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SIPPO presents companies from

Peru, South Africa and Albania At the European Seafood Exposition. Brussels, 23 – 25 April, 2013, Brussels Exhibition Centre SIPPO Pavilion: Hall 7, booth 7-1953 Peru Pavilion: Hall 7, booth 7-1749 & 7-1849

Contents. By main product Anchovy ........................................................................................... 4 Flying fish roe | Tobiko.................................................................... 5 Giant squid....................................................................................... 6 Mahi-mahi......................................................................................... 7 Octopus ........................................................................................... 8 Rainbow trout ................................................................................. 9 Scallop ........................................................................................... 10 Shrimp ............................................................................................ 11 South African kob | Japanese meagre .................................... 12

By company

Aquacultivos del Pacífico ........................................................... 16 ATISA: Acuacultura Tecnica Integrada del Perú .................... 17 Centro Mar .................................................................................... 18 Consorcio Industrial El Pacífico ................................................ 20 Langostinera Tumbes .................................................................. 21 PIPESAC: Piscifactoría Peña ..................................................... 22 Propesur: Productos Pesqueros del Sur ........................... 24 Seacorp Perú ................................................................................ 25 Oceanwise ..................................................................................... 26 Salmo Smokehouse .................................................................... 27 Konservimi Adriatik ...................................................................... 28

By country

Peru ........................................................................................... 16-25 South Africa ............................................................................. 26-27 Albania ............................................................................................ 28

SIPPO – Your partner of choice in your search for new suppliers. Your Contact

We connect.

We offer you as an importer from Switzerland and the European Union competent support in your search for new suppliers, products and cooperation partners. We will put you in contact with exporting SMEs from developing and emerging countries.

We open doors. Pirmin Aregger Fish & Seafood paregger@sippo.ch +41 44 365 54 89

We’ve been a strong driver of the Swiss economy since 1998. Our network opens quick access to trustworthy business partners and decision makers from governments and official authorities in our partner countries. You have direct access to specific information on manufacturers by country and industry.

We support.

We collaborate with export-oriented SMEs from selected developing and emerging countries to access Swiss and European markets and enhance their products’ competitiveness. SIPPO’s fish and seafood programme supports companies from Albania, Indonesia, Peru and South Africa.

«The hydrocolloid manufacturers in the SIPPO programme fit our supplier programme perfectly. SIPPO has made a very good choice of manufacturers for the food industry». Thomas Rüedi, Welding GMBH & Co. KG

Osec Swiss Import Promotion Programme Stampfenbachstrasse 85 CH-8006 Zurich www.sippo.ch/fish

Anchovy | Anchoveta. Anchovy (Engraulis ringens) are a marine and coastal species

Supplied by

that lives mainly within 80 km of coast (and as far as 160 km).

Consorcio Ind. El PacĂ­fico (p.20)

The populations depends on the plankton abundance, so

Propesur (p.24)

availability for catches is reduced when warmer and less saline

Konservimi Adriatik (p.28)

surface water extends during El NiĂąo events. A new fisheries management system, introduced in 2008, appears to stabilize the fishery. Peruvian anchovy has traditionally been only used by the fishmeal industry.

Country Peru

Only recently it started to be utilised for products destined directly for human consumption (presently less than 1% of total capture). Presentation is frozen head and gutted (H&G), for canning and salted vacuum-pack fillet.

Environmental impact: managed* *The fishery is under a regulated management plan specifically for the specie.

4 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

Seasonality January to July November to December

Flying fish roe | Tobiko. (frozen). Tobiko is the Japanese word for the flying fish roe (Exocoetus

Supplied by

peruvianus). It is most widely known for its use in creating

Aquacultivos del PacĂ­fico (p.16)

certain types of sushi. The eggs are small, ranging from 0.5 mm - 0.8 mm. Natural tobiko has a red-orange color, a mild smoky or salty taste, and a crunchy texture. Flying fish are members of the Exocetidae family, compromising around sixty-four species with worldwide distribution.

Country Peru

The fishery, while not deeply studied, seems to be sustainable as fishing effort is relatively low and catches are stable. The presentation of the frozen products are according to clients’ requirements.

Seasonality February to December

Environmental impact: managed* *The fishery is under a regulated generic management plan.

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 5

Giant squid | Pota. Giant squid or Pota (Humboldt squid - dosidicus gigas), is

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one of the largest squid commercially caught in the world and

Centro Mar (p.18)

especially abundant in Peru coast. The catches are obtained

Consorcio Ind. El PacĂ­fico (p.20)

by line fishing of fairly basic small boats crewed by three to six

Propesur (p.24)

people. The individual weight of a giant squid can reach 100 kg, but the average weight is around 30 kg. The giant squid can be processed into several frozen products: tubes, rings, wings, tentacles, batons, etc.

Country Peru

as well as pre-coked frozen. Presentation can be in block or retail packaging.

Seasonality All year round

Environmental impact: managed* *The fishery is under a regulated management plan specifically for the specie.

6 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

Mahi-mahi | Dorada. Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) is a surface-dwelling

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ray-finned fish found in off-shore temperate, tropical and

Centro Mar (p.18)

subtropical waters worldwide. Catches average 7 to 13 kg.

Consorcio Ind. El PacĂ­fico (p.20)

Mahi-mahi are among the fastest-growing fish. They spawn in

Propesur (p.24)

warm ocean currents throughout much of the year. The fishery is mostly artisanal longline based and some hand lining. It is not completely managed at the present, but a minimal size of 70 cm is required to land the product.

Country Peru

Peru and Ecuador have been exploring opportunities for transnational management structure that could facilitate MSC certification, nevertheless this initiative still at it infancy. Presentation is frozen, skin-off and skin-on fillets.

Seasonality January to March October to December

Environmental impact: managed* *The fishery is under a regulated management plan specifically for the specie.

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 7

Octopus | Pulpo. The Octopus (Octopus mimus) inhabits diverse habitats

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of the Peruvian coast, including reefs, pelagic waters, and

Centro Mar (p.18)

the ocean floor.

Consorcio Ind. El Pacífico (p.20)

The fishery is managed by measures including minimal size (weight) and two to three month bans on capture, transport, marketing, storage and processing. Its abundance shows large variations closely linked to environmental factors such as changes in productivity related

Country Peru

to El Niño events. Presentation is frozen, ‘flower-shaped’ or gutted, without beak, and eyes.

Seasonality All year round

Environmental impact: managed* *The fishery is under a regulated management plan specifically for the specie.

8 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

Rainbow trout | Trucha arco iris. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), is a species of

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salmonid native to tributaries of the North Pacific Ocean, but

PIPESAC PiscifactorĂ­a PeĂąa (p.22)

has successfully been introduced into the Andean lakes and is cultivated in various locations in Peru. Conservation organizations give a good mark to rainbow trout raised in freshwater ponds or raceways. However, there is some concern over the potential for wastes from farms to pollute local waterways, and the fact that the main feed

Country Peru

component (fish meal) has to be derived from wild fish stock with substantial energy costs. Presentation is frozen, whole, eviscerated with head-on, whole-boned (head-on, backbone removed but pinbone-in), skin-on, pinbone-in fillets, skin-on, boneless fillets.

Seasonality All year round

Environmental impact: managed* *Feeds are still based on fish meal, but increasingly using other protein sources. Controls over effluent water are in place under national legislation.

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 9

Scallop | Concha de abanico. These peruvian scallops (Argopecten purpuratus) are cultured,

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initial culture stage goes from scallop larvae collection in

Aquacultivos del Pacífico (p.16)

natural environment, or from seed from hatcheries the growing

Seacorp Perú (p.25)

process in coastal bays is through different splittings by size holding them at different densities up to reaching commercial size. In addition to the preservation of the seafood resource, marine culture offers advantages by following the natural processes of scallop’s development, without altering them, thus obtaining

Country Peru

both biological and economical benefits. Presentation is frozen, in half-shell roe-on, half-shell roe-off, roe-on and roe-off scallops as well as canned.

Seasonality All year round

Environmental Impact: managed* *Scallops are grown in controlled areas, growth operations have minimal impact on production areas on other marine species.

10 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

Shrimp | Camar贸n. (frozen). Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) aquaculture takes place along the

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Northern coastline of Peru using intensive and semi-intensive

ATISA (p.17)

production systems. The climate in the north is suitable for

Langostinera Tumbes (p.21)

this shrimp species, which thrives in warm temperature zones. Furthermore land prices have been low, as there have been little competing uses for it and, as a result, made entry easier and low conflict with traditional owners. The ponds are usually located close to the sea shore, this lowers the impact of

Country Peru

pumping seawater to the ponds. Presentation is frozen, raw peeled, head-on shell-on, shell-on, headless shell-on and shell-off, in blocks or semi IQF.

Seasonality All year round

Environmental Impact: managed* *Feeds are still based on fish meal, but increasingly using other protein sources. Controls over effluent water are in place under national legislation.

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 11

South African kob | Japanese meagre. The South African kob (Argyrosomus japonicus), also known

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as Kabeljou, Mulloway or Jew fish (Australia) and similar to

Oceanwise (p.26)

Meagre or Corvina (Europe), Black Drum (America) and Suzuki (Japan), is recognized as one of the finest tasting fish in South Africa due to its firm, white flesh & mild flavor. Found along the entire Southern African coast and often caught in estuaries, the kob has been over-fished. Aquaculture provides reliable and consistent supply without further impact

Country South Africa

to the fishery. This specie has been ‘green-listed’ by the South African WWF SASSI initiative. Fish are fed imported diets from natural and sustainable sources with full traceability. Presentation is gilled and gutted whole fish.

Environmental Impact: managed* *Feeds are still based on fish meal, but increasingly using other protein sources. Controls over effluent water are in place under national legislation.

12 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

Seasonality All year round

Explore Indonesia’s seaweed potential. SIPPO buyer mission for seaweed products to Indonesia from 27– 30 August 2013 Swiss and European importers will be offered the excellent opportunity to network and form business partnerships in the seaweed sector in Indonesia. Tailor-made company visits with Indonesian seaweed processing companies and a visit to Interfood Jakarta will be organised. Discover a range of exciting seaweed products from innovative companies. See you there!


PromPerú. PROMPERÚ, Peru’s Export and Tourism Promotion Board, is an official agency connecting both, public and private initiatives to promote an integrated and attractive image of Peru. The objective is to create and promote a competitive and diversified offer of products and services with the highest quality standards suitable for the international markets. PROMPERÚ carries out a wide range of activities related to trade and tourism promotion. They focus on those linked with the expansion of businesses in foreign markets, to generate job opportunities and to spread the image of Peru as an exporting country and an attractive tourist destination. Regarding fish and seafood products, the following four concepts support the Peruvian offer: • Diversity: wide variety of marine and fresh water species. • Sustainability: Peruvian regulations comply with the most demanding international standards. • Food Safety and Health: strict sanitary and hygiene conditions guarantee the safety and quality. • Technology and Quality: meeting the requirements of the world’s most demanding markets. Whatever you need is now in Peru. For more information, contact us: seafood@promperu.gob.pe www.promperu.gob.pe

Peru Pavilion. Hall 7, Booths 1749 & 1849. ACUACULTURA TECNICA INTEGRADA DEL PERU patty@atisaperu.com www.atisaperu.com



comercioexterior@freekoperu.com eleon@hayduk.com.pe www.freekoperu.com www.hayduk.com.pe



exportaciones@ springvalleyfruit.com www.agropescadelperu.com

comercial@frozen.com.pe www.frozen.com.pe

vcamacho@piscisperu.com.pe www.piscisperu.com.pe




enrique@galser.pe www.galser.pe

daniel.valdivia@pipesac.com www.pipesac.com.pe

Inversiones Prisco


hvernal@iprisco.com.pe www.iprisco.com.pe

fabio.r@comex-andina.com www.comex-andina.com



carmenreyes@ langostineratumbes.com

hvera@propesurperu.com www.propesurperu.com



sales@maishigroup.com www.maishigroup.com

ehanschke@seacorperu.com www.seacorperu.com



alvites@perupez.com www.perupez.com

comercioexterior@seafrost.com.pe www.seafrost.com.pe




mfort@andesac.com www.andesac.com


AUSTRAL GROUP obarturen@austral.com.pe www.austral.com.pe

CENTRO MAR gustavoamado@centromarsa.com www.centromarsa.com

COINREFRI coinrefri@coinrefri.com www.coinrefri.com


jemunoz@peruvianaquaculture.com amoreno@seaprotein.com.pe www.peruvianaquaculture.com www.seaprotein.com.pe

susana.ballon@coipsac.com www.coipsac.com



dguzman@diamante.com.pe www.diamante.com.pe



gferreyros@tasa.com.pe www.tasa.com.pe

CORPORACION REFRIGERADOS INY iny@iny.com.pe www.iny.com.pe

rghersi@exalmar.com.pe www.exalmar.com.pe


Aquacultivos del Pacífico. Aquacultivos del Pacifico is an aquaculture scallop farming company, that bases its operation in suspended systems, from the capture of seed to its harvest. The pureness of our sea areas comply with European Union (EU) regulations, ensuring full traceability and total quality of our products.


Scallops are processed, frozen or canned, in EU approved

Mr Raul Soriano,

plants, obtaining products in IQF, roe-on, roe-off, half shell

Phone: +51 1 319 48 00

and zamburiña presentations, sold to markets all over

Mobile: +51 998 13 39 56

the world.

raul@vb.com.pe Av. Paseo de la República 4044

Main product: frozen scallops (roe-on and

Miraflores – Lima 18

half-shell roe-on)


Social Contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated in close cooperation with local farmers, ex-fisherman and traditional owners of the coastal areas.

16 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

ATISA Acuacultura Técnica Integrada del Perú. Acuacultura Técnica Integrada del Peru ATISA, founded in 1997, is a well-established producer and exporter of Penaeus Vannamei Shrimp. The company`s main product, fresh-frozen white shrimp, is well known because of its great flavour, fresh texture and premium quality. The company complies with environmental and sanitary requirements imposed by the


Peruvian authorities and it allegedly has forged strong linkages

Mrs Patricia Matto,

with the local community in order to employ local people in

Phone: +51 1 430 05 98

their farming activities and its social responsibility program.

Mobile: +51 996 30 00 01

ATISA exports to many different countries all around the world


and they are well known for their great product, punctuality,


reliability and traceability of their products.

Km 2.2 Carretera Puerto Pizarro Tumbes

Main product: frozen shrimp (head-on,


head-off, peeled)

Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated in close cooperation with local farmers, ex-fisherman and traditional owners of the coastal areas.

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 17

Centro Mar. Centro Mar SA is a company that began its operations in the year 2007 and is located south of Peru in the city of Arequipa dedicated to the processing of hydrobiological products for human consumption for the domestic market and export. Our processing plant makes available a modern infrastructure


and production process effective and efficient with all health

Mardy Pamela Arhuiri Parisaca

guarantees and technological. In this manner meets with

Phone: +51 54 285 788

technical standards sanitary of export markets of the

Mobile: +51 54 981205354

European Community, USA, Russia and Asia.

www.centromarsa.com Calle Palomar 109

Main product: frozen giant squid


Other products: octopus, flying fish roe, mahi-mahi

Arequipa PerĂş

Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated, Â raw materials are sourced from artisanal and semi-industrial fisherman in nearby areas.

18 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

Explore Peru’s fish & seafood products. SIPPO buyer mission for fish & seafood to Peru from 14 – 18 October 2013 Swiss and European importers will be offered the excellent opportunity to network and form business partnerships in the fish and seafood sector in Peru. Tailor-made company visits with Peruvian suppliers and a visit to Expoalimentaria will be organised. Discover a wide range of fish & seafood products from reliable, carefully selected companies. See you there! sippo.ch/p1n6l5h2

Consorcio Industrial El Pacífico. Our speciality is processing frozen seafood products of high quality for human consumption. Our quality standards has as pillars the using of the finest raw materials, a meticulous care in processing, freezing, storage, exportage and high qualified human resources. We have strong commitment to our market,


which is why we provide a personalized service, enabling

Susana Ballón Chirinos

our customers to get different types of cuts, filleted and

Phone/Fax: +51 54 22-3254

packaging according to their requirements and needs.

Phone Tacna +51 52 24-4802

Consorcio Industrial El Pacífico, Custom Quality.

Mobile: +51 9891-97290 susana.ballon@coipsac.com

Main product: frozen giant squid


Other products: anchovy, mahi-mahi, trout, flying fish roe,

Av. Abancay 235, Of. 902


Lima 1 Perú

Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated, raw materials are sourced from artisanal and semi-industrial fisherman in nearby areas.

20 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

Langostinera Tumbes. Langostinera Tumbes is a Peruvian company founded in 1985. It is engaged in the extensive breeding and commercialization of shrimps. Our product (Litopenaeus vannamei) is characterized by its good color, high protein content and its delicious taste. It is ideal for all culinary preparations. We are focus on the sizes between 13 and 20 grams. Our company vision is not only productivity; we also


take care about the environment and our community. We have

Fátima Ramirez Reyes

a sustainable farming during all our production chain, that do

Phone: +51 14740397

not harm our ecosystem. Furthermore, we comply with all the

Fax: +51 13244283

sanitary requirements and the international quality standards.


Additionally, we help our community by employing local labor


and social responsibility works.

Av. Grau N°614 0511 Lima

Main product: frozen shrimps (head-on, head-off)


Other products: canned and dried shrimps.

Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated in close cooperation with local farmers, ex-fisherman and traditional owners of the coastal areas.

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 21

PIPESAC: Piscifactoría Peña. Piscifactoría Peña SAC (PIPESAC) was founded in 2002 as a rainbow trout farming business in Cajamarca (Peru). PIPESAC is the leading intensive trout farming company in northern peruvian region and is near to reach 300 tons production


per year. PIPESAC is also the third most important trout

Mr Daniel Valdivia,

aquaculture entrepreneurship in the country.

Phone: +51 1 712 27 18

PIPESAC is focused on ‘pan size’ rainbow trout farming and

Fax: +51 1 211 25 26

aim to offer exportable production on 2013’s second half. The


company has built a dynamic growing and investment plan


for the next five years. As a first goal, 600 tons per year are

Centro Empresarial Real

estimated to be reached for 2014.

Av. Víctor A. Belaúnde 147, Vía Principal 140

Main product: frozen rainbow trout

Torre Real Seis, Pisos 6 y 7 Lima 27, Perú

Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated in close cooperation with local farmers, ex-fisherman and traditional owners of the coastal areas.

22 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

© PromPerú

Visit us at:

European Seafood Exposition Hall 7, Booths 1749-1849

Contact us: seafood@promperu.gob.pe

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 23

Propesur: Productos Pesqueros del Sur. Productos Pesqueros del Sur S.A. (Propesur) is a familyowned fish and seafood processing business established in 1980 in Tacna, southern Peru. Since 1989, Propesur has focused mainly on developing the processing of sea urchin


(frozen), flying fish roe or tobiko (frozen), salted anchovy

Mr Hugo Vera,

fillets (vacuum packed), Mahi-mahi (frozen portions, fletchers,

Mobile: +51 952 29 46 41

etc.), and giant squid (frozen cooked, rings, steaks, etc.).

Phone: +51 5 224 83 33

The company complies with all sanitary and environmental


requirements instituted by the Peruvian authorities


(including an environmental management system).

Av. Circunvalaci贸n MZ A, Lote 2 Parque Industrial

Main product: frozen giant squid


Other products: flying fish roe, mahi-mahi, anchovy


Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated, raw materials are sourced from artisanal and semi-industrial fi sherman in nearby areas.

24 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

Seacorp Perú. Seacorp, a family-owned company established in 2003, is an aquaculture farm producing and exporting frozen scallops (Argopecten purpuratus) in customized presentations. The company is specialized in frozen IQF scallops in large sizes with all-year round availability. The total production is


farm-raised under permanent HACCP and BRC certification systems, guaranteeing 100% traceability in each shipment.

Contact Azul oscuro Pantone 203 C=100 M=60 Y=0 K=0

Naranja Pantone 33-1 C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0

Azul medio Pantone 218-2 C=80 M=30 Y=3 K=0

Degrade desde Pantone 203 (azul oscuro) a Pantone 218-4 (azul claro) C=60 M=20 Y=5 K=0

The company’s sea farms are located in Piura, northern

Mr Eric Hanschke,

Perú; in areas monitored and classified as type A by the

Mobile: +51 981 05 75 02

National Sanitary Authority and internationally certified private

Phone: +51 1 441 72 90

laboratories. This year Seacorp introduces its private brand


for scallops called FERME BLEUE, using a value-added


presentation aimed for the retail market.

Calle Alfredo Salazar 291 Oficina 804

Main product: frozen scallops

Miraflores, Lima 18 Perú

Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated in close cooperation with local farmers, ex-fisherman and traditional owners of the coastal areas.

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 25

Oceanwise. Oceanwise is a leading South African aquaculture company pioneering recirculation land-based marine aquaculture. Oceanwise’s state of the art facility is situated in the Eastern Cape province drawing pristine seawater from South Africa’s


famous ‘Wild Coast’ which is heated by the warm

Liam Ryan

‘Mozambique Current’.

Mobile: +27 82 771 9507

Oceanwise produces sustainable South African Kob (Kabeljou

Fax: +27 86 656 9657

– Argyrosomus japonicus), also known as Japanese Meagre


for the South African and global seafood market.


Oceanwise has over 700,000 fish in production in its 720 tonnes

Khala Road, Zone 1A

per year production facility and can support export sales of up

East London Industrial

to 30 tonnes per month to prospective customers.

Development Zone Sunnyridge, East London

Main product: frozen South African kob

Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated in close cooperation with local farmers, ex-fisherman and traditional owners of the coastal areas.

26 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

South Africa

Salmo Smokehouse. Salmo Smokehouse specializes in the smoking of different types of fish. The business was established 18 years ago and employs 37 staff members. We see opportunities & potential to grow the Salmo Smokehouse markets from the base we have already created in manufacturing for the food service wholesalers &


distributors. We can secure raw material available from the

Quentin von Stein

South African market due to our location and intention to

Phone: +27 021 386 22 00 / 11

develop our export market potential to Europe.


Fished fish for sustainable grow and development.


We are HACCP, MSC Chain of Custody, KOSHER, HALAAL

79 Manhatten Street,

and BEE certified.

Airport Industrial 2, Cape Town,

Main product: smoked Cape Snoek | Barracouta

South Africa

Other products: angelfish (Brama Brama), panga, mahi-mahi.

Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated in close cooperation with local farmers, ex-fisherman and traditional owners of the coastal areas.

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 27

Konservimi Adriatik. Konservimi Adriatik, located near the port of Durres, is one of Albania’s largest fish conservation companies offering toll manufacturing, serving customers in the domestic and international markets. Its current markets are Spain, Croatia


and Italy, yet it is presently expanding into other European

Mr. Artur Mata,


Phone: +355 522 355 15

Anchovies and sardines are the speciality, but the product

Mobile: +355 673 113 209

range extends to other species, including mackerel and tuna.


Products can be offered in different packaging options such


as glass, plastic or metal. The production capacity is growing

Lagia 15, Rruga Aleksander

with an average production of one ton filet anchovies per day


and about 250 tons per year.

Spitalle, Durres 2000

Quality and service are the company’s number one priority.


Main product: canned anchovies and sardines Other products: mackerel, tuna.

Social contribution: high* *Company is family owned and operated in close cooperation with local farmers, ex-fisherman and traditional owners of the coastal areas.

28 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

SIPPO Swiss Import Promotion Programme. The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) is a mandate of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) within the framework of its economic development cooperation. Part of Switzerland’s foreign economic strategy, the programme is conducted by Osec, the official Swiss foreign trade promotion agency. The Swiss Import Promotion Programme connects importers from the European Union, Switzerland and other EFTA countries with suitable suppliers of high-quality products from partner countries. The programme’s principal goals are: • To establish qualified trade contacts between the Swiss and European import economy and SMEs from partner countries • To promote innovative products with high potential on the Swiss and European markets • To keep the Swiss and European import economy informed of new market sources • To enhance the competitiveness of Swiss and European importers through better sourcing opportunities • To strengthen trade institutions and business sector organisations in partner countries in the trade promotion process in order to facilitate trade for importing companies Osec Swiss Import Promotion Programme Stampfenbachstrasse 85 CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland Phone +41 44 365 54 89 Fax +41 44 365 52 02 fish@sippo.ch, www.sippo.ch European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 29

Exhibition general plan.

Europea Seafood Exposition ESE 2012 Brussels Exhibition Centre Parc des Expositions de Bruxelles 1020 Brussels Belgium Phone +32 2 474 82 63 www.euroseafood.com 30 | European Seafood Exposition 2013

Notes. Pavilion plan.

9.00m 7-1400

5.00m 7-1404

5.0 00m 7-1406

4.00m 7-1408


7 0m 7.0



8.0 00m 0m 7-1420

7.00m m

14 00m 14.



6.00m 7-1436

8.00m m

4.0 4 00m 0



10m 0m m 7-1448 4.00m


9.00m 7.00m





12.00m 0m















7-1559 4.00m


7-1649 32.00m



13.00m 7.00m




7-1633 32.00m





7-1549 32.00m

7-1617 32.00m



7-1533 32.00m

7-1459 4.00m m 12.00m


7-1517 32.00m










32.00m 7.00m






8.00m 6.00m


32.00m 6.00m


32.00m 6.00m

14.00m 6.00m



7-1849 4.00m m

9.00m 7-2001


6.00m 7-2007

8.00m 7-2011

13.00m 7-2 -2 2019

9.00m 7-2025

14.00m 7-2033 3

SIPPO Pavilion: Hall 7, booth 7-1953

14.00m 7 039 7-2


9.00m 7-2045 0 04






10.00m 6.00m


11.00m 6.00m


32.00m 6.00m


32.00m 6.00m

11.00m 6.00m



7-2 2053

Peru Pavilion: Hall 7, booth 7-1749 & 7-1849

Dates and opening hours

23–25 April 2013 Tuesday: 10.00 – 18.00 Wednesday: 10.00 – 18.00 Thursday: 10.00 – 16.00

European Seafood Exposition 2013 | 31

Osec Swiss Import Promotion Programme Stampfenbachstrasse 85 CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland Phone +41 44 365 54 89 Fax +41 44 365 52 02 fish@sippo.ch, www.sippo.ch Copyright Š Osec March 2013. All rights reserved.

Follow us: www.sippo.ch www.sippo.ch/twitter www.sippo.ch/facebook

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