EdTech Show Daily - Feb. 3, 2011

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Thursday, Februar y 3, 2011

Oser Communications Group




QOMO HiteVision is a dynamic educational technology manufacturer/ distributor specializing in providing complete interactive classroom solutions. All of QOMO’s products are designed to work seamlessly together to foster the most positive learning experience possible. The QView Document Camera series, Interactive Whiteboards, RF Interactive Wireless tablets and QClick Audience Response Systems combine to create a powerful technology-enabled classroom environment. To accomplish this, QOMO engineers have designed the document camera to serve as your one-stop media center for connectivity and control. With a complete multimedia switching system, video scaler and projector

Kal Raman is an accomplished technologist and businessman, and has held leadership positions at companies such as Amazon, Drugstore.com and Wal-Mart. Passionate about education, Kal founded GlobalScholar in 2006 to provide instruction management software to K-12 schools. The company was acquired by Scantron Corporation in January 2011. We sat down with Kal to talk about the company, the recent acquisition and his views on technology in education.

KR: Glad to. GlobalScholar provides software and

EDCO offers a NEW Technology Solution that links a Student Response System (SRS) to a District Wide Teacher/Student Assessment Database, eliminating the need for traditional bubble sheets and scanners. Tests can be delivered and analyzed by grade level from the classroom or by the District Curriculum Department. EDCO (Education Consultant Specialists) has partnered with EduTrax and iRespond to offer a real-time integrated management solution for assessing and measuring student/teacher performance electronically at the classroom level. AssessTrax, a module of EduTrax, is a Web-based, test management solution used to monitor student

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ESD: To start off, can you briefly tell us about GlobalScholar?



One-Click Audio from Recorded Books K-12 offers school libraries access to a wide selection of downloadable audiobooks. Users can download audiobooks to a computer and then import the files to an mp3 player like an iPod, which allows users to listen on the go. The newest version features several upgrades, including a new download manager, an improved “holds” system and faster search and download capabilities. Accessible by patrons inside or outside of a subscribing school or library, One-Click Audio serves as a digital alternative to cassette and CD audiobooks. “Today’s students are used to downloading their favorite songs, so it only makes sense to give them the

Weekly Reader Connect—an online reading-comprehension program for grades K-6—was launched in January 2010, and has already won multiple awards for its outstanding content and seamless integration of technology into the classroom. In December, District Administration magazine named Weekly Reader Connect one of their Reader’s Choice Top 100 products of 2010. The 2010 winners were selected from hundreds of nominations. “Weekly Reader provides economical yet informative and entertaining reading to my district’s English language learners,” Lynne Ewing, ESOL Program Director in the Queen Anne’s County (MD) Public Schools, told the magazine. Weekly Reader Connect’s digital editions also won a

How do you accommodate students who don’t finish their work during lab time? How do they complete makeup work when they miss class? How do you deal with overbooked language labs when you want your students to practice for their AP tests? Do you need a solution that affords your students more flexibility and access to materials? If so, ReLANpro.NET may be just what you are looking for. ReLANpro.NET is a Web-based language lab recorder that allows students 24/7 access to online language lessons, tests and teacher-selected multimedia materials. It can be used to disseminate videos, text, audio files and other coursework. These files are stored

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Thursday, Februar y 3, 2011

SMART JOINS IMS GLOBAL LEARNING CONSORTIUM SMART To Collaborate With IMS Members To Further Interactive Technology Adoption In Education

SMART Technologies announces that the company has joined the IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS GLC), a leading nonprofit organization for the advancement of educational technology adoption and interoperability standards to support and enhance K–12, higher education and corporate education worldwide. As a contributing member, SMART will work with IMS GLC to advance global interoperability standards for interactive whiteboards and interactive response systems for classroom, school, district and online learning systems. As SMART Board™ interactive whiteboards and SMART Response™ interactive response systems continue to become more widely used in K–12 and higher education classrooms, interoperability with existing systems becomes increasingly important and offers significant benefits to educators and students alike. Educators around the world continue to adopt interactive technology products into their classrooms, lecture halls and meeting spaces. Interoperability with back-office systems, such as School Information Systems (SIS) and Learning Management Systems (LMS),

provides teachers and administrators greater flexibility to track, monitor and assess student learning. Seamless integration between products ensures that student learning results are quickly and easily consolidated into SIS and LMS, enabling teachers, administrators and parents to develop a longitudinal assessment of student learning. Collaborating with IMS GLC members, SMART will work toward the development and proliferation of global interoperability standards to benefit interactive whiteboard and interactive response system adopters around the world. “We are pleased to welcome SMART Technologies as a contributing member of IMS Global Learning Consortium,” said Dr. Rob Abel, Chief Executive Officer of IMS GLC. “As a market leader in interactive whiteboards, and with an extensive history researching and developing interactive technology products, SMART’s membership will surely prove beneficial, not only to IMS GLC members, but to adopters of interactive technology, wherever they might be.” “As classrooms are re-engineered to support technology-rich pedagogy, we continue to look to SMART as a leader in developing and refining interactive technology products,” said Tim Cliby, Executive Director of Instructional

DEER CREEK’S SUCCESSFUL SOLUTION FOR K-12 CURRICULUM, RTI AND CREDIT RECOVERY Deer Creek Public Schools, located near Edmonton, Okla., wanted to expand response to intervention (RtI) efforts, improve its credit recovery program and implement a robust curriculum solution to meet the instructional needs of all K–12 students. “We needed to decide how best to allocate our limited resources to help each of those students in need of everything from benchmark remediation to intensive intervention, and from supplemental tutoring to credit recovery,” said Dr. Toni Jones, Chief Academic Officer at Deer Creek Public Schools. Deer Creek’s disjointed collection of hardware, software, databases and testing systems had been ineffective at moving academic achievement forward. Managing diverse intervention and credit recovery

needs using its previous resources was time-intensive and expensive―and delivered inconsistent academic results. In 2008, the district evaluated solutions from several companies and chose CompassLearning Odyssey® because of its full K–12 curriculum, single management platform and flexibility. The district also appreciated Odyssey’s simple and straightforward implementation, as well as its ability to pinpoint skill deficiencies and adjust instruction automatically. Deer Creek implemented the solution district-wide in late 2008. The district, in collaboration with CompassLearning professional development personnel, customized Odyssey to maximize its RtI efforts. Built-in intervention folders to correspond with the three

QUALITY AND AFFORDABILITY = PROMETHEAN’S ACTIVBOARD MOUNT SYSTEM As a global education company, Promethean is committed to supporting teaching and learning and when the market demands a different set of solutions, they listen. One of the newest additions to the Promethean ActivClassroom family is

the ActivBoard Mount System, a lowcost answer to current needs: affordability with quality. Backed by Promethean’s superior hardware, award–winning software, trusted product warranty and support, the ActivBoard Mount System teachers and

EdTech Show Daily Technology, Division of Teaching and Learning, at Rochester City School District in Rochester, N.Y. “With districts continuing to invest in technology products, training and infrastructure, interoperability between these complementary technology solutions is critical in extending investments and building the framework needed to create student-centered, active-learning environments.” “As educators continue to adopt classroom technology products, they need to know that their purchases function with their existing information systems and learning management systems,” said Nancy Knowlton, SMART’s CEO. “We are pleased to join IMS Global Learning Consortium to advance global interoperability standards for the benefit of our customers and all users of interactive technology products around the world.”

About IMS Global Learning Consortium IMS Global Learning Consortium is a nonprofit member organization that strives to enable the growth and impact of learning technology in higher education, K–12 and corporate education worldwide. IMS GLC members are leading corporations, higher education institutions, school districts and government organizations worldwide that are enabling the future of education by collaborating on interoperability standards and major adoption projects for the digital support of education and learning. IMS GLC also sponsors Learning Impact, a global Continued on Page 20


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tiers of RtI, so teachers do not need to recreate RtI programs for individual students. Said Dr. Jones, “When students need intervention, the teacher can go in and assign the materials in specific folders instead of having to build everything from scratch. Students are directed to those folders and can jump to exactly what they need.” When Deer Creek students require credit recovery―whether they perform poorly, or are unable to take a required course in sequence―they are able to work independently, at their own pace, in individualized learning paths. If they score below the minimum acceptable percentage, they have the opportunity to re-learn concepts and complete additional practice activities. “A school must embrace the conviction that every learner has distinct educational needs,” said Dr. Jones. “With CompassLearning, we are able to encourage and assist students and help them find the learning and output pace that seem to work best for them.” According to Dr. Jones, learning is no longer happening solely in classrooms.

“Kids love it. The transition for students was amazing. They feel totally comfortable. In fact, we have some students who, after school, log on and continue to learn from home. Some of these students were completely disengaged from school, but now they have reconnected and have found success in subjects where learning was extremely difficult and failure seemed inevitable.”

students will enjoy all the benefits of a more collaborative, immersive and inclusive digital learning experience. The AB Mount System has been designed to the highest standards used for all Promethean products. The system comes with an ActivBoard 100 (164 or 178), a short-throw projector (choice of PRM-30 LCD or PRM-35 DLP), a projector mount and ActivInspire Personal Edition. Numerous optional accessories and upgrades are available, including ActivArena upgrade pack and wireless capability.

“Interactive technologies bring lessons alive and make learning fun. In these tough economic times, it is imperative that we help teachers use technology to more effectively address the needs of students. When schools invest in these technologies, they give teachers tools that have been proven to keep students engaged and boost student achievement by 16 percentile points,” said Mark Elliott, President of Promethean, North America. Promethean’s integrated suite of

Results For Deer Creek educators, one of the most satisfying aspects of the implementation has been to watch students who hadn’t passed a course enjoy some success. After Odyssey’s implementation, state assessment score growth across the district has been extremely strong. “In the end, we can only base our success on what we know… our students are happier, more successful, and are engaged learners,” said Jones. “This says it all.” Visit CompassLearning at booth 508 and at www.compasslearning.com.

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Thursday, Februar y 3, 2011

EdTech Show Daily

HOW SCHOOLWIRES CAN HELP YOU DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION STRATEGY Technology strategy has the potential to greatly impact student and organizational success. However, many districts take a reactive, fragmented and tactical approach to acquiring and integrating technology in the absence of a long-term and cohesive strategy. Despite a district’s best efforts, these technologies yield only a fraction of their potential benefit in the areas of advancing student and organizational success, and the lack of cohesiveness results in high-cost technology management. If a district continues on this path of acquiring point solutions to meet specific needs, the deficiencies associated with these disparate systems will continue to grow and heighten over time. A district’s IT staff must continue to integrate this multitude of point solutions and maintain the integrations individually each time a vendor releases an update. The amount of incorrect data and its implications for decision making will compound, and

inefficiencies will proliferate. These are strategic—not just technical—issues that require thought and leadership at the superintendent level. Fortunately, districts can address these issues by developing a comprehensive technology strategy, and using it as a guide for making strategic technology decisions. To help districts in their strategic planning efforts, Schoolwires has created the K-12 Unified Technology Model (download whitepaper at www.schoolwires.com/unifiedtech nology). This model was developed by Schoolwires through their technology leadership and their exclusive immersion in K-12. It provides districts with a cohesive technology model that provides the framework for evaluating strategic technology decisions. According to Project Tomorrow’s 2009 Speak-Up research, “Ninety-one percent of administrators report that the

INTERACTIVITY THAT FUELS LEARNING Math Learning Technology Engages Students, Fosters Achievement

Imagine students actually enjoying math class. It happens every school day in classrooms where teachers employ interactive lessons that engage students in learning techniques based on realworld challenges and networked learning technology. According to a research overview by Jeremy Roschelle, Director of the Center for Technology and Learning at SRI International Inc., attainment in coursework based on interactive, exploratory learning for conceptual understanding far exceeds achievement through coursework that emphasizes rote memorization of mathematical procedures. Students learn more when involved with their classmates in well-structured, shared

learning processes. Exploratory learning in today’s math classroom is best done through an interactive system of networked teaching and learning tools, such as the TI-Nspire™ family of products that include TI-Nspire handhelds, the TI-Nspire Navigator™ Classroom Learning System which wirelessly connects the handhelds to the teacher’s computer, and TI-Nspire Teacher™? Software and TI-Nspire Student Software. Together, they create a collaborative workspace to support realtime give-and-take among students and the teacher. For example, the teacher can assign an algebra problem for the day’s class work. Students then share ideas and suggestions for working through the problem as the teacher monitors progress. It’s the antithesis of the “keep-your-eyes-on-

GROW WITH ENO The power of ēno interactive solutions help schools grow, engage and sustain. From physics to physical fitness, ēno is the only interactive whiteboard on the market that meets the ever-changing needs of today’s digital learners and busy teachers―while increasing district purchasing power and respecting the earth. It’s the first three-in-one interactive whiteboard technology incorporating dry-erase marker, magnetic and multimedia in one. Districts, students and teachers around the world are experiencing firsthand what it means to grow with ēno. Grow Empowered Students. Every student learns differently. Kinetic students touch, feel and manipulate lessons with ēno, while other learners rely

on auditory cues to understand lesson content. ēno puts the learning ball in motion for students of all learning styles with multi-touch, multi-user, multi-media collaboration that makes learning interactive. Semeen Issa, a sixth grade teacher at First Avenue Middle School in Arcadia, Calif., says, “Since implementing ēno, I’ve witnessed firsthand how 21st century technology can transform the learning environment. My students are captivated by the interactive lessons. Students are eager to get out of their seats and manipulate interactive lessons on ēno.” Grow Effective Instruction. Rather than requiring specific software or a special driver to operate, ēno utilizes plug-and-play technology to support a


effective implementation of instructional technology is important/extremely important to their district’s mission and that facilitating meaningful social-based learning requires a supportive technology infrastructure, access to technology and explicit opportunities for students to collaborate.” Fortunately, creating and maintaining a unified technology infrastructure does not need to be a core competency of a district. Technology standards and innovations offer great promise for developing these unified technology infrastructures. A community management platform like Schoolwires Centricity2™ creates an environment where students are more deeply engaged in the learning process, applying their real world knowledge of collaborative, interactive and social technologies to the classroom and to their education, and creating the kinds of experiences that are critical to developing 21st century teachers and learners. It is important for each district to

create its own plan for a unified technology approach and then ensure that selected vendors can work within that infrastructure to help the district achieve its goals. Schoolwires has the resources and information to guide you in your planning efforts and to help you create the infrastructure that will enable district success. By creating a strategic, unified and comprehensive technology framework, districts can create a single comprehensive technology platform where all your constituents—from the educator to the learner, from the parent to the board member—can access with a single signon all the information and resources that are relevant to them in a personalized and individualized manner across all the district’s many applications, engaging them more deeply in support of your district imperatives and student achievement. Visit Schoolwires at booth 1138, sales@schoolwires.com or www .schoolwires.com.

your-own-paper” methods of yesterday. The interactive system engages students because it provides instant feedback on their individual learning. The shared work also gives teachers an instant view of each student’s progress. The students become even more engaged in the rhythm of inquiry, building their respective confidence levels and their familiarity with technology in general. Sean Bird, a mathematics and science teacher at Covenant Christian High School in Indianapolis, Ind., incorporates TI-Nspire technology―the TI-Nspire CAS graphing handheld, TI-Nspire Navigator Classroom Learning System, TI-Nspire Teacher Software and TINspire Student Software in his curricula. The handheld displays the mathematics in multiple formats, giving students a sense of how the representations and mathematical concepts are related. The classroom network provides a collaborative environment which serves as a forum to discuss the reasoning behind the many alternative right (and wrong) steps,

rather than simply arriving at a correct or incorrect answer to the problem. “My students enjoy using the handhelds to manipulate math equations which gives them a deeper understanding of the concepts and helps them learn faster and retain more,” Bird said. He credits the combination with increased involvement of the students in their own learning processes. “Without having student engagement, without having them actively involved in learning and asking questions themselves, they don’t learn,” he said. “If you don’t ask good questions, if you’re not engaged, then your mind is just wandering off, and you’re not learning. And so, when students can work through the problems themselves and have me on the side ensuring that they’re making progress, then that’s when learning really happens.” For more information on how you can create more interactive learning in your math or science classroom, please visit education.ti.com/us/nspiredlearning.

full range of educational software and online resources. From RM Easiteach® to PowerPoint®, ēno’s open architecture platform enables teachers to prepare and deliver dynamic lessons quickly with the tools they already feel most comfortable using. Phil Hintz, Director of Technology for Gurnee school district in Illinois, explains, “When we researched interactive whiteboards, we realized that PolyVision is unique from the competition because they focus on creating quality, long-lasting solutions that allow for open source architecture. The difference is that ēno empowers educators to teach the way they want, resulting in more efficient learning environments.”

interactive whiteboard with Bluetooth technology eliminates cords, cables and costly installation. ēno’s three-in-one surface enables teachers to use one board for magnets, markers and multimedia, eliminating the need to buy an additional static whiteboard for traditional classroom needs. PolyVision’s Forever Warranty™ on the surface guarantees it will last a lifetime, meaning ēno will never need to be replaced or sent away for costly repairs. With the money you save, you can utilize your green in other areas.

Grow Your Purchasing Power. With the lowest TCO and highest ROI, purchasing ēno is simple math that makes perfect sense. The purchase price covers almost everything. Their next-generation

Grow A Green Planet. Made from recyclable materials, ēno is as friendly to the environment as it is to teachers and students. While most other interactive whiteboards lose steam after a few years, ēno by PolyVision lasts a lifetime with its Forever Warranty on the Continued on Page 25


Thursday, Februar y 3, 2011

EdTech Show Daily

HOW INTEGRATING VIDEO TECHNOLOGY TRULY HELPS YOUR STUDENTS ENGAGE Are you looking for budget-friendly solutions that meet your curriculum objectives, as well as excite your students’ motivation to learn? Audiovisual technology offers a wealth of flexible possibilities to meet these dynamic needs, appealing to both auditory and tactile learners. In a range of advanced technologies, the simplicity of video remains a perfect medium for educators and students alike. By incorporating video in the K-12 classroom, educators expand their ability to reach students on a number of levels. From delivering pivotal lessons in history to exploring geographical terrain, strikingly displayed visuals can quickly and easily enhance your lessons. When students take control of the technology, the opportunities for creativity, selfexpression and engagement quickly rise.

Where the traditional teaching method requires students to memorize and recall information, video production allows students to make their own observations, analyze the content, reinterpret it from their own perspective and take a hands-on approach to their presentation. For a fun approach to learning, students can capture science processes in nature, such as the growth of a plant, birth of small animals and the hatching of chicks. As another example, your students can get actively involved in documenting current events such as elections, and expressing the direct impact a particular issue has on lives. “In an increasingly digital world, equipping students with the power of video technology can greatly capture their attention and imagination,” said Gene Bashinelli, education technology

trainer, AVI-SPL. Bashinelli’s extensive background in video production, including work with youth-friendly entertainment networks such as VH1 and MTV, has allowed him to witness this connection firsthand. “Between iPads, Android phones and more, today’s students are increasingly tech-savvy. Using video in the classroom allows teachers to make a huge connection with students.” So what are the challenges? Most teachers have cited issues with technology infrastructure, product selection, training and funding as reasons why they haven’t yet integrated video into their lessons. It’s easy to feel daunted by the concept of integrating video production technology into your curriculum, but today’s technology makes for a seamless transition. The simple tools students can use to get started include a digital video camera, microphones and video editing software. One favorite of educators is leading manufacturer Sony, who offers an array of video technology for the classroom, including the HXR-MC50U camera and Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10


At this year’s FETC show, SP Controls (booth 756) will be demonstrating the new Doceri System―an application that gives the instructor the mobility to teach and interact with all their classroom technology tools from one simple to use interface―the Apple iPad. They can present lessons by taking control of the classroom computer, annotate―similar to the functions of an interactive whiteboard, and control the AV gear in the classroom, such as play the DVD player or document camera, from anywhere in

the room. The interface starts with an iPad app called Doceri Remote, which allows teachers to see and control a computer via their iPad from anywhere in the room. Anything that can be done on the computer can be done wirelessly via the iPad―run a presentation, select applications, bring up a Web browser. Doceri will also allow the teacher to do free-form annotation over any presentation or image, and will allow teachers to draw, circle, graph and write on the iPad screen in a “what you see is what you get” interface, with the results going out in real-time over the classroom

projector. Doceri automatically saves your annotated images, which can be edited and replayed at any time. To round out the application, Doceri provides AV control functionality. A tap of the screen brings up a control panel for selection of media, with buttons for playing, pausing, etc., along with volume controls. “Doceri gives you an amazing amount of freedom while keeping your class engaged,” said Gary Arcudi, SP Controls’ Director of Marketing.

editing suite. While Sony’s camera is compact, durable and can shoot highdefinition movies and 12 megapixel still images, the Vegas software makes it easy to import and edit movies, images and music. The winning combination of this user-friendly technology makes it easy for students to jump right in and start creating their video. With video, a world of content is readily available for students to better retain what they learn, express their deepest understanding of core classroom content and practice real-life skills. In turn, educators who adopt this interactive technology have found it to be invaluable. “I teach at-risk kids and use video and podcasting in my instruction,” noted one instructor. “It has transformed my classroom. If we don’t get creative, we run the risk of losing our students.” While at FETC, please be sure to visit AVI-SPL at booth 1413 to learn more about using video technology solutions in your classroom. You can also contact AVI-SPL by calling 866-559-8197 or visiting www.avispl.com.

“Teachers love the technologies that are available to enhance the learning experience, but they’ve been frustrated by the actual use of those technologies. Interactive whiteboards tether the teacher to the front of the room, frequently with their back to the class as they make notes or annotate content. The teacher usually has to move back and forth to activate devices or launch a software application. With Doceri, the teacher can access all digital resources in the classroom, annotate the content that students are viewing, and always remain in control of the technology in the room.” SP Controls’ mission is to make classroom technology simple and intuitive. Said Arcudi, “Doceri takes the use of technology to the next level. We’re extremely excited about this product and what it represents for seamless classroom flow.” For more information, stop by booth 756.



Electronic textbooks are a new innovation for some teachers. However, there are other teachers, especially those who use interactive whiteboards daily in their classrooms, who readily embrace these accessible textbooks. They find programs like AWARD Reading to be a powerful resource that connects with their students. They are able to share hundreds of carefully graded stories with their students and extend instruction with vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and writing tasks. The technology behind AWARD allows students to progress at their own pace and practice until the essential literacy skills are learned. One of the strengths of AWARD Reading―a provider of electronic textbooks in Florida―is that it offers interactive extension activities in all the reading skills, as well as a range of software packages, useful across the K–3 curriculum. One example is “Snappy Slide

For schools and districts looking to help students improve their math skills, Britannica Digital Learning offers SmartMath, an online math practice and formative assessment tool. Britannica SmartMath encourages math practice by making it fun, adapting to each student’s performance for truly individualized instruction. Dealing with differences in student skills has always been a challenge, particularly in math. But SmartMath’s adaptive platform builds differentiation into every question by adjusting difficulty based on each student’s performance. In this way, teachers reach all students, from those who are falling behind to those who are well ahead. The result is that students achieve success in math and move through each topic at their own pace until the material is mastered. A highly interactive program, Britannica SmartMath uses amusing

Show.” This open-ended software allows students to use illustrations from the text and then write captions, add visual effects and music to create an individual interpretation of the story. This activity encourages a range of writing experiences and highlights for the teacher a student’s understanding of the text. Or students can create their own science or social studies presentation using images sourced from personal picture libraries or downloaded from the Internet. Another example is “Newspaper Front Page.” Students write a newspaper story based on a text they have read in class or they can create their own story. Illustrations from the texts and a choice of headlines are provided or students can source their own. The finished story can be printed and filed in the student’s Continued on Page 25

cartoon characters and an award system to create a fun, game-like environment that engages students. Students have fun practicing math, meaning more time-ontask and a greater mastery of the subject. SmartMath is designed around NCTM focal points and correlated to the Florida Sunshine State Standards and the Common Core standards. Formative assessment is also an integral part of SmartMath. Teachers and administrators have access to reports to inform instruction according to an individual student’s needs or the progress of entire classes and grades. These assessments drive differentiation without putting an extra burden on teachers. There is less grading to be done and more time for teachers to respond to student results. “This is the future of math instruction,” said Michael Ross, a Senior Vice Continued on Page 20

Thursday, Februar y 3, 2011

EdTech Show Daily

person in history to capture high-definition video from inside a tornado. Because of his experience with a vast assortment of hazardous weather and natural disasters as well as his extensive education in the science of meteorology, Timmer has become a strong advocate for extreme weather and disaster education. Timmer leads an array of distinguished featured speakers, including Karen Cator, Director of the Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education, who will discuss how to transform American education

through technology. Cator will focus on the “highly-connected teacher” and online communities of practice that support effective teaching. FETC’s 31st annual conference takes place at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla., Jan. 31 through Feb. 3, and features dynamic speakers, exhibitors and events designed to provide K-12 educators and administrators with an unparalleled opportunity to explore different technologies across the curriculum, while increasing their familiarity with the latest hardware, software and successful strategies on student technology use. Known for being one of the most comprehensive and progressive ed-tech conferences in the country, FETC 2011 will present more than 200 concurrent sessions and more than 70 workshops

focusing on topic areas such as digital content, future and emerging technologies, mobile learning, social media, administration and accountability. The FETC Exhibit Hall, a dedicated educators’ marketplace, will enable attendees to see and purchase the latest innovations in classroom technology from more than 500 companies, including education and technology powerhouses like Discovery Education, Epson, Earthwalk, Promethean and SMART. This hands-on, interactive environment is a key component of the FETC experience, allowing conference attendees access to the cutting-edge software and hardware transforming today’s educational landscape. For more information on FETC

and remedial strategies addressing student’s weaknesses of the delivered subject matter. The teacher’s ability to assess students’ understanding and retention of delivered subject material at any time provides the teacher a snapshot of a student’s level of understanding of the subject matter with the option to redirect curriculum delivery. This approach eliminates the need to administer bubble sheets which takes time to be scanned and the results to be analyzed over a prolonged period of time. This new process of using technology allows for immediate response of the student’s understanding to determine a student’s instructional needs toward

improving student achievement. AssessTrax is available to any school district which utilizes benchmark test scores, standardized test scores, surveys, etc., to gauge student performance. EduTrax stores the data, offers analysis options, and produces easily understood reports and graphs suitable for the school district, school or teacher use. In addition, iRespond offers numerous reports used at the classroom level for performance analysis and remedial recommendations by student. Utilizing AssessTrax in conjunction with iRespond’s (SRS) handheld units school systems can monitor student performance on standards-based benchmark

and unit tests; target instruction to address any needs prior to state and federal assessments; and test as desired (benchmark, unit or pre-/post-tests). EDCO’s efforts focus on partnering with school systems to plan and implement solutions that will improve student achievement. Whether implementing a comprehensive districtwide assessment plan, managing district benchmark testing, or providing a wide range of data analysis programs of student/teacher performs, EDCO is committed to helping school systems improve student achievement. Please visit EDCO at booth 966 to learn more about their assessment solutions.

Title 1 Reading Coordinator at the Crittenton Community School in Columbus, Ohio. “Some comments have been, ‘Wow, I’m just going to use this instead of trying to make all my own flipcharts for everything’ and ‘This has all the content areas covered, plus the short cycle assessment? Too cool!’ ” Weekly Reader Connect requires no additional software or tech expertise. Developed by Weekly Reader—the innovative, 108-year-old educational publishing company that virtually invented current-events coverage in the classroom—Weekly Reader Connect brings the following elements to all subscribing schools:

high-interest and grade-specific nonfiction content that has been carefully crafted to align to state curricula. • Downloadable companion Teacher’s Guides that incorporate wide-ranging background information, informal assessments and other engaging extension activities along with practical tips and techniques on how to broaden the lessons. • 129 on-screen Concepts of Comprehension© Skill Builder lessons, with teacher tips and additional reading passages specifically designed to build reading skills and scores while improving students’ understanding of texts.

• Dozens of exclusive interactive Weekly Reader digital editions, presenting timely,

Weekly Reader Connect is built on the Concepts of Comprehension, a researchbased framework of 21 inferential thinking skills developed by the nonprofit Urban

Education Exchange. This framework enables students to expand their reading skills from year to year, and uses proven methods that teach kids to read for understanding. Subscribing schools just log on to www.wrconnect.com for full access to the program. Teachers can project the content onto a screen or use an interactive whiteboard for group instruction. The program is also appropriate for individualized use on a single computer. With a simple password, instructors can also provide off-premises access to all students. Want to know more? If you’re a principal, school district leader, media or technology specialist, or classroom teacher, visit www.wrconnect.com and get a preview at Learning Services booth 1225.

their pronunciation, inflection or content at their own pace. Once completed, the recorded files are uploaded back to the ASC content server for teacher review. Students can access ReLANpro .NET from any computer that connects to the Internet. Students and teachers alike can work in comfort from home, school, the library, the café … anywhere! ReLANpro.NET offers an intuitive interface that is simple to use for both educators and learners.

Educators can access completed student files, review and grade with the click of a button. ReLANpro.NET is available for any school, even if you do not presently have a language lab. The advantages of ReLANpro.NET are: • compatible with all Windows audio and video formats. • allows teachers to offer text and multiple-choice exercises.

• facilitates AP testing practice. • can be used at any student PC connected to the Internet. • available on a three-year lease, with free updates and free, secure content data storage.

of the ActivClassroom include an interactive whiteboard (ActivBoard with projector), software (ActivInspire), learner response devices (ActivExpression, ActiVote, ActivEngage), and professional development. With the ActivBoard

Mount System, schools with trim budgets can now turn any classroom into an ActivClassroom. “We are 100 percent committed to supporting teachers and this new system will certainly help some schools give their

teachers robust, 21st century teaching and learning tools without having to compromise quality and reliability,” commented Elliott. To see the new ActivBoard Mount System in action, visit FETC booth 701.

ED-TECH CONFERENCE TO FEATURE A LOOK INTO THE ‘EYE OF THE STORM’ Thousands of educators throughout Florida and the nation will have an opportunity to journey into the eye of the storm when FETC 2011, one of the largest conferences in the nation devoted entirely to educational technology, opens with keynote speaker Reed Timmer, lead meteorologist and professional storm chaser on Discovery Channel’s awardwinning series “Storm Chasers.” As FETC’s opening-session speaker on Feb. 1, Timmer is expected to discuss his experiences in the field of severe weather coverage. He became the first EDCO (Con’t. from p. 1)

performance on standards-based benchmark and unit assessments. Student data is gathered via iRespond (SRS) clickers at the classroom level and can be delivered electronically to the AssessTrax database for analysis from both the school and the district curriculum department. This approach provides students’ tests results instantly and available to respective classroom teachers and administrative staff, thereby allowing for immediate student performance evaluation. This real-time analysis offers the ability to develop intervention Weekly Reader Connect (Con’t. from p. 1)

prestigious award from the Massachusetts Innovation Technology Exchange. That organization—which describes itself as a “growing community of thought leaders, collaborators and individuals in search of insight, education and opportunity”—proclaimed Weekly Reader Connect’s digital editions one of “most innovative, effective and compelling achievements in the development and implementation of interactive technologies.” The honors for Weekly Reader Connect were matched by enthusiasm from users. “Every teacher [in my school] … has been super excited to try out Weekly Reader Connect on our new whiteboards,” wrote Karen Small, SI ReLANpro.NET (Con’t. from p. 1)

on the content server provided by ASC. Students can complete take-home quizzes, homework assignments, create audio recordings and practice their listening comprehension. Language lab recorders allow students to listen to their teacher’s exercise or model and then record their response to it. They can then compare their recording to the teacher’s example and correct Promethean (Con’t. from p. 4)

solutions, the ActivClassroom, empowers educators to choose the most appropriate features that best support their classroom’s unique needs. The core elements


Continued on Page 20

Leasing the ReLANpro.NET is affordable for any school or school district. Contact Carla at 800-613-9554 or carlakay@ascd.us for information on leasing prices. Visit them at booth 243.


Thursday, Februar y 3, 2011

EdTech Show Daily QOMO (Con’t. from p. 1)

KINEO: BRAINCHILD’S THIRD GENERATION TABLET Brainchild Corporation invented the first handheld device for schools in 1992, followed by Study Buddy, which added color and multimedia 10 years later. The latest evolution in its mobile technology is Kineo, which combines Web-based reporting with mobile learning. Kineo is 100 percent designed for schools. It has a “Student Mode” for safe operation. The “Administrator Mode” lets administrators control how Kineo is used. With more than a decade of studying how handhelds help struggling learners, Brainchild offers a wealth of experience to help schools reach the goals they determine for their specific student populations. Award-winning software in English and Spanish assesses your state standards and provides individualized instruction in the Achiever! series. Basic skills instruction for students who perform far under grade level in language arts or math is offered in the Mechanics series. Kineo will assist schools in achieving educational goals while connecting students, faculty and administrators with

Web-based reports. The rewards of implementing Kineo into schools are engaged students, increased administrative efficiency, safety and security. Significant features of the Kineo include a high output battery for long operation, manual controls in addition to touchscreen controls for commonly used functions for ease of use, a Flash player, and an HDMI output for use with whiteboards and LCD projectors for group instruction. Designed with students in mind, Kineo boasts a high quality 7-inch touchscreen, eBook reader and a sturdy case to fully protect the device. Try out Kineo and other products at FETC booth 231.

About Brainchild Brainchild Corp. supports school improvement by providing self-paced, individualized instruction through mobile and Web-based educational software. Call or click for more information: 800-811-2724 or www.brainchild.com. Follow Brainchild on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

PLATO LEARNING INTRODUCES GLOBAL LANGUAGES COURSES PLATO Learning, a leading provider of online learning solutions for elementary through adult learners, has announced a new portfolio of Global Languages courses for high school students. PLATO has partnered with the premier provider of online foreign language solutions, Middlebury Interactive, to provide a robust, engaging and comprehensive curriculum that will prepare learners for a 21st century world. PLATO Global Languages powered by Middlebury Interactive meets all national standards established by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), an organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of language instruction and learning. The Global Languages curriculum includes Spanish, French, German, Latin and Mandarin Chinese. In addition, the languages portfolio also includes Advanced Placement Spanish and French courses. “In order for students in the United States to compete in a global environment and become college and career ready, learning a foreign language is key. With PLATO Global Languages, students become proficient in the language of their choice, preparing them for professional and personal success in the real world,” said Vin Riera, Chief Executive Officer for PLATO Learning. “We have a great deal of respect for PLATO’s proven track record of success and service to the K-12 market,” said Dave Benoit, Chief Executive Officer of Middlebury Interactive Languages. “We are excited to be adding our world language courses to PLATO’s offerings to increase student access to critical world language skills that not only help improve academic achievement, but deliver a necessary life skill for today’s

global marketplace.” The new Global Languages curriculum employs a rigorous and relevant approach to help high school students learn a foreign language quickly and comprehensively. The courses feature a natural language learning model, which helps students learn a new language in the same manner they learned their native language. This results in faster and more effective proficiency, as well as a cycle of success and positive motivation. In addition, the Global Languages courses are highly interactive and technology-driven with culturally relevant activities and games designed to engage students as they learn. The Global Languages curriculum is based upon five key foreign language skills: speaking, reading, writing, listening and culture. Further, the curriculum offers comprehensive assessment tools including both written and oral tests, which allow teachers to listen and review each individual student’s speech and vocabulary. This collaborative approach facilitates new and highly effective ways for teachers and students to interact. In addition, the new Global Languages courseware from PLATO Learning is customizable, allowing schools to easily introduce the curriculum for either group or independent learning. Courses can be taken from home, in a classroom or in a computer lab. The flexibility of the Global Languages portfolio gives school districts a multitude of options to maximize resources and offers a breadth of foreign languages they otherwise may not be able to offer their students. The PLATO Global Languages Continued on Page 25

control, you can connect two Mac or PC computers and video sources such as a DVD player directly to your document camera. You only need one VGA cable to connect to your projector, saving hundreds of dollars in installation costs. QOMO’s new QD 8000 document camera with HDMI 1080p output, on-board color monitor, and touch controls delivers a new standard of quality in document cameras. The QPC30 offers brilliant color in a versatile portable form factor making intricate viewing angles possible. The Interactive Whiteboard series is created with you in mind. By using infrared technology, users can annotate and draw simply using the touch of a finger—no special pens or pointers required! The board’s hard surface is virtually indestructible and the writing speed makes it superior to the competition. QOMO’s electromagnetic whiteboards are very cost-effective and feature dual pen technology allowing for team collaboration. The new analogue resistive board is a low cost alternative to IR touch technology, perfect for cost-conscious users that require touch technology. Many teachers and presenters complain of being rooted to the front of the room, instructing a group while stuck to the blackboard. QOMO’s Interactive Wireless Tablet frees the presenter to navigate around the room, interacting SMART Technologies (Con’t. from p. 4)

awards program and conference that recognizes the impact of innovative technology on education access, affordability and quality. For more information on IMS GLC, visit imsglobal.org.

About SMART SMART Technologies is a leading provider of collaboration solutions that

Britannica Digital Learning (Con’t. from p. 12)

President and General Manager of Britannica Digital Learning. “It’s fun and engaging for students and a powerful, easy-to-use formative assessment tool for teachers. It’s on the cutting edge of incorporating feedback into the learning process. Educators, parents and students now have real-time measurable results of student performance and a better way to track student progress.” Storm Chasers (Con’t. from p. 17)

2011, including a detailed list of sessions, exhibitors and ticketed workshops and registration information, visit www.fetc.org. FETC, a division of the 1105 Media Education Group, is owned by 1105 Media, Inc., a leading provider of integrated information and media in targeted business-to-business markets. About 1105 Media Education Group 1105 Media, Inc. provides integrated business-to-business information and media to qualified professionals in the public, academic and private sectors focusing on technology, products, policy, regulation and news delivered

with their audience while still having all the power and control of being at the front of the room. The RF technology communicates wirelessly via a USB dongle. Simply plug the dongle into your PC or MAC and you are ready to go! QOMO’s QClick Audience Response System is simple, affordable and extremely effective. With varying model levels equipped with RF and IR technologies, QOMO ensures that your specific needs are being met. Newly introduced QRF700 features an all-new student remote design with a backlit LCD display for all the information a student needs. In addition to commonly used exam modes, homework and session modes allow exams to be done without relying on a computer. The software is easy to use, with a large collection of reporting features. To tie together the product line, QOMO HiteVision offers Flow!Works software. It allows the user to annotate over various documents, including PowerPoint, Word and Excel, as well as video. This results in unique interactivity with the audience, allowing your files to be saved with annotations included! QOMO HiteVision strives to be competitive on price point, while offering the best quality technology on the market today. Their product line speaks for itself and the staff is known for their passion and creativity. End users are sure to be pleased! For more information, stop by booth 643 at FETC. transform the way the world works and learns. They believe that collaboration and interaction should be easy. As the global leader in interactive whiteboards, they bring more than two decades of collaboration research and development to a broad range of easy-to-use, integrated solutions that free people from their desks and computer screens, so collaboration and learning with digital materials are more natural. SmartMath joins the company’s mathematics-instruction portfolio alongside the Mathematics in Context middle school core mathematics curriculum. Ross said that the two initiatives exemplify Britannica’s expanding product line that focuses on the needs of 21st century classrooms. Schools interested in Britannica SmartMath or any of Britannica’s products can go to http://info.eb.com/smart math or call 800-621-3900. Visit them in Orlando at FETC booth 1337. through an assortment of media including print and online magazines, journals and newsletters, seminars, conferences, executive summits and trade shows, training and courseware, and Webbased services. The markets served by these offerings include government, education, network and enterprise computing, business intelligence, office equipment, industrial health and safety, compliance, security, environmental protection, water and wastewater and home medical equipment. 1105 is based in Chatsworth, Calif., with primary offices throughout the U.S. and more than 350 employees. The company was formed in April 2006 by Nautic Partners LLC, Alta Communications and President & CEO Neal Vitale.

Thursday, Februar y 3, 2011

EdTech Show Daily

EINSTRUCTION INTRODUCES MOBI VIEW The First Mobile Interactive Whiteboard With Touchscreen Control!

eInstruction, an educational technology pioneer, is meeting market demand for interactivity and mobility with the release of Mobi View™, the industry’s first mobile interactive whiteboard with an interactive touchscreen display. At $449, Mobi View delivers the same functionality as a fixed interactive whiteboard while providing a number of additional teaching and learning benefits through its interactive touchscreen display and mobile platform. An independent survey conducted by Creative Research Services, Inc. shows that 9 out of 10 educators prefer to move around the classroom while they teach, something they can’t do with a fixed interactive whiteboard. Mobi View’s enhanced features allow teachers to be 100 percent GlobalScholar (Con’t. from p. 1)

online services that empower educators, parents and students throughout the entire learning lifecycle. Our comprehensive instruction management software, Pinnacle Suite, supports all aspects of managing education at K-12 schools and includes a student information system, gradebook, learning management system, and teacher development, analytics and online learning.

We are committed to empowering the world to learn, so our support doesn’t end with K-12 software; GlobalScholar also provides online resources for parents and students, including school finders, a tutoring marketplace and homework help. By combining Pinnacle Suite’s instruction management platform with its online resources, GlobalScholar not only helps elevate student performance in school, but extends learning and development support beyond the traditional classroom. ESD: Describe your customers.

KR: We currently support more than 1,000 school districts, and a student population of more than 5 million. We work with schools of all types and sizes, from small schools with hundreds of students to large districts with tens of thousands of students. Many of our customers are leading the way in education reform, including school systems that have received funding under the Obama administration’s Race to the Top program and recipients of funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

ESD: What are your thoughts on how technology can improve education?

KR: I firmly believe that technology and innovation are essential to raising the level of student achievement for everyone, in the U.S. and around the world. At GlobalScholar, our focus has been on the intelligent use of data to raise the quality of education and help every student succeed, much in the same way that companies such as Google or Amazon have used

mobile without accessing a fixed whiteboard or computer for the duration of their lessons. This mobility enables seamless, efficient and engaging lessons, creating more teachable moments and more interactivity with students. According to a research analysis by Interactive Educational Systems Design, Inc., fixed interactive whiteboards have been, in some cases, associated with teacher-centered instructional methods that reduce student involvement in instruction. Mobi View affords the same benefits as fixed interactive whiteboards, while removing the tendency of the fixed board to result in lecture-style teaching. Mobi View is the only interactive whiteboard technology that focuses more on facilitating student-centered learning and direct student interaction with the technology. Pairing Mobi View with the data in new ways to transform their industries. We’re extremely excited about the prospects of building on this vision as part of the Scantron Corporation.

ESD: Now that you’ve been acquired by Scantron, now what?

KR: The acquisition was announced in mid-December and closed in January. It followed Scantron’s recent acquisition of Spectrum K-12 which provides response to intervention [RTI] solutions. Now that the transaction has closed, we’re very focused on integrating the businesses in a way that best serves our customers’ needs.

The overall goal of the combined entity is to empower educators, administrators and parents with the information, analysis, instruction and software resources necessary to improve achievement levels for all students. Combining with Scantron provides integral resources necessary to realize this mission. ESD: How does the combined company impact your customers, educators, students and the industry as a whole?

KR: For decades the education industry has been lacking comprehensive software tools that make it easy for administrators and teachers to achieve the kind of insights and efficiencies that corporations using ERP and CRM software have achieved for years. Our Pinnacle Suite helps solve this by providing integrated SIS, gradebook, learning management and professional development modules within a single interface. But now, with the combined testing and assessment resources from Scantron and Spectrum K-12’s RTI and special education software we can provide a better end-to-end solution, and increased implementation and technical support necessary to help schools not only deploy the software but ensure they are getting the maximum return on investment.

For more information, call 800-4734572, visit www.globalscholar.com or stop by booth 237.

Mobi Student-Centered Learning Pack™ transforms classrooms into studentcentered collaborative environments where students can project their work simultaneously, or one at a time, to learn from one another. The combined technologies also enable teachers to actively collaborate with multiple students. “We are continuing to innovate based on feedback we receive from educators. In the year since we launched the original Mobi™, we have heard time and time again that mobility and collaboration are changing the classroom experience for both students and teachers,” said Steve Kaye, CEO of eInstruction. “Now we want to do more for teachers by enabling them to move around, to involve their students, and to quickly and easily access the content they need.” Mobi View introduces students and teachers to improved teaching and learning experiences through the following benefits: • The same functionality of a fixed interactive whiteboard at a fraction of the cost. With Mobi View, content can be Recorded Books (Con’t. from p. 1)

option to download their favorite books,” explained Scott Williams, CEO of Recorded Books. “They desire content immediately at their fingertips and are skilled at multitasking. With One-Click Audio, students can search and download books directly to their media player or computer. Audio support is an important element of fluency strategies for struggling readers, and now students have that extra support at their expediency.” The One-Click Audio Academic Collection offers more than 800 downloadable titles, including 320 that are iPod-compatible. Each month seven new titles are added to the collection, as well as an additional 130 titles available for individual purchase. This extensive listing includes contemporary works by PolyVision (Con’t. from p. 9)

surface. Featuring the world’s only writing surface to receive Cradle to CradleSM Silver certification, a global eco-effective designation, ēno is a cordless, wireless wonder that provides a safer, lesscluttered classroom where students and AWARD Reading (Con’t. from p. 12)

digital portfolio. These are just two examples of the hundreds of activities and games featured PLATO Learning (Con’t. from p. 20)

courses are currently available as a comprehensive library on a subscription basis.

About PLATO Learning, Inc. PLATO Learning is a leading provider of online curriculum solutions for elementary through adult learners, offering curricula in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and life and job skills. For more information, visit www.plato.com. About Middlebury Interactive Languages Middlebury Interactive Languages is


projected to any surface. • The ability to move freely around the room and between classrooms. Onetouch access to annotation tools, favorite files, folders, applications, websites, and a touchscreen keyboard help teachers run smooth and efficient lessons from anywhere in the classroom. • Seamless integration of content, instruction and formative assessment with the simple touch of a screen. A variety of actionable feedback reports, generated with eInstruction’s CPS™ student response systems, can be viewed privately on Mobi View’s touchscreen, enabling teachers to easily conduct frequent formative assessments. “Using the Mobi has allowed teachers to come out from behind the desk and move freely through the classroom, truly creating a student-centered learning environment,” said Andy Kuhl, Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction in Wilkes-Barre Area School District. “We are observing that students are more engaged in the learning process.” authors such as Anthony Horowitz, Margaret Peterson Haddix, Megan McDonald and Walter Dean Myers and classics from Mark Twain, William Shakespeare, Jack London and much more. Several titles are available for multiple users and supplement required reading for classroom curriculum. One-Click Audio is available through yearly subscription plans. Its Media Center features an easy-to-use interface with streamlined navigation. Fast downloads, automatic software updates and support for a wide range of portable devices provide and unique user experience. For more information about OneClick Audio, call 800-638-1304 or visit Recorded Books K-12 online at www.recordedbooks.com/school or at FETC booth 1527. teachers can take pride in reducing their carbon footprint. ēno also qualifies for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) credits. Learn more about how your district can grow by visiting PolyVision at booth 209 or go to www.growwitheno.com.

as extensions to the 300 electronic textbooks available from AWARD Reading where content and technology integrates diverse media tools to reinforce traditional learning and expand comprehension. poised to become the premier academic leader in world language instruction for K-12 students as part of 21st century readiness. All working within rigorous academic teaching methods and ACTFL standards, MIL’s product suite includes Powerspeak, accredited world language online courses for grades 3-12; MiddWorld Online, a new virtual academy for high school students offering the most immersive product in the market today; Middlebury-Monterey Language Academy, a full-immersion residency program on college campuses, Avant STAMP assessment and Professional Development.

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