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Residential Services
Arrival Procedure (Check In)
When you arrive at Ormond College, you will check in at the College Reception. It is here you will receive your room key and be checked into the College Resident systems. For new students, you will have received an email inviting you to create your Gallagher profile, this will get you in and out of the College’s common doors and gates. Please activate this prior to arriving to Ormond. The staff will be able to assist with any enquires you may have about this when you check-in. New students will also have a photo taken at this time, for college records. Room Allocations are handled by the Seniority Committee, not the college Staff. If you have any queries about your room allocation, please get in touch with the Head of Seniority via email: seniority@ormond.unimelb.edu.au. The following items are provided by Ormond College and can be found in your room at arrival, bed, mattress, mattress protector, pillow, desk, chair, waste bin & academic gown. If any of these items are missing when you arrive, please contact reception as soon as possible.
Keys and access
For access around the College, you will need your college key for your bedroom, and access via the Gallagher mobile app for all other common doors and gates. Proximity fob’s are available from Reception on request and used in the same way as the mobile app. Your bedroom door will automatically lock, so please ensure you have your key with you when you exit your room. If you lock yourself out of your bedroom, you will need to come to Reception to sign out a spare key for your room. Your spare key must be returned immediately after retrieving your college key from your bedroom.
If you lose your college key or fob, please notify
reception immediately. Replacement keys and fobs are available (see ‘Fines & Charges’). Do not leave you room key in your door. This is a security issue, and any keys found to be left in doors may be removed by a Duty Manager.
Reception & Duty Mangers
Ormond College Reception is open 24 hours and staffed by a Duty Manager at all times. Please feel free to come to Reception at any time or contact us on 03 9344 1100 or the Duty Mobile on 0417 380 480. Our Receptionists & Duty Managers are trained to assist you with any queries you may have, either by being able to resolve your issue, or by directing you to the correct person to speak to.
First Aid & Emergencies
Please contact Reception immediately for any urgent or emergency requirements. The Manager on Duty is present on campus 24/7 and is the first responder who is first-aid trained.
Emergency and Evacuation Procedures
In case of an emergency, you will be informed of evacuation over the loudspeaker. Please leave all your belongings behind and proceed immediately to your nearest Evacuation area. If you are in the McCaughey Building or the Academic Centre, go to the McCaughey Lawn. For all other areas of the college go to Picken Lawn. Please follow the directions of the Fire Wardens & Fire Fighters, you must stay at the evacuation zone until the Chief Fire Warden informs you it is safe to leave.
Fire and Emergency Systems
All of Ormond College is heritage listed and our beautiful buildings are some of the most iconic in Melbourne. Preservation and protection of our magnificent buildings is paramount and therefore our buildings have advanced fire, emergency warning and sprinkler systems installed. These systems are highly sensitive and should not be tampered with in any way. Both steam and smoke can trigger these systems and result in the fire brigade attending campus so please be especially mindful of falsely triggering the alarm. Students may be liable for the costs associated with a false alarm call out and intentionally triggering any aspect of the fire or emergency infrastructure will not be tolerated.
Insurance and Security
While security breaches are uncommon, the College is located in the inner-city of Melbourne and vigilance is recommended. Our campus is fully fenced and access should only be granted to resident and nonresident students, staff and their approved visitors. College gates are fitted with intercoms, so please ensure you do not allow access to any people you do not recognise. This still applies for anyone who says they are a permitted guest of the College, as they must contact Reception via the intercom for further direction.
Please contact Reception immediately if you see any suspicious people or activity on College grounds. Opportunistic theft has occurred on campus from time to time so please ensure all bikes are securely locked and items aren’t left unattended on campus. Student belongings are not covered by Ormond College insurance and is advisable for students to obtain their own contents insurance for their personal belongings.
Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV)
CCTV cameras are installed in outdoor and indoor communal spaces across campus. Cameras are required for security purposes and to meet liquor licensing requirements in some areas. Outdoor cameras are periodically monitored in real time by the duty manager but the majority of cameras are not monitored, however footage is recorded and can be utilised if required to investigate any incidents on campus.
Guests and Visitors
See Guest Policy.
Communication from the College
During semester you may receive information by the college via SMS and Email. Please ensure your mobile phone and email contacts remain up to date. Please do not attempt to reply to these messages, as these reply’s do not filter back to the sender. Please get in direct contact with the sender or contact Reception for more information.
The Grail is an internal Ormond website that has all the key information you need whilst at the college. By accessing the Grail you can view and sign up for events, request assistance and make sure you are up to date with college news. Some of the specific things you can find on the Grail include:
• IT, Maintenance and Housekeeping Requests • Library and Learning updates • Booking Student Success Sessions • View the Food Menu for the week and submit late meal requests You can access the grail by visiting: https://grail. ormond.unimelb.edu.au
IT Services
We have a range of IT services available at Ormond. This includes WIFI, Printing and Audio Visual devices. Information on how to access these resources are included in your welcome pack. If you have any issues with IT, you can submit a IT Support Request through the Grail. On the home page, there is a yellow button on the side that says ‘IT SUPPORT REQUEST’. Through this form you can
provide detail of the issue, priority for when you would like it solved and attach any information that will help the team to solve the issue.
Mail and packages can be addressed to your name at 49 College Crescent Parkville 3052. When a package arrives for you at the college, you will receive a text message informing you that a package is ready for collection from the package cupboards at Reception. Standard letters will be delivered each afternoon to the Junior Common Room for Undergraduatess or the Middle Common Room for Graduates. Pidgeon holes are sorted by first letter of your last name. Please ensure to check for mail regularly.
Cleaning responsibilities
It is your responsibility to keep your own room clean. Vacuum cleaners can be loaned from Reception at any time. Due to the limited number of vacuums, your mobile phone will be held as collateral until the vacuum is returned. Please keep common areas tidy by picking up after yourself. The College kitchenettes, bathrooms & corridors are all cleaned regularly, but it is the student’s responsibility to keep these areas tidy. Please store your toiletries in your room, so our Cleaning team can effectively clean bathrooms.
Students are welcome to have their own bar fridges in their room if they wish. A per Semester charge applies to assist with the additional power costs (see ‘Fees and Charges’). There are communal fridges available in the student kitchenette areas. Please ensure that any food stored here is labelled and fresh.
College Heating
The College heating runs via a boiler system. This system is not active all year round. When the weather starts getting colder, The Master will declare that ‘winter is here’ and the heating will be turned on. Please notify Maintenance or Reception immediately if your heater system is leaking water.
Flammable Items
Open flames & other flammable items are not permitted in student rooms. This includes candles, incense and toasters. Please be mindful that items such as kettles, hair straighteners and aerosols may trigger the smoke detectors. When using communal kitchenettes, please be mindful of any items cooking. Fire brigade call-out fees may apply for anyone setting off smoke detectors or alarms.
Smoking policy
Smoking is strictly not permitted in your rooms or any communal spaces. Smoking is not permitted on campus with the exception of three designated smoking area. These areas are behind the McCaughey Building, a small area of Picken Lawn and the Wade Garden. Butt bins are provided in these areas so please ensure you use them and leave these areas clean and tidy. Please see college map.
Communal laundries are located in all accommodation areas of the college, including both washers and dryers. The cost is $1.15 per wash cycle and $3.15 per dry cycle. Please ensure you empty the machine directly after use. Students need to provide their own laundry powder and drying racks, if required.
Maintenance and Housekeeping
You can lodge a housekeeping or maintenance request via The Grail at any time. If you lodge a request afterhours, the Duty Manger will also be informed and will contact you if the matter is urgent.
Pest control
Given the age of our period buildings active pest control is required and a contractor visits the College on a fortnightly basis. To assist in reducing pests on campus, please ensure your room is kept clean and tidy and no food items are left open or unsealed. Please notify Reception or lodge a maintenance request if you have any concerns.
Students and College staff work together on initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint, via the Sustainability Committee.
In a community our size just doing the little things makes a big difference for example always use the correct bin for your rubbish, turn your lights off when you leave your room, and reduce your shower by a few minutes.
Corridors (fire hazards)
The corridors must remain free of items as these areas are fire escapes and must be kept clear. This includes any furniture or other items from your room. Any items found in the corridors will be placed in storage and storage fees will apply (See fees & Charges).
Notices may only be posted on official noticeboards around the college, not placed on any of the college walls or other surfaces. Notices should pertain to college events or items of interest to the community, and never be personal or sensitive in nature. If you are unsure about the content of your notice, please see Reception for advice.
Vehicles, Bicycles & Parking
The College has a small number of car parks available onsite. If you wish to have a car park, you may apply to do so, prior to each semester. All applications are reviewed and allocated by the Vice Master based on seniority & need. A car-parking fee is charged per semester (see ‘Fines & Charges’). Unfortunately parking for guests is not available. There is ample street parking around College Crescent. Any unauthorised vehicles parked on College grounds, may be clamped. A fee is charged for the removal of the clamp (see ‘Fines & Charges’). Bicycles may be parked at dedicated bike racks only. Students must supply their own bike locks.
Lost property
Our Cleaning team handle lost property, please lodge a housekeeping request if you believe you may have lost something. Valuable items may be stored at Reception, so please check here also. At the end of each semester, lost property will be displayed for your last chance to claim, before being donated to charity.
Academic Gown
At the start of Semester, you will be provided with an academic gown in your room. This gown is your responsibility for the duration of the year and must be left in your room at the conclusion of semester two. Missing gowns will attract a charge (see ‘Fines & Charges’). During the semester break, your gown must be packed with your things, it may not be left in your room.
Academic gowns are part of the heritage of the College and your gown should be worn to every Formal Hall dinner, and all official College events (including Commencement, Re-Commencement, Valedictory, Student Club Dinner & Scholars Dinner). Scholars Gowns feature a gold trim and are presented
prior to the Scholars Dinner in honour of outstanding academic achievement. If you are presented with a scholar’s gown during your time at Ormond, this is yours to keep.
Lockers are available for Non-Resident students, please see Reception at the start of Semester to apply.
Departure Procedure
Please ensure all items that were present in your room when your arrived are left in your room when checking out at the end of semester one or two. When you are moving out of the College, you must check out with reception and return your room key, as well as your spare key (if checked out) and proximity fob. This applies to both mid-year departures and end of year departures, even if you are checking out earlier than usual. Once you have departed college, access to your room will no longer be available for yourself or other students.
You must ensure your room is clean & tidy, all rubbish placed in the outside bins and all your belongings have been packed and taken with you. Charges apply for any missing items or failure to comply with any of the above (see ‘Fines & Charges’). Students must check out of college prior to Midday on Check-Out Day unless they have permission from the Associate Dean of Students.
Trunk Room Storage
There is a limited amount of trunk room storage space available for students wishing to store items at the college during the semester or summer break. This space is prioritised for interstate & international residents and must be applied for. Information on how to apply will be sent out to all eligible students prior to the conclusion of each semester.
Items must be packed into a contained box, bag or suitcase and clearly labelled. Although all care is taken to look after items stored, the college is unable to accept any responsibility for missing or damaged items. Please do not store any liquids, sharps or hazardous items.
Fines and charges
Below is a list of common fines or charges that may be applied to your student account. Any charges on your account will appear on your monthly statement. If you wish to settle a charge on your account, please contact the Ormond College Finance team. Charges are not able to be settled at Reception.
Common Fines & Charges
• Extra servery meal (Guest): $12.00 • Lost room key: $60 • Lost proximity fob: $25 • Lost Locker key: $40 • Bedroom door lock replacement: $250 • Missing academic gown: $105.00 • Missing/Damaged items of furniture; • Pillow: $10 • Waste Bin: $10 • Mattress protector: $25 • Mattress: $280 (Single/King Single) $320 (Queen) • Desk Chair: $350 • Bed Frame: $800 • Furniture moving (in or out of room): $75 • Furniture storage: $250 per semester • Additional end of semester room clean required: $80 - $200+ • Carpet tile replacement: $25 per tile • Removal of items stuck to bedroom wall including blu tac: from $50 • Semester parking: $390.00 • Unauthorised parking: $65.00 • Semester fridge charge: $50.00 • Fridge left not empty or unclean: $50.00 • Missed student service shift: $55