it(he) must be realized in God's honour, and with the major possible perfection. Fact like that for humble and insignificant that seems, will contribute to the good of h., to arranging with a Christian way the temporary realities and to demonstrating his divine dimension ". The Church, with his message it wants to humanize the human work. - The spirit of the Opus Dei in relation with the work From the first moment, san Josemaria has taught(showed) that the spirit of the Opus Dei comes to underline an aspect of the Christian message that in course of the centuries had remained forgotten: the fact that any work humanely worthy and honest can turn into divine task, that is to say, into area to love and to serve God and, therefore, to be sanctified. This conception of the work has influenced in the Council Vatican the second and particularly in the new vision of the laity (Illanes). Working is a fruit of the sin, but integral part of the God's project on the man and on the world: "the man is born to work, as the bird to fly" (Job V, 7). The original sin introduces the fatigue and other connotations.In the spirit of the Opus Dei, every man who wants to follow the own nature and to be perfected, already be in the human or supernatural sense, he must work. - the work - with certain conditions - is connatural to the man. - an intrinsic characteristic to the human nature is that across the work she(it) itself develops and develops the relations with the others and with the world. -saint JosemarĂ­a, in this line, affirms of the work that: It is a way of participation in the work of the creation, and that is average for redeeming with Christ, since he has assumed, with the Redemption realized by Christ, a new connotation in all that that has happened(passed) to be what before could not be: I happen for redeeming with Christ. - the sanctification of the work The expression with which san Josemaria synthesis the nucleus of the spirituality of the Opus Dei becomes condensed this way: To sanctify the work, to be sanctified in the work and to sanctify the others with the work. To sanctify the work: - it means to work with the maximum possible perfection, so much in the human plane (professional competence) as supernatural (for love to the divine will and to the service of the men). With other words, he is the activities exalt occupations raising them to the order of the grace, how?: chasing he perfection of the work in yes and arranging it God and to the men.

Made good. As indispensable condition to come to the contemplation (to the deal in God) the same work, even naturally considered, has to reflect the divine perfection. It has to express that it is done by human quality, by the major human possible perfection in the material, intellectual aspects, in the contributed solutions, etc. " You will not present anything defective, since it would not be worthy of " For the union of the Christian with Christ, the work turns into God's work. Thus, the structures of the society can be informed from inside by Christ's spirit. To be sanctified in the work: - it means to find Christ in the work in place of ordinary life and in matter that it is necessary to sanctify in an immediate and direct way. To be sanctified wants to say two things: To work in an ethically straight way, which has in consideration the honesty, the loyalty, the justice and other virtues; and to discover this " slightly divine " that is in the heart itself of the labour activity. a) Honour of intention or ethically straight: it is necessary to purify the will and to be capable of receiving the God's love: it has to have moral honour, manliness of good, nobility, loyalty, justice. Thus your professional work not only will be straight and holy, but, also for this title, it will be a prayer. Honesty: morally acceptable, neatly for acting well in spite of the fact that it brings lacks of understanding Incomprehension or fewer benefits, without shielding itself in the corruptions that others commit. All the professions have own questions of professional mulberry morality. Not to remain in the ignorance complications to be avoided. To train, to ask to whom he has criterion. b) Other virtues: Witness. To finish: last stones. strength to resist before the adversity with good spirit. Broad backs. Affected. To smile and to avoid to translate the oppositions hurting the others. Tenacity: to face the difficulty. Loyalty: to fulfil the acquired commitment and to be a public inspector with whom we are awkward. Humility: to be able to be in the place and level that fits to us. The merits not to assume of others. To learn of the personal mistakes. Companionship: to help and to teach. To recognize the merits of others. Not to criticize. Order: to organize into a hierarchy the matters. Importance and urgency. Order of values: God, the others, we. Not to take the time of God and of the family. c) To turn the work into prayer: To offer the work to God before beginning. To turn the work into prayer thinking that it is the altar where we offer everything (worries, jealousies. happy moments, service to the others, economic means, etc.). To turn the work into prayer It does not express by means of words, but with the facts and the attitudes that fit to the accomplishment of a made work of agreement with the dignity of a son of God. It is not to say ejaculations or vocal prayers, though these can be clauses in the activity. To sanctify the others with the work: - it means to open the work for his apostolic dimension. To sanctify the others with the work: The well realized work supposes an active testimony that is translated in a concrete and effective help into the persons who collaborate or who see the

result of the work. Such a testimony, far from being a simple passive presence, endures a relation of friendship and confidence by means of which it is possible to propitiate the meeting of the colleagues of work with Christ. Making fraternal and apostolic sense in the professional relations - apostolate of the example. Professional prestige: the one that works well and has human virtues drags the others with naturalness. - occasion to bring God over to the others beginning for the most near. - the apostolic dimension of the professional task, leads us to executing the work with desires to earn souls, sanctifying the human relations that he takes with him - the dialog and the friendship open the way to expose the catholic faith and to bring over to the Christian life.

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