1 minute read
DECLINE TO SIGN School Nurse Implications
Ohio is now the next target of the abortion industry. They have a petition to put a change to Ohio’s Constitution on the ballot. It is presented as a bill to protect a woman’s reproductive health. Reading the bill tells a totally different story. Many of the articles in the bill are repugnant. Here’s one.
If you are asked to sign the petition to put this bill on the ballot in November, please be kind to the worker, but decline. The bill may be the work of the devil but the person asking for signatures probably does not know all of what the bill contains.
When you politely decline to sign, ask the person if they know that the bill would allow a child to go to the school nurse and ask for an aspirin and a sex change. The aspirin would be denied as the nurse needs parental permission to give it out, but the nurse could assist the child in finding a clinic to do the sex change and the nurse would not be allowed to tell the child’s parents. There is no age minimum for sex change requests.
This is just one piece of the proposed bill. More information will be provided later.
For more information: Beth at Greater Columbus Right To Life; GCRTL.org/STOP
Patrick Kent, Lecturer Mt. Vernon Council #847
Medina Council #4168
Please pass this along to your fellow brothers, friends and family who have supported this Final Four'tune raffle: We have a winner. The first lottery Pick 3 on Monday was ticket #457 sold by Dave Steirer. The name of the winner remains anonymous at this time. With this fundraiser, we raised ~$6,800 for our charities.
As for the sellers who sold 10 tickets or more, brother Dan Cathcart will be following up with you regarding future events for this group.
Again, thank you all for your support in this wonderful fundraiser.
All the best, Michael P. Conley 216-312-1294