2 minute read
Rabbi Michael Kahn Executive Director, NCSY Israel
בוט היהת בוט בושחת Pharaoh and his men are approaching Am Yisrael at the Yam Suf and all of a sudden the complaints come pouring in, “Weren’t there enough graves in Mitzraim, didn’t we do tell you when we were slaves to let us be, it would have been better to be slaves in Mitzraim than to die in the Midbar”. Chazal tell us that even as the sea split in front of Am Yisrael, they complained that it was muddy! They said “In Mitzraim we need to make bricks of mud and here we are stuck with our feet in mud”. After the crossing of the Yam Suf, Am Yisrael traveled for three days in the Midbar and could not find water to drink. The Torah then tells us:
He suggests that perhaps it wasn’t that the water was bitter, rather the people were bitter, their attitude was too bitter. A person could be the beneficiary of the greatest miracles and greatest presents but if they have a negative attitude it simply won’t be good enough. If one has a positive outlook on life they will feel a sense of calm and appreciation with whatever they have. Let’s strive to think בוט and God Willing we will see the בוט in our lives.
Shraga Fein 12th Grade, Beit Shemesh
Overcoming Obstacles
This weeks Parsha is Parashat Beshalach. As is known, we the Jewish people, came out of Egypt and eventually made our way to the land of Israel.
“They came to Mara and they could not drink the water because it was bitter..”
The Kotzker Rebbe (Menachem Mendel Morgensztern of Kotzk: 1787-1859) explains that happiness is a function of attitude, many people always see the positive and also, some people always see the negative.
Mazal Tov to Shai & Leah Rubin on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Asher
It seems from these pesukim that Bnei Yisrael would rather have been slaves than soldiers.
How can this be?
Sometimes in life, when one is facing a difficulty or challenge, it seems impossible. When one is at the bottom of a small hill, it can sometimes seem like a mountain.
Even though slavery is worse than war, in the eyes of Bnei Yisrael approaching war, it seemed like an impossible challenge.
Therefore, Hashem sent them to the Midbar after Egypt, in order to take a step back and see the bigger picture and be able to appreciate the amazing land that we were given.
Sometimes we have to step back to understand that the challenge is doable and worth it.
After all our nation went through we have to understand and be able to make decisions for the things that matter most. Sometimes we get scared, lazy, angry, etc, but at the end of the day just like how the Jews got to the Holy Land, we too can overcome obstacles that to us seem impossible.
I hope you all have an amazing and meaningful Shabbos.

המלש האופר
• Miriam Tovah Chaya bat
Chanah Elisheva Rivka
•Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal
הלחמ ןב ןתנוהי •
רתסא ןב המלש •
לזייר הניס ןב ץרה ילתפנ •
הכרב הנח ןב השנמ םהרבא •
• Esther Fruma bat Baila
• Yisrael Leib ben Chana
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