SIPPO New worlds, new markets

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New worlds, new markets. SIPPO – enabling new business.

The Swiss Import Promotion Programme.

Does your company offer excellent quality? Are you looking for new markets? Apply now to take part in the Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO). Our experience and dedication make us the perfect partner for all your export activities in the European Union, Switzerland and other EFTA markets.

SIPPO at a glance. Opening doors One neUwPSL DPunUless beneåUs. 8e PQen all UIe LeZ EPPSs GPS ZPuS eYQPSUs in SwiU[eSlanE anE PUIeS &'5" NaSLeUs. Building trust 8enWe been a sUSPng ESiWeS PG UIe Swiss eDPnPNZ sinDe . INQPSUeSs in &uSPQe LnPw UIeZ Dan DPunU Pn PuS SeDPNNenEaUiPns. Offering new perspectives 8e aEWise ZPu Pn IPw besU UP enUeS UIe &uSPQean NaSLeU. "GUeS all eYQeSUise PQens uQ new QeSsQeDUiWes.

<oXr EeneÛts t oXr serYices. Information 8e QSPWiEe ZPu wiUI EeUaileE inGPSNaUiPn abPuU sQeDiåD inEusUSies as well as UIe DPnEiUiPns in QPUenUial UaSgeU NaSLeUs. Market intervention 8e DPllabPSaUe wiUI DPNQanies inUeSesUeE in eYQPSUing UIeiS QSPEuDUs anE IelQ ZPu NeeU UIe neDessaSZ SeRuiSeNenUs UP enUeS new NaSLeUs e.g. aUUaining DeSUiåDaUiPn . #Z KPining UIe QSPgSaNNe ZPu will beneåU GSPN PuS eYQeSU LnPwleEge anE eYQeSienDe alPng UIe enUiSe Walue DIain. Training %uSing PuS SIPPO USaining sessiPns ZPu will SeDeiWe DPaDIing Pn UPQiDs suDI as eYQPSU NaSLeUing anE RualiUZ assuSanDe. :Pu will be GaNiliaSiseE wiUI UIe sUanEaSEs eYQeDUeE bZ &uSPQean anE Swiss DusUPNeSs. Matchmaking SIPPO QSPgSaNNe QaSUiDiQanUs Dan UaLe aEWanUage PG PuS eYUensiWe neUwPSL. 8e will QuU ZPu in DPnUaDU wiUI QPUenUial buZeSs aU USaEe NissiPns sUuEZ UPuSs anE inUeSnaUiPnal USaEe GaiSs UP IelQ ZPu EeWelPQ ZPuS QPUenUial UP UIe GullesU.


4Xalit\ comes Ûrst t programme reTXirements. :PunSe lPPLing GPS new NaSLeUs GPS ZPuS DPNQanZ. :PunSe DPNNiUUeE UP PuUsUanEing RualiUZ anE aSe SeaEZ UP DeSUiGZ ZPuS QSPEuDUs aDDPSEing UP inUeSnaUiPnal sUanEaSEs. IG ZPu NeeU UIese anE PUIeS basiD SeRuiSeNenUs suDI as gPPE &nglisI sLills UIen ZPunSe an iEeal DanEiEaUe GPS UIe SIPPO QSPgSaNNe. :Pu sIPulE alsP be GullZ DPNNiUUeE anE QSeQaSeE UP NaLe a ånanDial DPnUSibuUiPn – i.e. DPWeS QSPgSaNNe QaSUiDiQaUiPn Gees anE USaWel DPsUs.

Markets and industries. 5Ie SIPPO neUwPSL GaDiliUaUes DPnUaDUs wiUI DPNQanies in UaSgeU DPunUSies &uSPQean 6niPn SwiU[eSlanE anE &'5" DPunUSies UIaU aSe inUeSesUeE in iNQPSUing IigI-RualiUZ QSPEuDUs. %P ZPuS DPNQanZns QSPEuDUs PS seSWiDes NeeU PuS SeRuiSeNenUs %PnnU waiU aQQlZ nPw

OuS seSWiDes aSe aWailable in UIe GPllPwing seDUPSs anE inEusUSies


Technical products

q 'isI anE seaGPPE

q InEusUSial subDPnUSaDUing

q 'SuiUs anE WegeUables

q SPGUwaSe aQQliDaUiPns

q /aUuSal ingSeEienUs

q 5eDIniDal wPPE



q (aSNenUs anE aDDessPSies

q SusUainable anE GaiS UPuSisN

q )anEiDSaGU q )PNe UeYUiles q 'uSniUuSe


Your target countries.

The target countries for your exports are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.


Our Ûrmps rapid growth would not haYe Eeen possiEle without the support oI SIPPOps competent team. Christian Asbeck, CEO, Venator S.A.C


Our partner countries. SIPPO is aDUiWe in UIe GPllPwing QaSUneS DPunUSies aDSPss GPuS DPnUinenUs "GSiDa "sia &uSPQe anE SPuUI "NeSiDa "lbania #PliWia #Psnia anE )eS[egPWina $aNbPEia $PlPNbia &gZQU (Iana InEPnesia ,PsPWP .aDeEPnia PeSu SeSbia SPuUI "GSiDa 5unisia 6LSaine anE 7ieUnaN. In sPNe QaSUneS DPunUSies SIPPO is aDUiWe PnlZ in DeSUain seDUPSs. "ll UIe laUesU inGPSNaUiPn is aWailable aU www.siQQP.DI seDUPSs.


How to participate in the programme.






%Pes ZPuS DPNQanZ NeeU UIe GPllPwing DSiUeSia q :Pu aSe aDUiWe in Pne PG PuS QaSUneS DPunUSies anE in Pne PG PuS GPDus inEusUSies. q :Pu wPulE liLe UP eYQPSU ZPuS QSPEuDUs PS seSWiDes. q :PuS DPNQanZ is QaSU PG UIe QSiWaUe seDUPS anE Ias a NaYiNuN PG eNQlPZees. q 5Ie sale PG ZPuS QSPEuDUs DSeaUes aEEeE Walue in ZPuS DPunUSZ. Do you need any more reasons? 7isiU PuS websiUe anE 책ll

q :PuS QSPEuDUs alSeaEZ NeeU UIe RualiUZ sUanEaSEs PG ZPuS UaSgeU NaSLeUs PS ZPu aSe DuSSenUlZ wPSLing UPwaSEs SeaDIing UIPse sUanEaSEs.


5Ien we lPPL GPSwaSE UP SeDeiWing ZPuS aQQliDaUiPn GPS UIe SIPPO QSPgSaNNe. Please 책ll PuU UIe GPllPwing GPSN UP aQQlZ. #aseE Pn UIis inGPSNaUiPn we will EeUeSNine wIeUIeS ZPuS DPNQanZ Gul책ls UIe neDessaSZ SeRuiSeNenUs. 8enll be in UPuDI as sPPn as we SeDeiWe ZPuS DPNQleUeE GPSN.

About us. 5Ie SIPPO QSPgSaNNe was DPNNissiPneE bZ UIe Swiss gPWeSnNenU anE aiNs UP suQQPSU DPNQanies in PuS QaSUneS DPunUSies UP enUeS new NaSLeUs. 8e QSPWiEe suQQPSU anE aEWiDe anE PGGeS WaSiPus PUIeS seSWiDes UP IelQ eYQPSUeSs launDI UIeiS QSPEuDUs anE seSWiDes in new NaSLeUs. .PSe UIan DPNQanies IaWe UaLen QaSU in UIe QSPgSaNNe PWeS UIe lasU 책We ZeaSs. 8e DPllabPSaUe wiUI lPDal PSganisaUiPns anE inWesU UiNe anE eGGPSU in lPng-UeSN QaSUneSsIiQs UP ensuSe PuS LnPwleEge is USansGeSSeE DPnsisUenUlZ anE suDDessGullZ.


Apply now. $oNQanZ naNe


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Osec Swiss INQoSU PSoNoUion PSogSaNNe SUaNQGenbacIsUSasse $)- ;Ă–SicI

Osec Swiss Import Promotion Programme SUaNQGenbacIsUSasse $)- ;uSicI PIone 'aY inGo!siQQo.cI

$oQZSigIU „ Osec %eceNbeS . "ll SigIUs SeseSWeE.

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