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March for Meals 5K Walk & Run

Condado Osceola, FL - El programa "Meals on Wheels" del Osceola Council on Aging fue el anfitrión de “March for Meals 5K Walk & Run” patrocinada por KUA. La caminata tuvo lugar el sábado 12 de marzo de 2022, en el Kissimmee Lakefront Park.


Fue un evento grandioso, la naturaleza ayudó con una temperature ideal, todos pasaron un buen momento ayudando a Osceola Meals on Wheels. Se reunieron 21 equipos, más de 325 participantes y se recaudaron sobre $20,000.

Meals on Wheels es un servicio que ayuda a las personas frágiles, ancianas y jóvenes, discapacitadas que se encuentran confinadas en sus hogares brindándoles comidas nutritivas frías y calientes. Su misión es terminar con el hambre para el 2025. ¡Con la ayuda de la comunidad, podemos hacer esto posible!

Si desea ser socio de March for Meals 5K o desea obtener más información, comuníquese con Wilda Belisle en el Osceola Council on Aging al

407-847-2144 o belislew@osceola-coa.com.

Center: Bruce Vickers and his staff wins the Beverly Hougland Award at March for Meals 5K

March for Meals 5K Walk & Run

Osceola County, FL - The Osceola Council on Aging's "Meals on Wheels" program hosted the "March for Meals 5K Walk & Run", sponsored by KUA. The walk took place on Saturday, March 12, 2022, at Kissimmee Lakefront Park.

Wendy Ford, CEO of the Osceola

Council on aging and guests at the March for Meals 5K

It was a great event, nature helped with an ideal temperature, everyone had a good time helping Osceola Meals on Wheels. It brought together 21 teams, more than 325 participants and raised over $20,000. Meals on Wheels is a service that helps frail, old

Start of the March for Meals 5K

and young, disabled people who are confined to their homes by providing nutritious meals hot and cold. Their mission is to end hunger by 2025. With the help of the community, we can make this possible! For more information visit www.osceolagenerations.com If you would like to become a March for Meals 5K member or would like more information, please contact Wilda Belisle at the Osceola Council on Aging at

407-847-2144 or belislew@osceola-coa.com.

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