Pat Lynch SelfMake

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Pat Lynch

PAT LYNCH is a self-made successful business owner as well as a family man from Cork, Ireland. A father of three daughters, he has carved out his way to entrepreneurial success since leaving a salaried job in his forties. Pat founded the award-winning Microtech Cleanroom Services in 1998 which he later sold in 2001. He won the SME Cork Company of the Year in 2001 for Microtech. As an accountant with an MBA, he worked as the Financial Director and Controller for many US firms including Seagate Technology, Western Digital and Summit Technology. Pat is also a board member of the Ignite Programme at University College Cork which accel­ erates business start-ups. Pat is also an angel investor in various companies.

Pat Lynch

Copyright Š 2015 by Pat Lynch All rights reserved. Copyright under Berne Copyright Convention, Universal Copyright Convention, and Pan-American Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within. Printed by City Print in Cork, Ireland First Printing, 2015 ISBN: 978-1-78280-493-2

I dedicate this book to my darling wife Phyl who unfortun­ ately never read the finished version due to her untimely death on 27th February 2015 aged 58 years. Phyl suffered from Parkinson’s for many years and suffered her illness with dignity and courage. Phyl was always an inspiration to me and encouraged me to take risks when others would not. We both completed many of the goals in this book as a team. They say behind every successful man is a more successful woman. Phyl was the lady in my case. Thank you Phyl for 35 years of an amazing marriage. May she Rest in Peace.


Sincere thanks to the team that helped me produce this book including Orlagh O’Brien (design work) and the team at Think Visual: Eleanor O’Reilly, Naomi Fein and Orli Naaman. My good friends Avril Hutch, William Fitzgerald, John Daly and of course my amazing three daughters Emma, Ciara and Stephanie who gave me all the encouragement needed to complete my book. Special mention of my darling wife Phyl who knew it was started but never saw the completed work due to her passing on 27th February 2015.

Acknowledgements 4


P10 Starter P64 Champ P88 Pro P114 Over To You

Foreword by Stephanie Lynch

My Dad, my mentor and my friend. The words of wisdom in this book are highly motivational for any young, aspiring person who is looking for success in life. I have put into practice lots of these points in the past few years having learned them from my Dad at a young age. They have brought me huge success in both my business and personal life. If I can follow in the footsteps of my Dad, I will be a very lucky person.




Pat Lynch

While sitting with my 92-year-old dad I realised he was going to leave this world with lots of great ideas and knowledge. A lot of my own knowledge came from him over the past 60 years. In fact, he was my mentor in many ways and passed away on 22nd February, 2015. I took this realisation with me during a short break in West Cork. Holidays are a great time to recharge the body and make my plans. This time I wrote down 50 goals and plans that I feel anyone could achieve. My objective for this short book is to pass on some of my thoughts for how people could improve their lives both personally and financially. My motivation here is to improve people’s lives and help them achieve great things in less time. I know if I had this book when I was 20 I would have achieved more, faster. To get the most from this book be prepared to write plans for the goals you chose. You may need to set up a family or friends group of say 5 people and meet each month to discuss how you are all doing. Call it your goals club. It will be fun. You will all start achieving together. Nothing like peer pressure! My greatest wish is for the book to help you in some way. Feel free to contact me with your story in the future. Enjoy the book! 9


The First Steps… Welcome! Here you’ll find a rich mixture of some easy-to-do and other more motivating tips to start making your life more whole. All the tips here are designed for you to get going right now. Remember where you are today is not yet where you want to be. The secret is to allow yourself time to complete them one by one. You will see that massive changes will happen in your life. It’s all yours to claim!


Ready Set Goal

Having goals keeps you focused on your dreams. To keep on track, make an annual ritual of setting your goals. Writing the action-plan itself is as important as the goal. Doing this breaks it into smaller steps with shorter time spans to aim for. It’s easier for the mind to stay focused on smaller tasks. Using separate headings also helps. For example: Personal, Finance, Business. Put 3 goals under each area, and there you have it – you’re working with 9 goals and then have 9 written game-plans. These are the actions of a doer! A massive change will follow – you’ll see.



Take Massive Action Now is the time for you to take massive action. Pick nine goals from this book and write down why you are totally committed to achieving them. The “why” is important as this is what motivates you. Then write a plan with action items for each goal. Do this and you’re on course to succeed. Sign your name and it becomes a written contract with yourself. Put a completion date next to the goal and action plan. Pick goals that can be completed in one year. When you have the first goal achieved, replace it with another and you will always be working off nine goals. See page 119 for an example, and the following pages for templates.



Have a Mentor

Having a mentor allows you the opportunity to have an abundance of accumulated knowledge, insights, information and wisdom. Think about it – the best athletes have coaches; the best business people have advisors. So whatever it is that you want to do, consider chosing a mentor who’s successful in the area that you’re aiming at. They might say no at first, but if you keep explaining with appreciation and passion why you need them, it’s most likely they’ll agree eventually. It’s important to pay them – showing your respect for their time and efforts. If you cannot afford to pay with money, there is always a way to pay with kindness – paint their house, maintain their garden or mind their kids.



Learn to Laugh

Laughing is an important tonic. We all need to laugh more. Life has become so serious for all of us. Watch a funny film and let yourself laugh. You can simply meet with a group of friends and laugh all night by bringing up funny stories from your past. Try it. It really works and is great fun. It is difficult to define happiness, as everybody’s so different. But whatever it is that makes you happy, be sure to work hard to achieve it. It could be a combination of many things in this book.



Giving is Receiving All charities nowadays are desperately in need of volunteers and people to help out. There is so much more to volunteering with a charity than just donating money. It’s a humbling experience in which you get perspective, meet new circles of friends and earn the privilege of benefiting others.

Your experience will teach you that the more you give the more you will receive. Compassion is a much needed necessity in life – be the one to provide it. You can easily use your talents to help out and let it lead you to the charity of your choice. Have you considered working in a third world country, with sick children locally or perhaps visiting elderly people in hospitals? 20


Discover Cooking

Learning to cook is a life-skill. Food connects and brings people of all backgrounds together. Many relate to each other through food. Learning to cook is a useful skill not just for survival but also for interacting with others. Small successful steps in the kitchen will build up your skills and confidence. In no time at all you’ll be cooking with joy, passion and a sense of adventure. A great way to show your expertise is inviting friends and family for dinner parties. You’ll soon discover that cooking is an excellent way to collect interesting recipes from family and friends. You’ll end up with delicious options for entertaining and maybe even your own signature dish.



Allow Yourself to DreamBig This book is about putting a plan in place. Allow yourself to dream like a child. Anything is possible. There is no “right” or “wrong” dream. Once you have it, it’s all about setting a plan. Most likely it won’t happen overnight, so allow yourself time.

Start thinking about the big picture and where you want to be in 10 years’ time. Taking small steps today helps you get to the big picture in a few years. Good ideas will also come to you along the way. Make sure you have something to document them as they pop into your mind.



Have a Hobby

Hobbies are an excellent way to reconnect with a part of you that you like. If your job is one of your hobbies, then it’s even better. The nice thing about hobbies is that they allow you to take a break from the daily routine and from the stresses of life. Hobbies are also great ways to meet new people, engage in new adventures and discover new things about yourself. Write down hobbies that you would like and pick one or two. If you do not like one after trying it then go and try a different one. Think about what you liked best when you were a child. Usually what you liked then could be the perfect hobby for you now.



Set Quality Time

Life can get very busy and demanding. Most of us are in a constant race. This is the reason why it’s so important to set some quality “me time”. Whether you’re a busy mum, business owner, senior executive or a school teacher – we all need some downtime. Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Schedule this time the way you would schedule any committment in your life. Make an appointment with yourself. It could be anything, really – go for a swim, get your hair done, a 30 minute walk – anything. Consider meditation with the help of a DVD. You’ll find that sitting by a beach or lake for 30 minutes to think, can help solve any problem you might have. Try it, it does work.



Healthy Spirit Healthy Body

Our body needs exercise; it’s part of our nature. Modern life might trick us to think we’re fine to sit all day, but that’s not true. Most of us are seated all day long – whether in the office, car or on the couch. That’s why it’s important to exercise no matter who you are. It’s been said that walking for 20 minutes, three times a week is something everyone should be doing. Ask a friend to join you to help commit. A dog is a great incentive to motivate you to get active. If you can afford it consider joining the gym. Be honest with yourself however, as unused membership is an expensive cost. Exercise at all ages will help you to live longer and be healthier. After 30 days of regular exercise you will see the difference.



Reward Yourself for Successes

I am a big believer in rewarding yourself when you achieve a goal that’s resulted in financial gain. Sharing it with your partner is important because they’ve supported you in that achievement. The reward may be as simple as a meal for both of you, a short overnight stay at a place of your choice, a concert in the capital or a break in a European city. Doing this will help you both work hard to achieve other goals over the next 6 months.



Book a Health Check It’s of high importance to get a medical checkup every year. Many of us like to postpone, thinking we can leave it to the next week, month or year. But it’s crucial to get our medical checkup on a regular basis as a preventive action. Knowing early about a problem is better than knowing too late. Acting on this today could save your life. Usually, men are more likely to postpone medical checks. So encourage the men in your life to make that appointment today. It is nice to get a clean bill of health each year.



Understand Social Media Social networks have set the tone over the past number of years. They can be useful for business as a lot of people have already discovered. I myself use them too. It’s best to first explore the benefits and risks of having profiles on social media as it’s not for everyone. Would it help your job or business? Linkedin is best known for its business orientation. Having a well written Linkedin profile with a current photo of yourself is good practice. Nonetheless, Twitter and Facebook could also benefit you. Figure out what advantages there are for you of a profile on either. Social media courses are easily available, you may consider doing one. You’re welcome to check Take a look at the presentations that I’ve made available, they may be helpful to you. 36


Be There for Family & Friends It’s nice to know that our family members and friends can count on us in times of need. Hard times can come knocking on anyone’s door, and these are the people that need our help and support. Usually, hard times involve sickness or ill health.

There are many ways you can assist. Drive them to hospital or a doctor’s appointment, drop off a cooked meal to their house, or simply bake a pie or bread. Spend some time relieving the carer which then gives them a little time to themselves. I always say the wheel goes full circle and you might need this support yourself sometime in the future.



Read Books

Books are something that never go out of date. Find ones that inspire you in the area you you’re interested in. Self-help books have always helped me. I enjoyed Richard Branson’s autobiography and ‘Notes from a Friend’ by Anthony Robbins. The list is endless. To avoid high costs, you can buy them online second hand and have them delivered to your door. Alternatively you can download them as an e-book or loan them from the library.



Learn this Lost Art Listening is an art, practiced less and less by most people. However, it’s a useful skill to have for life. We should listen twice as much as we talk, that’s why we have one mouth and two ears!

Being an attentive listener will allow you to let the other person express their feelings, share valuable information with you and feel comfortable talking to you. You will see for yourself that by listening carefully, you will understand situations better.



Take a Day-Off from Spending For one day a week, plan not to spend any money. This is a good practice to have, as you not only save, but also discipline yourself to stay clear of constant spending. Yes, that does involve making your own sandwich for the lunch break, avoiding that bottle of coke, sacrificing a box of cigarettes or not having a drink after work. Let’s say you save just €5 a week. Then that adds up to €260 in the year. It is a tidy little sum, but you can always challenge yourself further by deciding to avoid spending money twice a week.



Save for a Rainy Day Learning to save is a useful skill for life. The younger you start practicing, the better. You never know when you might have to dip into it. Life brings challenging times, and having some extra funds for a rainy day could not only save the day, but also give you peace of mind. There are many ways to save your money, like getting the amount deducted from your salary and lodged directly to your savings account, where you won’t miss it. Credit Unions are also a great place to deposit your savings because they have a policy of lending to savers should you ever need a loan. Consider having a glass jar for your small change – you would be surprised just how much it will amount to by Christmas. 46


Grow Vegetables

Grow vegetables no matter how little ground you have. If you do not have the space, try growing products like thyme and lettuce in pots. It’s nice to have something of your own to grow and nourish, which you can use for yourself. Also, it’s great for children to learn about and experience the growth cycle. If growing vegetables is something you like in particular, then maybe you should consider taking a lot in the country. You will meet lots of new friends and you can exchange vegetables with your neighbours and become self-sufficient.



Be a Jam Maker

Believe it or not, making jam is not difficult at all. Unfortunately, it is a tradition that is dying. You can pick blackberries in August. If you have kids – you can be sure they would love it. The process then, is very easy and can be used for any other fruit beside blackberries. Weigh the blackberries while they are dry; then wash them using a strainer; place them in a large pot and squash them. Boil the blackberries and add the same amount of sugar as the weight of the dry blackberries. Boil again. Watch that they don’t overflow from the pot. Let them simmer for about 20 minutes until the jam gets slightly thick. Stir the pot as you cook at all stages. Remember to scald the jars before you place the hot jam into them to avoid them cracking. Enjoy.



Send ThankYou Cards

It may seem very old fashioned, but when you think about it – what a lovely surprise it is to receive a hand written thank you card. Sending these cards by post to people you are grateful to can mean a lot to them and reflect well on you. If you buy a box of cards and some stamps, you have them available to send the minute you need them. This is a great habit to have, as a means of expressing your gratitude.



Ditch Smoking

Yes, a lot of words have been written over this issue, I’m certainly not the first one and for sure not the last one. Nevertheless, I feel I should say it too – DO NOT SMOKE. The effects of smoking on our health are well known. How about we look at it from a different angle – this bad habit is very expensive. Think about this for a minute: if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day at €10 per pack, then that is €70 per week. By 52 weeks that is €3,640 per annum, and by 20 years amounts to €72,800. You need to earn nearly €150,000 at your top rate of tax to pay for this horrible habit. Plenty of programmes to give up smoking are available these days, so go ahead – chose one, commit and quit smoking.



Drink Moderately It is wise to control the amount of alcohol you consume, no matter what age you are. Learn to know when you’ve had enough. Alcohol is not a friend, so don’t use it to “help” you deal with your issues. Many people develop a dependence on alcohol over time. They are the last people to admit it, but many of their friends and family can see it.

This is of importance for the next generation as well. Adults’ actions influence children a lot. We act as their mentors. If they see an abusive drink culture they will think it is normal behaviour. See if you can encourage children to wait until they are 21 to start drinking. At that age, they are adults and can make up their own minds. 56


Work Hard

No matter what you do in life you should learn to work hard. Whether you are a priest, housewife, part-time factory worker or an accountant, work hard and always give 110%. You will end up being in the top 10% of what you do. Make sure to be on time and stay late if something has to be finished. The benefits of working hard go a long way: getting promoted, better salary increases and the possibility of getting head-hunted. You will also get a better reference from your employer. Working hard will reward you time and time again.



Give Blood

Try to give blood as often as you can. Someone needs it right now. There are many benefits of giving blood including knowing your blood type and, in fact, getting a free test of your blood every time you donate. The Blood Bank will contact you if there are any medical issues with your blood. It can result in early detection if you have any medical problems. It feels great to give blood. You never know the day that you or indeed a family member will need this invaluable donation.



Steer Clear of Drugs

It may sound like the obvious thing, but you might be surprised just how many people are in the company of drugs and are doing drugs. First and foremost – never do drugs. There are no turns or twists here. This also goes for experimenting - you always know where you have started, what you do not know is where you are going to finish. Stay clear of people who do drugs. If they are around you, it means you are in the wrong company. Remember, drugs are not your friends. Whatever it is you are having a hard time with – drugs will only bring you further down.





Yes, You Can It’s now time to put a bit more thought and effort into what you need to do. This is where some extra planning comes in handy and is rewarding. The tips in this section are designed for you to plan your action, think through to a deeper level and act with a long term view. It’s easier than you think – keep going!


Release your Credit Card Credit cards are handy for booking airline tickets and paying for hotels. Having a credit card allows you to spend a lot more than what you have. It is best to have a policy to never use it if you think you cannot pay the balance at the end of a month. Ask your bank to reduce your credit limit to avoid temptation.

Pay your full amount due each month on the due date and never run up a balance on your credit card. Set up a standing charge to clear the balance each month. If you think you are unable to manage your debt on the card, due to the large balance on it, approach your bank and cancel the card. Then get a term loan over 3 years and pay off the debt this way. It is better to be debt free after 3 years than having this hanging over you for life. 66


Do a Sales Course When we think about it, we are all engaging in many sorts of sales throughout our life. Selling is part of the ongoing barter we have with other people. So, having a good and polished selling skill is a must.

You can attend an evening course at your local college, or watch videos online. Learn as much as you can in this area. The important thing is to get a good foundation to build upon. Sales is about fixing a problem for some­ one else. Learn to figure out what that problem is. Know the signs and signals if someone is selling to you. You never know but you might discover that you are a great sales person – a new profession and a possible change of career. 68


Start a Pension Early in Life We’re all going to retire at some stage (hopefully). To have a nest egg on retirement one should consider starting a pension early in life. It might seem far away now, but a pension is just that – your savings for that part of your life. The longer you are contributing into a pension, the bigger the pot will be. Your employer often contributes to your pension, and it can be as much as you put in. You get tax relief on your contribution. So, for example, if you put in €50 gross from your salary it will cost you about €25 (depending on your tax bracket). After your company matches the €50 it means €100 goes into the fund. Nevertheless, beware, with pensions come fees. Let’s say it is 1% per annum on your gross fund, then over 40 years you pay a lot in fees. 70


Treasure Good Friends

Having good friends is a gift for life. That is why good friends are hard to come by. Not all people have friends for life, and you should do your utmost to have some. It is often said that you are lucky if you can count true friends on one hand. As people change over the years, it is likely that you also change some of your friends. Over time, you and your friends will become more similar, with mutual interests, age, job and hobbies. If you are a person with goals and aspirations and your friend is not, then the likelihood is that you will part company over time. Nevertheless, if you feel close to a friend and know you can rely on your friendship, then this is a treasure to hold on to.



Go Travel

Traveling is a valuable education for life. Explore new places and experience new cultures. Not all places are for everyone, but it’s always good to keep an open mind, as you might be surprised. List the places you would like to visit in the world and put a plan in place to visit them. With low-cost airlines, there are great deals available by booking early. Using the internet you will find a huge variety of reasonable hotels. If you have a large family and still want to enjoy the pleasure of travelling, you can look into home exchange. Believe it or not – you can even exchange cars. Engage in any form of travelling that you feel comfortable with but do go on and travel. The experiences you’ll go through will be some of your best memories in life.



Create a Family Photo Album Despite the rise of digital photography, there’s nothing like holding a photo album in your hands while you go through fun memories. Get out those old photos. Print them off your computer and smart phone. Put a family album together. It is lovely to look back over the years and see the progression over time. What a heart-warming moment it is to see the pictures of your family growing up and then growing older. This is a perfect opportunity to reconnect with your loved ones and show other family members when they visit.



Make a Will

For some people this may be a difficult issue to consider but let’s face the truth – we’re all going to leave this world at some stage. Having a will ready will make it easier for those left behind. It is not expensive and some solicitors will do it for nothing, based on the fact they will get the business of sorting it all out when you pass on. Appoint executors. Your solicitors will help and advise you on this. If you have already made a will, you may want to get it updated or make changes since you originally made it. Situations change over time. It is as important to make a will when you are young as to when you are older.



Limit Telly-Time

TV was initially a form of entertainment, with very few options to choose from. Over the years, the TV industry grew to be a massive and dominant part of our daily lives. Today the selection is endless, all we have to do is flick the remote and we’re in a different world. The downside is that we do a lot less of anything else. You will see that once you have cleared some of your TV-time in favour of your goals and tasks, you will get a lot more done. You can achieve as much as you set your mind to, but you have to put in the time. So the message is to stop watching the soaps and take on some of the goals in this book. A little TV is ok, but do not get addicted to it.



Learn a Language There’s much more to a language than just a form of communication. It’s a gateway to a whole experience and in some cases it could open up many doors for you. Speaking another language besides your mother tongue is an asset for life.

This could be useful not only when traveling, but also for business purposes. The French, for example, would like you to speak in their language. If you are a business person and you buy or sell to China, would it be beneficial to be able to communicate in Chinese? I am sure it would.



Be Nice Be a Giver

Being nice to others is a privilege – you should embrace it. It’s a lot easier than it seems and many times it‘s the simple things that count. Say hello to people. It is amazing, but they will normally say hello back. Give of your time to colleagues and friends when they need you. I know myself – the more I give, the more I get back. If you are a continuous giver and getting nothing back, then you need to look at your friends. They may not have your best interest at heart. Being nice and being a giver will help you get to a happier place.



Avoid Negative People Keep yourself away from negative people, as they will pull you down with them. It could be a family member, or a friend, but you need to avoid them. They will keep telling you that you cannot do this, that or the other. They will knock any confidence out of you that you might have. Negativity is a state of mind that leads to doing nothing. You don’t want or need that around you. I started a business 15 years ago and if I listened to the critics, I would never have started it. I am glad I did not listen to them because I was able to sell it within 3 years and made a great return.



Pro 88

This section is about big thinking and big doings. You have built yourself up for this moment and now it’s time to own it. The tips in this section are designed for you to think and figure out, and then take action for your present and for your future. There is a great deal of challenge in these tips, as in life. You have what it takes to make it happen. Go ahead – finish strong!

Now You’re Ready 89

Understand Wealth Creation Understand how wealth is created, as this information is not handed out freely. I became an accountant with an MBA and it was never taught to me. I do know that it is not accomplished by working for someone else. Most people work for someone else and usually end up with little or no wealth on retirement and depend on the state for a pension.

If one looks at the wealthiest people in the world they have all done it by starting companies and taking them public or by investing in the stock market or in property. There are plenty of examples like Warren Buffet, Richard Branson or Bill Gates. You should educate yourself on how wealth is created by learning about passive investments in the stock market and property. Learn how to buy low and sell high. It takes time, but well worth the investment. 90


Study Global Cause+Effect Nowadays, more than ever, it is crucial to understand world economics and the effect it can have on you and your finances. There is no need for a degree in economics for that. Simply keep in mind that this topic is something you should be well informed about. This is where you need to think global, so to speak. Will what is happening in China or Japan today have an effect on you in time? What happens if a European country fails? What is the effect of oil prices rising or falling? You can quickly learn about global economics just by reading about current affairs and following well regarded commentators. It is thought provoking information and well worth investigating. 92


Be an Online Leader A blog is a great way to share your knowledge with the world instantly. With many free platforms available, it is easy to start a blog. You may doubt it, but like a lot of other people, you are an expert at something. You can blog on your hobby, your job, your profession, your travels or your interests. Once you realise what you want to blog about, you can quickly become an expert on the area and you will build a following. You may get invited to be a speaker at conferences as a result of your knowledge.



Learn how Stocks Work

For some people just the sound of the words is too much. For some it is a dirty word and for others it is too boring, however, there is a great added value in learning about the stock market. You can benefit financially by truly understanding how it works. Start by taking classes that will teach you how to trade online, read charts and find the best companies to buy or sell. You can learn to trade your own pension fund and minimise your fees. It is a fascinating area, you might be surprised.



Reduce your Taxes

Reduce your annual tax bill by finding companies that you can invest in. In Ireland it is called the EIIS scheme and it has other names in other countries. Find companies that have a strong management team where the company already has solid sales with recurring income. Ensure the valuation is low and that the money being raised is to grow sales. Only invest if you are allowed to own the shares at the end of the investment period, and that you are a share­ holder until the company gets sold. Understand who might buy the company in time and why it might be bought. If you pick the right company, you can make a great return. The downside is that you need the cash up front to invest.



Celebrate Losing Weight Obviously not all people need to lose weight, but some do. For a lot of people, losing weight is one of their greatest battles in life, and it is not one to be taken lightly. Whether you need to lose a lot of weight or only a few pounds, once you start taking off the extra baggage, you will feel great. A good starting point is to ask your doctor for the correct weight for your age and height. One of the key factors here is to be ready for a change in your lifestyle. Allow yourself the necessary time for this, as it is best to do it gradually. I lost a pound per month over nine months by eating less potatoes and cutting out white bread. It was easy. If I can do it so can you. 100


Findthe Right One

Nowadays marriage or sharing your life with a partner is not as sacred as it used to be. Nevertheless, most people don’t get married with the thought of a divorce on their minds. Remember, the person you will marry will be your soul mate and partner for life. You should share the same goals and similar long term objectives. It is true that people can grow apart. Bear in mind that divorce is both expensive and a painful emotional process which could take years to recover from. Make sure to give everything to your relationship – work hard every day to love, communicate and adore the person you have chosen.



Battle the Mortgage Easy to say, harder to do, but it can pay off big time! When you borrow for your home over 20 years you do pay nearly twice what you borrowed (depending on the interest rate) over the life of the mortgage. In order to reduce your mortgage any spare money should be used to pay it off. You would be surprised just how every little bit put towards the principle of the mortgage can reduce it by months and years. It’s a great feeling to be debt-free. What an achievement! Is it one of your goals?



Publish your Knowledge Everyone is an expert in something. You hold priceless knowledge within yourself, which should be passed on. What better way to do it than writing your book? Write from your heart, from your passion – a farmer can write about his life experiences, a mum can write about raising a 2 year old. Your thoughts, observations, insights are all wisdom that needs to be told to others. There is a book in everyone. Have a book launch when it’s ready and celebrate it – you deserve it! If you are interested in publishing the book you can selfpublish and sell online, or you can go to an exhibition and learn a bit about the world of publishers and writers. Either way – it will be fun! 106


Learn toSpeak in Public For many people, the thought of speaking in public provokes a huge fear. You’ll see that conquering this fear will serve you as a rewarding life experience. Speaking in public is one of the most useful skills someone can have. As you probably know, most successful people in life can speak in public.

Small successful steps are the key. Start by speaking in front of a mirror and learn to talk about yourself. The golden rule is that practice makes perfect. After you’ve mastered that, speak in front of some friends and family – ask for their genuine feedback. Look at joining local committees like your neighbourhood resident’s committee and learn to listen and speak at meetings. This will be one of the most rewarding skills you’ll ever acquire. 108


Travel the World

Long travels may not be for everyone, but if it’s your cup of tea, then be assured – it’s a wonderful experience. For some people it can even be a life changing adventure. Our world is a diverse place, which offers a lot of culture, languages, sounds, tastes, colours and most of all – experiences. This could be very hard for you to accomplish, but if you set a five year goal it could happen for you. If planned properly the dream will become a reality. Who would you like to travel with? They must be committed also. Would your employer allow you the time off? If it is for you then you will make it happen. Is this something you would like to do when you retire? It will require a large financial commitment, so start saving now.



Start a Company

This is not for everyone and only about 1% of people start their own business, but you can be one of them. Begin by doing a “Start your own Business Course”. This will give you a good understanding of business plans, funding, sales, marketing, finance and much more. You can do these courses by night or at weekends. One of the biggest problems people have is finding the right idea, but it will come to you if you search hard enough. Based on your own experience or from your job, you will find a better way of delivering a service or product. Start the business part-time if you can, while holding on to your day-job. This will cut down the risk for you. When your income from the business exceeds your weekly salary, you can then start thinking of giving up the day-job. If your business is successful, it has the ability to make you very wealthy.



Over to You 114

Now’s the time start dreaming, imagining and then planning real actions to create the life you want. The following are work pages that aim to create space for your action plans and goals. Feel free to photocopy the template pages to do rough versions. Remember the tip at the beginning to set up a group from your friends and family to meet once a month. Everyone will support each other to reach the goals while having fun doing so.

Let’s Go! 115

Take the Rocking Chair Test

This is a little exercise. Close your eyes and relax (not while driving). Imagine you are 80 and it is your birthday and all your family are around you celebrating the great occasion. You have achieved many of the goals and tips in this book. Imagine how happy you feel. You have created wealth to put your children and grandchildren through college plus lots more. You are happy and content. Now wake up. Close your eyes again and it is your 80th birthday. You have not achieved the goals and tips in this book. How do you feel? Many in your family have not turned up because you have become a grumpy disgruntled and selfish person. My question is this: who do you want to be at 80? It is up to you, and you alone. You have the choice and only you can decide.



Choose your Goal Set your Plan

It’s time to make it happen…

Take Action




Reduce Credit Card Debt


My Plan

I will sleep better without this worry

Completion Date

1 Meet with the bank 2 Reduce limit to 300 EUR 3 Stop using card 4 Reduce balance by 100 EUR per month 5 Look at getting a loan to reduce a larger amount 6 Cancel card



Committment 119

D oo dle & Drea m


Yo u r G oal Here Why

Completion Date

1 2 3 4 5 6


My Plan





D oo dle & Drea m

Yo u r G oal Here Why

Completion Date

1 2 3 4 5 6


My Plan



D oo dle & Drea m

Yo u r G oal Here Why

Completion Date

1 2 3 4 5 6


My Plan



D oo dle & Drea m

Yo u r G oal Here Why

Completion Date

1 2 3 4 5 6


My Plan



Coming Soon:

SalesMake Pat’s Fifty Sales Tips

IRE: €9.95 / UK: £8.95

Doesn’t making our lives better seem somewhat unachievable? It takes too much time, money and effort! The word “change” can be intimidating and facing this prospect we tend to cling to the familiar and routine. So what if we use a different approach? This book is a step-by-step guide to get started, improving many areas of our lives with simple useful tips. Each tip stands on its own. Combine a selection of them with some actionplanning and we’re now in the process of creating our own powerful and positive life changes. With a practical approach, and a go-do attitude, Pat Lynch takes us through a fun journey, showing us how to shift our lives for the better, with the most easy-to-do “obvious” things. So easy and so obvious, that most of us forget about them in our daily routine. Each one of the tips are from Pat Lynch’s personal experience, designed to inspire and motivate the reader, to be a doer and to take action. These are his priceless life lessons, given to us here. Now go and “self-make” yourself.

The secret is… there is no secret. It’s as simple as that. In this inspiring and refreshing book, Pat Lynch, an accomplished self-made businessman from Cork, shares with you his secrets to a life of success and well-being. His 50 tips for life, from his own personal experience, are to be read first and acted upon after. Pat’s life experience is outlined in his book and he is happy to share his wisdom with you. These are the insights from a man who has seen and done it all. His 50 tips may seem obvious to you. However, this is exactly the point – the way to a life filled with success, joy and well-being is through those most obvious things. A well-lived life is for everyone. Are you ready?

€9.95 IR E

ISBN 978-1-78280-493-2

Lynch Press

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