Ryan Ornberg work
Detroit River International Crossing
Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Detroit E&L Mercado
Metro Fleamarket
Cesar Chavez High School
Rincon Taraxco
EL Torrito Supermercado
Bims Pawnbrokers
Dragoon Fort Service
Motown Chicken
Southwestern High School Motz’ Burgers
Motown Chicken Supermercado la Baca
The Worship Church
Kovac’s Bar
Holly Cross Metro Muffler Lockemans HDW
Boat Launch
Iron Cross Motorcycle Club
Delray Recreation Center
Armando’s Restaurant
Sam’s Supermercado
Clark Park
Straith Park Riverside Park KFC/Taco Bell
University of Windsor
Harvey’s Restaurant
Jack’s Foodmart
Billie’s Place Rock Bottom Grill
Duty Free
Canadian Tire Pizza Plus
Brock Park
Metro Supermarket Fort Wayne
Community Centre
Soccer Fields
Tim Hortons
Master Plan Studio 5 Kathy Velikov
Just outside of Detroit exists one of the busiest International Border Crossings in the U.S. To alleviate the congestion of thousands of commercial trucks crossing, a second bridge down river is being proposed. My design for the customs check point also brings with it a trucking center to accommodate the large flows of semi-trucks as they are processed by the border patrol. The buildings on the site float above the ground to allow for truck movement and parking beneath. They appear as singular structures but hold a wide array of programs which stretch out across the vast site. The placement of the customs plaza and trucking center is strategic to limit the impact on the surrounding impoverished neighborhood of Delray. The trucking center aims to be a locus of the community and provide new opportunities for the residents of Delray by offering jobs and interactions with the trucking scene.
Ambassador Bridge (current crossing)
Truck Graveyard Customs Plaza Trucking Center Driving Track
Master Plan 1
3 4 5 9
1: Trucking School 2: Refueling Station 3: Truck Stop + Services 4: Duty Free Shop 5: Maintenance 6: Hotel 7: Border Check Point 8: Junk yard 9: Driving Track 7 8
Customs Plaza The U.S. Customs Plaza programming was dictated by a GSA distributed document of specific needs. The task was to fit the required spaces into a desired design concept. The design capitalizes on the militarized surveillance which is inherent within a border crossing. By making this expressed in the form, guards have the ability to see all angles of their check point from the second floor. Commercial vehicles proceed to the ground level check area while privately owned vehicles drive down a level. This stacking of the check point creates a more condensed and secure border.
Roof Plan
Firing Range
Second Floor Plan
p.o.v. offices
government offices commercial offices
First Floor Plan loading docks
secondary inspection
front office
commercial inspection
Customs Plaza
Trucking Center The trucking center is organized based on time relationships with program of parking vs. amenity. This creates an organized path of flow throughout the often chaotic parking lots. Short term parking offers typical truck stop conveniences while long term parking is adjacent to maintenance and lodging. The road from the highway brings truckers in through the site and into direct relation with the building. Since truck parking lots are so large, the form of the building had to sprawl across the lot area and respond to the pressures of the traffic flows and parking areas, thus resulting in a unique but organized form
Roof Plan
10-15 minutes
02-10 hours
10-24 hours
Customs Brokers
Food Court
Second Floor Plan
Daily Services
Truck Dealer
Trucking School
Hotel Parking
Duty Free
First Floor Plan Convenience
Service Station
School Parking
Border Crossing
02 Seoul Senior Housing
800 0m 0m 400m m
Seoul Senior Housing studio 6 Vivian Lee & El Hadi Jazairy Project Currently in Progress
Seoul, South Korea is experiencing an unprecedented change in population where the majority of the population will be over age 65 by 2050. As part of the Vertical Cities Asia 2012 competition, A master plan to accommodate 100,000 people in the Yongsan IBD area was carried out by the studio of 20 people. 7 housing projects were designed to give character to a city for the aging population. Sitting on the South East side, our building is a gateway to a large park development and focuses on mobility as well as multi generational use. The design consists of a series of boxes containing two floors and 10 units. These boxes stack up above a plinth to create a series of small neighborhoods around a plethora of vertical open space. The design creates interesting views and interactions between the residents living there. While shown as a low rise concept, the design is currently still in development and will be looked at as a flexible structure that can grow if needed.
Senior Housing
ARCH 562 ·
18’ 18’
18’ 18’
datum line
1 8
Seoul Senior Housing
Seoul Senior Housing
Apartment Entrances Pool/Wellness Center
Moss Rigid Plastic Dirt Container 4x4 Light Guage Steel Box Frame 3/4” Translucent Polycarbonate 24” Fluorescent Light (2)
Planter Box Detail
Seoul Senior Housing
Aluminum Angle Clip W12x16 Steel Frame Truss 2� Aluminum Grate Bolted to Frame Tripple Pane Glazing
Facade Detail
Seoul Senior Housing
Seoul Senior Housing
03 wave wall
wave wall Digital Fabrication Marcel De Lange
The final fabrication project was to design something in the computer and build it at a 1:1 scale. Structured as a group project, my team and I designed a double curved wall to be built by a waffle strategy composed of X and Y ribs that notch together. The wall was designed for the graduation exhibit, so we used the exhibit space as a guide for our design. The curves lead people around it and into the room while also creating a nice corner condition. The wall moves from 3’ to 8’ tall and is 8’ long and composed of 62 pieces of plywood. Once the design was finalized in Rhino, I wrote a Grasshopper definition which divided a solid object into the slats. Then the pieces were sent to a CNC machine to cut our plywood. After some sanding, the pieces all slid into place and the wall quickly grew into its wave form.
wave wall Utilizing the Grasshopper plug-in for Rhino, A definition was written to cut up the solid design object into a custom number or divisions. The Y divisions are then rotated a precise degree so that they are structurally perpendicular to the X divisions. Then, the intersection point between each X and Y rib is calculated. This point serves as a base point for the rectangular notch which is drawn with Grasshopper. Then each piece is labeled and oriented onto a planar surface. The 62 pieces are then automatically nested onto stock sheets of plywood in the most efficient way.
wave wall
wave wall
parabarn locatechtonics steven mancouche
Parabarn is the resulting form of a construction methods research agenda on Heavy Timber Framing. American Barn construction before the turn of the century was researched as a window into past performative building methods. Timber as a material and its manufacturing was studied as a way to understand the practicality of such a simple method for mortise and tenon joinery. Mortise and tenon timber framed barns stand today as a testament of their structural rigidity and was therefor used to study how this construction method could perform under recent trends in digital technologies and fabrication. A Grasshopper definition was written to automatically generate specific timber framing members which would respond to changes in a basic wire frame figure. The form can be morphologically configured to react to various forces of nature - and the model responds with a framed barn. Detail joints were studied on the side and built into the model to control breaking points; or perform scalar transformations to react appropriately.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Basement sill.............................................. 10 x 12 Basement posts........................................ 12 x 12 Main sill......................................................... 10 x 10 Cross-sill....................................................... 10 x 10 Main post......................................................8 x 8 Center post.................................................. 8 x 8 Main beams................................................ 8 x 10 Main plate.................................................... 8 x 8 Purlin posts..................................................6 x 6 Purlin beams.............................................. 6 x 6 Purlin plate.................................................. 6 x 6 Upper rafters............................................... 2 x 6 Lower rafters...............................................2 x 6 Purlin girts.................................................... 4 x 6 Purlin braces...............................................3 x 4 3-ft-run brace.............................................. 3 x 4 2.5-ft-run brace.......................................... 3 x 4 End girts........................................................ 4 x 6 Side girts....................................................... 4 x 6 Door girts...................................................... 4 x 6 Breast girts...................................................6 x 8 Breast girt studs........................................ 3 x 4 Ladder post................................................. 3 x 4 Door posts................................................... 4 x 4 Overlays, top and ends flatted to..... 6 x 6
16’ 64’ 16’ 38’
parabarn material: heavy timber
construction: mortise & tenon morphological force: sustained counter-collapse against direction of fall 1.basement sill - 10x12 2.basement posts - 12x12 3.main sill 10x10 4.Cross Sill 10x10 5.Main Post 8x8 6.Center Post 8x8 7.Main Beam 8x10 8.Main Plate 8x8 9.Purlin Post 6x6 10.Purlin Beam 6x6 11.Purlin Plate 6x6 12.Upper Rafters 2x6 13.Lower Rafters 2x6 14.Purlin Girts 4x6 15.Purlin Braces 3x4 16.3-ft. Run Brace 3x4 17.2.5-ft. Run Brace 3x4 18.End Girt 4x6 19.Side Girt 4x6 20.Door Girt 4x6 21.Breast Girt 6x8 22.Breast Girt Studs 3x4 23.Ladder Post 3x4 24.Door Post 3x4 25.Overlays 6x_ 26.Sleepers 6x6
05 arctic rangifer landscapes
Reindeer herders follow the migration patterns that are instinctual to the animals, so they are constantly on the move switching between their summer and winter homes and always making sure the reindeer are within sight. The reindeer follow a seasonal pattern of moving towards the coast for the summer to pursue delicious grasses while they head inland for the winter to feed on the lichen which are able to survive the heavy snow storms. During the spring, the animals go through calving, and the herders have to look after the newborns to ensure their survival while the reindeer move toward the coast. In the summer months, the herders have it easiest while occasionally picking out of their pack which ones will go to slaughter for their hides and meat. Summer goes by quickly and as the temperature drops again for autumn, the herders are busy moving the animals into pens to harvest their herd for slaughter so that they will be provided for during the long winter months.
Spring 800 Reindeer
600 Reindeer
Collection Autumn
arctic rangifer landscapes COMPLEX CLARITY JEN MAIGRET
The research topic of historic reindeer herding practices in Norway, and its conflicts with modern land As the need for new energy sources becomes prevalent in a climate changing world, drastic changes to the use, was explored in conjunction with learning to use landscape are taking place in far away lands. What often seem like remote areas and free space actually have a complex Grasshopper as a tool to visualize data. The arctic affords rich natural resource caches and unpopulated lands, so companies The resultunderlay of historic systems at play. was a map-based drawing which from across the globe are rushing north to take advantage of profi table instances. While there is currently a big push demonstrates the land uses of Reindeer Husbandry and for “green energy”, it must be recognized that not all systems are inherently “green”. Situated on the far Northern coast areas of of Europe lies Norway, wind farming installations across Norway. The The country has pledged to reach 70% which is in a ripe area for wind energy installations. magnitude of the red circles depicts the power output of reliability on wind energy and also use it as an opportunity for foreign investment. Most of these wind farm locations the givenare sited along the costal areas which is often in direct confl wind turbine site, as well as circumnavigating ict with lands used by the Saami reindeer herders. This map of Norway depicts the most notable wind farm locations and measures them as a site diameter proportional to power dots which represent the number of turbines at the Overlayed with this map site. The output (in megawatts) and notes the number of turbines used to achieve that amount of power. blowup map of Berlevag, Norway depicts are the general reindeer grazing pastures (winter and summer) which cover a high percentage of the land on closer a planned wind farming site in question and the herd inspection. movements and seasonal pasture areas in the area. 30° West
70° North
Arctic Circle
Winter Grazing Pastures Summer Grazing Pastures Site Diameter in Megawatts Number of Turbines
60° North
30° West
ARCTIC RANGIFER LANDSCAPESrangifer landscapes arctic Calving
Spring 800 Reindeer
600 Reindeer
District 6, Várjjatnjárga: 11,148 Reindeer Arctic rangifer landscapes explores the historic Inuit practice of reindeer husbandry confronted by contemporary land use issues such as natural resource extractment, and maps out the complexities around heavily debated confrontations. While reindeer husbandry is mainly practiced by the Saami people of Norway, Sweden, and Finland, the focus is brought to Norway due to its growing push for renewable energy, such as wind power. Norway’s extensive coastline makes it a hot spot for harvesting wind energy as the wind comes whipping down from the Arctic Circle. Wind energy is just one of the many abundant natural resources in Norway that is being extracted, but there is a common misconception that wind farms don’t hold much impact on the land. From 1000 feet above, Norway’s landscape looks like a rugged natural landscape that is unoccupied between the small towns that dot the fjords. However, It is actually a highly drawn out landscape divided into 77 reindeer herding districts which break down into grazing pastures for the four seasons. The Saami people have relied on reindeer herding since the 17th century as a means for food and generating income from the sale of meat and hides. Herders typically live a life of two seasons, following the reindeer as they move from their inland winter pastures to the costal summer grasses. At a closer scale, the land becomes a patchwork of pasture land, herder huts, and migration travel routes. For the sitting of wind farms, turbines are drawn as a network based on wind patterns and other proximity concerns, however they often are in direct conflict with land used by reindeer herders. The impacts of wind installations on reindeer are not fully known but have shown to disrupt the migration patterns due to noise and the occupation of grazing land by the large turbines, roads, and facilities associated with the installations. As these installations extrude from the landscape, the Saami traditions and means of life are being threatened by this need for energy. Having little say in Norwegian land use policy, the Saami people are in danger of losing valuable resources of their own.
Collection Autumn
30° West
200 000 M 70 W 400
00 M 16 W
390 00 M 17 W
TROMSØ er Decemb
900 0M W 6 540
00 M 18 W
70° North
00 M 12 W
Arctic Circle
0M W 2
000 M 90 W
00 M 25 W 0M W 000 9 M 24 W
400 M 68 W
0M W 5
0M W 1
0M W 1
60° North
00 M 32 W
736 00 375 32MW 0M 5 W