BHATIA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Getnamallee Village Gummidipoondi Taluk, Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu
AMBA RECYCLER PRIVATE LIMITED,B-3,R.M.Towers,108,Chamiers Road,Chennai-600018
1.0 THE PROJECT There is considerable demand for Metallurgical Coke in South India. To meet the increasing demand of Metallurgical Coke Bhatia International Limited (BIL) has proposed expansion of existing coke oven plant from 84,000 TPA to 1,68,000 TPA by installing an additional battery and also establish a 12 MW power plant using WHRB.
Low Ash Metallurgical Hard Coke Power Generation using WHRB
Upon Expansion
84,000 TPA
1,68,000 TPA
12 MW
2.0 LOCATION The existing BIL plant, wherein expansion is proposed is located at survey no. 341,365,367,368,377,378, 379,380, Getnamallee Village, Gummidipoondi Taluk, Thiruvallur District. The site is near to the SIPCOT industrial complex in Gummidipoondi. BIL had acquired 10.73 ha of land and the proposed augmentation is planned within the existing plant site, and no additional land is required for the proposed augmentation activity. The location is also shown in the Fig 1.0.
Executive Summary, BIL
Fig 1.0 Location of Bhatia International Limited
BIL Coke Oven Plant
Executive Summary, BIL
3.0 MANUFACTURING PROCESS The main raw material used is low ash, low sulphur coking coal, which is imported. The crushed coking coal is charged into series of ovens from the top. After carbonization of coking coal for 36 hours at 1200°C results in converting coal to coke, and the coke is ready for pushing. Non-recovery coke ovens have a distinct environmental advantage over conventional ovens in that they are operated under negative suction which reduces emission levels to very low levels. In Non-recovery coke ovens, the gas evolved from the coal is completely combusted, a portion of the energy being released to sustain the coking process. The remainder is exhausted through a waste gas system from which heat is recovered by raising steam in boilers and to generate electric power of 12 MW. 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT As part of Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment study, an area covering 10 km radius around the BIL site was considered, and study undertaken during Jan-March 2007 to establish baseline environmental status with respect to various attributes and the status is as follows.
4.1 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out continuously for 1 season, to assess the air quality status in the region. At all these sampling stations “SPM” as well as gaseous pollutants like “SO2”and “NOx” were monitored round the clock. The CO and HC were also monitored at various sampling locations. Apart from these, the dust fall rate (DFR) was also monitored during the study. The values of all the parameters were found to be well within permissible levels in the ambient air, and in general varied as described in Table 1.1.
Executive Summary, BIL
Table 1.1 Summary of Air Quality Data S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Unit µg/Nm3 µg/Nm3 µg/Nm3 µg/Nm3 µg/Nm3 µg/Nm3
Overall concentration 12-24 11-38 34-162 9-41 < 114.5 < 65
4.2 WATER ENVIRONMENT The assessment of water quality in the area of 10 Kms radius around BIL plant site was undertaken during the study period. Selected physico-chemical parameters have been used for describing the baseline status of water environment and assessing the possible impacts due to the discharge of treated wastewater on land for green belt development. Generation of baseline data for water quality covers sources of ground water and surface water. Water quality was monitored once during the month to assess the baseline status. Bacterial examination was carried out to identify faecal contamination of water sources. In-Plant measure to manage wastewater in a scientific manner prevents water pollution to a large extent. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) from the samples analysed varied between 310 mg/l to 520 mg/l. The hardness of the corresponding samples varied between 38 mg/l to 234 mg/l. Heavy metals in all the samples were found to be below detectable limit except for few metals which were also below detectable limits. Total coliform was present in all the samples confirming feacal contamination. The test carried out for Pesticides and phenolic compounds proved the water in and surrounding the plant site to be nontoxic in nature. 4.3 NOISE ENVIRONMENT
Executive Summary, BIL
Noise level assessment around BIL plant site has been carried out with the objective of assessing the impact of total noise generated in the site on its workers and human settlements within and around plant site. The noise levels at all the plant boundary was found to be far within the permissible norms of MoEF with respect to day / night. 4.4 SOIL ENVIRONMENT The soil is sandy in depths with traces of silt and clay. The soil is weakly acidic with no traces of the alkalinity. The fertility value of the soil is very low with low organic matter and NPK content. The soil had adequate quantities of the micronutrients Bo, Mn, Cu and Zn. The soil was nonsaline with low concentrations of NaCl and Na2CO3.
This soil would require good quality
irrigation water to develop green belt. 4.5 BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT A detailed study was conducted by means of field survey and also obtaining secondary data, covering a radius of 10 km around the proposed BIL site. The analysis of the results of vegetation in the entire 10 km radius of the BIL plant site indicated that there was an abundance of plant community in the entire area and its distribution was heterogeneous. The distribution of terrestrial fauna was found to be uniform. The data collected revealed absence of rare and endangered species at and surrounding the BIL plant site. 4.6 SOCIO-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT The area within the first 10 km radius of the site falls mostly in Gummidipoondi Taluk. The population of the area according to the 2001 census was nearly 4,00,000 out of which 50.5% were males and 49.5% were females. Among the total population, 31% belonged to the scheduled castes (SC) and 3% belonged to the scheduled tribes (ST). Literacy rate was poor (about 41%). More than three fourths of the population in the region is engaged in agriculture, which is the main occupation in the area. All villages are connected by Kuccha and Pucca roads. Bus is the main mode of public transport, other than rail transport.
Executive Summary, BIL
The waste heat from Coke Oven plant is used to generate 12 MW power, and have also proposed to install ESP during the time of installation of WHRB. Further, the following Control measures are incorporated to control the Fugitive Emissions. Coal handling & preparation plant 1. Coal unloading area is provided with water spray system. 2. The coal hopper/crusher house is provided with dust extraction and ventilation system. 3. The belt conveyor system envisage Belt conveyor on open gallery type system with continuous hooding device along the length of belt conveyor. Coke Oven Battery Plant 1. Non recovery coke ovens operate on negative pressure in the oven chamber, the down comers, sole flues and whole of gas dust. As such, emissions from the oven are eliminated. 2. During charging of oven with coal charging car, due to many number of down comers to convey the waste gases from crown to sole flues, no charging emissions take place. Amply designed down comers have been provided connecting the oven crown space with the sole flue along the length of oven chamber.
3. Due to controlled introduction of primary air through the oven drops into the oven chamber and secondary air into the sole flues, the potential thermal NO x generation is restricted. Inherent in the Non recovery coke oven process is a staged combustion technique to generate minimal amounts of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx). The selective admission of primary air into the oven cavity (crown) and the admission of secondary air into the sole flues provided a ‘low temperature’ environment for combustion. This minimise the potential of “Thermal NOx” generation and restricts NOx formation is generally recognised as being approximately 50% less than most low NOx combustion techniques.
Executive Summary, BIL
4. The design of sole flue is in the form serpentine type and allows for admission of secondary air for combustion along the length and breadth of sole flue. This will also eliminate any hot spots occurrences. Further the following measures have also been incorporated •
Proper maintenance and tarring of roads inside the factory.
Preventive maintenance of valves and other equipments.
Green belt on all the sides within the project boundary, and community plantation around the unit helps in attenuating the fugitive emissions of pollutants from the unit.
Ambient air quality and stack/fugitive emissions monitored regularly.
In-plant training provided to the plant personnel on operation and maintenance of dust collectors, techniques of dust emission measurements, particle size analysis etc.
Effective operation and maintenance of pollution control system to contain the emissions/keep them within the CPCB limits
A good house keeping consisting of simple, obvious task of cleaning up spills, removing accumulations around processing equipment and in general keeping things neat and clean will form a part of normal operation and maintenance procedure
Suggested control measures for arresting fugitive dust emissions along with the envisaged pollution control equipment are adequate and will help to have a healthy and cleaner environment inside the plant thereby improve the productivity and the efficiency of the workers as well as that of plant machinery. Hence, the impact on Air environment will be negligible. 5.2 WATER ENVIRONMENT There is no waste water generation from Non-Recovery Coke Oven Plant, however upon installation of WHRB, there will be a small quantity of Boiler Blow down. The water balance diagram is as shown below.
Executive Summary, BIL
Water Balance Diagram 132
104 Coke Quenching
Cooling pond/ settling tank
28 160
10 Bore well
Boiler Make â&#x20AC;&#x201C;up Proposed
Auxiliary cooling Proposed
Cooling pond II Propose d
Raw Water
Guard Pond 133
Green Belt
Domestic Sewage
Domestic Consumption 3.2
Dispersion Trench
Executive Summary, BIL
All these wastes except sewage will be treated and recycled through a Central Effluent System into the process. Coke Quenching •
The fine particles and coke breeze is washed down into the drain leading to the breeze settling pond.
The plant operates on zero discharge by way of recycling the water from quenching after passing through a series of settling tank. Only make water need be added on a daily basis, which also is sourced from the boiler blow down.
The following environmental protection or pollution control systems have been incorporated for mitigation of impacts on Water Environment. •
Air-cooled condensers to cool down the main condensate water, thereby conserve precious water.
Central effluent management plan to enable achieve optimum recycling.
Minimise effluent to as much as possible.
The effluent from Boiler Blow Down, and Auxiliary Cooling water blow down is let through cooling pond for reduction of temperature before letting into guard pond. About 105m 3/day of wastewater from guard pond is then used for Green belt development and
the remaining
quantity is mixed with wastewater generated after coke quenching in cooling pond/settling tank from where it is used in coke quenching. Domestic sewage will be treated in a septic tank to the limits as specified by TNPCB/CPCB, and then dispersed through dispersion trenches within plant premises for greenbelt development. Hence, there is no discharge of effluent, and impact on water environment will be negligible. 5.3 NOISE ENVIRONMENT Acoustic enclosures have been provided wherever required to control the noise level below 85dB (A). Wherever, it is not possible technically to meet the required noise levels, personal protection equipment have been provided to the workers. The wide green belt around the plant will attenuate the noise levels out side the plant boundary. 9 AMBA RECYCLER PRIVATE LIMITED
Executive Summary, BIL
5.4 LAND ENVIRONMENT One of the activities with large potential effects on soil and groundwater is the disposal of waste on land and in landfill sites. When waste material is disposed off on land, rainwater and surface run-off may percolate through the material and carry contaminants into soil and groundwater. Change in soil surface and soil properties may have impacts on soil micro-organisms, natural and cultivated plants and animals, the visual landscape and amenity and on buildings and other constructions. The solid waste generated will be Coke Breeze of around 50 Kg/month will be sold out to local cement plant / brick manufacturers. 6.0 GREEN BELT DEVELOPMENT About 3.00 ha of the total land area of 10.73 ha of BIL is already developed as greenbelt, upon augmentation BIL proposes to improve the greenbelt area.
7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Area of Monitoring Ambient Air Quality
Stack Emission Surface Water Quality Ground Water Quality
Number and location of sampling stations 2 stations
Stack emission measurement at duct 1 nearest surface water bodies 3 stations adjacent to the ambient air quality stations. At the plant site and from close to the air quality monitoring stations. 4 stations.
Frequency of sampling Twice a week; each for 24 hour period at suitable intervals OR As per SPCB consent Once every 15- days
Parameters to be analysed SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOx and CO
Once every 3-months
Physical, chemical and biological parameters Physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters. Heavy metals and toxic constituents. Physical, chemical, cat ion exchange value, permeability, heavy metals Ambient sound levels (Leq values).
Once every 3-months
Once every 3- months
Once every month
SPM, SO2 and NOx
Executive Summary, BIL