ORM Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2011

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getting your boxes to us your boxes need to be ready by

November 30th how do you get them to us?

Just call us on (01) 2190268 or email us on moldova@ireland.com if you have more than 5 boxes We have a Santa express that will come to your home or place of work and collect them. Details included within. Outreach Moldova Suite 104, DMG House, Deansgrange Business Park, Deansgrange, Co. Dublin, Ireland Tel: (01) 2190268 www.outreachmoldova.org Irish charity CHY 14229

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(01) 2190268



outreach moldova





I’ve enclosed €2 in an envelope for each shoebox, and also a donation of € for ORM’s ongoing work with these and other similar families throughout the year. • For security reasons, we prefer cheques, made payable to ORM • You can always write one cheque to cover any amount of boxes in a group Please complete this box only if you are an adult, and would like to receive a report in the new year, of Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2011, or if you want news of our other projects. Please e-mail me a report of the Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2011 Please mail me a report of the Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2011 I would like to receive news of Outreach Moldova years round projects

who are outreach moldova? Outreach Moldova (ORM) is an Irish Children’s Charity that is dedicated to providing human rights, medical care and social inclusion for children that have been abandoned or orphaned, children with special needs and children with terminal illnesses in the Republic of Moldova. ORM’s vision is that each person who is physically, mentally or socially disadvantaged deserves to be given special treatment, education and appropriate care required by their particular condition regardless of circumstance. The goal of ORM is to provide immediate and ongoing assistance where needed. We provide the necessary training and supervision required to assist in and develop long-term, self-sustaining programs that will have a positive and lasting impact in the lives of these children and their care givers. We also strive to provide for the communities working with these children. We will be collecting for over 2000 children this Christmas, girls and boys of all ages from 0 - 18. Take part in our Christmas Shoe Box Appeal and make a child feel special, loved and most important not forgotten. “Help us bring the magic of Christmas back into the lives of little children in Orphanages”.


name _____________________________

_____________________________ address _____________________________

_____________________________ E-mail (please write clearly) _____________________________

_____________________________ School, group, church represented (if any) _____________________________


For details go to www.outreachmoldova.org or call (01) 2190268

It is that time of year again and we are turning to all of you once more to see if you can make little children’s dreams come true! WHAT DO I DO? All you have to do is take part in our Christmas Shoebox Appeal and make a child feel special, loved and most important not forgotten. ORM will be visiting over 2000 children this year from the 20th 24th December living in orphanages throughout Moldova with Santa Claus and all his little helpers. Last year brought us to on a very special journey to over 1200 Children and babies in orphanages and to the very moving operation smile which included children from the cancer units and children from vulnerable families in the community thoughout the country where Santa made last wishes come true. This year we are determined to make your given even further, reach even more childrens lives and let them begin to believe in the magic once more. This year the target is to reach 2000 Children and we need your help.....


Anyone can get involved. It can be a family, school, company or a solo project. It takes a shoe box (or boxes) that needs to be wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper and filled with what you as a child would have loved to receive. Then you can send it on the Santa express to Moldova but don’t forget to send us a small email on moldova@ireland.com telling us who you are and what you are sending and we will include you, your family, your school or your company in our Christmas Magic Programme 2011.

• Get an average size shoebox, and wrap it with Christmas paper. Please wrap the box and lid separately. • Choose who you’d like to receive your gift – a boy or a girl. • Cut out the label from this leaflet and stick it to the top of your box. • Fill your box with appropriate gifts. • Include €2 (in an envelope either on top of the gifts, or taped to the inside of the lid). • Close the box with an elastic band, but please don’t seal it with tape, as we need to check it. • Drop the box(es) to our Dublin office or ask the Santa express to collect then from your home or work place. See details over.


Please put in a selection of small gifts from the options below: A TOY : maybe a skipping rope, small musical instrument, a slinky or yo-yo, a doll or finger puppet – something to give them fun! SOMETHING TO LOVE: a toy bear, a doll or a cuddly toy. SOMETHING TO HELP THEM LEARN: a pen, pencil, copy book, colouring book, felt pens, sharpener, eraser – to give them a better start in life. SMALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING: (out of respect to the children, we ask that all clothing be new). Gloves, hat, scarf, socks or pyjamas – they’ll wear it proudly! A HYGIENE ITEM: (new please!) – a wrapped bar of soap, toothbrush and paste, a facecloth, and for their hair, a brush or comb, hairclips. A TREAT – they love sunglasses, or a game, a small Irish gift, a photo of you, or sweets.


Food, medicines of any kind, war related items, large clothing items, anything breakable, any liquids, sharp items or books with words. We reserve the right to remove any items listed above that are not suitable, or dangerous for the receiving child.

You can see last years Christmas video on:


• tape this LAbEL to your box



www.outreachmoldova.org (01) 2190268




outreach moldova



Santa Express Van Details: It costs €1.50/kg for all items sent to Moldova. This is not an ORM run service or company. This is an independent commercial Moldovan transit company that has weekly deliveries to Moldova from all around Ireland.

What you have to do is: •

Send them an email at vadim.cernat.pachete@gmail.com, giving them your name, the most convenient mobile number for you, where you want items collected from and approx what the best date and time for you. Please include approx what you need delivered: 4 Christmas boxes, 40 Christmas Boxes, 2 sacks of warm clothing, 100 toothbrushes etc. Put our Dublin office on the cc of the email: moldova@ireland.com (Don’t forget to put yourself and on the cc of the email)

This company will come and collect your items at a pre-arranged and mutually convenient time. They will organize delivery here to Moldova within 2 weeks. If there is more than one shoe box, we ask you kindly to pack the shoe boxes into a larger box so that no items get lost during transport. You will receive a reference number when your boxes/items are being collected and as the items arrive in Moldova we will post the details of this reference number to our facebook page where you can track your donation. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/ORM-Christmas-ShoeBox-Appeal/215024438564666

Collection/Delivery Details: Contact Person: Vadim Cernat Phone: +353 873546500 Mobile Skype: vadim.cernat.pachete Email: vadim.cernat.pachete@gmail.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/vadimcernat

For details go to www.outreachmoldova.org or call (01) 2190268

For more details please contact us at: Tel: +353 – 1 – 219 0268 e-mail: moldova@ireland.com web: www.outreachmoldova.org Po. Box: 8039, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland Registered office: Suite 104, DMG House, Deansgrange Business Park, Deansgrange, Co. Dublin, Ireland Charity Number: CHY 14229 Company Number: 336502

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