Baltimore County Waterfront Guide 2013

Page 1

Explore the more than 200-miles of

Chesapeake Bay shoreline in eastern Baltimore County. From windsurfing on the Gunpowder River, to waterfront golfing at Rocky Point Golf Course, to the Glenn L. Martin Aviation Museum, you’ll discover something fun and exciting to do year round. Dine on the fresh catch-of-the-day and Maryland blue crabs at one of the many waterfront and area seafood restaurants. Experience your festive nature, sense of adventure, and local flavor right here in Baltimore County.


There’s a World of Wonders on the Chesapeake Bay...

And They Start Here! • Nine Acre Gated Facility on Norman Creek • Boatel Dry Stack Building • Bulkhead & Pier Slips to 45’ • Free WiFi • Marine Store • MD State Trailer Inspection Station • Full Service Brokerage


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Marina Services 360 Slips Winter Storage 200 Trailer Boat Spaces Dual Concrete Ramp Ground Level Rack Storage



Marine Store Do-It-Yourself Store Discount Marine Supplies Sailboat Hardware

Yacht Care Our family oriented, full service marina is located on 18 1/2 acres of beautiful Baltimore County waterfront on Middle River. Our safe harbor, just two miles from the best the Chesapeake has to offer, can be found conveniently by land, sea or air. Call us today and let us tell you why...

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elcome to Baltimore County’s gorgeous waterfront, which offers some of the most spectacular scenery and enjoyable activities in Maryland. There’s something for everyone here, whether it’s fishing, boating, bicycling, exquisite cuisine, or simply a breathtaking view. Baltimore County’s waterfront is a wonderful place for fun and relaxation, but it is also an important part of our economy. Our more than 60 marinas and yacht clubs fuel the County’s recreational boating industry, contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to our local economy every year. Baltimore County is proud to work with the Marine Trades Association to support and promote this industry and keep business thriving along the waterfront. The Baltimore County Waterfront Guide is a valuable tool that provides a definitive listing of attractions to help you take full advantage of all the great things our waterfront has to offer. I encourage you to use this booklet and take the time to enjoy our gateway to the Chesapeake! Enjoy!

Very truly yours,

Kevin Kamenetz

Baltimore County Executive

Located on Beautiful Seneca Creek Easy Access to the Chesapeake Bay

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Yamaha 5 Star Factory Certified Technicians



Table of Contents 2

County Executive’s Message




Calendar Of Events


Boating In Baltimore County

Waterfront Guide

10 Anchorages 11

Boat Ramps


Weekend On The Water

14 Go Fish? 15 Go Ashore & Explore 18 Kids Activities In Baltimore County 20





Crab Decks And Tiki Bars


Back River Clean Up

31 IN MEMORIaM 33 Directory Of Services 38

Emergency Numbers

Waterfront Guide 2013 Produced for the Marine Trades Association of Baltimore County By Marinalife LLC. 1414 Key Highway, 3rd Floor Baltimore, MD 21230 Phone: 410-752-0505 Fax: 866-622-9488 Publisher: Joy McPeters Editor: Olivia Schleicher Art Director: Tom Couteau Ad Designer: Judith Isaacson Project Coordination & Ad Sales: Barbara Barrett, Ellen Honey Contributors: Anna Barthelme, Jeff Holland, Susan Elnicki Wade 3 MTABC


elcome to the 18th edition of the Baltimore County Waterfront Guide. 2013 is a special year for the Marine Trades Association of Baltimore County because it marks our 25th anniversary.

At its inception, the MTABC was created out of necessity, to give our industry a collective voice in the legislative and environmental regulations that were being introduced at that time. Through the years we have transformed ourselves to not only represent marine related businesses, but to give back to the waterfront communities of Baltimore County. Since 1994 we have awarded $148,000.00 in scholarships to graduating seniors from eight high schools in Baltimore County. In 1996 the MTABC began the tradition of a 4th of July fireworks display over the waters of Middle River and have continued that tradition for the past 15 years. 2012 was the inaugural year for Rockin’ on The River, a waterfront concert featuring local bands and musicians. We have also become a steward for not only the boaters of Baltimore County, but for the state of Maryland as well. We worked with local and state officials to defeat an increase of the Maryland boat registration fees, and in previous years have lobbied in Annapolis on behalf of the boating public. As the Marine Trades Association of Baltimore County celebrates it Silver Anniversary I invite you to celebrate with us. Visit our marine facilities, eat at our waterfront restaurants, spend the night either at one of our many marinas or at anchor in one of quiet coves. From all of us, thanks for stopping by. We hope you’ll stay awhile. Have a great boating season, Raymond J. Porter President, MTABC

SLIPS AVAILABLE - MINUTES TO THE BAY! ◆ Ship’s Store ◆ WiFi Access ◆ Floating & Fixed Piers ◆ Swimming Pool ◆ Fuel Dock & Pump Out ◆ 30-Ton Travel Lift ◆ Certified Technicians

Porter’s Seneca Marina offers full mechanical repair and maintenance. Our skilled technicians combined have over 80 years experience. From gel coat and blister repair to custom fiberglass, our technicians can do it all. Give us a call today for a free estimate.

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2013 April 6th Bread and Cheese Creek Spring 2013 Clean‑Up 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. This Dundalk Creek traces its name to Colonial times. The clean‑up will focus on the Merritt Boulevard section. 410‑285‑1202 April 26-28 Sugarloaf Crafts Festival located on the Maryland State Fairgrounds, come experience over 250 top artisans on display. The festival showcases live musical performances, Children’s storytelling and theatre activities, and the latest trends in fashion, accessories, jewelry and fine art.

April 20th Marshy Point Nature Center Spring Festival 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour the Nature Center, take a scenic canoe ride and discover the wonders of Baltimore County’s pristine waterfront. Food, fun, and activities. 410‑887‑2817 May 4th Towsontown Spring Festival Held from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on May 4th, and from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. on May 5th. The festival includes free entry, live music, beer gardens, and a great assortment of food. There are carnival rides, games, pony rides, and magic shows.

May 11th Chesapeake Bay Paddlefest 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Gunpowder Falls State Park, Hammerman Area. Check out hundreds of stand‑up paddleboards and kayaks, chat with experts, and enjoy food and music. Paddlefest is free, but the park charges $3 admission. 410‑335‑5352 May 18th – Sept. 28th (Friday Nights) The Street Friday Night Block Parties 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Enjoy live music, food and fun for the entire family. Pack your blankets and lawn chairs and relax every Friday night until September.

June 1st – June 2nd The Wine & Food Festival is located at Oregon Ridge Park in Hunt Valley. The festival displays over 200 great Maryland wines and 20 Maryland wineries. Wine tastings, cooking demonstrations, kids area, and free shuttle service is available. Kids 12 and under are free. June 28th – June 30th Dundalk Heritage Fair Noon to 10 p.m. each day. Carnival rides and games tickets are available in addition to the entry tickets at the front gate. Musical guests include Jefferson Starship, Three Dog Night, and the Mahoney Brothers.

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Bill Cox

Brenda Wilmoth


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The members of the Marine Trades Association of Baltimore County wish to extend their concern and best wishes to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. A donation of $1000 was sent to the Marine Trades Association of New Jersey to aid those affected by the devastation caused by the storm. Kellogg Marine matched the amount to equal $2000 in aid.


July 4th The 79th Annual Dundalk 4th of July Parade Begins at 8:15 a.m. Sponsored by the Heritage Association of Dundalk and the Dundalk Heritage Parade Committee, dundalkheritage July 6th Fireworks Extravaganza Hosted by Eastern Yacht Club, gates open at 2 p.m. Admission is $2 per person and proceeds are going to local charities throughout the community. Parking is available at Chesapeake High school with free shuttle to Eastern Yacht Club. Fireworks will start at dusk. Aug. 23rd - Sept. 6th Maryland State Fair State Fairgrounds in Timonium, 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday‑Thursday; 10 a.m.

to 10 p.m. Friday, Sunday and Labor Day. Agricultural exhibits, horse shows, rides, livestock exhibitions. Aug 9th- 25th Baltimore County Restaurant Week All throughout Baltimore County, visit your favorite local restaurants during these two weeks for some delicious food for an affordable price.

Sept. 6th - Sept. 15th The Chesapeake Campaign The Chesapeake Cam­paign, discover Baltimore’s importance for the fight for the nation at Fort McHenry. These summer events include re-enactors, educational activities, and performances.

Sept. 7th – Sept. 8th Defender’s Day Fort Howard Park, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This event commemorates the Battle of North Point in the War of 1812. Living history displays, interpretive sessions. Presented by the Dundalk‑Patapsco Historical Society and Museum. 410‑284‑2331,


east of Baltimore city J Comprehensive aircraft and pilot services

FBO hours: 0600-2300 daily 410.682.8810


Maryland Aviation Administration


Waterfront Guide 2013: The MarineTrades Assoc. of Baltimore County

Insertion Date:

April 2013 - March 2014

Ad Size:

3.95” x 5.25”


It doesn’t get any closer

If you have received this publication material in error, or have any questions about it please contact the traffic dept. at Weber Shandwick at (410) 558 2100.



ith 175 miles of shoreline, much of it pristine parks, more than 75 marinas, boatyards and yacht clubs, and a wealth of waterfront restaurants, the waters of Baltimore County present boaters with a great area to explore. It’s easy to reach by land or sea -- just off the Baltimore beltway, about an hour’s drive from Washington or Philadelphia, within an easy weekend’s reach from just about anywhere in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, so any of those 75+ marinas would be logical ports where you could launch a week’s cruise or spend the whole season. And yet it’s just as easy to get from any one of those marinas to some of the finest cruising grounds on the East Coast -- the whole top half of the Chesapeake Bay. There’s less than 8


miles of open water between the mouth of Middle River and the mouth of Fairlee Creek, one of the most beautiful anchorages on the Eastern Shore. Boaters along Baltimore County have the rare view of history from their decks. You can hover by the buoy where Francis Scott Key watched the bombs bursting in air over Ft. McHenry nearly 200 years ago, and see where the British launched their doomed land attack on Baltimore. And even though you’re close to a major metropolis, the shoreline boasts dozens of parks where you can see enough eagles, osprey and migratory waterfowl to thrill any birdwatcher. You can launch a kayak or dinghy to explore the myriad of isolated creeks and inlets, or touch on the beach for a picnic at the restored Hart-Miller Island, where bird

life abounds. The Gunpowder River forms the county’s northern border. The river’s upper reaches constitute one of the East Coast’s finest trout streams. The area around the mouth of the river, where its clear, fresh water mingles with the slightly salty waters of the Upper Bay, is mostly Gunpowder Falls State Park. If you’re cruising in a boat under 27 feet long, you can stop by the park’s Dundee Creek Marina to gas up, top off the water tank, pump out, restock the cooler and find some rockfish or other saltwater game. The east bank at the mouth of the Gunpowder is the Aberdeen Proving Ground, and is just as undeveloped as the park side. There are “view sheds” along this stretch that haven’t changed much in appearance since Captain John Smith sailed by on his voyages of discovery in 1608. Pretty remarkable considering it’s less than 10 miles from the Baltimore beltway. Off the mouth of the river, you’ll see Poole’s Island, with its distinctive white conical lighthouse. According to the U.S. Lighthouse Society, this was one of the Bay’s first lighthouses when it was built in 1824, and it’s the oldest one still standing in Maryland. The island is off limits to the public because it was used for bombing and shelling practice from 1918 through the early 1960s. You wouldn’t want to set an anchor on an unexploded bomb.

the shoreline boasts dozens of parks where you can see enough eagles, osprey and migratory waterfowl to thrill any birdwatcher Heading south, you’ll pass Carroll Island, a part of the Aberdeen Proving Grounds and thus restricted, but also thus undeveloped. Its marshes stretch along Hawthorn Cove and into Seneca Creek. The next neck down is Miami Beach. (No, you haven’t been teleported down the Intracoastal Waterway -- there’s a community of the same name here, but without the banana


hammocks and thongs.) Most of Baltimore County’s marine industry is based along Middle River. Up past Martin State Airport, Frog Mortar Creek heads off to the right where there are several more marinas. Yacht clubs, boat dealers and service yards dot the southern shore of the river. Back River, heading back to the town of Essex, has nearly as many options for full-service marinas with a laid-back feel, many with a proud history of generations of family ownership. Despite their relatively developed shorelines, Middle River and Back River still abound with birds. “We have a bunch of bald eagles near where we live in Middle River,” one local recently posted on a web site. “As we are close to the Chesapeake Bay, it’s perfect habitat.” Part of that perfect habitat is actually man made. Hart-Miller Island lies just off the mouth of Middle River. It’s a state park, but the only way to visit it is by boat. The 1,100-acre island was formed in 1981 when a dike surrounded both Hart and Miller Islands. Up until recently, the area surrounded by the dike served as a repository for dredge material from the Baltimore Harbor. The dredging kept the channels clear for ship traffic. While most of Hart-Miller Island is closed to the public, the landfill areas are now wholly devoted to birds and other wildlife, you can anchor along the western side of the island and in Hawk Cove and dinghy up to the 3,000-foot sandy beach for picnicking, volleyball, hiking or bird watching. There’s an observation platform plus two

primitive camping areas, restrooms and fresh water. You can also visit Pleasure Island, the little crescent-shaped island to the southwest. Pleasure Island is just off of North Point. It was near here that in the early morning of September 12, 1814, a British fleet of more than 30 warships and transports landed about 4,500 troops of the British army. These were the toughest, most disciplined soldiers in the universe at the time. They were serving under Major General Robert Ross, who had defeated Napoleon’s armies in Spain. He had burned Washington just the month before and was now heading toward Baltimore to wipe out that “nest

of pirates” whose infamous Baltimore clippers were wreaking havoc on British merchant vessels. Ross never got to Baltimore. He was killed by a sniper that afternoon. While the British beat back the first wave of American militiamen and volunteers, the death of their commander was a blow that was hard to overcome. The crack troops were stopped by Major General Samuel Smith’s rag-tag militia at the hastily erected barricades at Hampstead Hill. They retreated to North Point and returned to their ships on September 15. Meanwhile, the Royal Navy’s fleet was massed nearby, preparing their attack on Fort McHenry. The American who watched that attack from the deck of a British brig was, of course, Francis Scott Key, brought along while negotiating a prisoner exchange. The site where that brig was thought to have been anchored is marked by a red, white and blue buoy just inside the Key Bridge to the right. If you hover there, you can see the low brick bastions of the fort hovering above a grassy hill against a backdrop of industrial cranes and city skyline. And o yes, you can see it, just as he and the British saw that banner yet wave. b

Fort McHenry, Baltimore- Where Francis Scott Key was inspired to write The Star Spangled Banner, once a poem now the national anthem of the US.





altimore County, in the northern Chesapeake Bay, may well be one of the Bay’s least visited boating areas. Many secluded rivers and coves for anchoring can be found among tree-lined waterways with homes that range from quaint cottages to large rambling estates. Marine facilities abound, many within walking distance to shopping and dining. Yet you are still within easy reach of the open Bay and many more popular boating destinations. Far removed from the hustle and bustle found on the lower Bay or some popular Eastern Shore destinations, Baltimore County can be a pleasant diversion, offering many opportunities for peace and solitude, great choices for dock and dines, or a family weekend at HartMiller Island. The creeks of Baltimore County are ideal for a day of fishing or just relaxing. You can enjoy being on the water during your favorite season and

still feel like you’re “away from it all.” • Old Road Bay • Bear Creek (55 ft bridge) • Chink Creek • Bullneck Creek • Lynch Cove • Back River • Seneca Creek • Galloway Creek • Frog Mortar Creek • Dark Head Creek • Hopkins Creek • Sue Creek • Rocky Point • Hart-Miller Island • Greenhill Cove • North Point Creek • Jones Creek



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Boat Ramps


he Chesapeake Bay can be accessed by any of these seven boat ramps located in Baltimore County parks dotted along the waterfront.

Cox’s Point Park Located on Back River, features one two‑lane boat launch. Vessel Size*: Large 410‑887‑0255 Inverness Park Located on Bear Creek, features one two‑lane boat ramp. Vessel Size*: Large 410‑887‑7228 westinverness‑ Merritt Point Park Located on Bull Neck Creek, features one two‑lane boat ramp. Vessel Size*: Large 410‑887‑7155 dundalkeastfield‑

Rocky Point Park Located on the Bay at the mouth of Back River. It features both a deep water two‑lane ramp and a shallow two‑lane ramp. Vessel Size*: Large 410‑887‑3873 Southwest Area Park Features Baltimore County’s newest boat ramp and is located on the Patapsco River. It is for shallow draft boats only. Vessel Size*: Small 410‑887‑1439 lansdowne‑ Turner Station Park Located on Peach Orchard Cove. It can accommodate large vessels at its four ramps. Vessel Size*: Large 410‑887‑7228 turnerstation‑ Wilson Point Park 1000 Block Beech Drive off Wilson Point Road in Middle River. Features one two-lane boat ramp. Vessel Size*: Large

BOATER INFORMATION *Vessel Size is intended as a general reference to ramp capacity. Generally, vessels less than 16 feet in length are considered small and those greater than 16 feet are large. Ramps at these parks open daily year round at 6 a.m. All boaters are asked to be out of the parks by the closing time posted at the ramp. Ramp closing times: November, December, January, February and March, 5:30 p.m. April, May, September and October, 8 p.m. June, July and August, 8:30 p.m. Baltimore County does not charge a fee or require a permit to use the Chesapeake Bay access ramps. There is a $5 trailer parking fee at Rocky Point from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.

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Author: Anna Barthelme


ruise through the Chesapeake Bay for a weekend getaway to the Baltimore County waterfront and experience a wonderful slice of America with a variety of docking options, scenic rivers and creeks. Starting in the popular Annapolis area, it is an easy cruise north approximately 20 miles to reach this area and experience what each popular destination has to offer, both on the water and on land. Pack up the family and fuel up for the weekend to see what life is like in this area of the bay.

Make nice with owner, Sam Weaver, and jump onboard his pontoon to take a nature cruise along the river. He will also shuttle you over to the nearby Brewer’s Landing Bar & Grill (443231-5037,, equipped with 16 indoor and outdoor flat screen TV’s. Catch the Raven’s game while dining on your choice of food and drink specials offered during the week. Lace up your dancing shoes and enjoy the live music that is hosted every weekend at the restaurant.

Day 2: Middle River Day 1: Back River

Head north along the Chesapeake into Back River, Maryland and find yourself cruising along the calm waters around this areas wildlife sanctuary. Dock at Essex’s well-appointed Weaver’s Marina (410686-4944, and make your way over to Cox Point State Park, located adjacent to the marina. Send the kids to the playground, picnic in the pavilion, cast a line fishing or enjoy the view of wildlife. 12  WATERFRONT GUIDE 2013

This wide river makes it easy to cruise to your Middle River destination. Dock your boat at Maryland Marina (410-335-8722, a full-service marina offering 360 wet slips, dry storage, trailer storage as well as access to many of the amenities including free wi-fi, bathrooms and a laundry room. With the new pavilion, you can head to the shaded park area with picnic tables, grills and playground for the kids to enjoy. Don’t forget to pack your water skis! Get your adrenaline pumping with some water sports and venture out to the water to take advantage of the area’s calm


Day 3: Seneca Creek








choice of crabby appetizers or freshly caught seafood entrees and dine on the waterfront docks while soaking up the sun.


and wide river. For a bit of relaxation, grub and entertainment, head over to Carson’s Creekside Restaurant (410-238-0080, Order your

End your weekend journey in the quiet, scenic area of Seneca Creek. Located just inside the mouth of Seneca Creek is Porter’s Seneca Marina (410-3356563, where you can dock your boat and have direct access to the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Cool off in the marina’s 24x40 in-ground swimming pool during those dog days of summer and see why this marina is known as the forgotten gem of the Chesapeake. Crabbing and bass fishing are popular among guests so make sure you pack a pole and cast a line by the bay. Plan a crab feast with your crew and head over to the marina’s picnic area with tables and grills available. Don’t forget the extra Old Bay, Hon! For a family night, drive to Bengies Drive-In Theatre (410-687-5627, and watch a flick on the biggest movie theatre screen in the USA. Operating schedule changes with the sunset so make sure you plan accordingly. b


Area’s Largest Marine Store • WATERSPORTS • FISHING • HARDWARE • TRAILER SUPPLIES • DOCKING • SAFETY NEEDS • MARINE ACCESSORIES 2925 Eastern Boulevard Middle River, MD 21220





Go Fish?


ishing Piers are located all throughout the Baltimore County waterfront. The Baltimore County Recreation & Parks Department built these fishing piers on tidal waters. The parks are open from dawn to dusk. Please verify park hours by calling the park office.

Rocky Point Park 2200 Rocky Point Rd. Essex, MD 21221 (Back River) 410‑887‑3873

Chesterwood Park 2200 Chesterwood Rd. Dundalk, MD 21222 410‑887‑7155

Fleming Community Center & Park 641 Main St. Baltimore, MD 21222 410‑887‑7228

Stansbury Park 7880 Stansbury Rd. Dundalk, MD 21222 410‑887‑7155

Cox’s Point Park 820 Riverside Dr. Essex, MD 21221 410‑887‑0255

Fort Howard Park 9500 North Point Rd. Sparrows Point, MD 21219 410-887-7529

Turner Station Park 23 Rayme Rd. Turner Station, MD 21221 410‑887‑7228

Edgemere Senior Center & Park 6600 North Point Rd. Baltimore, MD 21219 410-887-7530

Hawthorne/Midthorne Park Whitehorn Way & Coralthorn Rd. Middle River, MD 21220 410‑887‑0234

Watersedge Park 8820 Bullneck Rd. Watersedge, MD 21222 410‑887‑7134

North Point State Park Edgemere, MD 888- 432-2267

Inverness Park 2025 Inverness Rd. West Inverness, MD 21222 410‑887‑7228

Wilson Point Park 950 Beech Rd. Middle River, MD 21220 410‑887‑7228

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Go Ashore and Explore Baltimore COUNTY


hile nothing beats a fabulously sunny day on the water in Baltimore County, sometimes venturing on land is a nice break. When things are getting dull aboard, visit some of these sites for a change of pace.

Public Libraries Essex Branch 1110 Eastern Blvd. Essex, MD 21221 410‑887‑0295 Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. North Point Branch 1716 Merritt Blvd. Dundalk, MD 21222 410‑887‑7255 Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday,

9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. (October through April) Perry Hall Branch 9685 Honeygo Blvd. Perry Hall, MD 21128 410‑887‑5195 Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. (October through April) Historical Museums Baltimore County is filled with history both on land


and water. Below are several museums and historic sites where residents can explore the past and present of Baltimore County. Glenn L. Martin Maryland Aviation Museum 701 Wilson Point Rd. Middle River, MD 21220 410–682–6122 Hours: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. (except holidays) Wednesday – Saturday. The Glenn L. Martin Maryland Aviation Museum is located at Martin State

Airport. The museum displays many items of historical significance to the State of Maryland, where the earliest manned flight took place. Items include 13 historical aircrafts, industrial models of aircraft and rockets, wind tunnel models, restored and partly restored aircraft, motion pictures and many original photographs outlining the growth of the Martin Company and its people. The Fire Museum of Maryland 1301 York Rd. Lutherville, MD 21093 410‑321‑7500 Hours: May, Saturdays 10 a.m. –4 p.m. June, July and August, Wednesdays – Saturdays

At Your Service FOR OvER 68 YEARS

Weaver’s Marina has all the luxury amenities you want in a first class facility without the “resort” prices. And Weaver’s Marine Service is your go to yard for all of your repair, repower, restoration and maintenance needs. Our craftsmen are expertly trained in all aspects of boat care from mechanical to hull.



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WEAVER’S mARINE SERVIcE • 730 Riverside Drive, Baltimore, MD 21221 • 410-686-4944

10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and September – December Saturdays only 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The Fire Museum of Maryland includes the 3rd largest collection of firefighting memorabilia in the world. The Museum displays 42 historical apparatuses, fire-fighting equipment, models, and photography from 1806 to 1957. These include a working fire alarm telegraph system, badge and uniform displays, and Baltimore’s High Pressure Pumping System. The fire companies in Baltimore that existed during 1814 are celebrating their 250th anniversary this year. Ballestone‑Stansbury House 1935 Back River Neck Rd. Essex, MD 21221 410‑887‑0218 Built between 1798 and 1813, the Ballestone‑Stansbury House is currently used to display a collection of American decorative arts sponsored by the Ballestone Preservation Society. The exhibits displayed pertain to American history, American decorative and applied arts, and the history of the site itself. The site also includes re-enactments throughout the year and many seasonal events. Hampton National Historic Site 535 Hampton Ln. Towson, MD 21286 410‑823‑1309 When it was finished in 1790, the Hampton Mansion was the largest house in the United States. Today visitors can experience the life of a prominent Maryland family during the 1800’s by visiting the Hampton National Historic Site. Operated by the U.S. National Park Service, a wealth of artifacts and scenery recreates a world where, for the better part of three centuries, a community of hundreds of individuals played out the comedies and dramas of their own lives against the backdrop of America’s development as a nation.


Benjamin Banneker Historical Park and Museum 300 Oella Ave. Catonsville, MD 21228 410‑887‑1081 Hours: Tuesday- Saturday 10am- 4pm Encompassing 142 acres and containing extensive nature trails, the primary focus of this park is the museum highlighting the contributions of Benjamin Banneker – the first African American man of mathematics. This site includes a Visitors Center, featuring a collection of Banneker’s works, community gallery, and gift shop and patio garden. Shopping Malls Eastpoint Mall 7839 Eastpoint Mall Baltimore, MD 21224 410-284-0934 White Marsh Mall 8200 Perry Hall Blvd Baltimore, MD 21236 410-931-7100 The Avenue at White Marsh 8125 Honeygo Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21236 410-931-0411 Carroll Island Shopping Center Wal‑Mart 112 Carroll Island Rd Baltimore, MD 21220 (Middle River) 410-335-1135 Country Ridge Shopping Center 100 Back River Neck Rd. Essex, MD 21221 Martin Plaza Target 1330 Martin Blvd Middle River, Maryland 21220 410-406-9081 Middlesex Shopping Center 1200 Eastern Blvd. Essex, MD 21221

Movie Theaters AMC White Marsh at the Avenue 8125 Honeygo Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21236 410‑931-0411 Bengies Drive‑In 3417 Eastern Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21220 (Essex) 410‑687‑5627 East Point Movies 10 7938 Eastern Ave. Baltimore, MD 21224 443-216-2195



CADDY SHACK Restaurant & Lounge

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Specializing in Seafood & American Fare Open 7 AM ‘til 2 AM Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 2 + *. ,#('+ ),



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camps for the 2013 summer. Boys and girls ages 9-15 are welcome to sign up for as little as one week or as many as eight weeks. Here’s the best part... round-trip transportation is available from just about anywhere in Baltimore. It’s not too late, sign your kids up today and let the professionals handle the rest. (

Kids Activities in Baltimore County Author: Anna Barthelme


et out and play this summer! Baltimore County offers kids a variety of things to do on the water around the Chesapeake Bay. Slap on the sunscreen and send them out the door, just think of the stories they’ll have to tell when they return to school!

❶ Get Lessons From the Pros Ultimate Watersports is the go-to place for kids to take lessons from certified pros learning kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, sailing and windsurfing skills. Conveniently located on the Chesapeake Bay near the White Marsh area, Ultimate Watersports offers two incredible adventure 18  WATERFRONT GUIDE 2013

❷ See a Movie 2013 marks the 57th Anniversary of Bengies Drive-In Theatre. This very popular Middle River outdoor theater is home to the largest movie screen in the USA. Pack up the kids and pick a flick, just make sure you bring the car with a working radio in order to tune in! Admission is cheap and the theater offers a huge variety of good snacks including popcorn, ice cream, caramel apples and even bug spray for extra sticky nights. If you want to save some money you can also bring outside snacks for the family for only $10 a car. The operating schedule changes with the sunset so make sure you get there just before the sun goes down to avoid lines! (

❸ Take a Hike Take a walk on the wild side at Gunpowder Falls State Park’s Wildlands Loop. The family and dog friendly trail offers an easy 4.4-mile loop following


the Gunpowder River for 1.5 miles before continuing further into the woods. After crossing a few streams, visitors also view an amazing waterfall that meanders downstream. Pack your swim trunks and sunscreen! There is a fantastic swimming-hole near the end of the trail. The water depth averages 5-8ft, so make sure to pack Swimmies in case the kids need some extra help in the water.

❺ Pack a Picnic

❹ Discover Nature Marshy Point Nature Center (MPNC) is Baltimore County’s pristine waterfront nature center. The Nature Center facility is open everyday allowing you to step into the live animal displays with staff on site to answer all questions about the critters. MPNC offers summer camps for kid’s ages 4-11, ranging from Chesapeake Camp where they can hike the coastal forest, and explore shallow waters by canoe to Cool Camps for hot summer nights where they can capture small creatures and be immersed into their habitats. Explore the park and learn more about the Bay at MPNC. (

Rocky Point Beach and Park is a 375-acre park located at the mouth of Back and Middle Rivers. With eighteen picnic areas available and several shaded groves, you have your pick of where you want to set up your family picnic. When the kids are ready to be excused, turn the kids loose on the two playgrounds and sand volleyball court available. Swimming is allowed Memorial Day through Labor Day, so make sure you pack your suit when you visit on extra hot days. During this season the park is open for fishing, boating and picnicking from dusk to dawn. Bring the whole family and come join the eagle, osprey and great blue heron on this exquisite setting on the Chesapeake Bay. b


Swimming, Hiking, Fishing, EntertainmentBaltimore County has it all!

W Chesapeake Yachting Center W SS Canvas Maryland Marina Long Beach Marina Beacon Light Marina


N Baltimore Boating Center O Eastern Yacht Club P Baltimore Yacht Club Q Sue Island Grille/ Crab House &

E Weaver’s Marine Services

F Brewer’s Landing Bar & Grill



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Bread and Cheese Creek









Ballard Garden s

Wampler Villa ge

Village of Paw nee

Hartland Run Queens Purc hase

Hartland Villa ge


Mansfield Woo ds Essexshire Gat e


French's Park


MD 702



Stansbury Creek

Martin State Airport


Maryland Air National Guard


Bauernschm idt Manor

Cape May Bea ch

Norman Creek



MD 43

Turkey Point Park




Middle River


Seneca Creek

Bowleys Marina


Galloway Creek


Carrollwood Man or

Eastern Regional Park


nded Exte nue Dundee Villa Ave ge rn e t

Carrollwood Seneca Bay Apa rtments

Long Beach Esta tes


Shady Oaks Carroll Island


Maryland Marina

X Frog Mortar Creek


Limehouse Cove

The Cove

Williams Esta tes



rd ouleva


Ea ste rn B

Wilson Point

Stansbury Man or

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Stansbury Esta tes

Martin Lagoon

MD 587

MD 150

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Middle River




Hopkins Creek

Hopewell Poin te



River Point

Renaissance Square Josenhans

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Renaissance Park

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Victory Villa

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M ar tin

Middle River Middle School

Miramar Landing


T Carson’s Creekside Restaurant Town Center

BB Porter’s Seneca Marina

S Island View Waterfront Cafe ay w

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AA Bowleys Marina


R All Star Marine

Frank's Corner (historical)

Ken Lee Com munity Mobile Home Park


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MD 702

Eastern Technical High School

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Ross Ridge

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58 Franklin Square Hospital

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Essex Marina Boat Sales

College of Baltimore County: Essex

J River Watch Restaurant &

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34 Ro ad Golden Ring

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H Riley’s Marina Community


GRo Essex Yacht Harbour Marina

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D Riverside Marine

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Tradewinds Marina


M Sunset Harbor Marina

C Bill’s Boats/Rowboat Willie’s

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Rockin on the River


L Norman Creek Marina

B Markel’s Boat Yard


Parkside Marina


Ea st er

Ea s

A Young’s Boat Yard

K Markley’s Marina

Pizza John’s

Miami Beach

BB Seneca Park

MD 150

Saltpeter Creek

Dundee Creek

Hawthorn Cove

Carroll Island

Stubby Island

JJ Port Side Marine


HH Martin State Airport

GG Paul’s Repairs

FF M&M Boats

EE Long Beach Restaurant

DD Intercoastal Marine

CC By The Docks Restaurant

pleasE patronize our waterfront and nearby businesses


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Fort Howard Veterans Administration Hospital

Shallow Creek

North Point Creek

Lynch Point

Shallow Creek Park

Fort Howard


Greenhill Cove

Beachwood Esta tes

Water View

Old Road Bay



Chesapeake Terr ace

North Point Boule vard

rd eva oul nt B Poi rth No ive

Wildwood Bea ch

North Point State Park

Essex Skypark

Port Cherry Gar dens Farm

Evergreen Park

Hyde Park

Nor th Poi nt Roa d

R Back

Rocky Point Golf Course

Ramona Beach

Swan Point

Millers Island


Porters Park

Browns Creek


Eagle Nest

Sue Island


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Pleasure Island

Island View Bea ch


Sue Creek

Turkey Point Sue Creek Lan ding

Cedar Beach

Pottery Farm Park

Chesapeake High School

Black Marsh

d Roa eck rN

Hawk Cove

Q Booby Island (historical) Breezy Point Beach

Holly Beach

Š OpenStreetMap contributors

Hart-Miller Isla nd

Brewer’s Landing


On the Waterfront - 801 Woodrow Avenue, Essex, MD Daily Specials Monday

only (sweet chili extra) 39 cent jumbo wings min. 10, eat in $1 off wraps and quesadillas 9 2 treasure chops with one side $6.9 side $6.99 one with Beef or y Turke Face Oven Roasted Open


$11.99 16oz New York Strip with one side 99 $12. side one with Steak e 16oz Ribey Cheese WIz CheeseSteak $7.99 Soft Crab Wrap $9.99


Veal Parmesan Sub $6.99 Chicken Parmesan Sub $7.99 Meatball Sub $5.99 Stuffed Shells $5.99


Soft Crab Wrap $9.99 Steak & Cake Platter $16.99 Jumbo Crab Pretzel $12.99 ut onions) $9.99 ed 1lb. Steam Shrimp (with or witho (sweet chili extra) only in eat 10, min. s 39 cent jumbo wing Bubble Gum) ry, Cher e, Grap r, 2 for $7 Bombs (Jage

Open Daily 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.

★ Dock & Dine - 5 Piers, MaryLanD STyLe 1 Floating Dock STeaMeD CrabS aLL year rOUnD ★ Indoor & Outdoor Seating ★ 14 Flat Screen TVs ★ Pool Tables ★ Live Music & DJs


Crab Cake Platter $16.99 p with one side $11.99 1-6oz Crab Cake & 5 Butterfly Shrim 9 10 Butterfly Shrimp with one side $6.9 & Gravy $7.99 oes Potat ed Mash with st Brea en Stuffed Chick 7pm-10pm 2 for $7 Bombs


Seafood Alfredo $10.99 Beef with one side $6.99 Oven Roasted Open Face Turkey or oes & Gravy $7.99 Hamburger Platter with Mashed Potat oned French Fries $4.99 Seas or Cut Fresh with ers Burg 8oz. Specialty Mushroom Swiss Burger Chili Cheese Burger Western Burger Steakhouse Burger Bacon Cheese Burger Black & Blue Burger Bold & Spicy Burger Jalapeno Cheddar Burger


Fillet of Haddock with 1 side $6.99 ut onions) $9.99 1lb. Steamed Shrimp (with or witho ry, Bubble Gum) Cher e, Grap r, (Jage bs!!! Bom $7 2 for


Daily bucket of beers Specials!

Mon-Fri starting @ 4 p.m. Sat & Sun starting @ 2 p.m.

2 Crabs Large Males $35 ex Large Males $50 Jumbo Males $70 $

Crab Carry OUT aVaILabLe Call for availability. Prices subject change.

raw Oysters in Season Soft Crab Sandwiches


every hour is happy hour Check out some of Baltimore County’s favorite cocktails!

Carson’s Sunset

Long Beach Crush

Carson’s Creekside Middle River

Long Beach Restaurant & Tavern Middle River

Mega Margarita

Sully Lemonade

Brewer’s Landing Bar & Grill Essex

River Watch Restaurant Middle River



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1755 Hilltop Ave. Baltimore, MD

Middle River, MD 21220 Located at 222 Bowleys Quarters Road, Middle River, MD 21220

BOATYARD Slips Now Available

Hours for 2013: Limit one coupon per table per visit. Cannot be combined with any other offer.

T-shirts. Young gals with Ravens tattoos pick crabs with their grandmas, and waitresses help parents entertain restless children before the food arrives. Suntanned watermen tell tales of life on the Bay. And before long, you find yourself ordering a bucket of beer and getting caught up in an Orioles game.

Baltimore County Crab Decks & Tiki Bars By Susan Elnicki Wade, author of Crab Decks & Tiki Bars of the Chesapeake Bay


hen people cruise into Baltimore County, they often have one thing on their mind – sweet Maryland crabs. Locals prefer them steamed with Old Bay and served piping hot on tables perched along the water. A wooden mallet for cracking shells and an ice-cold Natty Boh are the only utensils you need. If you don’t feel like picking, you can kick back and enjoy the view while the kitchen staff whips up crab cakes broiled to a golden perfection, luxuriously smooth crab imperial, or crab pretzels topped with a blanket of melted cheddar. With so many crab options, it’s easy to forget that the Chesapeake Bay offers a rich harvest of other tasty seafood. And Baltimore County restaurateurs are eager to tell you which delicacies the watermen brought to their door that day: rockfish, shrimp, clams, mussels, or the world-famous Bay oysters. Beef and chicken appear on menus, but the cornucopia of local seafood is hard to resist.

Come join us, ‘Hon There’s more to this part of the Bay than just claws and fins. Baltimore County has a special swagger – a life zest that radiates from hard-working folks who know how to celebrate good times. In these waterfront communities, everyone is welcome. You see men in business suits belly up to the bar with boaters clad in 26  WATERFRONT GUIDE 2013

Explore authentic gems in hidden necks Baltimore County’s three main bodies of water – Middle River, Back River, and Bear Creek – serve as a backdrop for fun-filled getaway destinations. People who want to escape the daily grind or have an itch for adventure discover surprises in every creek and cove. Relax on a quiet dock and watch blue herons fish for their lunch, or join a jamming beach party at sunset – there’s something here to match every mood and budget. To find a classic Chesapeake crab deck, listen for the rhythmic sound of wooden crab hammers crunching shells and gentle waves lapping upon the shore. A briny aroma in the air proves that the Bay’s favorite crustacean is cooked inside. You see restaurants decorated in nautical themes, with crab pots, skipjacks, and ship captains taking center stage. Sue Island Crab House near Essex fits the bill perfectly. An outdoor awning protects crab pickers from the sun’s rays while boats jaunt in and out of

listen for the rhythmic sound of wooden crab hammers crunching shells and gentle waves lapping upon the shore

the marina. Picnic tables covered with brown paper are weighted down with mountains of steamed crabs and corn on the cob. The laid-back atmosphere is ideal for lazy summer days. Another classic crab house, Carson’s Creekside, is located on Dark Head Creek off Middle River. Pickled pigs feet


and fried chicken were crowd pleasers back in 1948 when the restaurant opened. Today’s patrons line up to order fist-sized crab cakes, crunchy fried oysters, and home-style crabby mac and cheese. Feeding ducks at the dock is encouraged. Experience tiki time at sunset When you dock your boat in Baltimore County, don’t be surprised if you see palm trees mingling with oaks and maples. Polynesian masks, bamboo bars, tiki torches, and reggae music have found a new home in Maryland. It’s a recent tiki infusion that adds a lighthearted spirit and whimsical groove to restaurants along the Bay. The River Watch Restaurant, located at the junction of Middle River and Hopkins Creek, is known for their great seafood, while providing customers with a beautiful view of the marina and its waterways. With live entertainment provided, you will be sure to leave satisfied after dining on their signature Clams Casino and sipping on a crisp

Rowboat Willie’s Dock Bar glass of Pinot Grigio (or two) on the deck. As a toast to the tiki gods, Baltimore County has concocted a variety of specialty drinks. The most famous is the Orange Crush – a glowing glass of fresh squeezed orange juices, spirits, and secret ingredients. The Long Beach Restaurant & Tavern in Middle River serves

Baltimore County Waterfront Area Restaurants When you set sail to dine along the shores of Baltimore County, you can choose from 14 fantastic places. This list is arranged by body of water for your convenience. Bear Creek Hard Yacht Café 8500 Cove Rd Dundalk, MD 21222 443-407-0038 Seahorse Inn 710 Wise Ave. Dundalk, MD 21222 410-388-1150 Seasoned Mariner 610 Wise Ave. Dundalk, MD 21222, 443-242-7190 Back River Bluefins Seafood Restaurant & Bar 8247 Eastern Ave Baltimore, MD 21224 410-477-8100

Islander Inn 9008 Cuckold Point Rd. Sparrows Point, MD 21219 410-388-0713 Rowboat Willie’s Dock Bar 9033 Cuckold Point Rd. Sparrows Point, MD 21219 410-477-5137 or 410-388-1091 Malibu Beach Bar 8247 Eastern Ave. Baltimore, MD 21224 Brewers Landing Bar & Grill 801 Woodrow Ave. Essex, MD 21221 443-231-5037

up crushes in many different flavors from mandarin to creamsicle. A land of plenty for history buffs You can spend days cruising around Baltimore County visiting sites to commemorate events that shaped the United States. This area is steeped in history from the waters Captain John

Browns Creek Island View Waterfront Café 2542 Island View Rd. Essex, MD 21221 410-687-9799

Carson’s Creekside Restaurant 1110 Beech Dr. Middle River, MD 21220 410-238-0080

Middle River By the Docks 3321 Eastern Blvd Middle River, MD 21220 410-686-1188

Seneca Creek Long Beach Restaurant & Tavern (nearby) 818 Bowley’s Quarters Rd. Middle River, MD 21220 410-335-9444

River Watch Restaurant 207 Nanticoke Rd. Essex, MD 21221 410-687-1422

For more information about these waterfront restaurants in MD and VA, check out

Sue Island Crab House & Dock Bar 900 Baltimore Yacht Club Dr. Essex, MD 21221 443-574-0009 Sue-Island-Grill-Crab-



Smith sailed while exploring the Bay in 1607 to the battle grounds where America defeated the British in the War of 1812 and the steel mills that built navy ships during both world wars. The unique regional history is filled with tales of heroes and heroines who played a part in Chesapeake Bay heritage. From Civil War soldiers to oyster shuckers, Baltimore County has it all,

View of Craighill Lighthouse

Long Beach Restaurant & Tavern

and tributes to them are on display in crab houses along the water. Just off shore from Rowboat Willie’s tiki deck you can see the Craighill Lighthouse, which has warned ships of danger since 1875. This beacon of safety stood helpless during Hurricane Isabel’s windy assault on Sparrow’s Point and Millers Island. Tales of rebuilding after floods destroyed hundreds of homes showcase the community’s determination to carry on.

Mounted on the wall at Island View Waterfront Café in Essex, you can see a replica “punt gun,” which hunters used around the Bay until the 1920s to blast scores of ducks and geese out of the marshlands with a single thunderous shot. The building was a dance hall during Prohibition, and it’s been home to family-style dining for generations. With all this and more to enjoy, it’s time to chart your next trip to Baltimore County. b

Waterfront Dining all Year long.

sensational sunsets are our specialtY.

Enjoy our full menu of seafood and American fare served by our gracious staff.

Join us a celebrate the end of a perfect day on the water.

happY hour

Monday thru Thursday 3 til 7, Friday 3 til 6, Saturday 12 til 4 $2 Drink Specials and Half Price Appetizers Friday Power Hour; 8:30 til 9:30 $1.50 Domestic Beer / $2.50 Shots / $3.50 Fireballs and Crushes


river Watch Marina offers 110 transients and year round slips. Free customer docking is available during business hours.

207 Nanticoke Road Middle River, MD 21221

Thursday - 7:00 til 11:00 Dancing Under the Moonlight Party Friday - 5:30 til 8:30 Caribbean Rum Party with live Steel Drum Band Friday & Saturday Night - 9:30 til 1:30 Sunday - 2:00 til 9:00 The Original Sunday Funday, often imitated but never duplicated.

planning a partY? We will make your special event memorable. Indoor and outdoor areas with a variety of menu and bar options are available.


PAUL’S REPAIRS, INC. marine service

We Buy Boats & Motors

Boat & Trailer Storage Many Pre-Owned Boats Available Priced to Sell! Offers & Trades Accepted!

900 Baltimore Yacht Club Road Essex, Maryland 21221 N 39° 17.16’ W 76° 24.01’

Open for Lunch, Dinner and “Hot Steamed Crabs” Indoor Dining and Bar Seating Outdoor Tiki Bar and Patio

Sue Island Marina

850 Baltimore Yacht Club Road Essex, Maryland 21221 N 39° 17.05’ W 76° 23.45’




rash. The main issue that the Back River Restoration Committee (BRRC) has been facing since they began back in 2007. The watershed encompasses 73 miles of streams in the urban and suburban parts of Baltimore County. Herring Run, Red House Run and Stemmers Run journey through industrialized sections of Baltimore County, all emptying into Back River bringing along the unwanted waste. As of 2012, the BRRC has removed half a million pounds of trash and 2,600 tires from the river by organizing various fundraisers and community cleanup projects throughout the year. The BBRC has introduced a variety of fundraising events to raise awareness and gain new members. Last May, the committee hosted its 2nd Annual Trash Art auction, featuring a Baltimore sculptor who creates beautiful pieces

from trash, mainly metal. In 2011 the organization held a Shrimp Feast to raise additional funds for future projects. Students at local schools have gotten involved with the organization to educate the community on the effects of littering. The BRRC is in the process of planting hundreds of trees in the watershed and ready to organize another trash removal cleanup day. For more information on the committee and upcoming events visit for more information. b

We’re All About the Bay! • In print • On the web

• Monthly eNewsletter • Boat Show Seminars

See our destination feature about Middle River on our website

Chesapeake Bay MAGAZINE

BOATING AT ITS BEST 410-263-2662

CBM 1-8 2013.indd 1

2/9/13 11:54 AM



J. Dennis Carper Sept. 5, 1921 – Dec. 25, 2012 J. Dennis Carper was born and raised on a family farm where he learned the values of family life on a farm. As a young man, he married his wife of now 71 years. Shortly after they married, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and served our country during World War II. Because of his dedicated service, Dennis received two purple hearts as well as multiple ribbons and

medals. After the war, Dennis and his wife moved to Middle River in Baltimore, MD and he began working at Glenn L. Martin plant. He then transitioned to Owens Yacht Club where he was the head of production. In 1950, his love for the water led him to establish the Essex Yacht Harbour Marina. The marina is still one of the oldest boat dealerships in the area. Folks that knew Dennis described him as the “salt of the earth.” He was extremely hardworking and well known to the Baltimore community. As one of the original members of the Marine Trades Association of Baltimore County, he was proud to be a part of the boating community and lifestyle.

Aluminum Jon Boats 10’ to 20’ Trailers

Josephine Mildred Weaver April 28, 1922 – Dec 5, 2012 On December 6, 2012, Josephine Mildred Weaver (Nee Eitnier); passed away peacefully at Spa Creek Center in Annapolis at the age of 90. She was born and raised in

Ephrata, Pennsylvania and later moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where she met her late husband, Samuel J. Weaver. Jo loved her new life on the water and in 1945 helped her husband establish Weaver Brothers Boat Yard. Through dedication and hard work they raised a family and built a successful and thriving family business. Jo embraced the boating lifestyle and together with her husband co-founded the Riverside Yacht Club in 1960. She is remembered and missed by her family and friends.

Experience Real Boating in Middle River Maryland

convenientlY locateD in MiDDle river,

a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, Long Beach Marina is a 327-slip facility with a beautiful view of Frog Mortar Creek. Long Beach Marina is a full service, familyoriented marina specializing in the storage, maintenance, repair and sale of powerboats. Our marina is close to the Baltimore Inner Harbor, Rock Hall and Fairlee Creek.

• • • • • • • • • • •

Ship’s Store Boat Ramp Swimming Pool Over 300 Peaceful Boat Slips Transient Slips Available Showers and Toilet Facilities Dry Dinghy Storage Pump-out Friendly Staff to Assist You! Picnic Area Floating Drive-On Wave Runner Docks

Fuel Dock:


Open year round from 8am till 7pm. Open till dusk Friday-Sunday during the summer.

We offer transient slips and annual slip rentals! Open slips range in size from 20’ to over 50’

Offering diesel and gasoline

April 1st

7 days a week

• • •

Reasonable pricing Two diesel pumps Fuel dock store

Free pump-out service for slip holders. Note: stabilizer, fuel additives, two-stroke oil and engine oil is conveniently available in the fuel dock store. Please call or email us for pricing at longbeachmarina@

Annual contracts are effective

Holding tank pump-outs are provided free of charge to annual slip holders

• • • • • • • •

Over 300 slips Power boats to over 50’ Deep water up to 8’ Laundry service 30 and 50 Amp service available Offering block and cube ice Ample parking Wireless internet access

Boat YarD ServiceS:

Long Beach Marina offers full mechanical repair and maintenance, 30 Ton haulout service, prop and shaft work, hull waxing, bottom painting and other general yard work. Full winterization service is offered along with a winter dry storage package. We only use non-toxic antifreeze for winterizing and metal jack-stands are used to support the winter dry storage boats here at Long Beach Marina. Do-it-yourself dry storage and winter storage rates are also available upon request. Email us with any questions or to inquire about our rates at

LONG BEACH MARINA 800 Chester Road • Middle River, Maryland 21220 410-335-8602


DIRECTORY OF SERVICES IN BALTIMORE COUNTY Accommodations Hampton Inn 8225 Town Center Dr. White Marsh 410‑931‑2200 Hilton Garden Inn 5015 Campbell Blvd. White Marsh 410‑427‑0600 La Quinta Inn 4 Philadelphia Ct. Rosedale 410‑574‑8100 Residence Inn® by Marriott® 4980 Mercantile Rd. White Marsh 410‑933‑9554 Super 8 Motel 98 Stemmers Run Rd. Essex 410-780-0030 Associations/Tourism offices Baltimore County Tourism & Promotion 410‑887‑2849

Marine Trades Association of Baltimore County 410‑687‑1002 Marine Trades Association of Maryland 410‑269‑0741 Financial Services 1st Mariner Bank 176 Carroll Island Rd. Middle River 410‑344‑0606


Baltimore County Savings Bank 1736 Merritt Blvd. Dundalk 410‑284-5699 Baltimore County Savings Bank 4208 Ebenezer Rd. Perry Hall 410‑256‑1300 Bank of America 1203 Windlass Dr. Middle River 410‑686‑7130 M&T Bank 809 Eastern Blvd. Essex 410‑686‑8823 Wells Fargo Bank 1418 Martin Blvd. Middle River 410‑687‑5678 Car Rentals Budget Car Rental 2100 Merritt Blvd. Dundalk 410‑282‑4397 Enterprise Rent‑A‑Car 9801 Pulaski Hwy. Middle River 410‑686‑4813 Enterprise Rent‑A‑Car 6902 Eastern Ave. Dundalk 410‑282‑4211 Churches CHASE St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church 3260 Red Rose Farm Rd. Back River United Methodist Church 544 Back River Neck Rd.

Hope Lutheran Church 1901 Middleborough Rd. House of the Lord Ministries 103 Riverside Dr. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Roman Catholic) 1704 Eastern Ave. St. Stephen’s African Methodist Episcopal Church 1601 Old Eastern Ave. MIDDLE RIVER Ascension Church 1313 Wilson Point Rd. Peninsula Baptist Church 222 Carroll Island Rd.

Piney Grove United Methodist Church 201 Bowleys Quarters Rd. Laundromats Family Wash Day Middlesex Shopping Center 410‑687‑5868 The Laundry Room 2100 Orems Rd. Middle River 410-686-8848 Middlesex Discount Laundromat 1225 Eastern Blvd. Essex 410‑574‑6257

Local Newspapers/ Magazines Chesapeake Bay Magazine 1819 Bay Ridge Ave. Annapolis 410‑263‑2662 East County Times 513 Eastern Ave. Essex 410‑780‑3303

Walgreen Drug Store 401 Compass Rd. Middle River 410‑780‑4770 Walgreen Drug Store 6 S. Marlyn Ave. Essex 410‑918‑0790 Real Estate

Marinalife 1414 Key Hwy. Baltimore 410‑752‑0505

Keller Williams Realty – Debbie Henninger 3301 Boston St., Ste. 200 Baltimore 410‑342‑4444

Legal Services

Post Offices

Marlow & Wyatt 404 Allegheny Ave. Towson 410‑821‑1013

Chase (21027) Eastern Ave. at Ebenezer Rd. 410‑335‑233

Medical Express Care Middlesex Shopping Center 3321 Eastern Blvd Middle River 443-231-5203 Franklin Square Hospital 9000 Franklin Square Dr. Rosedale 443‑777‑7000 Pharmacies Aid Drug Store 7568 North Point Rd. Edgemere 410‑477‑5130 Drug City 2805 North Point Rd. Dundalk 410‑284‑2424 Rite Aid 140 Back River Neck Rd. Essex 410‑238‑0511 Rite Aid 6 Carroll Island Rd. Middle River 410‑335‑2323

Dundalk (21222) 44 Shipping Place & Center Place 410‑284‑4321 Edgemere & Sparrows Point (21219) 7568 North Point Rd. 410‑477‑5130 Essex (21221) 444 Maryland Ave. 410‑687‑0326 Middle River (21220) 200 Wilson Point Rd. 410‑391‑9428 Super Markets Food Lion 1556 Hyde Park Rd. Essex 410‑918‑0171 Food Lion 7514 North Point Rd. Edgemere 410‑477‑4784 Food Lion 1413 Fuselage Ave. Middle River 410‑391‑9316


Geresbeck’s 2109 Eastern Blvd. Middle River 410‑686‑3487

Baltimore Boating Center 2015 Turkey Point Rd. Essex 410‑687‑2000

Mars Super Market 165 Orville Rd. Middle River 410‑687‑9400

Baltimore Yacht Club 800 Baltimore Yacht Club Rd. Middle River 410‑682‑2310

Shoppers Food Market 1200 Eastern Ave. Essex 410‑574‑2020

Beacon Light Marina 825 Bowleys Quarters Rd. Bowleys Quarters 410‑335‑6489

Taxi Companies

Big Daddy Shrink Wrap 810 Back River Neck Rd. Essex 443‑928‑7345

Atwater Cab 10105 Philadelphia Rd. Rosedale 410‑682‑2100 New Eastern Cab 955 Eastern Ave. Essex 410‑687‑3232 Canvas Repairs, Upholstery & Marine Interiors SS Canvas 410‑344‑1183 Marine Construction Dissen‑Juhn Corporation 888‑578‑5779 Marine Instruction Community College of Baltimore County 7201 Rossville Blvd. Baltimore 443‑840‑1237 First Captains Boating Service 410‑808‑2137 Marine Sales and Services All Star Marine 2434 Hollyneck Rd. Middle River 410‑574‑8281


Bowleys Marina 1700 Bowleys Quarters Rd. Middle River 410‑335‑3553 Carroll Independent Fuel 6401 Chemical Rd. Curtis Bay 410‑261‑5443 Chesapeake Yachting Center 114 Carroll Island Rd. Bowleys Quarters 410‑335‑4900 Essex Yacht Harbour Marina 500 Sandalwood Rd. Essex 410‑687‑6634 M&M Boat Sales & Service 2010 Eastern Blvd. Essex 410‑391‑2333 Markel’s Boat Yard 7745 North Point Creek Rd. Baltimore 410‑477‑3445 Markley’s Marina 223 Nanticoke Rd. Essex 410‑687‑5575


Maryland Marina 3501 Red Rose Farm Rd. Bowleys Quarters 410‑335‑8722

Port Side Marine 149 Back River Neck Rd. Essex 410‑682‑2998

Middle River Marine Service Inc. 810 Back River Rd. Baltimore 410‑591‑4377

Porter’s Seneca Marina 918 Seneca Park Rd. Middle River 410‑335‑6563

Norman Creek Marina 2229 Corsica Rd. Essex 410‑686‑9343 Parkside Marina 3300 Edwards Ln. Middle River 410‑344‑1187 Paul’s Repairs 11718 Eastern Ave. Middle River 410‑335‑1794

Riley’s Marina 1901 Old Eastern Ave. Essex 410‑686‑0771 Riverside Marine Essex and White Marsh 410‑335‑1500 River Watch Restaurant and Marina 207 Nanticoke Rd. Essex 410‑687‑1422 Rowboat Willie’s at Bill’s Yacht Basin 9033 Cuckold Point Rd.

Millers Island 410‑477‑5137 Sue Island Marina 850 Baltimore Yacht Club Rd. Essex 410‑574‑7373 Sunset Harbor Marina 1651 Browns Rd. Essex 410‑687‑7290 Tradewinds Marina 412 Armstrong Rd. Middle River 410-335-7000 Weaver’s Marine Service 730 Riverside Dr. Essex 410‑686‑4944

Marine Towing & Salvage TowBoatU.S. Baltimore P.O. Box 975 Pasadena 410‑255‑8700 Marine Surveyors Bayside Marine Surveying, Inc. 6909 Harewood Park Dr. Middle River 410-335-3955 Safety Products Harris Fire Protection Co. 410‑285‑7272 Water Sport Rentals Ultimate Watersports Gunpowder State Park 410‑335‑5352

Young’s Boat Yard 7201 Waldman Ave. Edgemere 410‑477‑8607

Come for the food, Stay for the fun! Experience the finest in waterfront dining, all year long. Our menu offers luscious specialties for lunch and dinner and a unique selection of icy cocktails to sip while you enjoy soft, summer breezes and spectacular sunsets!

• Daily food & drink specials (open 7 days a week) Located on Dark Head Creek in Wilson Point 1110 Beech Drive, Middle River, Maryland 21220

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• Covered deck for outdoor dining • Live entertainment

Dock & Dine Set your GPS to LAT 39° 19.16, LONG 76° 25.33


Golf Courses on the water Rocky Point Golf Course 1935 Back River Neck Road Essex, MD 21221 410-887-0215 Located on the Back River, right across from Hart Miller Island, Rocky Point offers a scenic golfing experience for all expertise levels. Their challenging, yet fun course has 4 sets of tees with 18 holes. Amenities include full service golf shop & concession area, driving range and practice area. Sparrows Point Country Club 919 Wise Avenue Baltimore, MD 21222 410-477-1500 Sparrows Point Country Club is a private 18-hole Golf Course located right on Bear Creek. The country club offers 60 slips for boaters along with a Clubhouse, Olympic size pool, and tennis courts. Stansbury Golf & Sports Park (nearby) 7900 Stansbury Rd. Dundalk, MD 21222 410‑282‑6600 Looking for a fun night of adventure for the family? This Golf and Sports Park includes a driving range, miniature golf course and batting cages.

At Bill’s Yacht Basin Miller’s Island


Willie’s Dock Bar

Your Gateway to the Chesapeake

Why go to the beach when you can come to the Island?

Floating Docks with Finger Piers

• Open for lunch & dinner (Thursday - Sunday) • Live Entertainment • Convenient by land or sea • Package Goods, Ice and more • HIGH & DRY STORAGE

NOW ENClOsEd dECK & FUll KITCHEN FOR 2013! 9033 Cuckold Point Rd, Miller’s Island




EMERGENCY & RESOURCE NUMBERS Police, Fire or Medical Emergency 911 On the Water Boating Emergency Use VHF Channel 16 (Monitored by the Coast Guard, Baltimore County Police and Fire Departments, MD Department of Natural Resources Police) United States Coast Guard Station Curtis Bay 410‑576‑8051 or 410‑576‑2625 Station Still Pond (in season only) 410‑778‑2201 or 2202 Search and Rescue 410‑576‑2525

Boating Class Community College of Baltimore County 443‑840‑1237

Recreation and Parks 410‑887‑3817 agencies/recreation State of Maryland

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 1‑800‑336‑BOAT

Department of Natural Resources 1‑877‑620‑8DNR (8367)

U.S. Power Squadron 410‑285‑0047

Mass Transit Administration Metro, MARC, Light Rail and Bus 410‑539‑5000

Baltimore County General Information 410‑887‑0000 Conference and Visitors Bureau 410‑887‑2849

Recreation Vessel VHF Channels Safety and/or Distress Channel 16 Alternate Calling Channel 09

Ship‑to‑ship (safety only) Channel 06 Ship‑to‑ship (navigation only) Channel 13 Ship‑to‑ship/ Ship‑to‑shore Channels 09, 68, 69, 71, 78A VHF Mayday procedures in the event of immediate danger to life or property: 1. Select Channel 16 on your VHF radio. 2. Repeat: MAYDAY — MAYDAY — MAYDAY. 3. Give vessel name and call sign. 4. Give position and description of vessel, as detailed as possible, and how many people are on board. 5. Describe the emergency. 6. Repeat the above procedures every two minutes until you receive a response for assistance. If the situation is not life threatening, call a commercial towing company for assistance, or call the Coast Guard who will contact one for you.

Baltimore Yacht Club

Fuel Dock

• Discount of 10¢ off per Gallon for BoatUS Members with card • High Flow Premium Diesel Fuel • 89 Octane Gas

Six New Dispensers for Quick Service Baltimore County’s First Clean Marina


Conveniently located at the entrance of Sue Creek, Off Middle River Longitude:76 o23’8” W Latitude: 39 o 17’3” N

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WATERFRONT GUIDE LIST OF ADVERTISERS All Star Marine ....................................29 Automotive Training Center .................5 Baltimore Boating Center .....................6 Baltimore County Tourism ....INSIDE FRONT Baltimore Yacht Club ...........................38 Bayside Marine Surveying ..................30 Beacon Light Marina .............................2 Big Daddy’s Shrink Wrap ....................40 Bill’s Boats/Rowboat Willie’s ..............37 Bowleys Marina ...................................13 Brewer’s Landing Bar & Grill ..............23 By The Docks .......................................25 Carroll Fuels ........................................40 Carson’s Creekside Restaurant ...........36 CCBC ....................................................31 Chesapeake Bay Magazine ..................30 Chesapeake Gateway Chamber of Commerce ........................................6 Chesapeake Yachting Center ................................BACK COVER Dissen & Juhn Company ....................25 Eastern Yacht Club ..............................34 Essex Marina & Boat Sales ..................25 Essex Yacht Harbour ...........................11 First Captains Boating Service ...........14

Harris Fire Protection .........................14 Howard Energy ....................................14 Intercoastal Marine .............................13 Island View Waterfront .......................30 Jad’s Caddy Shack ...............................17 Long Beach Marina .............................32 Long Beach Restaurant .......................33 M & M Boat Sales & Service ...............10 Marinalife ..............................................7 Markel’s Boat Yard ...............................25 Markley’s Marina ................................11 Marlow & Wyatt ..................................30 Martin State Airport .............................7 Maryland Marina ..................................1 MTABC .................................................40 Norman Creek Marina ........................11 Parkside Marina ..................................41 Paul’s Repairs .......................................29 Pizza Johns ..........................................10 Portside Marine ...................................31 Porter’s Seneca Marina .........................4 Riley’s Marina .....................................10 River Watch Restaurant .......................28 Riverside Marina ..................................4 Rockin on the River ............................22

Salty Dog Publications ........................29 SS Canvas ...........................................25 Sue Island Grill/Crabhouse .................29 Sunset Harbor Marina ...........................1 Tow Boat US Balt./Middle River ........35 Tradewinds Marina .............................39 Weaver’s Marine Service ....................15 Young’s Boat Yard ..............................31

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For more information on our services, please visit our website

“The Marina You’ve Been Looking For”





Maryland’s Finest Waterfront Catering Facility



3301 Edwards Lane Middle River, Maryland 21220 Conrad’s specializes hosting catered Weddings, Corporate gatherings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Graduations, Bridal and Baby Showers as well as Baptisms. Choose the waterfront setting that best meets your needs from one of our three beautiful venues. Whether it’s an intimate family gathering or a feast for thousands, The Villa, The Heron’s Nest, or the newly renovated LookOut can offer the perfect setting your guests will remember for years. Please contact us at for more information


YACHTING CENTER 4 Lane Highway to Entrance Middle River Boating at its Best!


114 Carroll Island Rd. Middle River, MD 21220 ON-SITE SERVICES: Chesapeake Marine Service 410-335-2226 CFL Boat Sales 410-335-1544 Premier Marine, Sales & Service 410-335-0000 Quality and Endurance 410-335-1313

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