Oro Valley


Joe Winfield, Mayor
Melanie Barrett, Vice Mayor
Harry “Mo” Greene, Councilmember
Joyce Jones-Ivey, Councilmember
Mary Murphy, Councilmember
Josh Nicolson, Councilmember
Elizabeth Robb, Councilmember
For Mayor and Councilmembers, call: 520-229-4700 council@orovalleyaz.gov
Town Manager Jeff Wilkins 520-229-4725
Got questions? Ask OV! ask@orovalleyaz.gov
Design & Production by the Town of Oro Valley Communications & Marketing Division.
Copyright 2025 by the Town of Oro Valley. All rights reserved.
Access more Oro Valley news, events and activities at our website: www.orovalleyaz.gov
Dec. 2024/Jan. 2025

2024 has been a “golden” year for Oro Valley
THANK YOU to everyone who helped us celebrate Oro Valley’s 50th Anniversary this year! It was an “all-hands” effort, including local businesses, generous sponsors, community partners, Town staff and YOU—our residents! In addition to our parade and celebration event in April, our friends at the Oro Valley Chamber hosted a “shop local” program, featuring 50 businesses for 50 years, along with great prizes from sponsors. We planted 50 trees for 50 years. We collaborated to create a timeline of our community's history and a series of articles that tell our town’s story through the eyes of those who experienced it first-hand. 2024 may be coming to a close, but the timeline and stories will remain available on file and our website for future generations. Click here or visit OVAZ.gov and click on the blue 50th Anniversary button.

State of the Town Address now available online
Mayor Joe Winfield delivered his sixth State of the Town at the Hilton El Conquistador Resort on Oct. 31. His message reflected on the Town’s successful initiatives, projects and partnerships over the past year, including the celebration of Oro Valley’s 50th anniversary, while sharing his vision and optimism for the future. A video of the event is now available online. Click here or visit orovalleyaz.gov and type STATE OF THE TOWN into the search bar. This annual event is hosted by the Oro Valley Chamber.
Oro Valley’s Path Forward – The 2026 General Plan
Way to Go, OV! The new draft vision for OV’s future was built and most recently, improved by residents! Approximately 130 residents took the “Wordsmith Challenge” to help ensure the draft vision and 13 guiding principles honor your voices heard over the past year. Drafting a vision and guiding principles is just one of the first steps to create a plan that determines OV’s future. Your continued involvement is very important!

Join a resident working group to help turn the community’s vision into a reality. All residents are welcome, especially youth! Learn more and sign up for a working group at OVPathForward.com
Oro Valley is a community where all residents have access to valued amenities, activities, services and opportunities to live, work, shop, dine and play. The Town maintains its strong sense of community by prioritizing public safety, natural beauty, scenic views, outdoor recreation, arts and culture.

Shop Oro Valley!
Remember: shopping locally is a reinvestment in your quality of life! Explore all of Oro Valley’s shopping, dining and service options by visiting www.shopovaz.com.
• 2nd Haus Salon
7225 N. Oracle Rd. #108
• Cicada Goods
9255 N. Oracle Rd. #155
• David J Friedman MD PC 1521 E. Tangerine Rd. #225
• Dorron Marketing, LLC 9255 N. Oracle Rd. #125
• Handel's Homemade Ice Cream 7315 N. Oracle Rd. #108
Upcoming events
Parents' Night Out: Holiday Prep Edition
Friday, Dec. 13, 6 – 10 p.m.
• Millenium Acupuncture 11115 N. La Cañada Dr. #201
• Oasis Nutrition
7927 N. Oracle Rd.
• See's Candy 7856 N. Oracle Rd.
• Sonkissed Kitchen and Gardens 8850 N. Oracle Rd.
Arizona Heroes Memorial
In case you missed it, the Arizona Heroes Memorial Board of Directors, led by Dick Eggerding and Lisa Hopper, gathered at Naranja Park Nov. 16, along with hundreds of supporters and dignitaries, to celebrate a ribbon cutting. The new memorial, which was 100% privately funded, aims to honor active-duty military, veterans, first responders, and healthcare workers. Learn more at azheroesmemorial.org.
Behind the Scenes at Steam Pump Ranch

In this month’s “Behind the Scenes” video series, join us for a closer look at historic Steam Pump Ranch. Parks and Recreation staff give us a tour and talk about the many ways the Ranch is used as a community gathering space. Catch our videos on social media or on the Town’s website at orovalleyaz.gov.
For more details and events, visit the Town’s event calendar at www.OVAZ.gov.
Steam Pump Ranch, 10901 N. Oracle Rd.
Cost: $20 per child; Ages: 5-12
Drop the kids off for an evening of fun while you enjoy a night out or catch up on your holiday shopping! Register to attend at playOV.com.
Second Saturdays and Makers Market at Steam Pump Ranch
Saturday, Dec. 14, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Next event: Jan. 11, 2025
Steam Pump Ranch, 10901 N. Oracle Rd.
Join us for a special holiday edition of Second Saturdays, with holiday-themed activities and performances. Live music begins at 10:30 a.m.
SnOV: An Oro Valley Holiday Event
Sponsored by Lisa Bayless Long Realty
Thursday, Dec. 19, 5 – 8 p.m.
Oro Valley Community and Recreation Center 10555 N. La Cañada Dr.
Enjoy SNOW in Oro Valley! This FREE event offers games, crafts, food and drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) for purchase, plus holiday characters and a visit from Santa.
Hot Cocoa 5K 2025
Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Race starts at 11:25 a.m.
Steam Pump Ranch, 10901 N. Oracle Rd.
Early registration (by Dec.18) is $35; Regular is $40 Kick off your New Year’s resolutions with the Hot Cocoa 5K! Run, walk, or bring the stroller on this scenic path, and enjoy snacks and cocoa after the race.
Move Across 2 Ranges Hiking Challenge
MOVE Across 2 Ranges is a partnership between Marana and Oro Valley Parks and Recreation
Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025 6 a.m. – 5 p.m.
This event begins in the beautiful Tortolita Mountains (Wild Burro Trailhead) and concludes in Catalina State Park.
$40 registration includes: access to packet pick-up party, event t-shirt, entry fee into Catalina State Park, entry in raffle, and meal & drink tickets at after party.
For details and registration, visit move2ranges.com.