November 9, 2012 Print Edition

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Oral Roberts University • Nov. 9, 2012 Tulsa, Okla. • Vol. 47, No. 7

Fagin’s Finale Provost Ralph Fagin prepares to unveil a retirement gift from the faculty as Professor Tim Norton emcees the presentation Nov. 6.

YOUR FAVES! SURVEY RESULTS PAGES 7-10 Photo by Austin St. John

Address 7777 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74171 Web Phone (918) 495-7080 Email The Oracle is the premier student news media organization of Oral Roberts University. Our mission is to serve the ORU community with accurate and relevant media content, integrity, creativity and a focus on continual improvement.

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IN THIS EDITION Center: PAGES 7-10 Student survey of where to find your faves



Sports: Men’s Basketball Preview




Letters to the Editor










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Pres. Obama wins second term

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Four decades of dedication to ORU


LIFE By Meghan Drake The Internet Café and the Fishbowl were where clusters of students awaited the outcome of the presidential election on Tuesday night, Nov. 6. President Barack Obama’s supporters cheered loudly while some Mitt Romney fans were upset at the results. “Optimally, I would have liked to see Romney win, but (I am) not disheartened,” said John Richards, a junior studying biomedical chemistry. He added that he was not 100 percent for either candidate. The election was neck and neck during the last several hours before polls closed, but Obama won with 303 electoral votes over Romney’s 206. (The race was still too close to call Wednesday in Florida.). Sophomore computer science major Christie Weakly said that because humanity runs on individualized subjectivity and pathos, “Obama fits the bill that would appeal to that.” Many students look to the future and the implications of the re-elected president, such as what will happen to the economy, Obamacare and the national debt. Junior pastoral care major Kenzie Jackson said Obama’s re-election is “not

a crazy surprise” because it allows time to finish some of the things he started. She acknowledged, however, that he might not bring much new material to the table. Kevin Santos, a junior biology premed student, sees problems at the state level especially dealing with Obamacare. “Battles in the states are more messy than a change in leadership,” Santos said.

Other students, though, applauded Obama’s second term. “I will probably have my Obama shirt on tomorrow if I can find one,” senior theater arts major Bryanna Williams said. She added that Obama needed another four years to fully implement what he started in 2008. Similarly, Toni Sheree, a junior business administration major, said her initial reaction to seeing the Obama administration getting another four years

was “ecstatic.” For many ORU students, Nov. 6 marked the first time they were eligible to vote in a presidential election. The right to vote in America is oftentimes characterized as a growing-up rite of passage. Now students must vote on their own, showing their independent selves. Brittany Stephens, junior public relations major, said she missed her family in Florida and how crazy they get over politics. Although she yearned for home sweet home, she said that she is looking forward to Obama to “step up into some changes he has been talking about.” Some students addressed certain topics that Obama stands for, like abortion and gay marriage, and how they reconcile God’s hand on America while the president stands for these issues. “I just don’t like the babies getting killed,” freshman computer engineering major Briar Burnam said. “I believe in the power of prayer; that’s what I’ll be doing for the next four years.” Freshman biology/pre-med major Brittani Montgomery said, “Obama may be president, but Jesus is still on the throne.”

THE ORACLE • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • 3

Hurricane Sandy leaves the East Coast in ruins

This Halloween superstorm arrived Oct. 29-31 and quickly became the worst storm to hit the East Coast since 1938. brought such a perspective on how fragile life is,” Smeragliuolo said. “Because Hurricane winds destroyed many homes where I live it in the New York and New Jersey area. just looks like a Third World By Madison McDaniel country now because there’s Hurricane Sandy’s shock just debris everywhere.” can be felt all the way to the At the height of the ORU campus, where many disaster, 8.5 million homes and students’ families were affected businesses were out of power. by the East Coast storm. Junior Andrew Choflet from States affected by Sandy include: New York, New Jersey, Toms River, N.J., was able to contact his family despite their Pennsylvania, Connecticut, lack of water, Internet and Rhode Island and West damaged power lines. Virginia. More than 113 “My immediate family has deaths in the U.S. have been been without power for the attributed to Sandy, with past week,” Choflet said. “This the toll still rising as bodies has also affected our water are discovered among the supply, since my family uses a demolished streets. pump for a well.” “A lot of the houses are Sophomore Jennifer completely gone,” senior Deanna Smeragliuolo said. “It’s Cheung, another student from Toms River, N.J., is still just weird because that’s your dealing with the aftermath. childhood.” Her family decided to leave Smeragliuolo grew up their house when the water in New York City, making rose reached the backyard, memories with her family even though they were “never there, and said that it’s ‘officially’ evacuated. frustrating because “it’s never “The day after the hurricane going to look the same again.” hit [Oct. 30] my mom decided “After seeing pictures…it

4 • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • THE ORACLE

Photos courtesy of Deanna Smeragliuolo

Children play in the hurricane debris.

my mom gut the house and to venture out to see how in the destruction and loss of move everything out.” the house was,” Cheung said. families people are working Hurricane Sandy may “There was so much water together. have demolished much of the in the streets, she had to use “That in itself is like an East Coast, but for some, a a kayak to get through our answer to prayer for years for newfound hope for restoration neighborhood.” the island and just the city of has been built. Though many students New York alone,” she said. Smeragliuolo said that even aren’t home to help with relief efforts, many states are finding ways to pick up PRINT YOUR SENIOR PAPER the pieces WITH THE ORU BUSINESS through the CENTER AND REGISTER TO help of their WIN A $100 UNIVERSITY community. STORE GIFT CERTIFICATE!* “Samaritan’s Purse came Matt Tedescucci, Health Science and set up a training session at my church, Grace and Peace, BUSINESS CENTER for anyone who wanted to volunteer,” Cheung said. “On Saturday, about 50 people showed up to my house, 3RD FL. LEARNING RESOURCES CENTER, NEXT TO HAVA JAVA volunteering with HOURS: MON-THURS 7:30AM-6PM, FRI 7:30 AM-5PM Samaritan’s * No purchase necessary. See store for official rules. Purse to help

“Seagull” portrays tale of art and love By Danielle Coy ORU Theatre’s latest undertaking is the Russian classic “The Seagull,” written by Anton Chekhov, a playwright acclaimed worlds over for his work involving art, love and loss. Students from both theater and other majors have been cast for the production, which will be held in Howard Auditorium Nov. 8-10 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 11 at 2 p.m. Senior DTF major Kelsey Carroll plays Irina Arkadina, the female lead. She considers the show to be a challenging piece of art for audience reception. “It’s a very difficult, intellectual piece,” said Carroll.

A fellow DTF major, Caleb Reynolds, plays Yakov. He commends the cast for their teamwork dynamic, and said he enjoyed working with them in this production. “I would recommend this show for a mature audience,” said Reynolds, “both for students and for older audiences.” Other cast members include Garrek Reed, Nathan Arnold, Natalie Spack, Chris Daniels, Koreen McLain, Caroline Sorunko, Matthew Berry, Will Acker, Christopher Miller and Sarah Morse. Tickets will be sold for $5 for students with an ORU ID and $10 for general admission.

NEWS BRIEFS Debate team wins trophies The ORU Debate Team brought home six trophies from the Central States Invitational Forensics Swing, held Oct. 26 and 27 at the Longview campus of Metropolitan Community College near Kansas City, Mo. ORU ’s Debate Team consists of 11 members, and six of them competed at the tournament, including Jasmine Cotton, Aba Hammond, Josiah Henderson, Joseph Jackson, Charlie Meadows and Sarah Sandford. Thirty-two colleges and universities from Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas competed in the event. ORU students won trophies in these events: * Hammond and Cotton reached the quarterfinals of parliamentary debate in the novice division with a 4-1 record. * Cotton placed sixth in communication analysis. * Jackson won third place in extemporaneous speaking and fifth place in communication analysis. * Sandford won sixth place in informative speaking.

Photos by Chandler Branzell

At left: Matthew Berry and Natalie Spack share a stage kiss. Above: Garrek Reed and Natalie Spack practice lines during dress rehearsal. Bottom: Koreen McLain, Natalie Spack, Will Acker, Nathan Arnold, Kelsey Carroll and Matthew Berry pose at dress rehearsal.

This marked the third tournament that ORU has competed in this semester. The final tournament of the semester will be Nov. 16 and 17 at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Ark. ORU’s Debate Team began last year and is coached by Molly Brown and Dr. Agena Farmer.

Oracle, Perihelion place nationally The National College Media Convention was held Nov. 1-3 in Chicago. A nine-student delegation from ORU Student Media attended and entered the “Best of Show” awards. The Perihelion won ninth place nationally in the “Yearbook Fewer than 300 Pages” category. The Oracle placed fourth nationally in the “Four-Year Non-Weekly Tabloid” category. The delegation included Professors Kevin Armstrong and Dr. Laura Sherwood, Chelsea Boen, Chandler Branzell, Ashton Loehr, Brian Berg, Billy Burke, Austin St. John, Meagan Ewton, Hannah Covington and Amy Lecza.

THE ORACLE • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • 5

FAITH Dr. Halsmer to head up new Faith and Learning Center in January By Ian Harrup A new educational program is coming to ORU and it is said to be groundbreaking for the university: The Faith and Learning Center. Proposed and directed by Dr. Dominic Halsmer, it is an initiative to assist faculty and students with a complete integration of a Christian worldview with their academic pursuits. Halsmer first proposed the concept to the ORU administration in the spring of 2012. It was then refined over the summer and approved in the fall for a Jan. 1, 2013, opening. “The idea for the center was rolling around in my head for several years,” Halsmer said, “during which time I talked with many faculty about it.” Though Halsmer is currently dean of the College for Science and Engineering, he is stepping down from his administrative duties to personally head this initiative. “I will serve as the director of the Center for Faith

and Learning; however, I will still be teaching three classes per semester,” Halsmer said. “My role will be to disseminate information on faith and learning to the rest of the faculty, and to assist them in teaching, research and publication in this area.” Halsmer gave more detailed explanations of the purpose of the Faith and Learning Center. “The center will encourage faculty to more fully and actively engage students to hear God’s voice in the midst of their studies; to discern how to properly apply this newfound knowledge with wisdom from above; and to pursue their academic discipline and calling with good stewardship over all the gifts and resources God has given us,” Halsmer said. There are currently no formal courses offered by the center, but there will be seminars and workshops for faculty and students. There are also developments for a workshop on the importance of play for fostering creativity and productivity, and maintaining a healthy spirit.

“I think God made us for the fun of it,” said Halsmer. When asked about what groups the center is aiming at, Halsmer said, “Hopefully, everyone in the ORU family will benefit from the center.” “I’m really looking forward to it...but mostly I’m looking up...for guidance. Probably my look vector is about 75 degrees from the horizontal. That ought to do it,” Halsmer said. Dominic Halsmer earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in aeronautic and astronautic engineering from Purdue University. He later earned his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from UCLA. An accomplished athlete, he often earns a topthree slot in Tulsa area races and in 2007 placed third in the 3000 meter steeplechase at the National Master’s Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Maine.

Who voted on what? States decide major issues Religion News Service (RNS)

Gay marriage

• Did Maryland voters approve gay marriage? YES • Did Maine voters approve gay marriage? YES • Did Minnesota voters ban gay marriage? NO • Did Washington state voters approve gay marriage? YES


• Did Arkansas voters approve medical marijuana? NO • Did Colorado voters approve stateregulated marijuana sales and consumption? YES • Did Massachusetts voters approve medical marijuana? YES • Did Oregon voters approve stateregulated marijuana sales?

NO • Did Washington voters approve stateregulated marijuana growth and sales? YES

Assisted suicide

• Did Massachusetts voters approve doctor-assisted suicide? NO

Human trafficking

• Did California voters increase punishment for human trafficking convictions? YES


• Did Maryland voters approve an expansion of casino gambling? YES • Did Oregon voters approve casino gambling? NO • Did Rhode Island voters approve state-operated casino gambling? YES

Death penalty

6 • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • THE ORACLE

• Did California voters end the death penalty? NO


• Did Florida voters ban public funds from going towards abortions? NO • Did Montana voters approve parental notification prior to an abortion for a minor? YES

Blaine Amendment

• Did Florida voters end the prohibition against state funds supporting religious organizations? NO

Internet Photo

President Obama was elected Tuesday to serve a second term.

ORU Chapter of Concerned Women for America of OK

“Where do we go from here?” A Call to Action GUEST SPEAKERS:

• Dr. Mark Roberts, ORU • Ret. OK State Senator James Williamson • Diocese of Tulsa Msgr. Patrick Gaalaas

A post-election review of the challenges to America’s religious freedom, civil liberties and the sanctity of life

Friday, November 16 5 - 6:30 pm

ORU Zopelt Auditorium, Rm 103 Refreshments & fellowship to follow

ORU Student Poll Ranks Campus Faves

Photo by Destinee Thames

Senior nursing major Tim Morrison takes a lunch break at McAlister’s. The 81st St. location was voted Best Place to Use ORU Eagle Bucks in the 2012 Best of ORU survey. BEST HAMBURGER WINNER: McNellie’s Hank’s Hamburgers Bill’s Jumbo Burgers Ron’s Hamburgers & Chili Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Smashburger BrewBurger Five Guys Burger & Fries Fuddruckers BEST HOT DOG WINNER: Sonic Drive-In Five Guys Burger and Fries The Gnarley Dog Siegi’s Sausage Factory Coney I-Lander Billy & Ike’s

Want to know the best place for free Wi-Fi or a steaming cup of coffee? Are you bulking up in the AC and need protein powder or looking for ways to serve in ministry? Well, it’s all right here in the Second Annual Best of ORU Student Survey. Students in this fall’s Communication Research

BEST SUBS & SANDWICHES WINNER: McAlister’s Deli Firehouse Subs Mr. Goodcents Subs & Pastas Panera Bread Schlotzky’s Subway Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches

BEST PIZZA RESTAURANT WINNER: Hideaway Pizza Joe Momma’s Pizza Mario’s NY Style Pizzeria Mazzio’s Italian Eatery Savastanos Pizzeria Marley’s Chicago Style Pizzeria Top That! Pizza Bellacino’s Pizza & Grinders

BEST PASTA WINNER: Olive Garden Carino’s Italian Restaurant Macaroni Grill Carrabba’s Italian Grill Cheesecake Factory Oliveto Italian Bistro Napoli’s Italian Restaurant Zio’s Italian Kitchen

BEST PIZZA DELIVERY WINNER: Papa John’s Pizza Domino’s Pizza Mazzio’s Italian Eatery Mary Jane’s Pizza Hungry Howie’s Pizza Pizza Hut

class and working in conjunction with ORU Student Media polled 350-plus graduate and undergraduate students in 40 categories. Congrats to the winners and nominees for making THE LIST! We suggest you save this section and use it to plan a roommate date, text-bomb a study group or tweet a top pick. BEST PIZZA BY THE SLICE WINNER: Joe Momma’s Pizza Marley’s Chicago Style Pizzeria Mario’s NY Style Pizzeria Umberto’s Pizza Piehole Pizzeria NYC Pizza

BEST HEALTHY/ORGANIC WINNER: Whole Foods Market Lambrusco’z To Go Be Le Vegetarian Restaurant Green Acres Market Fresh Market Oliveto Italian Bistro Sonoma Bistro Jason’s Deli Tropical Smoothie Cafe’

BEST SEAFOOD WINNER: Red Lobster Joe’s Crab Shack White River Fish Market & Restaurant Bodean Seafood Bonefish Grill Waterfront Grill

BEST QUICK-SERVE MEXICAN OR TEX-MEX WINNER: Chipotle Mexican Grill Qdoba Mexican Grill Taco Bueno Taco Bell Baja Jack’s Burrito Shack Freebirds World Burrito

THE ORACLE • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • 7

BEST QUESO, CHIPS & SALSA WINNER: El Tequila Baja Jack’s Burrito Shack Los Cabos Mexican Grill El Guapo’s Cantina Chimi’s Mexican Restaurant Freebirds World Burrito On The Border Tres Amigos BEST MEXICAN OR TEX-MEX RESTAURANT WINNER: El Tequila Los Cabos Mexican Grill El Guapo’s Cantina Abuelo’s Mexican Food Embassy On The Border Ted’s Cafe Escondido Chuy’s Mexican Cantina Tres Amigos

Photo by Destinee Thames

Riverwalk Crossing, voted favorite date place by ORU students, was purchased in April by the Muscogee (Creek) Nation for $11.5 million.

BEST ASIAN WINNER: P.F. Chang’s China Bistro Viet Huong Pho da Cao Pei Wei Asian Diner Thai Village Wang Wang BEST ASIAN TAKEOUT WINNER: Pei Wei Asian Diner






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8 • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • THE ORACLE

Wok Wok Chinese Delivery Panda Express Golden Gate Chinese Restaurant Hot-Wok Chinese Restaurant Szechuan Express Wang Wang Chinese Food BEST SUSHI WINNER: Yokozuna In The Raw Sushi Fuji Japanese Cuisine Asahi Sushi Bar Haruno Sushi Train SushiHana Osaka Steakhouse of Japan BEST DOUGHNUTS WINNER: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and Coffee Daylight Donuts OK Country Donut Shoppe QuikTrip Harvest Donuts & Bakery Inc. Merritt’s Bakery BEST BARBECUE WINNER: Rib Crib Billy Sims BBQ Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Back Alley Blues & BBQ Elmer’s BBQ

Big Daddy’s All American BBQ Wrangler’s Bar-B-Q BEST STEAK PLACE WINNER: Texas Roadhouse Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse Mahogany Prime Steakhouse Waterfront Grill Redrock Canyon Grill Outback Steakhouse Santa Fe Cattle Co. LongHorn Steakhouse BEST BREAKFAST WINNER (TIE) FIRST WATCH WINNER (TIE) IHOP Cracker Barrel Restaurant Brookside by Day (BBDs) McDonald’s Queenie’s Cafe and Bakery Panera Bread Mimi’s Café BEST WINGS WINNER: Buffalo Wild Wings Wing Run Wingstop KFC BEST ICE CREAM OR FROZEN YOGURT WINNER: Orange Leaf

Cherry Berry Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Store Yolotti Frozen Yogurt Peachwave Frozen Yogurt Freckles Frozen Custard Marble Slab Creamery BEST CUP OF COFFEE WINNER: Starbucks Coffee Co. Nordaggios Coffee & Espresso Bar Kaffe Bona Shades of Brown Topeca Coffee DoubleShot Coffee Company Java Dave’s BEST DESSERT WINNER: Cheesecake Factory Smallcakes Cupcakery Cupcakes by Lu Panera Bread Mod’s Coffee & Crepes Merritt’s Bakery Kupcakz BEST PLACE FOR WIFI WINNER: Starbucks Coffee Co. Kaffe Bona Orange Leaf Panera Bread IHOP Barnes and Noble Nordaggios Coffee & Expresso Bar

BEST PLACE TO STUDY WINNER: Nordaggios Coffee Kaffe Bona Shades of Brown Coffee and Art Starbucks Coffee Co. Panera Bread Barnes & Noble IHOP McAlister’s Deli BEST PLACE TO USE EAGLE BUCKS OFF CAMPUS WINNER: McAlister’s Deli Bellacino’s Pizza & Grinders Chimi’s Mexican Restaurant Chipotle Mexican Grill IHOP Mr. Goodcents Subs & Pastas Nordaggio’s Coffee Little Caesar’s Pizza Orange Leaf Qdoba Mexican Grill Quiznos Sub Subway Wingstop Zio’s Italian Kitchen BEST MINISTRIES FOR YOUNG ADULTS WINNER: 3D - Victory Christian Center Oneighty - Church on the Move Sub 30 – GUTS

Late Night - Life Church 2iLLUMINATE - Grace Fellowship Church Sanctuary So Fly - Greenwood Christian Center BEST SHOPPING DISTRICT WINNER: Woodland Hills, S. 71st between Memorial & Hwy 169 Cherry Street: 15th & Peoria Brookside: Between 31st & 51st on S. Peoria Utica Square: Utica and Yorktown off 21st Street Riverwalk: 96th and S. Riverside + just across the Jenks bridge Tulsa Hills: S. 71st St. & Hwy 75 Promenade, 41st and S. Yale BEST CASUAL DATE DISTRICT WINNER: Riverwalk: 96th and S. Riverside + across Jenks bridge Cherry Street: 15th and Peoria Brookside: Between 31st and 51st off Peoria Utica Square: Utica and Yorktown off 21st Street Tulsa Hills: 71st Street & Hwy 75 Woodland Hills: 71st between Memorial Hwy (continued on page 10)

Photo by Michael Garcia

Jiffy Lube Assistant Manager Kristephan Wells says the company offers 20 percent discounts to ORU students, faculty and staff. Jiffy Lube was voted by ORU students as Best Place for an Oil Change.

THE ORACLE • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • 9

Photo by Destinee Thames

Photo by Michael Garcia

Courtesy Photo

Photo by Michael Garcia

Best of ORU favorites clockwise from top left: Banana French Toast cupcakes from Smallcakes; trio of Red Velvet, Gummi, and Caramel glazed cupcakes at Cupcakes by Lu; pumpkin-flavored frozen yogurt topped with white chocolate chips, granola and whipped cream from Orange Leaf; and First Watch Floridian French Toast made from sourdough bread and topped with wheat germ, powdered cinnamon sugar and fresh banana, kiwi and berries. (Continued from page 9) Promenade: 41st and S. Yale Downtown Tulsa Tulsa River Parks, Riverside Drive Bluedome District: 1st and Elgin BEST APARTMENT COMPLEX WINNER: Vintage on Yale Pheasant Run Riverbend Apartments Greenbriar Apartments CreekWood Apartments The Links on Memorial Crown Woods Apartments Bandon Trails The Lakes BEST PLACE FOR AN OIL CHANGE WINNER: Jiffy Lube Firestone Walmart Robertson Tire Pep Boys

BEST PLACE FOR GAL’S HAIRCUT WINNER: Supercuts Walmart Procuts Dolce Salon Ihloff Salon and Day Spa Arcs Great Clips BEST PLACE FOR GUY’S HAIRCUT WINNER: Supercuts Great Clips Walmart Tulsa Hair Company Barber Kings Sports Clips BEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION WINNER: Bank of America JP Morgan Chase & Co Arvest IBC Bank Tulsa’s Teachers Credit Union

10 • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • THE ORACLE

Bank of Oklahoma Oklahoma National Bank (ONB) Bancfirst BEST PLACE FOR VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS WINNER: GNC Ignite Nutrition Whole Foods Green Acres Market Akin’s Natural Foods Market Complete Nutrition BEST BIKE SHOP WINNER: Bicycles of Tulsa Lee’s Bicycle Shop Tom’s Bicycle Shop T-Town Bicycles TREX BEST DRESS SHOE STORE WINNER: DSW Payless Shoe Store

Aldo Steve Madden Shoe Carnival Rack Room Shoes Glass Slipper BEST PLACE FOR TENNIS SHOES WINNER: Footlocker Tulsa Runner Fleet Feet Sports Journey’s Academy Sports & Outdoors Dick’s Sporting Goods BEST CELL PHONE COMPANY WINNER: AT&T Sprint T-Mobile U.S. Cellular Verizon Cricket

BEST PLACE FOR GALS TO FIND A BANQUET WINNER: Macy’s Forever 21 Abelina’s Boutique Dillard’s Half of Half Cache Ross DEB


Preseason ranking heightens expectations Changing leagues doesn’t intimidate these champs, who hope to reach summit of the Southland Conference

By Billy Burke White out. Spirit run. March Madness. Without even reading another word you already know what I’m talking about. After months of waiting, ORU basketball season is finally in full swing. Men’s basketball is always on the forefront of the buzz, and this year it’s not just the Ozone hyping the Golden Eagles. Coming into the season, ORU received a vote for a preseason ranking among the nation’s top programs. Despite not making the NCAA tournament last season, the fact that ORU was even considered is a sign of good things to come.


Steven “Sparkplug” Roundtree Jr.



Mikey “007” Manghum Jr.

Avg. PPG 2.3

3PT% .422

Mikey has come a long way from being a walk-on. Last year he assumed a larger role when Ken Holdman went down. Now with Rod Pearson gone, Manghum is the veteran guard on the Eagles going into the season. Manghum’s strengths come from sound fundamentals. He plays solid defense, distributes the ball well and puts Drain-o on his Wheaties every morning to make him money from downtown.


Shawn “The Magician” Glover Jr.

Avg. PPG 12.1

3PT% 1.9

Roundtree’s improvement last year was tremendous. He went from starting as a freshman to coming off the bench as seamlessly as any player can. After being chosen as the Summit League Sixth Man of the Year, he looks to put together an explosive junior year. When the Eagles want to slow the game down and play big, Tree is going to be able to move to his natural position at three. This should lead to a spike in production as he plays with an intensity that makes him a tough matchup.

Warren “Gatling” Niles Sr.

Glover has been sitting on the bench for the past year after transferring from Utah. Houston, we are ready for liftoff. This is what people should be saying because this guy is going to explode onto the scene. In the Blue and White scrimmage last year, he showed what he can do by dropping 30 points. In an exhibition match against Missouri Southern, Glover led the team in scoring with 22 on 9-14 shooting. Although he still hasn’t played in a real game, it would be utter madness not to give this guy minutes. Look for him to be a key player for the Eagles this year.

Photos By Austin St. John

Avg. PPG 12.1 3PT% 1.9

Rapid fire — words that fit Niles to a tee. Every team needs a player who can put the team on his back and ring up points when it counts. With Dominique Morrison gone, Niles comes into his senior year primed for a breakout. He was the second highest scorer last year and is capable of cracking off a huge game on any given night. Scott Sutton will look to feature him on isolation plays, so look for him to be cashing out on a regular basis. (No not literally. We’re not Ohio State.)

SG Damen “The Native” Bell-Holter Sr.

Avg. PPG 12.1

3PT% 1.9

Last year Bell-Holter was hampered with a nagging back injury. After racking up an insane 15 rebounds, it’s safe to say he is feeling prime. Going into his senior campaign, Bell-Holter will be vital to the Eagles’ success as he provides a veteran presence in the paint. He had four double-doubles last year and is seventh all time at ORU in blocks (92) and looks to move up that list this year. Listed at 6 feet 9 inches, 245 pounds, Bell-Holter has the physical tools to be an elite big man in NCAAMB.

THE ORACLE • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • 11

Newcomer no more: Hungarian earns her way into starting role By Amber Smith Referring to “passion for the game” is all too common in the sports world. But what would sports be like without passion? Passion drives the best to get up earlier than everyone else and run, practice night and day when the competitors are resting and completely give their time, energy and the best years of their lives to something that can only demand more. Bernadett Balla is no stranger to this passion for the game, and it is apparent every time she steps onto the basketball court. She has pursued this passion for 11 years, beginning on the streets of Pecs, Hungary. A street ball team comprised of her and her close friends found their niche in-between the lines on the pavement. “My love for basketball came over time,” said Balla. “I always knew that I wanted to play basketball, and as I began to, I just fell in love with the game.”

Now, “Detti” is a starting sophomore varsity member of ORU’s women’s basketball team, flourishing on the courts of the Mabee Center. Born and raised in Hungary, Balla began perfecting her game under the leadership of many outstanding coaches. Before her career at ORU even began, Balla was a part of many teams that took Europe by storm. Helping her teams achieve an under-16 European Championship, three under-18 Hungarian Championships and an under-20 Hungarian Championship at Budapest, Balla is a valuable asset to any team. Yet, Balla recognizes that she does not do it alone because she has the support of her coaches and teammates who push her to be great. “My parents, friends, and street ball teammates have also always supported me in my basketball career,” she said. After living in Budapest for

a year, Balla made the decision to follow her basketball and collegiate education dreams to the campus of Oral Roberts University. Now, Balla is as focused on her studies as on her sport. Majoring in physical therapy and athletic training, she plans to go pro in her pursuit of basketball while also acquiring her master’s degree. Beginning her second season as an ORU athlete, Balla’s position is a forward located near the paint. Her job description is to box-out and to score down low. Her legacy at ORU began after her first season as a Golden Eagle where she was both a Summit League All-Newcomer Team and a Summit League All-Academic Team selection. Her stats alone speak for her performance last season as she started in 12 games, averaged 6.5 points and 3.8 rebounds a game and accumulated several big career highs

Courtesy Photo: ORU Media Relations

Sophomore Bernadett Balla drives to the hoop during ORU’s 74-54 win over Oklahoma Baptist on Nov. 3. including 18 points within a single game against IPFW. This season is no different with the first exhibition game featuring Balla in the starting lineup. Looking forward to a brand new season, Balla is prepared to take her game to the next level as the regular season begins. “My goal this season is simply to become even more

confident in my game and to work on the details,” she said. “I am more confident in my game, and I believe in myself more. I am now starting to understand that what I have is not just a talent, but a gift from God. “I am thankful for my faith, my gift, my coaches, and my family because they got me here and have supported me.”

Women’s loss in exhibition opener raises many questions By David Sauer The first exhibition game of the season didn’t go as planned for ORU women’s basketball. On Oct. 29, ORU lost to Harding 68-54. It was the first time the Lady Golden Eagles have lost to a non-Division I opponent since 1993 and the first ever loss to a non-Division I opponent for head coach Misti Cussen. One of the biggest problems for the team was shooting. ORU went 10 for 38 in the first half and finished the game with a 36.7 field goal percentage. They didn’t help themselves with 19 turnovers and struggled from the free throw line hitting only four out of 10. Senior guard Kevi Luper led the team with 21 points on 8 for 19 shooting. Freshman forward Taylor Cooper’s

33 minutes on the court led the team, but she only hit once on 14 attempts. Defensively, the team’s switch to play more man-to-man will take some time to adjust to. “Defensively, we’ve got a ways to go,” said Cussen. “I’ve told a lot of people it’s going to be a little bit messy coming out of the gate this year with some of the things we are trying to make happen.” Cussen also mentioned that the team worked harder on defense and as a result, the offense struggled. “I think our kids really came out and tried to execute some of the things defensively that we are asking them to do this year,” Cussen said. “And they didn’t work as hard to make the offense execute.” On a positive note, Cussen said the game allowed ORU’s newcomers to gain

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valuable experience. “It was just good for those girls to experience their first game tonight and have an opportunity to see what the Mabee Center looks like with all the lights on and people sitting in the stands,” Cussen said. The second exhibition game went much better for the Lady Golden Eagles. On Nov. 3, ORU defeated Oklahoma Baptist 74-54, thanks to key performances from Kevi Luper and Jaci Bigham. ORU opened the game by forcing five turnovers and taking an early 11-0 lead. However, Oklahoma Baptist was able to come back and trailed by only two at the end of the half. OBU would end up taking the lead with 12:30 left in the game.

OBU’s lead was possibly the spark ORU needed. They scored 19 unanswered points, putting them in complete control of the game. Luper contributed eight points during this stretch. With seven minutes to play, ORU built a 64-46 lead and maintained a double-digit lead for the remainder of the contest. ORU played much better offensively than in the first game. Luper led the team with 25 points and also contributed eight rebounds and eight steals. Bigham, in her first game of the season after missing game one due to injury, contributed with 12 assists and multiple trips to the free throw line. Cooper and Bernadett Balla also made big impacts with 16 and 11 points respectively. Savanna Buck also added eight rebounds in the victory.


“Nefarious” film exposes sex-slave trade By Greg Brown The Faculty Christian Worldview Committee has put together an on-campus showing of Benjamin Nolot and Matt Dickey’s 2011 film, “Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.” The 96-minute film seeks to uncover the veil of the modern sex slave trade. It will be shown in Christ’s Chapel at 7 p.m. Nov. 11. This viewing is presented by the Incurable Fanatics Tour, in which “Nefarious” will be shown publicly around the country by a team from Exodus Cry. They will be selling merchandise, answering questions and helping raise awareness at each stop. This film is poised to show young adults the reality of sex trafficking in a way that they may not have seen it before. The “Nefarious” website explained what is to be expected from the film. “The film is currently NR (not rated). There is no nudity or swearing, but it is a very mature subject matter, with actual footage from red light districts, and re-enactments of what some victims experience.”

Exodus Cry, the organization behind the creation of this film, is a Kansas-based ministry that is “built on a foundation of prayer and is committed to abolishing sex slavery through Christ-centered prevention, intervention and holistic restoration for trafficking victims.” This is the only stop in Oklahoma for the tour. Dr. Mark Roberts, who chairs the Faculty Christian Worldview Committee at ORU, spoke highly of this film. “This unique exposé of global sex trafficking shows how not only criminal elements but also governments and culture themselves facilitate this life-destroying scourge,” Roberts said. “But there is true hope for victims and for legal reform.” Roberts remembered hearing about the film from Barbara Law, an English instructor on campus. Her husband, Terry Law, is an ORU alumnus who has been deeply involved with ministering internationally, and founded World Compassion Ministries. Law decided to let her Honors Faith and Civili-

Benjamin Nolot and Matt Dickey’s 2011 film, “Nefarious: Merchant of Souls” seeks to expose the modern sex slave trade. Internet Photo

zation class view the film after her husband showed her “Nefarious.” “She was so moved by the film in the class that she came and presented it to the committee,” Roberts said. “It took about 30 seconds to say yes.” The committee had good reason to approve a campus-wide viewing. “The sex trafficking trade is alive and, unfortunately now, really doing well,” Roberts said. “Exodus Cry sees sex trafficking as an international problem, and they want God’s saving rain to bring them out.”

Students and professionals dance together

Photo By Chandler Branzell

Rachel Cotts rehearses her performance for “Enter In” which will take place at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15 and 16 at Camp Loughridge. By McKensie Garber The ORU Dance Program will perform “Enter In,” an artistic showcase of faith and spiritual motion, at two separate venues over four consecutive days. The first two days are paid performances of the

ORU Dance Program combining forces with the Living Water Dance Company. The performances are at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15 and 16 at Camp Loughridge. Admission is $8 for students, $4 for children and $10 general admission. Proceeds will benefit the ORU Dance Club to help them participate in the American College Dance Festival and international dance missions. The following two days are free, at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 17 and at 3 p.m. Nov. 18 in Christ’s Chapel without Living Water Dance Company. “We are bringing together Living Water Dance Company and ORU Dance to have the opportunity for students and professionals to perform together,” said Amy McIntosh, founding director of ORU’s dance program. Many pieces in the concert to be held at Christ’s Chapel are student choreographed and directed. ORU dance majors are required to take courses in the areas of dance performance and choreography. These student-directed pieces contribute a large part of their grades and the completion of their dance degree. A selection of these student-choreographed works will also be included in the Camp Loughridge benefit concert, along with ORU faculty works in ballet, jazz and modern/contemporary dance. ORU senior dance major Lexie Jo Sweeney said it

takes months to prepare a single piece for the show. A lot of time is put into finding the music and inspiration for the piece before choreography even begins. “I create better and more genuine work from a feeling, thought or emotion within me that can come out in motion,” Sweeney said. McIntosh said, “Each concert is a journey, and we come out on the other side of it closer as a dance community, as we trust God to be present and speak through our movements with each offering.” The vision of the ORU Dance Program is “to provide opportunity for our students and faculty to share dance in a communal setting that directs us to encounter our faith as it is deeply integrated with our dance, to have opportunity to adapt to a setting beyond the typical stage, to be in closer proximity to our audience and breakdown the walls that can get built up between the audience the dancer, and to move into a different part of our ORU campus to create bridges and use dance as a vehicle for healing.” McIntosh said, “I feel like God is calling us as artists to truly go into every person’s world and for us this might be the church communities right here in Tulsa,” McIntosh said. “Experiences like this one are really the impetus for trying something different and having this dance concert be held in Christ’s Chapel.”

THE ORACLE • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • 13

Cherry Street: where hipster couples meet Looking for tasty food, a steaming cup of coffee, culture and entertainment all in one place in Tulsa?

By Jessica Sherwood Cherry Street caters to a variety of different tastes and senses of entertainment. There are cafes, vintage boutiques and art galleries all within walking distance. Cherry Street’s roots began with a man by the name of A.D. Orcutt, before Tulsa was even a city. Orcutt was a rancher who eventually watched the growth of a city take over his land. His son, Sam, set out to build an amusement park. The park contained a water hole in the center for cattle. Eventually the park was closed in 1917 and residential

arrangements took over the land. Shortly after, the watering hole became Swan Lake. In 1993, Orcutt Developing Company bought Cherry Street to renovate the space and create what would be known today as Cherry Street. Customers at La Madeleine, a petite French café, are able to watch the hustle and bustle of Cherry Street through the large paned windows. La Madeleine offers specialty French food entrees as well as desserts. The cozy café contains a fireplace for customers to warm up beside during the winter months. The café is open every day of the week from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. If you prefer Italian food, check out Andolini’s Pizzeria. At Andolini’s, everything is made from scratch using all fresh ingredients. Andolini’s is also open seven days a week starting at 11 a.m.

ORU student Lydia Blossom said, “With a variety of restaurants to choose from and other Tulsa attractions, Cherry Street is a great place to walk around, study or hang out with friends.” If you still have room after dining on your choice of either French or Italian foods, head across the street to The Coffee House, better known as CHOC’s. CHOC’s provides both indoor and outdoor seating. Customers can choose from specialty drinks or pastries. An outdoor fireplace allows customers to find comfort in the cool evenings during the fall. The coffeehouse also provides a live venue for local artists and holds art shows. After sipping your cup of chai, take a walk outside and head down the street to Blue Jean Baby Boutique, Tulsa’s only denim boutique. This vintage boutique offers blue

Photos by Jeanette Derubeis

Photos by Jeanette Derubeis

CHOC’s offers a great study atmosphere. jean brands such as: David Kahn, William Rast, Hudson, and Bleulab. Blue Jean Baby Boutique also sells accessories such as scarves and jewelry. To find out more information, check out their Facebook page, Blue Jean Baby. If you still haven’t received your Cherry Street fill by the end of one visit, be sure to return next semester on a

warm spring day. Cherry Street Farmers Market is open on Saturdays from 7-11 a.m. April 9-Oct. 11. The Market offers organic food, homemade crafts, and plants. Cherry Street is sure to warm the heart of each new visitor with its charming atmosphere and diversified options of food, entertainment and shopping.

Coffee House on Cherry Street, known as CHOC’s to locals, provides tea, coffee and a variety of pastries.

La Madeleine overlooks Cherry Street and offers a cozy atmosphere and French foods for customers.

14 • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • THE ORACLE

Subjectively Objective: An orderly dance of inspiration

Research Participants Needed in a Brain Imaging Study of Depression The Laureate Institute for Brain Research in Tulsa, Okla. is currently recruiting participants for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) study of depression. Participants must have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. We are also recruiting healthy individuals and individuals with Anorexia Nervosa. Participant Requirements: • Female • Ages 14 to 25 • No history of an eating disorder • Body Mass Index of 18.5 to 25.0 • No psychiatric medications within 3 weeks of scanning (6 weeks for Prozac); participants will NOT be asked to stop current medications. • Right-handed • Native English speaker

Compensation is provided for time and effort related to participation.

For more information, please call:

(918)502-5100 6655 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136-3329

By Nathan Porter Nearly two weeks ago I stared at my television screen in awe, as a destructive diva made her devastating entrance onto the ballroom of American soil. In what seemed like a moment, Hurricane Sandy waltzed arrogantly across the Eastern Seaboard, leaving behind a trail that was anything but graceful. In just a few short days, freeways became canals, stores became barren land, and homes became memories. After the decimating breeze of music stopped and Sandy ceased her dancing, more than 110 people were killed, tens of thousands of homes were destroyed, over 8.5 million Americans were left without power, and the city that never sleeps was left in a virtual coma. As a native of Maryland and a son of the East Coast, I was shocked by the destruction that occurred in a region usually void of natural disasters. However, there was something that shocked me even more than the destruction. While millions of people throughout New York and New Jersey battled for food, water, and electricity, a few miles away, New York Knicks fans sat comfortably in Madison Square Garden and watched as Carmelo Anthony and the Knicks battled Lebron James and the Miami Heat in an NBA regular season basketball game. I was confused, to say the least. Opponents of the game argued that in a time like this basketball is a luxury, and that the resources spent on it should be used to help provide order to those suffering. However, many NBA fans, players and executives argued that the game would bring a needed sense of hope and joy to the area and inspire many of the New Yorkers who were suffering. This argument caused controversy throughout New York and New Jersey, and believe it or not, it’s an argument

we are constantly faced with in society. The argument poses a simple question. When we’re confronted with life’s many storms, what’s the greater necessity, order or inspiration? There’s no doubting that order and strategy often bring about victory. Business plans, war strategies, maps, medical data and surveys are all orderly ways of arriving at necessary solutions. Yet still, inspiration is not to be forgotten. Musical melodies, eloquent literature, adventurous films and motivating sporting events are all mediums that inspire us to discover necessary solutions. This balance of contradictions can be seen perfectly in dance. The goal is to inspire, but if the dance lacks order and coordination it quickly becomes awkward and chaotic. Of course, if left unchecked, both sides can become equally destructive. The pursuit of order and strategy can turn into manipulative control, and the pursuit of extreme joy and inspiration can turn into unhealthy pleasure. But still, the question is worth answering. The reality is that life is filled with violent storms, and we’re all desperately curious as to whether our order or our inspiration is the shelter that will protect us. As I look at the desolate state of many cities throughout the East Coast, it’s clear that no simple formula can save us from our problems. Neither our order nor our inspiration could overcome the devastation. Hurricane Sandy has replaced millions of Americans’ desire to dance with the desire to simply get by. The hope of victory has been squandered into a stalemate. In the aftermath of a storm, all our efforts appear futile. I can only pray, that above all our earthly storms, there stands a divine Savior, gracefully dancing in victory, and eagerly throwing out His divine order and heavenly inspiration on all those who so desperately need it.

THE ORACLE • Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 • 15

By Ian Harrup While America anxiously awaited election results Nov. 6, more than 100 faculty, friends and family members gathered on the 60th floor of CityPlex to celebrate Dr. Ralph Fagin’s four decades of dedication to ORU. The university’s provost and chief academic officer began as a student basketball player in 1968-69 and climbed the ranks to serve as interim president for 18 months before the arrival of Dr. Mark Rutland. Both Fagin and Rutland will retire this academic year. “Ralph beat me to it,” Rutland said. Rutland began the evening’s speeches of recognition remembering Fagin’s professionalism and friendliness when he first arrived in 2009 from Florida. “I never had to worry about the excellence of the administration, even when Ralph told me he would never be interim president again,” Rutland said. “In these last four years, Ralph has always been quick to explore common ground in a conflict to find a mediated answer. “He defined the understanding of his position and the education system, and he understood how to be a gracious advocate in every position he took,” Rutland said. “Ralph helped me see the greatness of our faculty,” Rutland said. “Congratulations, Ralph, I am right behind you.” Dr. Larry Hart, who came to ORU with Fagin as a fellow basketball player, picked up where Rutland left off. “Ralph is the same person in every contest he enters,” Hart said. “He expresses true spirituality and he loves God and man. He will be missed.” Fagin’s unparalleled character and integrity were common themes of the speakers, who included Dr. Debra Sowell, Dr. George Thyvelikakath, Dr. Ray Gregg and Dr. Thomson Mathew. “He carried so many titles, but he was the same man in all of them,” Mathew said. “He was a leader, brother and friend.”



Also pointed out was the fact that Fagin was the first student to earn a Ph.D. at ORU. Every speaker finished their speeches with exonerations of Fagin’s legacy at ORU and blessings over him for the years ahead. Dr. Bill Jernigan joked that night over Fagin’s “now unemployed status.” Dr. Ralph Fagin (above) enjoys listening to family and friends reminisce in humorous ways about his fourdecade career at ORU. Among the guests Nov. 6 were his wife, Darlene (left), and Dr. Mark and Alison Rutland (right). Photos by Austin St. John

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“...Ralph has always been a calm in the storm, and a voice of reason,” Jernigan said. “He is the epitome of why ORU is a special place.” After the videos concluded, the ORU Chamber Singers, conducted by Dr. Edward Pierce, sang “Here I Am, Lord.” ORU Athletic Director Mike Carter and graduate education Professor Tim Norton concluded the accolades by presenting Fagin with various gifts. Carter came with sports memorabilia, such as a 1969 basketball program identifying Fagin as point guard, Fagin’s original jersey and a media guide from the ’69-70 season, which included a profile on Fagin. Carter also mentioned Fagin’s positive influence on Richard Fuqua, the star athlete credited with building ORU’s Mabee Center due to his impressive play. Norton then honored Fagin with a gift from the faculty: a gold watch revealed in glass on a walnut base, made by Charles Herbert in France, with gold letters on a plaque commemorating Fagin. Fagin, a St. Louis native who now lives in Broken Arrow, gave the final speech of the evening. As a joke, he first called for an investigation on how the faculty received funding for the watch. “Am I alive?” Fagin asked. “This is like my funeral or something over the top! I don’t deserve it; but I’m bald, and I don’t deserve that either.” Fagin thanked everyone for the past 40 years at the university, which “provided a good structure and clarity, and no micromanaging.” “It’s like a relay race of time, and I am handing the time to you now,” Fagin said. “You have great relationships with teachers and students, and we all pay for excellence with hard work; that’s what makes you the finest people. “When we stay in the boundaries of God’s favor, (then) grace, love, compassion and blessings stay with us,” Fagin said. “Darlene and I are on another parttime adventure, and we believe in ORU and love you so much. God bless you all!”

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