Vol. 1
Orion Joss presents
Edition 1.0 YEAR 1
201r5 a motivation letter for SPOTIFY
Part I I always dreamed of having a rock band. When I was just a kid, I used to dress up and spend hours pretending I’m a rock star in front of the mirror. I’m not even coun>ng the several a?empts of doing my own concert in the shower. When I was 5 years old I woke up my parents with my small plas>c blue guitar playing a morning song to them and waking them up early on Sunday – that might be hell for my parents. But I guess that, hell came actually 7 years later, aEer I acquired my first rock CD, “Master of Puppets”, Metallica. I used to drive my mom insane when she wanted to rest and I was in my room exploding the speakers of my Philips CD Player.
Part II When I was a teenager, MTV was introduced in Brazil and my life totally changed. Before, I use to record casse?es in the radio with the cool songs in the local radio sta>ons to listen them later in my yellow Walkman; but when MTV era arrived in my home, my world was enlarged by the cool concerts and so, my will to have a band was enriched much more watching the concerts and seeing the aStude from ar>sts such as – RHCP, Nirvana, SOAD and Green Day, Prodigy, and also get to know the history and roots of Rock n’ Roll. At the >me, I also wanted to have piercings and ta?oos. I was too young for that, so my mom didn’t allow me. It’s Fine, I ended up having all of them later.
Part IV
At the same period, Internet got introduced to me -‐ I had my first Intel 386 and I used to spend the whole night -‐ aEer my parents went to sleep (it was much cheaper for the dial-‐up tone to connect aEer midnight) downloading 3, 4 some>mes even 5 MP3 songs at 56kbps and then when I wake up, I use to rock the house listening to those new exci>ng songs. Oh boy, how I use to love the combina>on of Napster and Winamp.
Part V
In the school, at the age of 15 I was invited to join a band, but since I didn’t have a guitar nor a bass and also my parents were struggling a bit to pay for my school, I couldn’t buy one and I had to refuse the invita>on – that made me really sad. By the age of 18 finally, as a birthday present, I got my very first guitar!!!! Yeah!!!! That was stunning! I was locked up all day long in my room just playing and playing and that became my obsession. By the age of 19 I joined 2 bachelors in college and started to work, so my dream of having a band was slowly fading away – I had no more >me to play.
Part VI Now, I have to jump in the history and here I am, graduated, living abroad, having lived in 4 different countries and travelled more than 30, a?ended to AC/DC, RDCP, SOAD, Radiohead and most of my favourite bands and have had explored dozen of discography in the Torrent era. Today I can also say that I know how to do Business Development, Partnership Management, Human Resources, Employer Branding, Digital Marke>ng, aEer working in many organiza>ons and in AIESEC for 7 years. but what I had to put on hold, was the dream to have my own band. In fact, I guess I changed my mind. I no longer want to “have” my own band but, I want to “Join the band” Because music is not something that I can “own”. Music is not tangible, music is something else, is organic, is art, music is part of our life.
Part VII
And furthermore, besides the fact that I s>ll don’t have a band, music was always part of my life, during these years, with MTV, Napster, Torrents, Winamp, Last FM, crazy par>es, Karaoke, Rock Fes>vals. Now, with Spo>fy, I feel that music is with me all the >me, wherever I am, however I’m feeling, with whomever is with me, I really feel that my life has a soundtrack. And all this is very connected with the reason which I would like to join Spo>fy’s team, and contribute to this amazing mission of spreading music to everyone, everywhere, with respect and incen>ve to ar>st. I believe this is a very noble purpose. Life without music will be very monochroma>c.
Part VIII I believe that I can make a difference at Spo>fy working with one of my areas of knowledge and experience, but specifically working with sales, because as I use to say, “I’m not a sales person”, I only sell, what I truly believe, and Spo>fy is definitely something I believe in. What I want in life is to “be a catalyst of posi>ve impact empowering and connec>ng people, ideas and organisa>ons”. That’s the statement of my life’s mission and I accomplish this wherever I am, in the personal life and, of course, in the work I do. So, being part of Spo>fy’s band will help me to be in accordance with my mission, and being myself at the best, since I will be impac>ng posi>vely so many lives, empowering a lot of good ideas and building connec>ons all the >me, because music is social.
Part IX
Thank you for reading my motivation letter.
Orion Joss orionjoss@gmail.com + 31 6333 15 724