Architectural Portfolio - Orlando Vasquez 2022

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E. A.


C. A.


A. A. B.

M. V. A. N. L.

The tourist inn La Tintorera Azul, is a facility for the rearrangement, improvement of public services and concentration of the spontaneous settlement of fishermen and residents from Punta Arenas, in the Araya Peninsula, in eastern Venezuela. The concentration of the plots is achieved by stimulating the construction of housing systems that allow receiving income from tourism, through the development of a socio-productive housing capable of interacting residents and visitors through a shared lobby, for this way to generate a new gradient of community space. The complex is developed around an edible garden capable of supplying the restaurant with some fruits and vegetables.

The community park La PANTALLA was a work carried out during the 2015 Peace Spaces Workshop, promoted by the State. Venezuelan. The purpose of the work was not only the construction of a public space aimed at satisfying the different age groups, but also to develop the skills of the inhabitants for the generation of community enterprises. In this sense, a parasol/lantern system was developed to train the mothers of the community in weaving furniture with plastic wicker and the young men in steel, wood and masonry construction. The property was an old drive-in theater, which served to rescale the screen to a human scale, an open-air cinema, with a sandbox and slides for the children who make life in the community and the adjoining kindergarten.

The architectural piece is proposed as a first urban action for the regeneration of the historic center, through a gesture that recognizes the space occupied by the prison - in two meanings - the physical space and the space in the memory that the Talca prison has in the city, rescuing its footprint. Precisely from this footprint, which we focus on the node between Isidoro del Solar Avenue and 3 Poniente Street, so that each block that makes a corner at this intersection contributes to this new public space, from this operation the program of the Civic Space of Talca is developed. By virtue of attending to the previous information for the design of the building, a volume of 3 full components and 1 partially empty one that encompasses the program is proposed. A base for the uses that contemplate greater attention to the public and conventions, a roof as a horizontal piece that contains the office spaces and a tower over the latter two where the housing is developed, between

all of them a transition piece that balconies over the avenue. The base piece is developed at the access level, forming the urban walls of the public space, which provides a connection between the Alameda O'Higgins to the north of the volume and 3rd street north to the south, which have a height difference of 2.5 m between them. This gives the building a quality of urban passage that dialogues between two scales, one of monumental dimensions as the one presented towards the Alameda and the other on a neighborhood scale towards 3 Poniente and 3 Norte Streets. In this way, the volume resting on the basement serves as a roof that shelters the public space under its wing, linking the vertical circulations and dropping a circulation core that coincides with one of the vertices of the old prison footprint, which favors the possibility of accessing it by stairs, dispensing with the use of elevators that have seen their capacity to

mobilize users limited by the current pandemic conditions. In the same spirit, the horizontality of the roof volume guarantees flexibility for public, municipal and private service offices, flexibility for the distribution of work spaces and for the physical distancing between office workers, if necessary. Before the next full component, there is an empty one or a balcony piece, which serves as a transition between the full volumes. It is here where the citizen program is developed, a balcony for knowledge and flavors, where in the 12 rooms that are embedded in the tier, the community is instructed in arts, crafts, care, food-related enterprises and a kindergarten. One level above the roof volume is the housing tower, which faces the boulevard in order to offer attractive views to its residents and to minimize the impact of the sun on the surrounding buildings. Inside, corridors that serve as streets for the fortuitous meeting of neighbors, spaces that expand or narrow making the piece, a porous volume inside,

emphasized by the functional skin that surrounds it deploying a variety of window compartments, which can serve as a balcony, desk, altar, storage, nest, niche, garden, corner. This is how the architectural piece becomes a declaration of intentions for the construction of the future of Talca and the cities in between. A mixed, compact future, regenerated from its urban heritage, that prioritizes care, 15-minute itineraries, competes and offers opportunities for all. A future of compact intermediate cities and healthy territories.

The keys beach house project is the rehabilitation of an existing three story house on the Florida Keys, in which I’ve made the measurements on site, and an some remodeling projects for specific areas such as the bbq area, bathrooms, kitchen, master bath and master bedroom. For this project I’ve developed all the architectural and MEP’s plans. Also, I’ve made a 3 min video with designed music, transitions and titles.

I’ve enjoyed this particular project which consist in the remodeling of an existing shed to guest house. The growing of american cities, and the need for habitation is a great opportunity to build a gradient of transition between the middle density and the isolated single family house, which is called the missing middle housing. In order to build a more walkable and sustainable city, middle housing projects are a key step to achieve a better future for american cities.

Inbetween spaces are specially atractive for me. In this case the client asked for a particular shape for a composite deck in its backyard, to read, meditate and share some time with intimates. I’ve settled up a couple of design options for the client and a particular master bath with a free standing tub and a wide window to see the Miami channels while resting at the tub.

some other part of the japanesse table game some ugly painting

some other part of the japanesse game

something to clean pets teeth

some japanesse table game some souvenir something to drink something to chew something to write on someting for the pet to eat something to support things something to typewrite some energy (electrical) something to sit

something to put things some other together souvenir

something to read something to listen music something to rest something to use very little something to move the arrow in the screen something to pet

cushion for pet

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