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Solon Parent Tearfully Addresses Board of Education on Bus Safety Concerns
A School Bus Safety Alliance Team consisting of Kate Kutnick, Solon resident and Rudy Breglia advocated for seat belts in school buses before the Solon Board*. Kate mentions while choking back tears that her focus on school bus safety increased when her daughter was in a minor school bus accident on her first day of her 1st grade. In her address she mentioned some recent examples of Ohio school bus accidents where students were hospitalized. She also indicated that the Board needs to be “responsible stewards of our children’s safety” and should require that seat belts be installed in new school buses. Kate emphasized the recent “Position Statement” by the 50,000 member Ohio PTA** that supports having seat belts in school buses and encourages school districts to conduct seat belt installation pilot programs.
I followed Kate’s talk with summary statements similar to those given to the Solon Board back on January 28, 2019 on the importance of having seat belts in school buses to protect children. Also mentioned were the routine nature of children being injured and killed in school bus accidents; the inadequacy of current school bus safety features; the low cost of adding seat belts at <0.5% of total cost of student transportation; the routine complete failure (rollovers) of the primary school bus safety feature (NTSB); the ~1200 Ohio school bus accidents each year; the many governmental (NTSB) and safety organization recommendations (National Safety Council) and requirements (18% US States & Beachwood) for seat belts in school buses; school districts facing the increased risk of litigation with unlimited compensatory damage awards from student injuries in bus accidents; the substantial evidence for seat belts being considered a “Standard of Care”; the recent activity of Ohio school districts purchasing buses with seat belts and Ohio city councils sending Resolutions to their associated school districts. Furthermore, the goals of the Alliance were mentioned and a guarantee of providing funds for adding seat belts to the 1st Solon Pilot Program bus was made. A meeting of the Alliance team is expected soon for discussions with the Solon Superintendent, Fred Bolden.