March 17, 2022 • Volume 36, No. 22 • 1
There are many benefits to sending your child to camp There are hundreds of reasons for kids to go to camp. Here is a partial list followed by expert advice: 1. Make new friends (the number one outcome cited by children who attend camp). 2. Learn new physical skills (arts and crafts, sports, swimming, waterskiing, archery). 3. Learn new social skills (communication, leadership, teamwork). 4. Gain an appreciation of people’s different abilities (we are all gifted in some way or another). 5. Experience the feelings of love, safety, and security. 6. Enjoy being a kid and clowning around. 7. Experience the freedom to make choices, decisions, and mistakes. 8. Do chores without being paid (kids help to clean up after lunch and to keep the camp area clean). 9. Have one outstanding teacher (we have lots of the non-academic kind here). 10. See positive adult role models in a fun environment. 11. Participate on teams.
12. Experience a community where everyone is welcome regardless of race, creed or religion. 13. Learn how to swim (many camps provide daily swimming opportunities). 14. Receive praise for who they are and what they accomplish. 15. Turn off the television for a week. (There are no TVs at most camps.) 16. To gain leadership skills within a group of their peers. 17. Experience things for the first time. 18. Build confidence in all the things they can do. 19. Feel comfortable being themselves. (All personalities are encouraged and celebrated at camp.) 20. Learn to adjust to new environments, various social situations. 21. Gain a greater sense of personal satisfaction, self-esteem, and leadership. 22. Develop personal habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle. 23. Discover and explore their interests, values and talents. 24. Learn to adjust to new environments. 25. Take responsibility for others and help out. 26. Increase their problem-solving skills.
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27. Meet a new circle of peers outside of their school friends. 28. Create life-long friendships. 29. Gain a greater sense of personal satisfaction and personal habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle. 30. Trust their own instincts and gain a sense of independence. 31. MOST IMPORTANTLY... to have fun. A camp experience is without equal. Even those campers who have behavioural issues during the school year, difficulty concentrating, or who cannot relate well with their peers, are highly successful. Camp is a place where strengths are reinforced and people recognize and accept
others who have varying abilities and talents. In so doing, each participant can applaud the efforts of their peers. Feeling that support, the young person is willing to attempt more complex and challenging activities without the fear of failure. Camp is for every child regardless of talent and ability. Each summer, it is evident by the smiles on their faces and the laughter we hear that campers are extremely happy in the camp environment. They learn to be self reliant, cooperative, understanding and sensitive. As part of a relatively small group they make friendships and establish bonds that will last a lifetime. And that, is what camp is all about.
Count Smart: Your childmaybe maybe eligible Your child eligible for TaxTax Credit for Disability Disability Credit If your child has learning or behavioural difficulties that affect them daily, you may be eligible for the Disability Tax Credit Government Refund. Many children meet the criteria, but parents are unaware that this credit is available to them. This credit is also available for adults that have difficulty completing everyday tasks. Refunds can be generated in the thousands depending on individual circumstances. Why choose Count Smart Inc. to advocate for you? It’s what we do! We assess each file in a confidential and respectful manner, and have the experience to successfully navigate the application from start to finish. We have generated thousands of dollars in refunds for people who have not known this credit was available to them or their family members. Many
people think the eligibility is based on their annual income, however this is not the case.
Club de gymnastique Les Sittelles
There are no applicable fees unless you get a refund. We have more than 15 years of experience and our success rate is excellent. For those that have the Disability Tax Credit already approved It is definitely worth having us review your previously approved application as we often find additional refunds that were never paid out. Have you been denied for the Disability Tax Credit? This is not uncommon. This is why we do what we do. Contact us at 613-832-1777 so that we can advocate for you! While we are based in Orléans, Ontario, we provide services across Canada.
• Learning/Behaviour difficulty • Obsessive compulsive disorder • ADD/ADHD • Oppositional defiant disorder • Asperger’s • Anxiety/depression • Autism • General anxiety disorder • Speaking difficulty • Developmentally delayed • Physical limitations and restrictions • Hearing or vision impairment And many more
Après 41 ans, le Club de gymnastique Les Sittelles a plusieurs raisons de célébrer, notamment, nos racines dans la communauté francophone, ainsi que le dévouement et l’engagement de nos membres. Plus que tout, nous célébrons la réussite de nos athlètes, soit les centaines, voire milliers de personnes qui sont passées par le Club de gymnastique Les Sittelles et ont relevé des défis personnels.
Tant de choses ont changé depuis les débuts des Sittelles, pourtant notre vision et nos objectifs demeurent solidement tissés au sein du développement des habiletés physiques et mentales des jeunes, notamment en promouvant la participation, l’esprit d’équipe, la discipline personnelle, ainsi que l’atteinte d’objectifs personnels, le tout dans un environnement complètement francophone. Visitez notre site Web pour en apprendre davantage sur l’historique du seul club de gymnastique francophone de tout l’Ontario et sur nos différents programmes récréatifs et compétitifs de gymnastique artistique et de trampoline.
En 1980, alors que les activités récréatives pour les familles de l’Est de l’Ontario étaient majoritairement en anglais, Marguerite Landriault, mère de 5 enfants, fonde le Club de gymnastique Les Sittelles.
CAMPS D'ÉTÉ! 6 2 U A N I U J 7 2 AOÛT, 2022 CAMPS DE GYMNASTIQUE et DE TRAMPOLINE 9h00 à 16h00 (Garde additionnelle - 8h à 9h et 16h à 17h)
www.sittelles.ca 785, prom. Taylor Creek 613-830-5098
March 17, 2022 • Volume 36, No. 22 • 3
2019 Kids’ Camps WHY YOU SHOULD SEND YOUR TEEN TO CAMP (REALLY!) DAY CAMP #1 No sleeping in until noon.
SLEEP-AWAY CAMP #1 Your grocery bill. Enough said.
#2 No Wi-Fi!
A6 • February A4 Orléans Star 15, -2018 Kid's• Camp Volume Guide 32, No. 21
You don’t have to listen to “I’m bored.”
#4 No “Can you drive me to ________?”
4 • March 17, 2022 • Volume 36, No. 22
#2 Do you really want your teen to play video games all summer?
#3 Will you miss wet towels on the floor? Probably not.
#4 “There’s nothing to doooooo...”
March 17, 2022 • Volume 36, No. 22 • 5
Ottawa School of Art Ottawa of Art ÉcoleSchool D'School art D'oof ttawa Ottawa Art
Camps de jour créatifs pour pour la Camps de jour créatifs la saison estivale ! saison estivale!
École D'art D'ottawa
L’ÉAO a organisé une série de camps de
L’ÉAO ajour organisé une de Camps dearts créatifs pour qualité en visuels pour cet série étéla! Ces saison estivale ! occasion camps de qualité en arts camps d’été sont une en visuels or pour
Where the arts
come to life!
pour cet été ! Ces camps d’été sont
CreativeDay Day Camps Creative Camps for for SummerBreak! Break! Summer
OSA has curated quality visual Creative Daya Camps for arts OSA has curated quality visual Summer camps for thisBreak! Summer! These summer arts camps for this Summer! camps opportunities for children These summer camps are OSAare has curated quality visual and teens to explore their creativity. arts camps for Summer! opportunities forthis children and These camps are Our campers will embark an exciting teens tosummer explore theironcreativity. opportunities for children and Our campers embark on an journey taught bywill local professional teens to explore their creativity. exciting journey taught by local artists! Our campers will embark on an
les enfants et adolescents d’explorer leur L’ÉAO organisé en uneor série deles enfants une aoccasion créativité. Nos campeurs cepour joindront camps de qualité en arts visuels et cet adolescents d’explorer leur à une aventure des plus stimulantes, pour été ! Ces camps d’été sont créativité. Nos se de une occasion or campeurs pour les enfants guidés par des en artistes professionnels joindront à une aventure et d’explorer leur des plus la adolescents région. stimulantes, guidés par créativité. Nos campeurs se des artistes professionnels de la région. joindront à une aventure des plus! Préparez-vous à être inspirée stimulantes, guidés par des artistes Les enfants de 6 à 12 ans travailleront professionnels de la à région. Préparez-vous être inspirés ! avec une variété de matériaux et de
procédés. Les campeurs découviront de Préparez-vous être Les enfantsàde 6 inspirés à 12 ans! nouvelles façons de penser et
travailleront une Les enfants de avec 6vieà à12 ansvariété de comment donner leur matériaux et de procédés. Les travailleront imagination. avec une variété de Let’s get inspired! professional artists. campeurs découvriront de nouvelles matériaux et de procédés. Les Let’s get Children agesinspired! 6-12 years, will work with a façons de penser etdeans comment campeurs découvriront nouvelles Les adolescents de 13 à 15 Let’s get inspired! variety of materials and processes. Camp- façons de penser et comment donner vie à leur imagination. développement leurs habiletés dans des Children ages 6-12 years, will work vie à leur imagination. ersChildren new ways of years, thinkingwill and ages 6-12 work donner withwilla find variety of materials and classes spécialisées selon le médium how to take their imagination into action. Les adolescents de 13 à sur 15 ans with a variety of materials processes. Campers will and find new de leur choix. Les leçons porteront Les adolescents de 13 àhabiletés 15 ans dans processes. Campers will find new développeront leurs ways of thinking and how to take différents éléments fondamentaux développeront leurs habiletés dans ways of thinking and how to Teens ages 13-15 years, focus ontake des classes spécialisées le their into action. des classes spécialisées selon selon leà theirimagination imagination into action. en arts. Les campeurs apprendront developing skills in classes that are médium de leur choix. Les leçons médium de éléments leur choix. leçons intégrer ces de Les façons à mieux specialized in their chosen media. Teens 13-15 years, focusonon porteront porteront différents éléments Teensages ages 13-15 years, focus sur sur différents éléments s’exprimer! developing in classes thatare Lessons focusskills on different elements ofare fondamentaux fondamentaux en arts. developing skills in classes that en arts. Les Les specialized inin their chosen media. specialized their media. art. Campers will learn chosen how to apply these campeurs campeurs apprendront à intégrer apprendront à intégrer Lessons focus on the different Lessons on thethemselves. different Visitez artottawa.ca ou compsez lemieux 613ces éléments de façon à mieux ces éléments de façon à elements tofocus best express elementsof ofart. art. Campers Campers will elements willlearn learn s’exprimer. 241-7471. s’exprimer. howtotoapply applythese these elements how elementstotobest best Visit artottawa.ca or call 613-241-7471. express themselves. express themselves. professional artists. exciting journey taught by local
2022 summer camps! ottawa.ca/artscentres
6 • March 17, 2022 • Volume 36, No. 22
Ottawa School of Theatre The Ottawa School of Theatre is thrilled and happy to announce that their Summer Camp program will return in studio this summer where students and OST-ETO’s professional instructors will build and present live performances.
The Ottawa TFC soccer club will once again be holding a series of soccer camps this summer for youth age 8-12. The camps are designed to develop a player’s individual skills and help build the confidence needed to enjoy the beautiful game.
The extra benefits of theatre study are countless! Self-confidence, public speaking, physical and spatial awareness, empathy, self-awareness, team building skills... and on and on! Theatre skills are a Super Vitamin for healthy humans! All camps will develop the following skills: theatre games; character development; voice and speech; warm up techniques; team-building and collaboration. SUMMER 2022 THEATRE CAMPS! In French and English for students age 6 to 15 years offered in the OST-ETO studio at the Shenkman Arts Centre. While all of our camps will be presented in person, there will be a virtual ZOOM option for students who can’t make it in person for whatever reason. All that is required on the part of the student is an Internet connection, a computer (desktop,
laptop or tablet with webcam / microphone) and enthusiasm. The goal in either case is to provide summer theatre that is rewarding, enriching and challenging; that is focused on encouraging participation, and that helps students try out new skills. Each camp will meet once per day (times vary depending on the camp) from Monday to Friday. For more information visit www.ost-eto.ca or call 613 580-2764 to leave a message.
Ottawa TFC Soccer Camps
Central to Ottawa TFC’s Summer Camp program are a series of half-day open Academy/Competitive camps for U9-U12 players. The first camp will be held at Millennium Park from July 11-15 while the second camp will be held from Aug. 1-5. Alternatively, camps will be held at Gloucester High School from July 18-22 and from Aug. 8-12. The cost is $175 per player per week. A half-day High Performance camp is also being planned for youth age 13-18
at Millennium Park. The camp will be designed to model a national team training camp. Dates to be determined. Two separate Goalkeeper camps will be held for U9 to U12 keepers and U13 to U18 keepers. Dates and location to be determined. For more information about the Ottawa TFC summer camps, or to register, visit ottawatfc.com/camps/2022-camps.
U13-U18 High-Performance Camp
High-performance camp modeled after a professional or national team training camp
Goal Keeper Camps Keeper-specific camps with our GK staff. Dates and time TBD
U9-U12 Academy/Competitive Open Camps – July
Half-day skills camps for U9-U12 competitive or academy level players. Millennium Camp: July 11-15. Gloucester HS Camp: July 18-22.
U9-U12 Academy/Competitive Open Camps – August
Half-day skills camps for U9-U12 competitive or academy level players. Millennium Camp: August 1-5. Gloucester HS Camp: August 8-12.
March 17, 2022 • Volume 36, No. 22 • 7
WOW! What a crazy year! Going to see live music has literally been shut down but there has never been more of a need to listen, enjoy and participate in music. Social interaction, learning a skill and building confidence are all reasons for you to engage in music lessons. School of Rock went 100% remote when lockdown hit in March 2020 and since then we have been providing all of our programs both remote and at the school depending on the restrictions in place. With over 2,500 square feet in our school including six lesson rooms plus two rehearsal rooms, School of Rock ensures that students are taught in a safe and fun environment. We offer programs for all levels and all ages and if you would prefer to have your lessons remotely via Zoom we are happy to accommodate. Our patented results-driven programs combine one on one lessons with group band practices, making School of Rock the ultimate music school for kids and adults. The one-week day camps are a great way to be introduced to the school. No experience is needed and students will enjoy the thrill of playing in a band. Last year we offered more camps than ever but to ensure social distancing they were smaller in size. We sold out and we hope to do that again this year. So, if you are looking for a great activity for your kids, whether it’s one of our programs or a camp, or you yourself are interested in our adult program then give us a call. We
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offer a free first lesson to ensure that this is a good fit and all of our programs run month to month with no long-term commitment. You can contact us as orleans@schoolofrock.com, call us at 613-841-8118 or check out programs, camps, news and resources (like how to tune your guitar) at https://locations.schoolofrock.com/orleans