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Fête Frissons set to go this Saturday at the Shenkman
ORLÉANS – The Fête Frissons winter festival is set to return to the Shenkman Arts Centre this Saturday after a three-year absence due to the pandemic. The festival is run in collaboration with the Winterlude celebration downtown. Among the many activities at this year’s event are live performances, art-making, workshops, story-telling, dancing and, of course, outdoor fun in the snow. There will be face painting provided by LynneArt, pottery demonstrations by the Gloucester Pottery School, printmaking with the Ottawa School of Art, storytelling by the Ottawa School of Theatre and activities organized by the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum and MIFO. And it’s all completely free. The festivities get underway at 10 a.m. For more information, visit shenkmanarts.ca/en/fete-frissons-2023.
Organisation recruiting ‘Snow moles’ to do winter audits
ORLÉANS – The Council on Aging Ottawa is looking for east end residents to help make the area walkways and pathways safe for seniors and others with mobility issues. They are encouraging people to take note of features when going out for a walk, such as sidewalks, bus stops and benches, that are either “safe” or “unsafe”. It could be a bench covered in snow or a sidewalk that is too icy or blocked by snow. Individuals can take and submit photos of both safe and unsafe features to snowmoles@coaottawa.ca. Snow moles can also visit coaottawa.ca/snowmoles and complete an online questionnaire between Jan. 1 and March 31. The information will be used to improve the winter walking conditions for seniors and others with mobility issues next winter.