What Comes Next:
Virtual Menu Includes: Virtual Scattergories After Horus
Reopening Healthcare Facilities
Featuring Alzheimer’s Association
WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 2020 4:30 – 5:30 PM
if anyone is feeling poorly. For larger systems dealing
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to have a pre-surgical COVID test to ensure they are vi-
The Member Academy: Roadmap to Member Success
rus free. If a patient fails to have the test, the procedure
with surgery or major procedures, patients are required
is automatically cancelled. Any positive results would require a 14- day quarantine followed by a COVID test afterwards to clear the patient. As for Marketing, attendees were hungry for ways
WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2020 9:00 – 10:00 AM Powered by Powernet
How to Create Irresistible Offers with Will Perry
in which to connect with patients leveraging technol-
COVID-19 is causing us to have to rethink how we are doing business in 2020.
ogy and target marketing opportunities. While email is the quickest form of communication, it is by no means the best as we all get inundated with a record number of email communications daily. It was recommended
No doubt, it is the single greatest disruption of our
WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2020 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
lifetime. A few months ago, healthcare providers locked
building your book of business. This would result in a
down their facilities to prevent the spread of the virus,
touchpoint of 50 patients weekly with approximately
shutting down key clinical service lines and cancel-
20-25 scheduling appointments.
ing patient appointments keeping in line with federal
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With a month of Phase 2 under our belts and everyone anxious to get the economy moving, it is not easy for healthcare facilities to simply flip a switch and resume normal operations. During the East Orlando
FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2020 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Chamber’s June Healthcare Council Collaborative
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healthcare professionals were given an opportunity to
EOCC 2020 Debate Orange County District 5
discuss areas of concern in facilitated breakout rooms.
TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 6:00 – 7:00 PM
using technology and telehealth to connect with patients
Virtual Meet & Greet hosted by The Bridge at Orlando,
Each small group addressed employee safety, protocols and any back-up plan in the event of an employee diagnosis. They also discussed how the practice was in addition to any challenges encountered by patients or staff. Finally, from the marketing perspective, how
Streaming on Social Media
they were connecting with patients to reschedule visits
Virtual Chamber Luncheon: Intergenerational Engagement with Ann Beecham
and procedures. Plus, if staff was having to take on multiple roles to build the book of business and any incentives to encourage success. As participants shared feedback highlights from each breakout, the takeaways were impressive. We expected adherence to the CDC guidelines with social distanc-
WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2020 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
ing, temperature checks and masks. But some went further to ensure overall safety to include using cars as a
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waiting area or preliminary room for a brief doctor visit.
Non-Profit Council Roundtable: Revenue Generation Through 3rd Party Fundraising
Doorbells were installed to alert staff of a visitor before
EOCC Member Exclusive
the practice and patients.
entering the facility. One person per elevator was implemented, as well as stairwell sanitation, something few had considered. While we have seen an uptick in the number of practices using Telehealth, there were still several seeking to determine the best platform for The greatest discussion surrounded small practices
WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 2020 9:00 – 10:00 AM
and need to be proactive in prevention measures since an outbreak would close their entire business. Dr. Co-
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lin Bartoe, Functional Neurology Chiropractic Center,
Latte with Leaders
and his team are diligent about temperature checks, sanitation measures, using technology when possible, masking and communicating the need to self-quarantine
EOCC Member Exclusive conversation with your Orange County Political leaders
FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020 9:00 – 10:00 AM Powered by Powernet
Given the feedback from our event, it made me wonder how others are dealing and possibly thriving during
and local government guidelines.
EOCC Advocacy Advisory Council Meeting
to reach out to possibly 5-10 patients daily to begin
J U LY 2 0 2 0
this crisis. The Harvard Business Review looked at how Geisinger Health System is moving away from their pre-