Thursday 10th June 2010 Room 0.5 Chairman: Elisabet Viladecans A.1 SPATIAL ISSUES OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES The Innovation Value Chain: Issues of Efficiency and Effectiveness, and their application in the Basque Country M. Davide Parrilli and Ricardo Aguado (Discussant: Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal) Innovation and Convergence Process: An empirical Benchmarking Analysis of European regions Aikaterini Kokkinou and George M. Korres (Discussant: M. Davide Parrilli) Can a knowledge-based cluster be created? The case of the Barcelona 22@district Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal and Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod (Discussant: Aikaterini Kokkinou)
Room 0.11 Chairman: Eleanor J. Morgan A.2 COMPETITION POLICY Public Options and Altruistic Firms - Antitrust Targets or Tools? Johan Willner (Discussant: Eleanor J. Morgan) Optimal Cartel Pricing and Antitrust Authority Investigation Strategies Mehdi Feizi (Discussant: Johan Willner) The Deterrent Effect of Antitrust Sanctions Evidence from Switaerland Kai H端schelrath, Nina Leheyda and Patrick Beschorner (Discussant: Mehdi Feizi) EU cartel policy and policy transfer - Americanization or Europeanization? Eleanor J. Morgan and Lee McGowan (Discussant: Kai H端schelrath)
Room 0.6 Chairman: Phil Tomlinson A.3 CRISIS AND INDUSTRIAL POLICY Liberalism versus paternalism of banking regulation: Lessons from the Asian crisis Yoonhee Tina (Discussant: Phil Tomlinson) Economic impact of public investment in the Spanish economy. A short-term analysis Belen Rey Legidos and J. Prado (Discussant: Yoonhee Tina) Global Imbalances and Modern Capitalism: A Structural Approach to inderstanding the present Economic Crisis
Keith Cowling and Phil Tomlinson (Discussant: Belen Rey Legidos)
Room Sala de Graus Chairman: Mary Fenton A.4 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND FIRM DEMOGRAPHY A Semi-Parametric Survival Analysis of Business Demography Dynamics in Portugal Alcina Nunes and Elsa de Morais Sarmento (Discussant: Mary Fenton) Spatial Issues on Firm Demography: an Analysis for Argentina Carla Daniela Calá and Josep Maria Arauzo (Discussant: Elsa de Morais Sarmento) Regional Entrepreneurial Heritage in a Socialist and a Post-Socialist Economy Michael Wyrwich (Discussant: Carla Daniela Calá) Entrepreneurship Education in Irish Higher Education - A Panacea for Generating Employment and Economic Development? Mary Fenton, Almar Barry and John O'connor (Discussant: Michael Wyrwich)
Room 1.6 Chairman: Maria Llop A.5 ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY Analysis of the existing models for estimation of the economic costs of Climat Change and the Adaptation Costs post Copenhagen 2009 Sebastián Curet (Discussant: Kinda Somlanaré Romuald) International environmental agreement stability and national political context Houda Haffoudhi (Discussant: Sebastián Curet) Democratic Institutions and Environment Quality : Effect and Channel Transmissions Kinda Somlanaré Romuald (Discussant: Houda Haffoudhi)
Room 0.12 Chairman: Ricardo Flores-Fillol A.6 URBAN ECONOMICS The moderating effects of city districts’ retail attractiveness on the IN-TOWN VERSUS OUT-OF-TOWN SHOPPING DECISION Jon Charterina (Discussant: Sebastián Curet) Ten years Experience of Public-Private Partnerships in the Revitalization of Urban Trade in Spain: A Comparative Vision from the Participation of Local Authorities and Traders’ Associations Gloria Aparicio de Castro and Jon Charterina Abando (Discussant: Claudia Pérez) Impact in Real State Value of Urban and Transportation Projects, in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona Jorge Cerda Troncoso, Claudia Pérez Prieto and Carlos Marmolejo Duarte (Discussant: Jon Charterina Abando) Costs and Benefits of new Technologies in urban public tranportation: A comparative study of the costs and benefits of the implementation of RFID Sebastián Curet (Discussant: Jon Charterina Abando)
Room 0.10 Chairman: Lisa de Propris A.7 PRODUCTIVITY AND INNOVATION: FIRM AND REGIONAL LEVEL External labour market characteristics and firm promotion decisions Maria Teresa Fibla and Ferran Mañé Vernet (Discussant: Adelheid Holl) Productivity in southern European small firms: when and how work organization complements process innovation
Maria Teresa Fibla and Ferran Mañé Vernet (Discussant: Adelheid Holl) Market potential and firm-level productivity in Spain Adelheid Holl (Discussant: Maria Teresa Fibla)
Room Aula Multimèdia Chairman: Lourdes Moreno Martín A.8 DETERMINANTS OF INNOVATION AT FIRM LEVEL The Impact of Research and Development Expenditures on the Growth of Manufacturing Industry Firms Rukiye Yilmaz and Julide Yildirim (Discussant: Lourdes Moreno Martín) Assessing the Demand-Pulled Innovation Under Different Firm Characteristics Yesim Ucdogruk (Discussant: Rukiye Yilmaz) Does history matter for the relationship between R&D, innovation and productivity? Elena Huergo and Lourdes Moreno Martín (Discussant: Yesim Ucdogruk)
11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK Room 0.5 Chairman: Josep Maria Arauzo Carod B.1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS AND CLUSTERS Clusters et stratégies de clusters : le cas du pôle de compétitivité ‘Solutions Communicantes Sécurisées’ Rani Jeanne Dang and Christian Longhi (Discussant: Jesús Mª Valdaliso) Cluster life cycles, path-dependency and regional economic development. Insights from a meta-study on basque clusters Jesús Mª Valdaliso, Aitziber Elola, Santiago M. López and Mari Jose Aranguren (Discussant: Federico Pablo-Martí ) Cluster Analysis using Microgreographic Data Federico Pablo-Martí and Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod (Discussant: Christian Longhi)
Room 0.11 Chairman: M. Davide Parrilli B.2 EVALUATING PUBLIC POLICIES The challenges of evaluating ‘soft’ policies: exploring the impacts of cluster policy in the basque country Mari Jose Aranguren, Xabier De La Maza, M. Davide Parrilli and James R. Wilson (Discussant: Edurne Magro) Measuring behavioural additionality of a regional S&T policy Edurne Magro, María José Aranguren and Mikel Navarro (Discussant: M. Davide Parrilli)
Room 0.6 Chairman: Mercè Sala B.3 TOPICS ON EUROPEAN ECONOMY Euro-dollar real exchange rate misalignments: Is the euro overvalued? Leonardo Tariffi (Discussant: Teresa Torres) Exploratory essay on the convergence of 19 European Countries Carlos Andrade, Carlos Pinho and Maria de Fátima Pinho (Discussant: Leonardo Tariffi) The persistence of firm profitability in European Union countries, distinguishing between industry firm effects
José Luis Gallizo, Pilar Gargallo, Ramón Saladrigues and Manuel Salvado (Discussant: Carlos Andrade) Business cycle fluctuations: comparative analyses between new members (CEECs) and EMU countries Mercè Sala, Teresa Torres, Mariona Farré and Rafael Allepuz (Discussant: Ramón Saladrigues)
Room Sala de Graus Chairman: José García Quevedo B.4 ROLE OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN TERRITORIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES Regional effects of academic research on high technology employment Manuel Acosta, Daniel Coronado and Esther Flores (Discussant: Jose Polo Otero) Universities and regional economic growth in the Spanish regions Néstor Duch, Javier García and Martí Parellada (Discussant: Esther Flores) Which firms want PhDs? The effect of the university-industry relationship on the PhD labour market José García-Quevedo, Francisco Mas-Verdú and Jose Polo-Otero (Discussant: Javier García)
Room 1.6 Chairman: J. Robert Branston B.5 GOVERNANCE AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT Industry Institutions, Governance and Firm Participation in Industrial Development Philip R. Tomlinson (Discussant: J. Robert Branston) Strategic Failure’ and the case of the UK’s former Building Societies: lessons for the reform of governance in the UK Banking sector J. Robert Branston, Philip R Tomlinson and James R. Wilson (Discussant: Philip R Tomlinson)
Room 0.12 Chairman: Ferran Mañé B.6 TOPICS ON INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION A New Keynesian analysis of industrial employment fluctuations Miguel Casares (Discussant: Ferran Mañé) Helping Small and Medium Enterprises progress: Finance and technological instruments Rosa María Fernández Martín (Discussant: Miguel Casares) SME’s Response to the Financial and Economic Crisis: Analysis of Agricultural and Furniture Sector in Catalonia, Spain Xiaoni Li, Pere Segarra, and Eleni Papaoikonomou (Discussant: Rosa María Fernández Martín) Using the Job Requierement Approach and Matched Employer-Employee Data to Investigate on the Content of Individual's Human Capital Daniel Miravet and Ferran Mañé (Discussant: Eleni Papaoikonomou)
Room 0.10 Chairman: Miguel Manjón B.7 COMPETITION POLICY Effects of Deregulation on Competition Policy in Spain María Jesús Alonso Nuez and Jorge Rosell Martínez (Discussant: Fernando P. Fonseca) Measuring the nominal and effective protection coefficients (Case study: Selected agricultural products of Iran)
Iraj Saleh, Habibolah Salami and Arash Azari (Discussant: Jorge Rosell Martínez) Dieciocho años de control de concentraciones en España: un análisis empírico de de la actuación del Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Comisión de Defensa de la Competencia Alejandro Casino Martínez and Vicente Jaime Pastor (Discussant: Iraj Saleh) The adoption of a regulatory framework for industrial parks network in the Ave valley, Portugal Fernando P. Fonseca and Rui A.R. Ramos (Discussant: Vicente Jaime Pastor)
Room Aula Multimèdia Chairman: Ricardo Flores Fillol B.8 MERGERS AND MARKETS Horizontal mergers and competitive intensity Marc Escrihuela Villar (Discussant: Ricardo Flores-Fillol) Are there any Price and Market Share Effects of Pharmaceutical Mergers? Nina Leheyda (Discussant: Marc Escrihuela Villar) Horizontal Mergers in Dfferential Oligopoly Game with Price Dynamics Hamideh Esfahani (Discussant: Nina Leheyda) Endogenous Mergers of Complements with Mixed Bundling Ricardo Flores-Fillol and Rafael Moner-Colonques (Discussant: Hamideh Esfahani)
13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK Room 0.5 Chairman: J. Robert Branston C.1 INNOVATION AND INTERNATIONALIZATION IT Outsourcing and Innovation: Getting more by doing less? Christian Peukert (Discussant: Olga Slivko) Is the relationship between innovation and international trade non linear? Guillermo Valdiviezo and Joost Heijs (Discussant: Christian Peukert) Imitation or Innovation? The effect of spillovers and competitive pressure on a firm choice of R&D strategy Olga Slivko and Bernd Theilen (Discussant: Joost Heijs)
Room 0.11 Chairman: Luciana Lazzeretti C.2 CULTURE, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION: A SPATIAL APPROACH Designing policy support to innovative clusters. An overlapping network approach Annalisa Caloffi and Marco Mariani (Discussant: Rafael Boix) On the concentration of creative industries in specialized creative local production systems in Italy and Spain: Patterns and determinants Luciana Lazzeretti, Rafael Boix and Francesco Capone (Discussant: Marco Mariani)
Room 0.6 Chairman: Maria Llop C.3 ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY The move of industry towards sustainability. The particular case of the energy sector Rosa María Fernández Martín (Discussant: Simona Sabena) Measuring Air Pollution of Turism: An Input-Output Model for the Campania Region Maria Llop and Simona Sabena (Discussant: Rosa María Fernández Martín) The role of saving and investment in a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) price model Maria Llop (Discussant: Simona Sabena)
Room Sala de Graus Chairman: Daniel Liviano C.4 FDI AND INTERNATIONALIZATION La Influencia de las Grandes Empresas Multinacionales (EMs) ¿Fenómeno de organización industrial para pequeñas y medianas unidades de producción? Luis Arturo Peralta Espinosa and Edgar Hernández Zavala (Discussant: Ilaria Mariotti) What drives the logistics FDI? An empirical investigation in Italy Stefano Elia, Elena Maggi, Ilaria Mariotti (Discussant: Luis Arturo Peralta Espinosa) Investigating firms’ ownership differences using propensity score estimation and discrete choice modelling Aleid Brouwer and Ilaria Mariotti (Discussant: Luis Arturo Peralta Espinosa)
Room 1.6 Chairman: Davide Parrilli C.5 INTERDEPENDENCE BETWEEN TERRITORIAL PRODUCTION AND INNOVATION SYSTEMS A European Supra-national Innovation System? Lessons for Latin America & the Caribbean Jordi Bacaria-Colom, Lourdes Casanova and Samantha Rullán (Discussant: Aitziber Elola) Cohesion policy in the light of place-based innovation support: New approaches in multi-actors, decentralised regional settings with bottom-up strategies? Thomas Stahlecker and Knut Koschatzky (Discussant: Samantha Rullán) STI-DUI Innovation Profiles and Implications for Innovation Policy M. Davide Parrilli and Aitziber Elola (Discussant: Thomas Stahlecker)
Room 0.12 Chairman: Christian Longhi C.6 URBAN ECONOMICS The Dynamic Agglomeration Economies and Spatial Structure in Barcelona: An Intra-Metropolitan Perspective
Miquel-Àngel Garcia and Ivan Muñiz (Discussant: Christian Longhi) National Development Policy and Urban Growth Dynamics in Turkey Fatma Pelin Öztürk and Hale Çıracı (Discussant: Miquel-Àngel Garcia) Specialization dynamics of European metropolitan areas along the process of economic integration Catherine Baumont, Christian Longhi and Antonio Musolesi (Discussant: Fatma Pelin Öztürk)
Room 0.10 Chairman: René Söllner C.7 PRODUCTIVITY AND INNOVATION: FIRM AND REGIONAL LEVEL Productive efficiency differentials: An empirical approach across industries Aikaterini Kokkinou (Discussant: René Söllner) Sector Specialization and Productivity Growth: Implications for Industrial Policy in Germany Heike Belitz, Martin Gornig and Alexander Schiersch (Discussant: Aikaterini Kokkinou) Product Diversification and Labor Productiy Dispersion in German Manufacturing Industries René Söllner (Discussant: Alexander Schiersch)
Room Aula Multimèdia Chairman: Florian Noseleit C.8 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND FIRM DEMOGRAPHY Conflict and Entrepreneurial Activity in Afghanistan. Findings from the National Risk Vulnerability Assessment
Tommaso Ciarli, Saeed Parto and Maria Savona (Discussant: Florian Noseleit) Recent Trends in Multinationals delocalisation: a view into subsidiaries Paula Urze and Iva Miranda Pires (Discussant: Tommaso Ciarli) Market Selection and Regional Diversification - Empirical Regularities from German Panel-Data Florian Noseleit (Discussant: Paula Urze)
16:00-16:30 COFFEE BREAK
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Antoni Soy (Secretary of Industry and Enterprises; Catalan Government), Xavier Prats (Directorate general for employment, social policy and equal opportunities; European Commission), Lluís Miquel Pérez (Major of Reus). Chair: Josep Maria Arauzo (URV)
Friday 11th June 2010 Room 0.5 Chairman: Néstor Duch-Brown D.1 INNOVATION AND PUBLIC POLICY Regional R&D Productivity in Spain and Italy. Identifying Regional Typologies and Policy Recommendations Ricardo Aguado, Jabier Martínez, Massimo Cermelli and Miguel Ángel Larrinaga (Discussant: Néstor Duch-Brown) Regional innovation policies in Mediterranean Europe: flight classes for penguins or key bricks? Rocco Luigi Bubbico (Discussant: Massimo Cermelli) The link between public support and R&D additionality: Which is the optimal subsidy? Néstor Duch-Brown, José García Quevedo and Daniel Montolio (Discussant: Rocco Luigi Bubbico)
Room 0.11 Chairman: Lourdes Moreno Mondéjar D.2 PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS SIZE MATTERS: An Index on Regulation and Public Sector Size at Decentralized Levels of Government Rogelio Biazzi (Discussant: Lourdes Moreno Mondéjar) Institutional Sphere Contribution to Human Development: An Institutional Approach Chkoundali, R, Haffoudhi, H and Ben Abdennaji, H (Discussant: Rogelio Biazzi) Relevant factors in the bidding behaviour in tenders of public work Lourdes Moreno Mondéjar (Discussant: Ridha Chkoundali)
Room 0.6 Chairman: Lisa de Propris D.3 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND FIRM DEMOGRAPHY The Contribution of New Businesses to Regional Employment – An Empirical Analysis Michael Fritsch and Yvonne Schindele (Discussant: Samuel Mwaura) Firm Dynamics and Factor Demand and Substitution: the Case of Spain Daniel Liviano (Discussant: Yvonne Schindele) Number of Self-Employed or Number of Firms as Measures of Entrepreneurship: Does it Matter? Vicente Salas-Fumás and J. Javier Sanchez-Asin (Discussant: Daniel Liviano) Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Dynamics: A Modular Approach Samuel Mwaura, Lisa de Propris and Ajit Singh (Discussant: J. Javier Sanchez-Asin)
Room 1.6 Chairman: Nektarios Aslanidis D.4 ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY On Bidirectional Causal Relationship of Gross Domestic Products and Carbon Dioxide Volume: Micro Panel Application Iraj Saleh and Mehdi Arzandeh (Discussant: Mehdi Fadaee) Education, Growth and Convergence in Carbon Dioxide Per Capita Emissions Kinda Somlanaré Romuald (Discussant: Iraj Saleh) Environment, Sustainability and Happiness Juncal Cuñado and Fernando Pérez de Gracia (Discussant: Kinda Somlanaré Romuald) Agri-Environmental Schemes and Grassland Biodiversity: Another Side of the Coin Angela Münch (Discussant: Juncal Cuñado) A Dynamic Approach to the Environmental Effects of Trade Liberalization Mehdi Fadaee (Discussant: Angela Müench)
Room Sala de Graus Chairman: Anne Lorentzen D.5 CULTURE, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION: A SPATIAL APPROACH Technological Innovation in Creative Clusters the Case of Laser in Conservation of Artworks in Florence Luziana Lazzeretti, Francesco Capone and Tommaso Cinti (Discussant: Anne Lorentzen) Landscape as intangible heritage: a view from different disciplines Rosanna Rion (Discussant: Luziana Lazzeretti) Leisure, culture and experience economy in the periphery. Does Northern Jutland benefit from the Experience economy? Anne Lorentzen (Discussant: Rosanna Rion)
Room 0.12 Chairman: Miguel Manjón D.6 TOPICS ON INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION Welfare Losses in Models of Horizontal and Vertical Differentiation Luis C. Corchón and Galina Zudenkova (Discussant: Miguel Manjón) The Influence of Other Stakeholders in Firm Valuation: The Option of Modification on the Employees’ and Client’s Portfolios Xiaoni Li and Maximo Borrell Vidal (Discussant: Galina Zudenkova) Heterogeneous Consumers and Markets in the Demand of PCs Mariela Fuks and Miguel Manjón (Discussant: Xiaoni Li)
Room 0.10 Chairman: Johan Willner D.7 ROLE OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN TERRITORIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES Bridging the Gap between Academic Research and Regional Development A case study of knowledge cogeneration processes in the Basque Country James Karlsen, Miren Larrea, Mari Jose Aranguren and James Wilson (Discussant: Johan Willner) Sharing university knowledge across European regions: factors affecting the inter-regional scientific collaboration Manuel Acosta, Daniel Coronado, Esther Ferrandiz and M. Dolores León (Discussant: James Wilson) Commercialisation of Creative Work: Motivation and Alienation Johan Willner and Sonja Grönblom (Discussant: Manuel Acosta)
Room Aula Multimèdia Chairman: Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod D.8 FIRM LOCATION Cross-Regional Comparison of Location Decisions of Technology-Based Entrepreneurs in Iberian Peninsula Christian Serarols, João J. Ferreira, Cristina Fernandes, Esteban Lafuente and Pablo Migliorini (Discussant: Ángel Alañón Pardo) What is behind localization and agglomeration economies? Evidence from firm births in Spain J. Jofre-Monseny, R. Marín-López and E. Viladecans-Marsal (Discussant: Pablo Migliorini) Recession Pressures' Influence on Corporate Locations Angela Parker (Discussant: J. Jofre-Monseny) On the effect of the geographical scope of agglomeration economies on firm location Ángel Alañón Pardo and Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod (Discussant: Angela Parker)
11:30-12:00 COFFEE BREAK
Chair: Miquel Manjón (URV)
13:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK
Room 0.5 Chairman: Ana Paula Faria E.1 SPATIAL ISSUES OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES Ownership and execution of corporate R&D: the case of Italian regions Claudio Cozza, Daniele Paci and Giulio Perani (Discussant: Ferran Mañé) Firms’ innovation persistence: are there relevant differences across Portuguese regions? Ana Paula Faria, Natália Barbosa and Vasco Eiriz (Discussant: Daniele Paci) Internal and External Determinants of Radical and Incremental Innovation in SMEs: the case of Catalonia Josep Maria Arauzo, Alessandra Faggian and Ferran Mañé (Discussant: Ana Paula Faria)
Room 0.6 Chairman: Joost Heijs E.2 DETERMINANTS OF INNOVATION AT FIRM LEVEL Differences Among Industrial Companies in their Innovative Efforts and Competitiveness: On how size, Technological Level and Subcontractor Character Matter Ricardo Martínez Santa María, Jon Charterina Abando and Andrés Araujo de la Mata (Discussant: Javier Saiz Briones) R&D Incentives in Vertically Related Markets Ahmad Reza Saboori Memar and Georg Götz (Discussant: Jon Charterina Abando) Innovation in services and service innovation: evidence form high tech firms in the UK Giuliana Battisti (Discussant: Ahmad Reza Saboori Memar) How is Finance Innovation? Joost Heijs and Javier Saiz Briones (Discussant: Giuliana Battisti)
Room 0.11 Chairman: Sergio Afcha E.3 PRODUCTIVITY AND INNOVATION: FIRM AND REGIONAL LEVEL Investigating affecting factors on efficiency and size economics in pasture projects in Tehran province Iraj Saleh, Habibolah Salami and Mohamadreza Sasoli (Discussant: Sergio Afcha Chávez) The impact of direct public subsidies on the productivity of high-tech start-ups: does the evaluation scheme matter? Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli and Samuele Murtinu (Discussant: Iraj Saleh) Do public subsidies affect the choice between internal and external R&D activities? Sergio Afcha Chávez (Discussant: Samuele Murtinu) Key Success Factors in the Internationalization Process Luna Mª Santos Roldán and Guzmán Antonio Muñoz Fernández (Discussant: Sergio Afcha Chávez)
Room 1.6 Chairman: Luciana Lazzeretti E.4 SPATIAL ISSUES OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES Do different firm activities and characteristics generate different attitudes toward research collaboration and publication? An analysis of the Italian biotech sector. Rosamaria D’Amore and Roberto Iorio (Discussant: Arif Orçun Sakarya) Impact of alliances on Technological performance of local Companies in Emerging Markets: Case of Tunisian firms Sonia Ben Slimane (Discussant: Roberto Iorio) A Note on Variables Affecting SMEs’ Innovation Performance in Turkey Arif Orçun Sakarya (Discussant: Sonia Ben Slimane)
Room 0.12 Chairman: Rafael Boix E.5 DETERMINANTS OF INNOVATION AT FIRM LEVEL Cluster‐based industrial policy in Europe. The case of agrupaciones de empresas innovadoras in Spain and distretti industriali in Italy: A comparative analysis Josep Antoni Ybarra, Andrea Lasagni, Rafael Doménech Sánchez and Fabio Sforzi (Discussant: Rafael Boix) Strategic innovation policies for developing a high technology cluster: Medicon Valley as case for assessment
María del Carmen Sánchez Carreira, Xavier Vence Deza and Óscar Rodil Marzábal (Discussant: Fabio Sforzi) An overview of the clusters’ policies in the North region of Portugal Rui A.R. Ramos and Fernando P. Fonseca (Discussant: María del Carmen Sánchez Carreira) Industrial districts in rural areas of Italy and Spain Rafael Boix and Yancy Vaillant (Discussant: Fernando P. Fonseca)
Room Aula Multimèdia Chairman: James Wilson E.6 REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS The «Emilian Model» for the Twenty-First Century Franco Mosconi (Discussant: Ciprian Alupului ) An Institutional Analysis of the Formation of Industrial Growth Centres in Turkey: The Case of Karaman Oğuz Özbek (Discussant: Franco Mosconi) Energy Potential of Canton of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and possibilities of its Rational Economic Industrial Exploration Izet Ibreljić and Amra Kožarić (Discussant: Oğuz Özbek) The Danube and Black Sea Macro-Regions — New Forms of Territorial Economic Cooperation at the EU Level Ciprian Alupului and Ramona Frunza (Discussant: Izet Ibreljić)
Room 0.10 Chairman: Philip R. Tomlinson E.7 FIRM'S PERFORMANCE IIT Kanpur Budget Analysis: A DEA Analysis Somesh K Mathur (Discussant: Philip R. Tomlinson) Initial conditions and Young Innovating Companies’ performances Emilie-Pauline Gallié and Renelle Guichard (Discussant: Somesh K Mathur) Leadership and Fit: analysis of the relationship between values and organizational performance in Argentina
Sebastián Curet (Discussant: Emilie-Pauline Gallié) Low Wages, Low Productivity and Lean Production: the US Small Firm Auto and other Manufacturing Services Sectors
Carole Thornley, Philip R. Tomlinson and Dan Coffey (Discussant: Sebastián Curet)
Room 1.5 Chairman: Miren Estensoro E.8 REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS The nature of competition between Moscow and St. Petersburg in the early 20th century and now: economic and social consequences Irina Peaucelle (Discussant: Miren Estensoro) Territorial Competitiveness in a Globalised Economy: Regional Efficiency of the Mexican Service Sector Alejandra Berenice Trejo Nieto (Discussant: Irina Peaucelle) Can we really measure Local Competitiveness? Identification, Implementation and Implications Valentina Mini (Discussant: Alejandra Berenice Trejo Nieto) Local Networks for Self Organized Upgrading Processes: A new approach to competitiveness policies in the county development agencies of the Basque Country Miren Estensoro and Miren Larrea (Discussant: Valentina Mini)
16:30-17:00 COFFEE BREAK