Undergrad Architecture Portfolio

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Oscar J. Barnes

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Kit of Elements Movements In A Field Occupied Spacial Events Section and Plan Analysis The Habitable Lightwell Photography

Table of Contents

Kit of Elements Intro I | N. Sanders | Spring 2012 Intro I



Axonometric The Kit of Elements focuses on the weaving and intertwining of spaces. The armature with its heavy mass and tectonic details holds the delicate kit of elements into place. The linear elements weaving in and out of the model uproot implied spaces with a connection from the armature to the kit of elements.

An intervention was added in to extend the kit of element's grasp onto the armature and create the same weaving effect. Crawling throughout the armature, the intervention implies another connection from the kit of elements as an extension onto the armature.

Angled view shows the linear elements weaving throughout the armature and kit of elements model as an intervention to create implied spaces between the armature and model.

Movements In A Field Intro I | N. Sanders | Spring 2012

Intro I



Diagrammatic Models

Angled view of first diagrammatic model shows the intervention extruding upward through the linear elements creating space which hovers from above.

Overhead view of first diagramatic model shows the relationship between Chrisite (represented by the white wood) and Berger (represented by the natural wood).

The diagrammatic models represent the different theories of Christie and Berger as they wrote to each other about the meanings behind specific colors. The white wood represents Chrisite's thoughts as he reacts to Berger's imput on a certain color. The mahogany wood is the spatial garden where the two come together at certain points and becomes the central figure of their whole intentions. Overhead view of second element shows an addition of a spatial garden (represented by mahogany) and an intervention (represented by the museum board).

Angled view of second diagrammatic model shows the connection of the white wooden elements to the natural wooden elements. It also displays the central placement of the mahagony spatial garden and how the intervention grabs onto the linear elements.

Sectional Cutout 1

Sectional Cutout 2

Sectional Cutout 3



Front elevation view displaying different materials and their interaction with each other.

Back angled view showing the wooden elements surrounded by the museum board.

Downward view showing the relationship between Chrisite's views (represented by the museum board) and Berger's views (represented by the linear elements).

Made with frosted plexi-glass, balsa wood, mahaganoy, and museum board. The two contrasting ideas of Christie and Berger intermingle with one another through the differing tones on the plexi and museum board as well as the contrasting colors of the mahagony and balsa wood. As you move along the model the linear elements begin to break down into detail and bleed off the model.

Occupied Spatial Events Intro I | N. Sanders | Spring 2012

Intro I



The diagram to the left is derived from the Movements Through A Field project. Pictures of buildings on campus were combined with certain moments of project two to create three different spatial experiences. Then two lines with different line weights were drawn to display two different pathways throughout the layout. The heavier lineweight represents the inital route through the composite while the lighter lineweight represents a secondary route with a different experience as you travel through the spaces. After completing this composite the two lines were used to begin massing and creating a section used for the Occupied Spatial Events.

Angled-downward view shows the intervention weaving throughout the wooden masses.

Side view of plexiglass and whiteboard highlighting the spaces between the wooden elements.

Side view shows the mass with its tectonic details relating to the spaces held together by the mass.

Angled downward view shows the intervention as it defines the edge and side of the model.

The photos below show the lighting effects given by the plexiglass and museum board interventions throughout the wooden mass.

Axonometrics With Intervention

The axonometrics show opposite sides of the model. The first axonometric dispays the weaving of the masses to display the intricate spaces within the model. The second axonometric displays the largest mass on the model which is the main support for the whole model. The mass has techtonic details which react to the intricate spaces behind it. The intervention displayed in color begins to address the corner of the second spatial event.

The Occupied Spatial Events project deals with three spatial experiences. The first spatial experience begins at the bottom of the model and invokes an overwhelming feeling as large masses from above begin to project downward at the inhabitant.

The first spatial experience looking up displaying the overwhelming feeling of large masses overhead.

As you begin to move upward the transition begins by the first experience of masses begining to flow towards each other. The weaving of spaces appeals to the sense of excitement as you begin to explore the numerous spaces created by the intertwining wooden masses and their interventions.

Beginning to reach the top, the inhabitant starts to feel the compactness of the spaces joining together as the interventions create smaller spaces while weaving throughout the wooden masses. The inhabitant first feels the masses begin to place a hold against their movement until they reach the openness with a sense of accomplishment and relief.

To the right and left both views show the second spatial experience with the wooden masses weaving in and out to create multiple spaces which begin to have an impact on the intervention.

Third spacial experience showing the compactness of the masses and interventions joining together at the top.

Complete view showing the overall mass form and the interventions' impact on the spaces created.

Section and Plan Analysis Intro II | B. Hicks | Summer 2012

Intro II



In this section and plan analysis, the red tone represents the itinerary throughout the plan. As you travel along the itineray, secondary pathways begin to show as seen in the four areas of the crossing tones. These areas are the moments when a desicion must be made to either travel along the itinerary or venture off to the secondary pathways which lead to the tertiary spaces. The heavy line weights signify the important features of how the plan and section are connected with each other. The process model drawing hybrids are shown above representing the overlapping of spaces as well as the relationship of the four spatial damns found throughout the plan.

In this model-drawing hybrid the linear elements propose the pulling together of spaces caused by the stairs throughout the Stretto House. The overlapping layers of the modeldrawing hybrid represents the overlapping of spaces within the four spatial dams along the itinerary of the stretto house.

The Habitable Lightwell Intro II | B. Hicks | Summer 2012

Intro II



Creating plenum spaces from the slivers cut out from the model-drawing hybrid, the first plenum model begins to represent the overlapping of spaces created by the Stretto House. This construction of the plenum signifies an overlapping by the techtonic movements extending along one another and folding over each other to create the plenum space.

The second plenum model represents the relationship between plan and section. As the plan is orthagonal in nature, the section consists of curves caused by the roof of the Stretto House. This plenum model has the orthogonal consistency but begins to create implied curves as it rotates inward to create negative space amongst the masses.

The third plenum model represents the itinerary, secondary, and tertiary pathways found throughout the section of the model-drawing hybrid. Following the thin strips within the plenum model it begins to expand and contract at different moments. The contraction represents the itinerary pathway. As it begins to expand, it represents the spaces added by the secondary pathways. In the plenum a third set of masses extend off the secondary expansion representing the tertiary spaces found throughout the model-drawing hybrid. The fourth plenum model represents the pulling together of spaces from the stairs located in the Stretto House. This plenum is very dense as planes begin to pull in together. The whiteboard on this plenum model is a process of the light well used for the final model. This plenum is chosen for the ground of the lightwell project.

The different lightwells displayed throughout the model each have a unique characteristic. The lightwell starting from the left, conceals the edge of the extruded surface. The next lightwell begins to carve out the ground plan of a dark area found thougout the model. The next two lightwells show the revealing aspect of light. One reveals a wide open space when inside a very dark section of the model while the other reveals a specific detail through an angle opened up by planes creating a diagonal light. The last two display the differing ways to shape light by the use of planes in the light wells.


The section and plan represents the relationship between the ceiling and floor. As light is shaped by the wells the ground begins to react to each effect.


The Plenum Model is used to create dark and closed off spaces. As the light wells were constructed into it and begin to wrap through the plenum like a vine wrapping around a tree branch, it begins to manifest the reaction of the floor to the ceiling. As light trickles through the wells, the floor extrudes out as if to grab the light in some places. In other areas the floor depresses as if the light begins to carve its way into the ground.

Photography Student Center at University of South Florida St. Petersburg

Captured the effects of a lightwell located in the Student Center of the St. Pete campus of USF. The light radiates down the well allowing to light the rooms beneath it. This is an upward shot of the lightwell.

School District of Hillsborough Admin Offices

Standing beside the admin offices of the Hillsborough County School District. Captured the powerful effects of light and shade. This is an upward angled shot of the facade. The shot is angled to distort the positioning of the actual surface.

Beginning Photography



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